Home » Gov. Newsom: No Evidence Of New COVID Strain In California

Gov. Newsom: No Evidence Of New COVID Strain In California


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Monday a new strain of COVID has not made its way to California.

He says there have been reports of the new strain in South Africa, the United Kingdom, and in other European countries.

California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly says the mutation appears to be more “sticky” than the current strain of COVID, which means the virus binds easier to the human cell. He said it will not necessarily make you sicker than the current strain.


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24 hrs later……

it appears china has perfected the strain

can blame anyone accept for the state gov for allowing the planes to keep flying in direct from woohan

emphatically calling us racist for trying and asking why they are still coming

States don’t have the authority to ban flights from other countries. Only the federal government can do that. The Trump administration has not banned flights from countries where the new strain has been detected.

Typical selective memory their “Pat”.
Trump attempted to stop international flights and your kind went berserk, he was over ruled. “racist” and the other typical labels your kind uses.

Must suck living a life where EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSES fault….never taking personal responsibility.

Anyone know when Kaiser is going to give out vaccine shots to old people?

Some time next year.

So every time there is a scare of some new strain of something Mr perfect Governor is going to lock us down.Go stick you head in the sand Newsom.

I have zero faith in anything thing this sorry excuse for a governor has to say…..RECALL!!

ditto – well said!

Give it a day or 2.

It took the less infectious first strain no time flat to spread around the world. If anyone thinks they are going to stop this new strain that is supposed to be 70% more infectious, they are nuts. It will be here soon enough. Just be glad it is no more deadly, and keep taking all the sensible precautions you already should be based on your age and health factors. The rest is out of our hands.

Coming soon, to a theatre near you…..

Now just wait. The counties will jump at it before Newsom. Soon we’ll have the sheriff buses pulling in people off the street and throwing us in jail.

The totalitarian lockdowns, mask regulations, and curtailment of anything enjoyable will never end.

Some people want communism, some people have no clue and just go along with the crowd.

The Admins won’t allow me to say what I’m thinking right now.

The only cure is to RECALL NEWSOM (sarcasm). So sick and tired of hearing his voice.

He is once again in hiding as someone in his office tested positive. Stand up and take your medicine Newsom. Your days of evading reality and doing what is right in order to move ahead on the political ladder are numbered. Your slickness and laughable apologizes have not gone un noticed.

…. how naiive – or arrogant – of Newsom…. sigh…



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