Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Wednesday Dec.16, 2020:
- Total cases (since March) – 32,526
- Total active confirmed cases – 5,830
- Recovered cases – 26,406
- Total tested – 719,886
- Deaths – 290
- Nobody under 30 years old has died – 141 deaths in nursing homes
- There are currently 18 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes
Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:
- COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 188
- Occupied ICU beds – 141 (48 COVID patients)
- Available ICU beds – 25 (13%)
- Available ventilators – 206
Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Dec.15, 2020:
- Total cases (since March) – 31,516
- Total active confirmed cases – 5,371
- Recovered cases – 25,866
- Total tested – 711,489
- Deaths – 279
- Nobody under 30 years old has died – 137 deaths in nursing homes
- There are currently 19 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes
Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:
- COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 185
- Occupied ICU beds – 130 (44 COVID patients)
- Available ICU beds – 45 (24.2%)
- Available ventilators – 208
Added 11 deaths … are we that far behind on our reporting?
And where are the ICU beds? I listed this question in another article already, but what happened to our beds? A total of 185 on Monday and only 166 today. If the hospitals are worried, why are they reducing the number of available ICU beds?
It’s not a matter of designating a bed an ICU bed or even placing the bed in the ICU. There has to be qualified staff assigned to the bed. Accordingly, the numbers fluctuate depending on if staff numbers go down or staff are assigned to work in other locations.
Possible reduction in bed availability due to short staffing. No nurse means no bed. It happens more than the public realizes.
I have no info on this but I suspect it is either about staff availability at a given time or about ICU beds that have to be held in reserve for certain kinds of surgery. So depending on how many surgeries are going on the number might bounce up and down.
So staffing is reduced to the point where we lose 10% of our capacity? And furthermore, we have seen where we can have over 200 beds staffed … so why is a hospital staffing so low?
Is is because they are not getting patients? We had 133 in ICU on Monday and 135 today. So …yeah …. Or is it because hospitals must run at 80% capacity to stay profitable? So not really a staffing issue, but more so a financially driven event … could that be the answer?
Staffing is “reduced” when staff are absent from work. Maybe the ICU nurses are ill and can’t work. Maybe they are taking care of family members. Maybe they quit because they’re fed up with risking their lives for a bunch of selfish know-it-alls who think Covid is a joke and can’t be bothered to stay home and not socialize.
Some possibilities on the ICU staffing levels:
1. ICU nurses sent to Marin and Santa Clara Counties. Marin had no beds yesterday. Some ICU nurses are travelling nurses.
2. Vaccinations started in Contra Costa and elsewhere in the Bay Area “Region”. Those have to be staggered due to the side effects.
2. Nurses out sick
They are bending the numbers to fit the narrative. We get three more covid ICU bed patients and the available beds go from 24% to 13%. In one day ICU beds go from 45 to 25 but only three more covid ICU patients. Oh well come on vaccines.
Soooooo they reduce the number of beds and BOOM were under governor hair gel’s magic numbers?
Way to create the narrative you’re force feeding the masses.
Yeah. Why does the ICU bed count change almost every day. A few days ago there were 183 total ICU beds, yesterday was 175 icu beds available and today it’s 166 icu beds. These are reported total bed counts whether they are occupied or not. How does that number shrink? Do the icu beds disappear? Or are there no available nurses to handle the beds? Why is this a guessing game? I thought we were preparing for surges and had extra beds ready to bring in or able to convert?
Doesn’t make any sense.
Almost makes you wonder if they found a way to shut down Christmas without getting blamed for it, a simple magical math calculation does away with the holidays.
Ya know with that ability, . . . . an election, . . . . Hmm ?
Is the ICU count only COVID or does it mean beds in use for all needs?
Why don’t they just put all the covid patients in the field hospitals Newscum has ready to go. That way they won’t infect the regular hospitals and it will keep them clear for patients with other medical issues.
Pityiful all you anonymous posters. I have lost 2 brothers to Covid-19.
When you deniers get it, don’t come crying for emergency healthcare. Which you sure will.
The 11 additional deaths were added for the following calendar dates:
By city it’s:
They don’t know the age yet for two of the people that died but so far it’s:
I also updated the graphs at and added a new graph that shows the ICU numbers. One observation is that as the COVID-19 patients is going up that the non-COVID-19 patients go down. It implies that there are non-COVID-19 patients where it was not medically necessary that they be in the ICU. The gap between the green line and purple line represents the available beds. ICU administrators seem to raise/lower the number of beds such that 25% will be available. On 12/15 six new patients (2 COVID-19 ad 4 non-COVID-19) were admitted plus the total ICU beds dropped by one to 174. That put us at 17.8% available capacity. I’d imagine the administrators will make adjustments to get the system back to 25% available capacity. On September 3 and 4 we were at a total of 204 ICU beds. Assuming staff and other resources are not being loaned to out-of-county hospitals we should have enough people and resources to quickly get CC county back to 25%.
WC Resident nice job. That was a lot of work.
You are welcome. I also found the other two by-age deaths. Of the 11 new deaths reported yesterday they were in:
I wonder how many ICU beds are taken by patients transported from other communities? Especially, from our southern border?