Deputy Health Officer Thomas Warne, along with Contra Costa Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Candace Andersen will give an update on the COVID-19 situation in the county during an online meeting on Thursday Dec.17 at 1:30 p.m.
They will discuss the current COVID-19 status, the quarantine order, holiday planning, school re-openings, and the county vaccination plan.
The public will have a chance to comment.
Meeting ID: 894 8292 0471
USA 888-278-0254 (US Toll Free)
Conference code: 845965
Blah, blah effing blah. We alread know what’s open and what’s closed, it’s been posted. The stupid MDUSD superintendent already told us schools are likely not going to open on January 11th as previously projected. The great dictator already told us the tiers for the vaccines. Why do we have to have it reiterated from these two brown shirt clowns?
They need to pretend they are actually working.
Considering the fact that Karen is not a truth-teller, I’ll pass on this one.
Besides, I had enough of her belligerence toward her constituents.
Her royal (expletive inserted here) can pontificate all she wants, her distasteful rants can fall on some else’s poor ears.
Will there be outrage and profanity as with Mitchoff’s other meeting this week, or will she be medicated after an intervention by her family and colleagues?
Need to know if I should get the popcorn ready.
I love when people announce that they are going to announce information in the future it’s a very helpful Preannouncement
The CCCounty Health Department and Supes are a complete and total waste of space.
Will she be yelling at us again? And what happened to our health director …
I may listen for the shear enjoyment factor or this …
Open up now
Schools are open in every state what the heck is going on in California? This is disgusting. Our kids will be a whole year behind. We need to vote out everyone supporting this lockdown. Start with Newsom. We have until March to get the signatures we need. We have a little over half now. Download, sign, get signatures, send in. Don’t just complain do something!
I heard that Newscum is going to keep the state close for another year!
And California will attempt to mandate the vaccine.
I wonder where he is going to get the money to give to the unemployed for a year.
I wonder: Will we be hearing from Ricky Gunz again?
And how will Karen try to make us feel sorry for her next?
Will she enlighten us with her most recent gleanings from her favorite source for insider information, the “moderate tv news”?
Before her speech yesterday, I had no idea that everything was Trump’s fault. But now thanks to her uncritical recitation of cable news, I know the truth.
Will she be able to save her dim witted constituents from their own tragic folly of wanting to earn a living and provide for their families?
Stay tuned for the next episode of Sharin’ with Karen. Watch as our humble civil servant earns every penny of her $120k salary by inventing new threats towards small business owners.
Which home improvement implement will she use to brandish at the people next? A hand trowel? A ratchet? A gardening rake?
LOL, as I was first reading your post, the theme song from the TV show SOAP started playing in my head.
Send in the Clowns. Doesn’t Karen understand she is a CLOWN? No one wants to hear from her.
If you haven’t seen through it all by now, there is no hope for you.
Better duck – the sky is falling!!!
Thank you Claycord. Keep up this type of information. I appreciate it!
Karen’s update – It’s all Washington’s fault. Please resign Karen and we don’t want to hear an update on the pandemic from you and your constituents.
well it appears we covered all the same kimifornia details
mandated vaccine
the hoff grandstanding after her belligerent rant of how she is the queen
how the communist liberals will in fact oppress and dictate as they take away our freedom
how the ungovernor will scold us yet again for not saluting him
how the entire judicial structure will not entertain our signatures to recall
how cchealth scamers will blast more komi propaganda
how Newscum is going to keep the state closed for another year!
how the governors businesses will be open for the holidays for all to enjoy
but yours will be closed there by giving him the monopoly
how he is the supreme leader and is the only one who can save us
how the board is looking out for us and not just dictating and taking our money
i also like yesterday how the hoff said it was hard to deal with the county
she neglected to say all of the bums and crime and legal theft reparations they implemented
how dominion machines will be the only way to vote in the state
we are behind enemy lines ….soon the governors shock troops will march
i am still confused why people vote for democrats
can a dem enlighten meh on how this is better
than our freedom to choose whats best for our families
Karen Mitchoff is the poster child for the disfunction on the Board of Supervisors, I don’t care what she has to say after her recent histrionics.
Alot of us know there is money to be had from inflated covid numbers.
Oh please let Candace Andersen present the update. She speaks in a intelligent, calm, non-profane laced manner.
Blame Washington! If Trump hadn’t let the Chinese in then none of this would be happening.
Try again, Trump wanted to stop travel internationally and was called a xenophobe…when SARs hit in the early 2000’s we immediately shut down travel abroad and saved lives. We should have done the same and taken the branding, if it saves lives who cares what others think.
@BDML. right on target
@same. Your grasp of history is a little off! Read BDML’s comment for a history lesson. Maybe if the Democrats weren’t so intent on attacking everything Trump did, we wouldn’t be living under the current conditions. Let them in or not let them in. Whatever Trump decided to do would have been attacked as wrong. In this case, he was very right. But the dems would have nothing of it!
I had a personal tête-a-tête with Karen (what an apt name) about the last call, and her response was “it pisses me off that my constituents don’t understand the importance of COVID”.
No Karen, your Constituents understand it, they just don’t agree with the significance of a flu virus, that the liberals tried to make a pandemic, so much so that they drove Trump out of the White House, replacing good policy with a life long loser, fraud, bottom of the class, criminal family in Biden.
Once Biden is declared incompetent, Harris will take over, ramming Medicare-For-All and COVID-23 through Congress, so that no same person will remain in the USA.
We’re thinking about Costa Rica, Italy and Bora Bora as our new retirement settings, as we’ve seen the last of balanced politics in DC.
Sorry Karen – –
If you’re so tired of all of the comments, maybe you should step down. When one is a public figure, one has to be able to listen to both sides. That comes with the position. Complaining is not going to work. Try common sense for one, but again, there is no common sense with these county sups.
Use your head people,and you arent.The entire reason for the mask is psychological.It’s always in your face that there’s a “situation” when in fact if people didnt wear masks they wouldnt be thinking about it or be in fear,it would be just like the flu,busimess as usual, thats always there and people always die from it and its just part of life and you dont need a mask.The mask is nothing but fear mongering in the form of a public dress code.Makeoit a real law?I will never comply along with millions that will clog up the court with cases that all get dismissed.I can buy gas etc by pulling my shirt over my mouth for 10 seconds while in the store,and I was at the vet last week and nobody was wearing a mask or asking me to wear one.A little higher IQ there as they know this entire thing is liberal BS.
Love how Karen has walked off of camera and does not even seem to be participating. Why am I not surprised? At least most of the other government workers seem to be paying attention.
She said she had to feed her 91 year old mother. She should hire some help and concentrate on her day job.
She’s just not interested, considering how she got slapped upside the head earlier this week for her attitude.
She’s useless as tits on a boar….. time for her to resign and save this county some money.
Feed her mother? Frankly, I doubt it. She’s been lying a blue streak and has never listened to the facts.
At a pay that will top $134,000/yr in 2021, Karen needs to be actively working when she has a meeting planned. She can certainly afford to have someone feed mom during the short time this meeting went on. Karen never seems to be paying attention, especially during public comment! She’s obviously reading other things during comment. You can see her eyes moving. Total disrespect for the speakers!
The people need addresses of these folks playing with fire and permanently destroying livelihoods and doing more damage than the virus itself. It’s time to start getting in their face, at their homes, and protesting en mass to open everything back up. They’re not only not listening to us, their cognitive dissonance has completely shut their own conscious down from doing the right thing.