Home » Walnut Creek City Council To Discuss Forming Grant Program For Restaurants

Walnut Creek City Council To Discuss Forming Grant Program For Restaurants


Establishing a grant program to help restaurants decimated by restrictions in Contra Costa County is set to be discussed by the Walnut Creek City Council tonight.

A city staff report says, “Tightening of the Contra Costa County stay-at-home orders effective Dec. 6, 2020 through Jan. 4, 2021 are causing extreme hardship and threatening the survival of many businesses …. Restaurants have been especially hard hit with operations deeply constrained by the health orders.” No dining, indoors or outdoors, is allowed, only takeout or delivery.

Walnut Creek has 117 eating and/or drinking establishments in the downtown area alone, more than 50 of them taking part in the city’s Rebound program.

Other East Bay communities have established direct grant program, with anywhere from $250,000 to $1 million set aside for grants of $5,000 to $10,000 to the individual restaurants.


Tonight’s council meeting begins at 6 p.m.; to watch the virtual meeting, go to https://www.walnut-creek.org/government/public-meeting-agendas-and-videos

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dont expect much from the anti america liberal extremist pro arts and nothing else WC …HOA

they have sided with crime and left american citizens cold

i would be surprised if they do this …and if they do ….follow the money
who actually is getting the money ….more than likely it will be friends of hoa members

yes i say hoa because thats how they act..petty and bitter towards the people they are supposed to be representing in kind

a real council would put city citizens first before politics
they would fight to rid citizens of crime and bums and not follow a state policy of filth and legal theft and rape of citizens

they would do everything they could to help business and economy of the city

i look forward to their excuses yet again ….

you forget how much these businesses already pay in taxes and how little they ask for. With out some help downtown will be nothing but empty buildings and economy recovery will take decades. Spend a little today or lose a lot over many years.

Well, Karen should be treated like any other county worker that repeated those words during a TELEVISED BOS meeting. She should be censured by her peers and fired by her employer. You remember your employer don’t you Karen? Your employer is the people you live to belittle!

Can’t stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen!

Interesting to hear how the fines were an attempt to save lives. I distinctly heard Karen allude to the fact that the fines were an attempt at preserving their credibility.
Petulant child is petulant.

So, where are they getting the money for this?

Why the little people of course dear Watson. the little people !

If nothing is done soon Restaurants in WC will all go under. This sector is essential to keep Walnut Creek such a great destination as well as all the revenue it brings into the local economy. If done right and limited to local business, this will be a much needed lifeline.


I totally agree. It’s nice to see the city trying
to help lift these businesses up during these
difficult times and not hammer them down.
Good job Walnut Creek City Council.

What’s the difference between nationalization and the creation of rules/edicts no business can abide by so the government provides ongoing operational capital? It would be naive to believe the government will allow these businesses to thrive and profit off of “their” investment (actually our money as the government doesn’t generate any money, they only take it under threat of force). Soft nationalization. And under good intentions and kind hearts, some people are asking for it. I sympathize but further perversion of free markets is not the solution no matter how hard in the short term. Failure will illuminate who created the disastrous policies that ruined a once thriving economy. Only then will enough people be aware to change the course of the city, county, state and nation

Always wondered why most if not all Restaurants dont have a “Rainy Day” fund.

@Bella because profit margins for most small restaurants are so small that it becomes impossible to save for more than a few weeks of turmoil.

One person in Walnut Creek has died from the Chinese Virus outside a nursing home and all the restaurants go bankrupt. We really need real leaders. Those we have suck.

And no one has died in Lafayette and just one person died in Pleasant Hill outside of a nursing home. You’d think Rossmoor would be a hotbed. Let the restaurants open for outdoor service and great for offering them assistance.

So here it comes… Rainy day has a different meaning. But fighting the establishment on this one is right. Survival of the fittest has to happen to survive and protect.

The “fittest” are large corporate businesses which after coved will rise prices, drop services and will use income to invest in headquarters over downtown. Your “survival of the fittest” will short term save money but long term will destroy the community and make the rich richer. If you want to save the community then invest in it.

Downtown Walnut Creek CA is safe and lovely when its open. Not sure if you are confused with a different city. After the lockdown I recommend seeing it for yourself and getting a better perspective

75% of the restaurant bill you pay at fine WC eateries is for location, decor and ambiance. All non-food related. The places that are still doing okay offer simple take-out with limited dining. Fast food and pizza, etc. You can’t charge $50 for a take-out plate when $40 of that $50 is for the “dining experience.” These places need to adjust their business model as needed to survive.

OTOH, they are victims of a state-imposed shutdown based on dubious science. But the people should not have to pay for this.

I suggest any bailout be paid for out of the county payroll budget. Suspend COLA raises for a few years. That will make them think twice about ordering shutdowns,

CCC employees are all working and thriving. They have no skin in the game. Let them take a pay cut to fund these bailouts and we’ll see how long we have a shutdown.

Bottom line – where is the $$ coming from? WC residents? The restaurants support more than just WC residents – if they are going through with it $$ should come from the county. If WC residents are expected to pay for it put it to a WC residential vote.



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