Home » COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department




Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Dec.15, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 31,516
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,371
  • Recovered cases – 25,866
  • Total tested – 711,489
  • Deaths – 279
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 137 deaths in nursing homes
  • There are currently 19 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:


  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 185
  • Occupied ICU beds – 130 (44 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 45 (24.2%)
  • Available ventilators – 208


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Monday Dec.14, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 30,685
  • Total active confirmed cases – 5,056
  • Recovered cases – 25,350
  • Total tested – 703,311
  • Deaths – 279
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 137 deaths in nursing homes
  • There are currently 19 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Contra Costa nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 177
  • Occupied ICU beds – 133 (44 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 50 (25.8%)
  • Available ventilators – 203
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If I’m doing math correctly 49.1% of deaths in CoCo county from CV-19 have been deaths from outbreaks in nursing homes. An only 33.8% of ICU patients have CV-19.

Lock downs, 9 months on, now based on ICU capacity ?

After avian flu of 2006, a forward looking Governor Schwarzenegger set up mobile hospitals program along with stockpiling of 50 million N95 masks, 2,400 portable ventilators along with 21,000 additional patient beds in ready to set up kit form.

Fast forward to moonbeam and DEMs who did away with those three 200-bed mobile hospitals complete with their ICUs . . . . all gone.
Only words that come to mind, short sighted and INCOMPETENT.

It’s another way they are outright manipulating numbers and the moron population is generally falling for it. I am saddened by how many people have no common sense and only enough education to make them dangerous sheep.

All we heard all spring and summer was there was gonna be a surge during flu season yet no hospitals prepared nor did any local or state level politicians did anything to prepare for any surge but our icu capacity has been steady since july 1st during winter time our icu’s typically run at 75 to 80% capacity but lets shut everything down

They’ve found a way that let’s them off the hook,
by basing it on an ambiguous ICU capacity calculation.
newsom now has the ability to shift lock down blame away from him.

If those 50 million N95 masks Governor Schwarzenegger mandated had been available, . . . well, we will never know . . .

But how could this be? Everyone is wearing masks in the LTC’s and no visitors
Masks save lives … remember?

Dang, hospital number is up each day. Not a crisis right now but it needs to level off at some point…

As the hospital numbers are up I decided to see if it’s an issue and discovered we still seem have plenty of capacity.

I also discovered that at least for the last month that the total number of hospital beds was always 1,608. It’s not moving up/down the way the ICU numbers move.

Here’s a table for CC county that shows the numbers of COVID-19 patients, all patients including COVID-19, and the number of available beds.
The percentages are a 7-day rolling average rather than day by day numbers.

Date       CV19 beds   Occupied beds  Available beds  Total
11/15/2020  48  2.9%       993 63.9%       615 38.2%  1,608
11/16/2020  63  3.1%       966 63.8%       642 39.1%  1,608
11/17/2020  67  3.3%     1,018 63.8%       590 38.3%  1,608
11/18/2020  67  3.4%     1,038 63.4%       570 37.6%  1,608
11/19/2020  68  3.6%     1,027 63.0%       581 37.3%  1,608
11/20/2020  71  3.8%     1,075 63.2%       533 36.6%  1,608
11/21/2020  70  4.0%     1,056 63.7%       552 36.3%  1,608
11/22/2020  79  4.3%     1,013 63.9%       595 36.1%  1,608
11/23/2020  94  4.6%     1,019 64.4%       589 35.6%  1,608
11/24/2020  86  4.8%     1,027 64.5%       581 35.5%  1,608
11/25/2020  92  5.0%     1,011 64.2%       597 35.8%  1,608
11/26/2020  86  5.1%       921 63.3%       687 36.7%  1,608
11/27/2020  86  5.3%       921 61.9%       687 38.1%  1,608
11/28/2020  90  5.4%       960 61.1%       648 38.9%  1,608
11/29/2020 106  5.7%       974 60.7%       634 39.3%  1,608
11/30/2020 102  5.8%       968 60.3%       640 39.7%  1,608
12/01/2020 112  6.0%       999 60.0%       609 40.0%  1,608
12/02/2020 116  6.2%     1,048 60.3%       560 39.7%  1,608
12/03/2020 122  6.5%     1,094 61.9%       514 38.1%  1,608
12/04/2020 126  6.9%     1,100 63.5%       508 36.5%  1,608
12/05/2020 133  7.3%     1,123 64.9%       485 35.1%  1,608
12/06/2020 138  7.5%     1,003 65.2%       605 34.8%  1,608
12/07/2020 140  7.9%     1,039 65.8%       569 34.2%  1,608
12/08/2020 143  8.2%     1,112 66.8%       496 33.2%  1,608
12/09/2020 164  8.6%     1,129 67.5%       479 32.5%  1,608
12/10/2020 156  8.9%     1,135 67.9%       473 32.1%  1,608
12/11/2020 155  9.1%     1,076 67.7%       532 32.3%  1,608
12/12/2020 173  9.5%     1,007 66.6%       601 33.4%  1,608
12/13/2020 177  9.8%     1,022 66.8%       586 33.2%  1,608
12/14/2020 185 10.2%     1,009 66.5%       599 33.5%  1,608

The issue with ICU beds is with Santa Clara and Marin counties. Does anyone know if we are taking patients from those counties?

My Mom is in a nursing home. I thank you not to reduce her life’s worth.

Dave, not everyone here feels that way.. praying for safety & wellness for everyone (including your mom), as always.

. My sympathies. Many people are trying to get better care for the elderly because that is where it is needed the most during this crisis. Nursing homes are often unpleasant and overcrowded–and usually they provide short term rehab after discharge from a hospital; assisted living facilities and board and care homes are more long term.

Covid means that family caregivers now have to wade through more restrictions while trying to provide adequate care, in highly stressful situations.

The elderly who suffer the most are the ones who live in marginal housing, RVs, or on the street. And their ranks are growing rapidly.

Our officials have made it difficult for nursing homes and other congregate living situations to survive. They monitor for compliance and then quickly shut them down if they find violations. With Covid and other challenges, including legal challenges, the situation is growing worse.

When self-righteous county workers wallow in their victimhood they reveal their incompetence. It is easier to feel superior, point fingers, and to punish the little people than it is to address the core issues.

Ask yourself how does shutting down small businesses, on short notice, at a time when many were ramping up for the holidays, help anyone?

Protect the ones that are vulnerable Elderly those with underlying conditions be safe and open up the economy so people can have their lively hoods back and feed their families!

Covid is now in the 10 story senior/low income HUD building across from Todos Santos Park and EJ Phair.

We have 25% of ICU beds available why are we locked down in this county!?? Newsom set the guidelines at 15%! Call your supervisors, write to them, protest! This is unconstitutional!! And download this form, sign it, get signatures, and send it in. Be a part of the solution. http://www.recallgavin2020.com

Interesting ICU numbers
12/14 We had 185 beds. 133 occupied and 50 empty.
12/15 We had 175 beds. 130 occupied and 45 empty.
12/16 We have 167 beds. 135 occupied and 32 empty.

Since we are in this situation, wouldn’t you think we should keep our bed count up there? We have ‘lost’ 18 beds in 48 hours for a total of 10% of our capacity at the start of the week! And this is all down from we were sporting over 200 ICU beds in the county.

Honest numbers, that is all the public needs.

Beds available correlates to staff available. If a nurse/doctor gets sick then there’s less beds available as they are not there to care for the patients. If it was just a matter of physical beds then it would be easy (warehouse full of beads), its the staff to care for the patients thats the limiting factor.

So bring back the military like they did in March/April if it’s getting that bad.



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