Home » Contra Costa Supervisors Decide Against Raising Fines On Businesses Who Disobey COVID-19 Health Order, Mitchoff Tells Constituents To “Get A Clue”

Contra Costa Supervisors Decide Against Raising Fines On Businesses Who Disobey COVID-19 Health Order, Mitchoff Tells Constituents To “Get A Clue”


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors voted against raising fines on businesses who disobey the county’s COVID-19 health order.

Last week, Supervisor Karen Mitchoff told county staff to add the discussion on raising fines to this week’s agenda. She talked about fines up to $20,000, and said “it’s time to bring the hammer down.”

Mitchoff ended today’s meeting with the following statement:

(warning, vulgar language):



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no karen

you need the clue

your draconian ways are going to end

the board should boot her and they should then

focus on helping the economy and those businesses that have been slapped in the face by the likes of the hoff and her pro china regime of cronies

its we the people
not the will of the hoff

and the clue is
our gov all the way down to hoa members are being influenced and payed by china
to take away americans rights and guns and ammunition we can use to defend against all threats foreign and domestic

i would humbly like to thank the board for making the stand

and hope this wasnt just grandstanding

and next week they will impose their own slap in the face of american citizens

we the people means something …more than words …..

lets act like it as well

I almost fell out of my chair when Comrade Mitchoff made that statement.

I guess they won’t be “Bringing the Hammer Down” on small businesses after all.

Maybe we can organize a protest outside of Karen’s home and sing, “If I Had a Hammer”. Methinks we don’t protest enough.

It’s about time you take public comment into consideration for your decision.If you are tired of the flak you get then leave your office.We don’t need people of your mentality telling the public what you are going to do.You work for us remember that.Good reddens to and your Constituents.

How priceless Karen shaking her rattle because people don’t side with her draconian mandates. Take a long walk off a short pier Karen…

Siege Heil Karen!
No, middle finger instead!

sorry Karen.
our frustration is not to go to Washington.
no, no, no.
It needs to go to OUR governonr!


What governer?Do you forget where you are?

The leadership you speak of in Washington is not responsible for the lack of funds for small businesses. The buck stops right here with Governor Newsome who’s management group, Plumpjack pocketed over 3 million of the funds directed at local businesses!


State governments are not allowed to just print more money. The federal government is, and has been my entire life.

Rolaids what exactly is your point?

If the government simply prints more money with nothing to back it up with, you get hyperinflation. In short order it takes a wheelbarrow full money to buy a roll of toilet paper… and eventually it is more cost effective to use the money for toilet paper instead of buying toilet paper.

Doubt my economic opinion? Look towards the workers paradise of Venezuela where heavy money-printing and deficit spending lead to 2,358% inflation rate.

Right now, Venezuela’s debt to GDP is 184% and climbing.

The United States’ debt to GDP is 98.2% and climbing. All that “stimulus” money Washington is throwing around is not coming from running the printing presses longer but from borrowing. The fact that our debt is almost at 100% of GDP should frighten everyone with half a wit.

Saying the Government can simply print more money is like you saying I still have checks so I must have money left in my account.


Since when is it the federal governments responsibility to pay for asinine restrictions that are local government is imposing? Karen your liberal policies are garbage and you need to get a clue.

Thank you Claycord for keeping a spotlight on this. You may be the single biggest reason these poor businesses are not being kicked even harder while they are down.

As for Mitchoff, what a terrible person. A) death threats are reprehensible, and B) destroying people’s livelihoods without compensation is going to earn you a lot of enemies. She is not the victim, and trying to paint herself as one is disgusting. She no doubt has tax payer funded security, the businesses being destroyed have nothing. Then going further to blame the fallout of her preferred policy on Trump is an even more ridiculous dodge. Yes, Washington is a dysfunctional mess. If she can’t govern without Washington spoon feeding her, perhaps she should exit the job.

I am glad she and her fellows have realized there are limits to their power, that once mass disobedience to their whims occurs, they are better off backing off than upping the ante. Perhaps there is hope for them yet.

To end, I urge everyone to take the covid risk seriously, evaluate their own personal risks and the risk of their actions to those around them, and act accordingly. And if they still decide eating out/going to the gym/getting their hair done is a risk they are willing to take, then God bless them and God bless America.

Amen to that!

I’d rather die living than sitting around waiting to live!

The choice is between running my business (i.e. continuing to feed my family) and starving to death to reduce my riak of illness. Hmm

Karen, “you” don’t have the money? …. neither do the business owners!! They may close their businesses for a while IF they receive money to do so. They can’t close now with no income and the promise of “maybe you’ll get it from the next administration”. How will they pay their bills in the meantime?? P.S. This administration offered a large package to help the citizens. Nancy Pelosi didn’t accept it because she wanted an even larger one. Was that so the citizens could get a larger sum? No. It was to fund all the pork she stuffed her bill with.

Mic Drop!!


Throughout the audio Karen comes across as a petulant little child shaking her rattle and blaming everybody but herself for her absolutely abysmal leadership. I am glad she is tired, I have a suggestion put yourself out to pasture nobody will shed any tears. Trying to save lives please, trying to acquire more control and power is more on spot.

Why is it so many states have a better balance of closures and what is open? That is the issue here, that is the frustration.

If the allowed outdoor dining and hair salons to be open, they outrage would by half and people would live with that knowing vaccine is close.

These policies dont need to be at the federal level!

Our overlords have spoken. OBEY or else.

I was listening live at home. My 7 year old daughter was doing homework in the next room. Sure didn’t appreciate the language.

MItchof has the political and economic acumen of an amoeba

Some politicians just give lousy humble.

Wow, what a wuss! I’ve been getting death threats online since 2011, and they got even worse than what she read there when I openly supported Trump. Likely Democrats, of course, since I’ve been a Republican since Clinton cavorted with Monica. People must be taking lessons from Democrats who have really “led the way” in this sort of personal attack..

The leadership in the White House has been excellent. Why should the Feds bale out the County? You’re still collecting taxes and getting paid, Mitchoff. What are you complaining about? Most of us haven’t been that lucky! Maybe you need to put your hammer back in the garage and stop with the strong-arm, Democrat agenda forcing people to see things your way. As the expression goes, “You’ll catch more bears with honey than you will with vinegar.”

conservative here…the leadership out of the white house has not been excellent. At a minimum, (i) he should have worn a mask earlier in the process instead of making a big deal about it (which would have slowed the spread through the heart land)…and (ii) Mitch could have figured something else out on help small businesses, and trump could have put pressure on him to do it…to think otherwise is showing you are party over country.

@ “conservative”,
Uh, outside of a FITTED N-95 mask, all these other masks are practically useless in stopping spread of China virus. But as per usual, it’s Orange Man Bad. Oh but I’m sure you’re OUTRAGED that the AMA just backtracked on HCQ, could’ve saved thousands of lives, but they and others lied about it being “dangerous”, and all because of their TDS.

And wait, wut, you actually are putting more onus for economic relief on Mitch McConnell instead of Pelosi? Pretty sure Cocaine Mitch wasn’t the one that kept pushing an insane partisan wish list pork bill that had billions upon billions of $$ going to things that had absolutely ZERO to do with the Kung Flu.

Pelosi and Democrats held up the first stimulus package until Kennedy Center (opera) got a huge chink of money — large group entertainment that has been shut down completely.. Small business is a struggle from the get go, and the restaurant business even harder. Pelosi aldo admitted she and Democrats held up the second stimulus intentionally until a President was declared. All of these were decisions which jeopardized money that might have saved small business. And, just let me say that money like that coming from the government usually involves reams of paperwork and red tape, so its no magic, instant fix.

Trump was criticized for what he did and what he didn’t do, but I don’t believe he can be blamed for deaths from a virus that originated in China. About him not wearing a mask? Now that’s a Constitutional matter of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness … mainly liberty … and personal freedom to choose what to do. Some people just cannot wear the masks. I certainly feel Trump did more for the country than Democrats considering what we know about Pelosi’s political decisions as obstructionists at every turn with their dirty-trick, partisan politics.

I’m not giving dems a pass either. The initial claims of racism… the hypocrisy up and down the line…the double speak…

I though trump did really good in the beginning. I think his administration helped advance a vaccine (even if Pizer wasn’t directly connected to warp speed). That being said, his intense aversion to wearing a mask we detrimental, it just simply was.

At the local level….as we have seen, power hungry and lazy…one size fits all restrictions without following the science…garbage policies.

Well Karen,
We the public are tired of you politicians. You haven’t had the slightest interruption in your pay/income/salary/revenue, otherwise known as our hard earned tax dollars. We are tired of those people still “earning” a living telling us to stop earning a living. ALL JOBS ARE ESSENTIAL TO SOMEONE OR SOME FAMILY. Learn that Karen and you’ll have a better understanding of your constituents and what exactly you are asking when you ask Mom’s and Dad’s NOT to provide, which is what you are asking when you are telling us to stay home.

Well said. All government officials should get minimum wage until the pandemic is over and not preventing anyone from earning a paycheck anymore.

Enough! Sorry, Rolaids, but I think these government officials who have insisted on shutting US down should get NOTHING until the shutdowns are over. It’s way to easy for them to keep asking US to sacrifice everything while they sacrifice nothing.

Businesses should be fined for violating the Health Order. Under the Health and Safety code, it’s punishable by fine(s) or jail time. But the fines should be reasonable — not 20K. Santa Clara County fined 76 businesses, but the fines were $250 – $3,750. And the comments I was reading, most of the residents were in favor. It’s for the safety of everyone. I know very few people who haven’t lost money one way or the other from Covid-19. You have to be a mature adult about it.

“It’s for the safety of everyone.” So, for the safety of people who have become so socially isolated and depressed they commit suicide? How about the safety of people who had to postpone medical treatments and ended up dying of heart attacks, strokes, etc.? How about the safety of people who lost their businesses and entire life savings just to try to make it through these draconian mandates? When it comes to peoples’ livelihoods, “for the safety of everyone” is too broad of a term, especially when talking about mitigating risk for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate.

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

The take away from Karen’s little speech seems to be that politicians need to be threatened before they’ll actually listen to the will of the people. Thanks for the tip Karen.

And what is the “moderate” tv news that she takes her cues from? Which major network has not mongered fear , disinformation and division this over last year?

Listening to this clip, you really get an idea of how loony the people making our policy are.

“very few people”
Kentucky Derby, I wonder if the county supeevisor is one of those very few people.

Will the real “Ricky Gunz” please stand up!

Ricky whatshisface was harsh but he said what everybody else is thinking. You suck Karen and you’re only back peddling now that you realize you have zero support. People need to pay their bills!

Question – when businesses get fined for violations of this kind, where does the money actually go?

If it goes into a general fund, then Mitchoff must be wanting the increased fines for a slush fund.

Despite her claims to the contrary, of course…

, yeah that’s what I said…is that not his real name?

She blames Trump. He left it up to the states, to the governors to manage their own states. This is on Newsom, if anyone.

So I watched the meeting with the CCC BOS. I thought the callers were gracious, well spoken and TRULY heartbroken. The BOS have NO idea what these people are going through as they have been paid for the last nine months. I won’t get into my own opinion of the plan-demic… err…pandemic and closures of small businesses. What I DO want to talk about was the behavior of each of the supervisors (or servants, as one caller noted). The whole group of them disappointed me with the way they behaved with the exception of just a few.

Karen Mitchoff- She must be the most disrespectful person that I have ever seen. She was on her emails the whole time people were calling in. SO disrespectful, didn’t look up once! She was rubbing her face the whole time. One thing we are not supposed to do! Her swearing at the end when “Ricky Gunz” emailed her was absolutely inappropriate. I do not know if she knew people were watching?!

Candace Anderson- Her facial expressions and body language were disgusting. I even think she was eating at one point! Her crossing of her arms and eye rolling were not professional. My two year old granddaughter behaves better than that!

Diane Burgis- At first I thought she was just not paying attention because she did not once look up at the screen! But, she revealed herself in the end. She was looking up facts to prove callers wrong! Clearly not interested in people’s heartfelt stories.

John Gioia- Ah… good ol’ John and his outburst! He was disrespectful to the caller that he had a tantrum on. I am most insulted by his behavior. He tried to explain how frustrated they all were with misinformation and everything going on. Well, let me tell you, I assure you he is in no way in the same boat as the woman he blew up on. He is not even in the same storm! None of them are.

Randy Sawyer- Didn’t look up from whatever he was doing, and didn’t speak.

Gary Koeppel- Well presented, appeared to be listening.

John Kopchichk- Well presented, and even though he looked busy he appeared to also be listening.

Stacy Grassini- Very well presented, NEVER took his eyes off the screen and appeared to really care about what people were saying.

Sheriff John Lowden- Very well presented, NEVER took his eyes off the screen and appeared to really care about what people were saying.

Federal Glover- Very well presented, NEVER took his eyes off the screen and appeared to really care about what people were saying. Claims he understands what people are going through but I truly doubt that. I didn’t agree with what he said but he wasn’t a jerk about it. Unlike the top five on my list.

I cannot believe that these are the people representing us. I have never seen a room full of grown adults behave like this.

So, then you’re making judgments of them based on their “Zoom skills?”


It’s not her Zoom skills, it’s her character values.

@ Gittyup

Not their zoom skills but their words and actions as viewed when talking to their constituents…

I don’t even know what “zoom skills” are. What I do know is interpersonal skills, and professionalism and for politicians, they have neither! Thanks for commenting 🙂

Hey Karen,
You are living up to your name! Awesome!
The buck does not go to Washington. The buck stops with you! You are supposed to be our rep. So is the idiot, who I wish was leaving office before Trump is. You do not like what you are receiving, then leave the office. We will not stop you. I might even chip in to help pay the moving costs to get you out of our county …

Poor tired Karen, telling folks to get a clue when she herself hasn’t one of her own. But she does know how to blame Trump for her woes. What was it that Ricky said again?

Hi Karen, try reading the room. This catastrophe is all on Sacramento and their complete lack of respect for small business. But thank you for showing your true colors. You are as pathetic as your reputation paints you to be. Please leave.

Thank you.

I agree with the majority of the posts here and I HOPE Karen Mitchoff reads these posts. Businesses are going to die, and people who own them will suffer more that we could imagine. They can safety operate and if you don’t feel comfortable then don’t go. Time to stop this madness and control,…it’s not working anyway to stop the Covid-19.
Ms. Mitchoff ~ It’s NOT WORKING!

We’re saving lives.

That’s the new version of, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

Karen has again proven that she is not fit to be a representative of the people.

Just listen to her statement.

It’s not what the people want, it’s what she wants.

She has made her opinion of us very clear.

She needs to be removed from office.

Her conduct is unbecoming of a public servant.

Karen needs to resign now and go get some rest.

Strong medication and professional counseling might help.

Being confined to a sanitarium might be the best option for her.

Unfortunately I think it is what the people want, at least in her district. Mitchoff has been a County supervisor for 10 years. She always has a condescending, holier than thou tone when responding to public comments or lecturing the masses at virtually every board meeting. Despite that she survived a 2015 recall attempt and was re-elected in 2018 with over 70% of the vote.

The Board of Supervisors have a tough task! Trying to keep everybody happy. That will never happen! Punishment for people trying to stay alive is not a viable solution and I’m extremely happy that the escalation of fines didn’t happen! Blaming Washington for Covid rules is obviously a Democrat vs Republican issue. Washington never told Contra Costa County to shut down earlier than the state mandate! CCC made that call on their own and the people let them know how they felt about it. I did find it interesting that Karen commented on the doctors from John Muir that sent the letter to Chris Farnitano, She said” She believed they didn’t deal with Covid directly and we should not listen to them”. So technically we should not listen to Chris Farnitano? I really doubt he has ever worked directly with Covid patients either! I feel instead of saying to no businesses you have to close , we find a way for them to stay open safely. Which 99% of the businesses have done!

Anon, ha!
Use science, why is Macy’s allowing throngs of people but outside dining is closed?
They should at least be consistent instead of punitive.

This board should be looking for solutions to the outbreaks at LTC facilities not restaurants and hair salons

You aren’t working this job for the fun of it? What a stupid comment. No one works for the fun of it. You were supposed to have taken this job to help the county you live in you bunch of morons. If you can’t handle your job, get the hell out.

Just wait this is only the beginning these people hate Donald Trump more than they love our country you think it’s bad now wait till Joe Biden is running things it’s going to go from bad to worse. You will know what it’s like to live in a dictatorship they will strip as many of your rights as you will let them and the sheepish people of California seem quite willing to give up their rights if we do not stand up and fight for our rights they will take them all from us I remember a day when only the legislature could pass laws not the health department good luck to you all

Karen, Karen, Karen, blaming Trump for your poor policies destroying our businesses is pathetic. It’s clear that you are over your head. Hopefully in the next election the voters will provide you with the rest you sorely need.

There is no need to read your vulgarity out loud. You wanted your position and you point a finger at the government? No lady, you take accountability for yourself and make the choices that make great leaders! People are dying and not able to pay their bills! That’s the priority! You should be supporting small businesses and eliminating fines 100% for people just wanting to put food on their tables. Shame shame shame on you! Take a stand FOR businesses and against Newsoms stupid dictatorship!


Karen, you are still a CLOWN

She’s always the charmer!

Karen is a true Karen, we are all tired of your failed leadership. Vote her out! !

No sympathy for you Mitchoff. We’re not blind to the tactics. You proposed the increase in fines – if you didn’t get as much push back as you did today we all know the board would’ve approved it. But since you DID receive so much backlash, now it was you voicing the concerns of some of the business people in your constituency and raising the fines just “won’t work”. Then why did you propose the increase in the first place Karen? The board did in fact save lives today by not increasing the fines. YOU have no clue or sympathy for how people are being impacted by these lockdowns. FFS Karen, why can a shoe repair shop not be open? Still can’t figure that one out.

Thanks, 12GA. I would argue that during this trying time shoe repair is more essential than county “supervision.”

“Rickey Gunz” is Mitchoff’s threat writer? She wrote that herself as a lead in to her hate rant against our President. She prides herself on being the most hated politician on Claycord. That’s F’ed up!

If you have followed the culture wars over the last five or six years, you’d see that move coming a mile away. Every time one of these leftie types starts to lose the argument, they become the victim, and pull out the death threats. See Jordan Peterson’s interview with Cathy Newman on the BBC, and how they pivoted to alleged death threats to turn the tables on him after he made her look like an imbecile.

The sad fact is, any public figure who takes controversial positions is going to get death threats, left right or center. The surest way to get more of them is to make them public. Thankfully they are almost all hot air and internet tough guys.

I kinda thought she might have written that letter (to herself)…. especially in comparing her previous rants on Claycord. The temperament seems consistent .

If she really had “death threats “ as she claimed, then I want the report number and the department that she files it with.

We’re waiting….. wanna bet she won’t respond?

Be honest… How many of you searched Rick’s name?

Looks like Karen’s hammer hit her thumb instead of the nail. Love, Trump

There is an easy way to end this convo. Vote the dogs out of office. Simple. But people vote on name recognition. So incumbents and people with big signs win

Karen, New York has data from contact tracing, and the data shows that hair salons only accounted for 0.14% of Covid cases while private parties accounted for 70% of cases, probably because businesses comply with mask rules and private parties probably don’t. I’m a hairdresser and so should not be shut down, I’m also a liberal Democrat who has been extremely disappointed with my party in how they responded to this crisis. Yes I think Trump did a terrible job handling the crisis, but the Democrats and their endless shutdowns made it so much worse! I’m so tired of people with nice fat paychecks judging others for trying to pay their bills. I hope you quit, and guess what, jobs aren’t supposed to be fun, so I don’t care if you’re not having fun doing your job. Start listening to your constituents and end these shutdowns. In my opinion, the only sector of the economy that should have been closed was indoor dining, because the science shows that being inside without a mask among other people will cause it to spread, and hopefully with tents and heaters as well as expanded outdoor seating would have allowed restaurants to survive. Let’s try being reasonable. You are so out of touch and unreasonable.

I feel so bad for everyone in your position, this is BS.

I feel safer at the salon then the post office or Safeway

OPEN UP! Do a better job protecting the folks in LTC, please!

Karma is a Karen, Karen…

If I Had A Hammer, good one chuckie the troll. I love it. As far as Karen is concerned, no empathy, feelings, sensitivity, understanding, class or just being a good human being.

And by the way Karen, it is not a law. Laws are put in place by
STEP 1: The Creation of a Bill. Members of the House or Senate draft, sponsor and introduce bills for consideration by Congress. …
STEP 2: Committee Action. …
STEP 3: Floor Action. …
STEP 4: Vote. …
STEP 5: Conference Committees. …
STEP 6: Presidential Action. …
STEP 7: The Creation of a Law.

I heard this live – after being on the call since 9:30 AM (I kept it on while working because I did not want to miss having my say..I finally did close to noon). While I made most of my points, directed a lot at Mitchoff, I was cut off, but I was very proud to hear many others pick up where I left off. To have to hear here in the clip above cry out with exasperation, “I’m tired!” Well, so are we – time for you to STEP DOWN.

Is she the original Karen? The “Karen” on which all others are modelled? It would appear so. If she is “tired” then she should resign and sit back, kick up her Birkenstocks, and let someone sane take her place.

Everyone should genuflect to her Highness Supervisor Karen Mitchoff.

The take away from Karen’s little speech seems to be that politicians need to be threatened before they’ll actually listen to the will of the people. Thanks for the tip Karen.

And what is the “moderate” tv news that she takes her cues from? Which major network has not mongered fear , disinformation and division this over last year?

Listening to this clip, you really get an idea of how loony the people making our policy are.

All hail the looser Marxist ! What a joke ! She’ll be really frantic when Biden doesn’t get inaugurated 1/20/21 cause then who are they gonna get to bail out this pathetic mess of a state 🙄

Some people have the personality to turn into a petty tyrant at the drop of a hat. Why anybody like Karen is anywhere near power is a good question for all of us CCC citizens.

I don’t condone death threats, but Karen is clearly all wrapped up in her own little ego-world. If all you have to say is that constituents are hopeless, so hopeless there’s no point in fining them like they deserve to be fined blah blah blah passive-aggressive scolding, you should just resign. If you have no patience left to care about representing your constituents, resign. If you think you have nothing to say to or for your fellow citizens, resign. Trust me, we can find somebody equal capable of leadership!

When is Karen’s term up?

Finally, a tiny win agajnst tyranny. Now start opening these businesses, even with limited capacity. There is no data to support that these businesses spread Covid. Amazon warehouses gets a lot of covid cases and they are still open….make it make sense..

The contempt she has for the working class of our County. This is not DC’s fault, this is her fault. She at any time can call to fire the County Health Officer who’s been conspiring with his peers in nearby counties to shut things down even if we don’t meet governor hair gel’s ICU bed numbers. The governor and the health officer have made all these moronic rules and she has cheerleadered them all the while.

We’re at 9 months of constant change in rules. We’ve had no help at all from cities, counties, state, and a lone stimulus check which for many was $0 due to living in an expensive area of the state. All the while these folks “who don’t get it” have to make money to cover their mortgage, pay their bills, keep their kids fed, pay the rent on their business location, keep the doors open, and pay staff wages. Many businesses couldn’t get PPP money. Those that did couldn’t use it to pay their sky high monthly rent for their business. So for many, it wasn’t too helpful. 9 months. Every time the rules change, that means they have to spend more money to modify to stay open, and that’s just for a few weeks till the County changes the rules again! What does she expect? Folks to just give up everything they’ve worked for to appease the county and state when neither can prove they’re a source of transmission?

Financial ruin is what she’s seeking for us all while she continues to collect her obscene county wage for doing zoom meetings from home. Easy for her to say folks aren’t listening, it’s because she has nothing to lose.

Seems like Karen is over her head.

You’ve taken away peoples livelihoods and you didn’t expect any pushback?


Karen Mitchoff needs to go. She is a horrible county supervisor. She was a horrible PH city council person.

“The public doesn’t trust us” — no, they don’t. And in a free country, they shouldn’t. Distrust of the government is a feature, not a bug.

I love how Karen says this is not political, and then blames everything on “the man who will soon be leaving the White House.” No Karen, that statement shows that it is political and the MAN in the White House is the President of these United States of America. President Donald J. Trump, your president too, weather you like it or not.

Are you kidding me!. This ignorant woman gets her info from moderate news. Has her party not told her, they are the party responsible for sitting on stimulus checks. Just when you thought the Dems could not get any stupider. BAM

That threat she read was vile and it makes me sad that an adult person would think that was ok. It’s not and we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. I do agree that there has been a massive failure of leadership at the federal level and that has made the Covid situation in this country much worse than it had to be. However, I disagree that our county at this point had to shut everything down the way it did. These supervisors may be trying to do the right thing but it does show they are out of touch with the reality of people’s situations. A targeted/surgical approach to closures would have been more appropriate and better tolerated. I’m surprised she seems surprised by the vitriol. If you are continuing to get a paycheck, however deserved, and then denying people the right to earn theirs, you are out of touch!

You are a True karen your voice reflects your crappy attitude.

This lady is so disconnected. Nancy Pelosi withheld emergency covid funding. Local governments are in charge of governing themselves. The President cannot dictate what states shall or shall not do. If she’s upset then talk to Newsom. Lastly, this is not law and these lockdowns for businesses are only enforceable through fines. I’m glad the businesses are pushing back. Since Gavin and Sacramento will not provide evidence to support the new lockdowns why should anyone believe them.

Karen? Fitting name.

We get exactly what we vote for and this woman is disgusting.

Nothing will expose her ignorance and hatred more than allowing her to speak.

Thank you Mr. Mayor.

So I watched most of the meeting. At one point in the meeting, Karen picked up a cat and started petting it (pretty unprofessional and strange if you ask me).

Dr. Farnitano specifically said how he personally has his groceries delivered; an impractical way to shop if you are a low income family (must be nice to be able to afford the extra delivery fees, Doc) and gets restaurant food to-go. He also mentioned how people who can buy items they need online should be doing that instead of going out to the stores. Well last I checked, you can shop online at Target, Walmart, Home Depot, etc…. but their doors are still open for business.

Karen kept on bringing up the issue of “fairness”. If we’re going to be fair, then we need to close everything or open everything. This business discrimination has gone on too long.

Sorry, the “man at the top” wants to keep things open and LEAD. You should be blaming California and our government! Why no mention of Gavin??? She couldn’t be farther off base with this!
A bill has been put in place but ‘Nancy’ wants all of her fluff added. NOPE.
It’s ok to go to ‘Costco’ with hundreds of people indoors on a daily basis, but small businesses have to stay closed RIGHT…. She needs to get a clue!
She mentions “The Law”, sorry but they are GUIDELINES! There is NO law in the books for this. How about if we trade ‘paychecks’ Karen??? WAIT, I don’t get a paycheck because people think I am closed.

Contra Costa County Supervisors are a piece of work…
Typical politicians, blame others for my decisions.
These politicians should be ashamed of themselves for not thinking for their community. I can’t wait for Trump to leave the office because now they don’t have anyone else to blame but themselves.

I don’t feel bad that she is not getting sleep…
WHY DON’T YOU RESIGN if you can’t take the heat for your bad decisions.

Nancy Pelosi Jr. you are a disgrace, period.

It is about time you folks who are holding offices take notice and listen to what the true tax paying citizenry are saying. Stop being let by the nose and in lock step with Pelosi and her puppets.

We can recall all of you and replace you!! Never forget that.

Saw this thread at “99” comments, so I thought I’d pop in to say….


You are a pathetic piece of liberal turd. Delete yourself from our community, now please.

Let’s buy her dinner at The French Laundry, and then immediately put her on a bus to Portland. This state needs a total political house cleaning.

Wow! Karen…… Geez!

C-U – Next Tuesday!

I agreed with EVERYTHING mentioned above. But, here is something else to think about. The BOS meetings are televised on CCTV. That station is governed by FCC policies. Her profane ranting was a clear FCC violation. Although the channel should not be required to stand by with a delay sensor when an elected official is speaking, the station should be fined and pass that fine right down to her. I’m also appalled than no other supervisor called her out for this behavior. They also seemed fine with Goia interrupting and belittling a member of the public that was speaking during public comment. At the very least, Mitchoff should be censured for her behavior. Can’t stand the heat Karen? Find the door!

@Sign from Above, you are so right. Karen broke FCC law and should be fined. Karen is not so bright is she? Thanks for pointing it out.

I’m not sure that the FCC policies cover a community access channel carried on cable and especially not the streaming version. Those rules are for stuff broadcast over the air. But that she didn’t have sense enough to realize that she probably shouldn’t have read it during the meeting says a lot.

Capt – the FCC does cover it …. see below.

You all can complain about Karen all you want but for years you have re-elected her. For years current and former county employees tried to tell all of you how she was as an EHSD employee and and how she behaved at most BoS meetings and all you people did was pooh-pooh us. Well as they say the chicken has come how to roost.
Maybe next time people that have or are currently working with a local official says something you will listen

@Well Folks, did we re elect Karen? We use Dominion 5.5 voting machines. The Dems personal voting machine. Your vote goes in and who you vote for is whoever the Dems decide.

FPN – yes you people re-elected her. Dominion machines weren’t in the county the last time you all voted for her. And get over the “fraudulent” machine crap. Your tin foil hat is rusting your brain
People like you & the rest of the whiners have kept re-electing Karen for 10+ years by over a 90% margin. And why is that????? Because you never ever ever listen to people who worked with her when she was an EHSD employee or to anyone that has to deal with her now on a regular basis. Ignore county employees message and this is what happens.

We just had an election, and these people were all re-elected by landslides. I hate to say it but, the supervisors are not the problem. The problem resides in the 65% of the populace that blindly votes for these hacks. Until we can convince our neighbors to stop supporting Democrats we are howling at the moon. Have you tried to talk to a Democrat lately? Its like talking to someone from a cult. With the mass exodus of conservative citizens from Ca. I fear that it will only get worse. Like a drug addict, things will not change until we collectively hit rock bottom.

wow karen passing the buck to washington then stating that you want to run your district
and those comments were directed at you not the rest of the board

it is you we dont trust

you have lost your way either through ignorance or corruption or just plain old
leftist extremism to push us into a socialist communist gov per chinas directive

either way you are being a poor excuse of an american and a representative of the people

your job is to assist those businesses …..by talking to them and getting their concerns …i can not believe that i actually have to tell you your job …
it appears your burnt out and no longer either receiving union money or the corrupt respect you want and are lashing out at the people

either way …..the board should fire you because they are responsible now for your actions …..

gratz on your retirement ….. i hear china is great for it
…you will be able to see how you actually want to treat us first hand …that should make you relax….


WOW!! our county voted for her?
Talk about un professional, ill mannered and a terribly speaker. I wrote to her about this issue. Her response was volatile and childish. She said she would not resign and said she is doing her duty to uphold the “law”. Guess what KAREN, its not a law. It’s a guideline. My guess is 99.9% of businesses have been throwing savings, and all they have onto following these guidelines to keep people safe and make a living for their families, and to say you are going to charge them $20,000 with no remorse or concern for the counties millions of business? I hope you get fired or this is the end of your political career. You have no place deciding for the people.

Karen Mitchoff literally does not even want her job and tried to become county clerk to avoid the voters. She’s been asleep at the switch throughout the pandemic, in lock step with Farnitano and Roth, who are both as clueless as ever. Anyone with a brain and a pulse could do a better job than her.

(subtle cough)…glass hammer!

Threats of that nature are always wrong! Not cool at all. I do get, however, the frustration that people feel. Sorry that happened ot you Karen, but you need to understand that this is America and these are NOT laws! They are not laws. Why do you say they are? This is America and these businesses are following the Constitution. This virus has 99% +++ survival rate and you (politicians) are literally killing businesses. It makes no sense other than the powers that be want to trash the economy to usher in socialism to the Nth degree. There is no other reason. Otherwise Gavin and other politicians would not have been caught disregarding the guidelines (again NOT laws) that he put out there. There is no pandemic. Open up your businesses people. You need to band together. There are more of you than there are of them.

People are finally standing up to these unfair and unconstitutional lockdown’s!! Stop voting these people in dammit! AND http://www.recallgavin2020.com. Print this out, sign it, get signatures and mail it in! We have until March. Don’t just complain, do something!!!

We have 25% availability of ICU beds in our county!! This is ridiculous.. roll back the lockdowns!!!

Thank you, Karen, for doing your job. You were elected to represent us and you have done very well in a sometimes thankless position and this is one of those times. It is not your fault that small businesses are suffering and that could have been softened by more federal or even state relief. It is unfortunate all the way around but fines are being imposed and that is noted and if that’s all you can do, that’s fine.
Happy Holidays.

Sounds like Karen’s aide is now defending her…. or maybe Karen is writing under an assumed name.

“Steve” (or whatever your name is this week), there was NO reason for Mitchoff to respond with that level of vulgarity, both in writing here and during the video. She has demonstrated time and time again that she does NOT “represent” her constituents. Not professional in any case…. and I’m hoping that the FCC cracks down on her for broadcasting that video with her using inappropriate language.

But believe what you want to believe. If you read the comments, you’ll see that they’re running around 100:1 or more AGAINST her. Now tell me how that “represents” her constituents. Read the comments.

And she has OBVIOUSLY NEVER run a business – just sucking off the government teat for her entire life.

For $121,000 + a year, I’d take a thankless job!

When Karen or any board member propose fines or penalties for businesses they need to understand we are interdependent. Their taxpayer funded paychecks comes from businesses, too. When they demand businesses to shut down it causes a ripple effect and eventually affects all of us, including the Board of Supervisors. Beauty salons, barber shops, etc., are essential. People are trained in cleanliness and licensed, unlike retail stores. Punitive measures never work and cannot be enforced.
Gov. Newsom does not follow the his dictates, but expects citizens to comply! Regulations made by the governor, BOS, and unelected health officials are actually harming people.
The Bill of Rights written by Congress in July 4, 1776 state, “…life, liberty and happiness…” Business owners and citizens can challenge anyone who interferes with these rights.
We must re-open businesses and be responsible for our choices.
I suggest that Karen and her colleagues get a grip and demand that Gov. Newsom open the state.
Honestly, I am more afraid to drive on the freeway than of this virus.

@Well Folks, did we re elect Karen? We use Dominion 5.5 voting machines. The Dems personal voting machine. Your vote goes in and who you vote for is whoever the Dems decide.

From the FCC website….

Obscene, Indecent and Profane Broadcasts

Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV. That may seem clear enough, but determining what obscene, indecent and profane mean can be difficult, depending on who you talk to.

In the Supreme Court’s 1964 landmark case on obscenity and pornography, Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote: “I know it when I see it.” That case still influences FCC rules today, and complaints from the public about broadcasting objectionable content drive the enforcement of those rules.

In other words, if you “know it when you see it” and find it objectionable, you can tell the FCC and ask us to check into it. Deciding what’s obscene, indecent or profane Each type of content has a distinct definition:

Obscene content does not have protection by the First Amendment. For content to be ruled obscene, it must meet a three-pronged test established by the Supreme Court: It must appeal to an average person’s prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a “patently offensive” way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

Indecent content portrays sexual or excretory organs or activities in a way that is patently offensive but does not meet the three-prong test for obscenity. Profane content includes “grossly offensive” language that is considered a public nuisance.

Factors in determining how FCC rules apply include the specific nature of the content, the time of day it was broadcast and the context in which the broadcast took place. Broadcasting obscene content is prohibited by law at all times of the day. Indecent and profane content are prohibited on broadcast TV and radio between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when there is a reasonable risk that children may be in the audience.

What about cable, satellite TV and satellite radio? Because obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment, it is prohibited on cable, satellite and broadcast TV and radio. However, the same rules for indecency and profanity do not apply to cable, satellite TV and satellite radio because they are subscription services.

Enforcing the rules – Enforcement of the obscenity, indecency and profanity rules usually begins with complaints from the public that FCC staff review for possible violations. If an investigation is warranted and the FCC finds a station in violation of its rules, it has the authority to revoke a station license, impose a fine or issue an admonishment or warning.

What if I have comments or concerns about a specific broadcast? All comments and/or concerns about a specific broadcast should be directed to the stations and networks involved.

What information should I include in an obscenity, indecency or profanity complaint with the FCC? When filing a complaint, please include the following information:

Date and time of the broadcast.
The call sign, channel and/or frequency of the station.
Details of what was actually said or depicted during the broadcast.
Detailed complaints are helpful for analyzing the context of offensive language, images or scenes and determining possible rule violations. It is also helpful (but not a requirement) to include a recording or transcript of a broadcast when possible, though any documentation you provide becomes part of the FCC’s records and may not be returned.

Thank you! We need to join together in a grassroots movement against this kind of abuse. We are paying vast amounts of money (via taxes) for
Supervisor Karen Mitchoff’s “salary.” We know and understand it is painful and Inconvenient – but these officials must be called to task. We expect (at a minimum) professionalism in public speaking, writing, and interacting with the public. If any of us (Contra Costa taxpayers) acted this way (on any job) we would be fired on the spot (and referred to “anger management”).

If it requires writing a “complaint” to the FCC – than so be it. I plan to do so – and do everything I can to demand this behavior not be allowed. It is abusive, toxic, unprofessional, and sick. It is bad enough to be “let go” from a job – due to COVID – and then to be treated like trash is absolutely unacceptable. Perhaps this is a good thing – in that we can start to ask for what it is we really want. Respectful language towards the public is an absolute minimum requirement (Even Macdonald’s requires that from their staff).

I did make a recording of this to forward to the FCC (recording and transcript). She wanted in the public record, so it better damn well show up in the BOS minutes and on the videos posted to their webpage.

Anything less means the BOS is trying to cover it up. But I’m sure there are lots of witnesses.

Mitchoff – your time is up. And frankly, I hope you get your a** handed to you!

Listen to the last 20 seconds or so…she sounds broken.

I honestly hope this has broken her spirit and she finally acquiesces, rolls back her totalitarian decrees, and does what is right. She botched this situation, and now she is paying for it


Steve can’t be an aide as her staff is anything but fond of here.
As I’ve stated before people were warned about her and hand specific incidents. And as I’ve said before the public in her district didn’t listen. Maybe know people won’t blow off county employees when they warn the public about County upper management and electeds

Interesting…. I don’t know that Mitchoff’s staff had problems with her. Maybe they ought to quit and leave her flapping in the breeze. I’m sure that whoever comes in to replace her will hire them back. Wasn’t Mitchoff the one that was playing video games on her work computer and kicking people out of her office when she was supposed to be working? If that’s the case, sounds like fraud to me…. I know there are computer programs that track keystrokes….

Mitchoff – you can see what the public and your own staff thinks of you. Get a clue and resign. You do not have the temperament needed for that position…. and frankly, neither does Gioia.

Fred – yes that happened when she was an analyst @ EHSD. She also claims to be a “Fiscal Expert” yet she doesn’t understand how to complete or process pertinent county financial documents or how those documents move funds through the County finance system.



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