Home Ā» Contra Costa County Moving Forward With COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan

Contra Costa County Moving Forward With COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan


Contra Costa Health Services is working closely with theĀ California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to plan and prepare for future COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

The vaccine will be in short supply initially and it will take months before itā€™s available to everyone. The federal and state government will determine which groups of people will be first in line to get vaccinated.

A phased distribution is planned, with health care workers and nursing-home residents likely to be the first to be vaccinated, followed by other frontline workers. The majority of people will be able to get vaccinated in later stages.

Contra Costa Health Services has formed an Ethical and Equitable Vaccine Allocation Committee that will review federal and state guidelines in the context of Contra Costa County, and to provide local, technical recommendations based on specific considerations.


Contra Costa County has submitted aĀ vaccine distribution plan to the State, which includes early plans for logistics and distribution, stakeholder engagement, identification of critical populations, and reporting and monitoring.

RELATED STORY: Contra Costa County Set To Get About 10K COVID Vaccines ā€“ Could Be Months Before Theyā€™re Available To The General Public

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“Equitable,” “stakeholder engagement.”

You need a fricking degree in grievance studies social justice garbage to even read a press release from the health department. Astounding how quickly this nonsense went from Tumblr navel gazing to official dogma at the top of our institutions.

To translate for the layman, their plan will include giving the vaccines to favored victim groups ahead of non-favored groups. So if you are a white or asian man with comorbidities, you will behind the African American or “Latinx” with the same comorbidities. For equitable racial justice and stuff. Rather than, your know, giving it to the people in the order of the highest risk factors to the lowest, and letting the racial chips fall where they may.

You may have voted down prop 16, but they are going to give it to you anyway, hidden behind social justice jargon. Collectivists gonna collectivist.

I agree with you about the jargon.
You can have my vaccine, I’m not interested in being a guinea pig for experimental pharmaceuticals.

What the h is a ā€œLatinx ? Is that someone who used to be Latin? I don’t care if Mexicans and Central Americans get it first. Look at the cities in the county where people are dying. I just hope they can organize it so it doesn’t take weeks to do. I want a shot so I can leave my house.

“Latinx” is social justice for latino/latina, as such gendered language is “problematic” and “exclusionary.” Actual Latinos think it is idiotic, as it’s mostly a white savior thing attempting to save them from their own culture.

I agree, send the vaccine where it will do the most good. If that is in black or latin communities, then let’s do that. If it is going to any community simply due to racial bean counting, then lawsuits should be filed.

I saw stats in the news for who is expected refuse the vaccine.
Among blacks, 40% will refuse because they distrust the system. It’s my opinion that the real reason is that they absolutely hate needles. Same goes for snakes.

Well, with history being what it is, I can’t really fault the suspicion. The Tuskegee experiments did happen. As far as I’m concerned, once the vaccine is available, it’s up to the individual to decide to take it or not. If anyone chooses not to, then it is their life and their decision. Me, I’ll probably get it when it’s generally available, if for no other reason than to be able to travel again.

Waiting for there to be a major problem with this vaccine after it’s been given first to (tested on) POC. What a fine kettle of fish that will be.

This committee is already painted into a corner.
If they give an earlier allocation to minorities, some people will say thatā€™s a great thing while others will claim reverse discrimination. Another group will claim minorities are being used as guinea pigs before itā€™s given to the rich white people. Either way, a large number of people will be unhappy. The committee will get a bunch of flack either way. Theyā€™d be better off drawing names out of a hat.

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination. Discrimination is discrimination. Sorry, the term reverse discrimination has always bothered me!

What ever happened to Newsom’s insistence that California would do their own testing and vetting of any new vaccines during the pre-election timeline? No longer an opportunity to criticize the process led by the current administration? Exposing the true intentions of the Gov…..

Because Newsom doesn’t make the decisions, he answers to his handlers. This is what you get when you vote for those who are blackmailed due to the skeletons in their closets.

All of these are SELLOUTS, including those Cowards at the Contra Costa Health dept.
“We Were Just following orders”

Gavin announced today on Twitter that his committee has reviewed the vaccine information and testing results (didnā€™t do their own testing) and has declared it to be safe enough for California residents. This was just in time to receive the doses allocated to California. Isnā€™t that special?

You may have voted down prop 16, but they are going to give it to you anyway, hidden behind social justice jargon. Collectivists gonna collectivist.

abolutely correct

we are all ready in a socialist government

full of racism against whites and taxes going to non citizens

but i am sure lib followers are ecstatic that they ….err well nothing for their loyal votes accept for continued poverty and freedom to steal

so i guess there is an upside for liberal uneducated voters after all

you sure have outdone the nonsensical uncommon sense voting over the last 40 years to implode freedom and bow to communism but hey at least your children will have to behave now…. so yet another upside

thank you jin ping
your leadership is going to be epic and grateful
at least you wont be hiding your intentions and media blackouts
as you strip away everyones self worth

relax dem voters you won ……now get to work …lol …..too funny

A white middle-aged middle-class male who has kept himself in shape with no pre-existing medical conditions might receive the vaccine in 3-5 years. However, if he has a pre-existing condition, it might only be a couple of years out. Now, if he wants to get the vaccine sooner, all he has to do is get thrown in jail for failing to wear his mask. We know Newscum will give vaccines to the prisoners before any white middle class male.

Amazing, a vaccine in just 8 months. Of course I trust big pharma and government. They both have such great track records.

“The federal and state government will determine which groups of people will be first in line to get vaccinated.”

Change “vaccinated” to any health care related variable to understand government (single payer) health care.

Is the government going to require us to take this vaccine? Are we going to be told when it is our turn to get it? I don’t want one. I will wait unti it has been out long enough to see if there are any problems.

huh yeeeep

you will have to get a vaccine :
before you get a new license
before you get a passport
before you get unemployment
before you get married
before you get new comcast account
before you get a job
before you get a home loan
before you get a bus pass or clipper card
before you get into a federal park
before you get into a bar
before you get any type of bank account

basically the gov is going to be issuing you a mandated id with the date you were injected …..and you will have to be reinjected annually until they say its over ….lol

so welcome to chinas ultimate gaff on america
eeerrr….chinica now
…sorry we lost because of blundering liberal voters who thought they were getting a free pass to heaven or gender fee zones or unlimited liberal support through section 8

guess what in socialism everyone works or you do go to jail and no lawyers or rigths are afforded to you …..
which you would have learned if they actually were teaching how a communist socialist gov works

instead you were taught vote dem or your a racist ….
by the way most vaccines come with an approved 20% loss rate
yes for those unaware the covid is about 3% loss rate

so yay you won …right …oh no …..LEFT
….NOW march and hail chinicas supreme leader


You’re right about the first part…you won’t be “allowed” to do anything without your state issued vaccination certificate. In addition to your list I would add these:

you will have to get a vaccine :
before you enter a live theater
before you enter a movie theater
before you attend a concert
before you attend a sporting event (even outdoors)
before you get on an airplane

I’m less sure of these but maybe?
before you enter a grocery store
before you return to your place of work
before you eat at a restaurant

We will be controlled during our every waking moment. This is a lib/socialist dream come true.

Give it to the politicians first.

If it works, great!

If it doesnā€™t work and gives them covid19, even better!

Does this mean the first wave of zombies will be black, Latinx and transsexual?



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