Home » Contra Costa County Changes Health Order – Most People Exposed To COVID-19 Must Quarantine For 10 Days

Contra Costa County Changes Health Order – Most People Exposed To COVID-19 Must Quarantine For 10 Days


If you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you now have to quarantine for 10 days, not the previously ordered 14 days, according to the Contra Costa County Health Department.

The order was changed yesterday.

The department considers a person exposed to COVID-19 when they’ve been within six feet of a person for 15 minutes or longer who tested positive for COVID-19.


Because there is a small risk of virus transmission after the 10-day period, to lessen the risk of outbreaks, people who live in long-term care facilities or detention facilities and who have had close contact with a COVID-19 positive person must remain in quarantine for an additional four days, for a total of 14 days.

Violation of or failure to comply with this order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both, the health department said.

Click on the image above to read the full health order.

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Violation of or failure to comply with this order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both, the health department said.

There’s a difference between a law and an order.

Perhaps a law outlawing orders by non elected government employees should be enacted.

That seems sensible.

I hereby order Chris Farnitano to stop ordering us around. I didn’t vote for him, nor did anyone else.

As I watched the video of Karen blathering on about fining the peasants yesterday, a quick calculation of the annual salaries of those in the video amounted to over a million bucks collectively. Must be nice living off the taxpayers as you dictate how your employers (the taxpayers) should operate. Only in government is that allowed to happen.

Perhaps you need a civics lesson. The way our government works is that legislatures enacted statutes, i.e. “LAWS!!!,” that authorize local officials to take certain actions such as adopting ordinances and resolutions and making orders. The California Legislature enacted the Health and Safety Code which expressly authorizes Health Officers, who are never elected, to make health orders and to enforce them. That’s what happened here. The order has the effect of law. This is absolutely true. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s not fake news. It’s government functions. educate yourself.

Someone who owns five gyms is hardly a peasant.

I don’t think that most people pay close attention these notices anymore. People that are concerned are already taking precautions they fill comfortable with and the others will do their own thing.

“The department considers a person exposed to COVID-19 when they’ve been within six feet of a person for 15 minutes or longer who tested positive for COVID-19.”

Oh, I see, the every two months morphing virus has a timer. (And it doesn’t enter into the bodies of protesters.) And they’re still learning about this virus, that’s why they keep changing the orders….. I get it.

aaaaaaahahahah “punishable” this is most laughable and most inane stuff they’ve come out with yet

CC Health Quack speaks.

fine or imprisonment


i thought the DA didn’t prosecute misdemeanors anymore
and a fine cant be paid if there is no law to back it up

empty threats from a bunch of bungling superiority complexes

i would rather they as in the politicians and so called health officials
actually give us the goods and let us deal with it or actually have correct information
this is america for now
even thought all of these politicians and health clowns
want to control and direct and push socialist powers upon us

give us the goods ….stop stifling the media and allow them to say the truth

when you act like a bunch of lying children …..your credibility is worth a peso in a gold market

imposing penalties for your drama ridden fake news do as i say but not as i do rhetoric is sad and has run its course

if your hell bent on transitioning us to communist socialist china
then bring in the tanks we all know how that ended

we the people are in charge you work for us

unless that has changed and you have allready killed the constitution and bill of rights …..

Is this supposed to make us feel better? Like the great loosening of restrictions.

* 14 mins 59 secs *

COVID: ahhhh I’ll get you next time…

That’s hilarious, Librarian! I needed a good laugh…

Three thoughts:

1. When Gavin Newsom said that he regretted not “modeling appropriate behavior” after dining at the French Laundry, he instead modeled condescension and virtue signaling over substance.

2. When Gaven got caught lying about outdoor dining this week he reinforced the notion that Democrats view lying to the public as an acceptable means of controlling them.

3. I support efforts to combat the virus. But it takes a village. The public is not viewed as part of the solution. They are viewed as part of the problem, because they tend to push back. The Democrat’s solution? Ignore or crush opposing views.

In New Jersey their efforts at contact tracing has reached a whopping 74%,
NON Compliance. In short they told ’em to go pound sand.

Politicians and bureaucrats live in a fantasy world.
They’ve made such fantastic efforts ay educating the public. (sarcasm)

Hilarious.The liberals will volunteer to quarantine in their no life lives.



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