Home » State Lawmaker Continues Push For Safe Injection Sites

State Lawmaker Continues Push For Safe Injection Sites


State Sen. Scott Weiner on Tuesday introduced new legislation to legalize safe injection sites in select California cities.

Under Senate Bill 57, drug users could use drugs in the presence of medical professionals who are equipped with the medication naloxone to prevent overdoses. The sites would first be implemented via pilot program in San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles.

SB 57 marks Wiener’s third legislation pushing for the sites.

Back in 2018, Wiener’s initial legislation Assembly Bill 186, was vetoed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown and after that, Wiener introduced AB 362 earlier this year, but that too was ultimately canned.


Both San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf are in support of Wiener’ latest legislation.

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I’m hoping my taxes are used to buy some heroin. I just want to do my part.

This is an extraordinarily bad idea. It screams, “we don’t want to help you with your addiction, we want to support your addiction”.

Let’s keep all this crap in San Francisco. Let the world see the folley of it all and the horrible results, before pushing it on the entire state.

Thanks for working to improve the opportunities and living conditions for the hard working people in this state. These people are paying taxes in multiple ways, working to make a decent living and provide for their families. Glad they are top of mind for you. -End sarcasm.

When you build it they will come. These people are a drag on society. Safe injection sites will not change that. Bust the heroin and fentanyl users and put them in rehab off of the streets. Beside harming their own bodies they are an influence on young people who may be having a temporary problem. In doing so the circus goes on. We need politician that have a pair not appeasers.

In every thing these politicians touch… waste, chaos, & failure follow. Who’s going to pay for their ineptitude?


Weiner needs to go. He is nothing but bad news across the board bringing crap like this and his pedophile law to CA. He has done nothing good for anyone except his friends

how many users of heroin are going to say to themselves “ before I shoot up I need to first find a safe injection sight so I’m safe “

Starting to think Weiner needs a place to get high? How many times can he waste our time?

I think they should call them overdose centers. That would help the problem.

Give ’em a one way bus ticket to Oregon.

I would donate to that cause!

Let the process of natural selection happen.

You can’t enable bad behavior expect positive results. Amazes me how stupid our politicians are.

The health professionals would be denying
Their hippocratic oath. Oh yeah they do that all the time. Wow what some people will do for money.

More crackpot legislation from a certified crackpot. This guy needs to get a real job.

There is no way to say how stupid this is.

Great idea! I agree.

Let’s set up injection sites at Scott Weiner, London Breed, and Libby Schaaf’s houses. Also one at Nancy’s Napa estate and Newsom’s house.

Will the program provide them free Uber rides back to their tents?

This coming from the same person who got knowingly infecting a person with AIDS reduced to a misdemeanor because it “is treatable”. I mean honestly, who wouldn’t want to be on a ton of drugs daily to stay alive.

That guy is a joke and needs to go. Completely self serving.

Contra Costa County has officially lost its mind.

Put the injection site on Weiner’s lawn.

Mr. Weiner is even too radical for San Francisco. He is a good example of why term limits were enacted for Legislators.

For someone who is too radical, he sure seems to get his wacky ideas pushed through. That tells me the others are too radical also. What’s next, a bill requiring leather chaps for elected officials?

Wiener does need to go! Unless he is willing to have this next door to his house….he keeps trying to push this through. Why do they keep re-electing him?



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