Home » Martinez Restaurant Owner To Sue Contra Costa County Over Outdoor Dining Ban

Martinez Restaurant Owner To Sue Contra Costa County Over Outdoor Dining Ban


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Good hope the is the beginning of a landslide of lawsuits brought on by business owners…go get them.

Where can I send money to support this suit?

Wheres the go fund me at?

I tend to agree. If you did everything right – 6 feet between tables, requiring customers wear masks when walking around or until getting the food. Taking precautions for staff – you can say this has been completely within any requirements for the County. Then shutting you down was arbitrary

Go Bar Cava!!! At almost 19% of the ICU beds open as of 12/9 restaurants shouldn’t even be forced to close. Currently we have 3 more patients in the hospital than the peak in July. We are at a moderate surge…and relatively far from a severe surge.

I hope he wins.

If people want to continue to spread their illnesses let them right 🤦‍♂️

Feel free to sequester yourself. The rest of us have to get back to the business of living.


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@Meh. And where is the evidence? We’re talking about a court case.

We don’t believe any of it anymore. Especially when you have a vaccine and 99.97% recovery rate. We been hosed. Repeat after me…we’ve been hosed.

The only thing spreading here are idiots buying into this fake pandemic.

Apart from a life threatening accident……I will sign a waiver to NEVER go to ICU / Ventilator for such baloney.
Enough with this CONVID.



And for the rest of you….Nobody is Stopping you from STAYING IN YOUR HOMES.

@ZZ fake pandemic?? Do you think all of the world leaders got together and decided they’d collectively lie to their citizens about a virus? To what gain?

Right! Just as people have always done. And in the meantime trying to keep the economy afloat, with no indication of spreading anything except cheer.

Yes it’s fake. Fear=control and power, that’s the gain.

How do I donate to his legal fund.
For those of you who want to stay home
Stay home!!!! Let us protest you- the best way
I can do that is go to work and pay taxes.


Agreed. Make us poor and dependent on the government. Then come the gun grabs.

As a local patriot once said “Not in my town”.

A beginning to the revolt!

And mitchoff is PLENTY “revolting.”

Bravo! It is time to end the reign of Mitchoff and Dr. Farintafna.

They think they are king and queen.

Ya that’s it the people loosing their livelihoods over a virus that has a 99% recovery rate want to “ spread their illness” 🙄 quit watching MSM and reading the NYTimes or the local media

Sue them over your constitutional rights, there is no emergencies in constitution to cancel your constitutional rights! Every judge who is not protecting the constitution should be removed.

Search up
Hospitals over run by flu ( insert year ) I put in 2009, 2011 and 2017
It will blow your mind!

Perfect, a lawsuit that our DA, Becton can get behind. Hell with riots in WC, this guy is a problem, she’ll make an example out of this poor guy.

I agree with this. Restaurants are not a super spreader when taking proper precautions. Your riots and protests are.

Good stuff MTZ. The ban on outdoor dining is absolutely malarkey.

Good for him! All small businesses should open up on the same day! Our state government wants to FINE these owners thousands of dollars! They’re already broke! Kick ‘me when their down??? Ugh!!!

This is a fantastic idea! Small businesses should pick a date and go for it! People have families and bills to pay – Not to mention mental health is completely ignored in all of this

Let us know the best way to get money to you. We’re behind you 100%!!!

Let’s get all the restaurants to band together in the suit !!!

Can someone please honestly tell me if there’s any potential for the Door Dash stock opening today to be associated the desire to keep restaurants on takeout-only status by our lovely power-grubbing, money-hungry democrat leaders? We have been scratching our heads over the reason why these grostesque excuses for leadership are going after restaurants with such aggression and I got a sick feeling in my stomach today watching the market news..

I just donated.

I challenge others to do so too.

Spoke to a friend of mine who’s a hospital administrator for one of the big Bay Area hospitals. He explain that this pandemic is a total scam, and went on to say that hospitals are in fact defrauding the American people. Virtually, any death is listed as “COVID 19” on the death certificate, as they collect 13 thousand dollars, and a respirator service fee will set you back in excess of 39k…

Spoke to a friend of mine who’s a hospital administrator for one of the big Bay Area hospitals. He explained that this pandemic is a total scam, and went on to say that hospitals are in fact defrauding the American people. Virtually, any death is listed as “COVID 19” on the death certificate, as they collect 13 thousand dollars, and a respirator service fee will set you back in excess of 39k…

Even the looniest loon on this board knows that’s an insane lie. If you’re taking the time to pass along a fable from the web, at least make it believable in some way. Dress it up a little. Have some pride for goodness sake.

Anyone still believing the COVID hoax has been completely brainwashed by the media telling you “ITS REAL”. You have been linguistically programmed to believe “ITS REAL”. From the very beginning “they” have said “ITS REAL” over and over and over. Basic behavioral control tactics and psychological manipulation designed by the military for psychological warfare have been used on us. Get over yourself and understand, the news is fake, the war is REAL. Yes bad actors from your government, big pharma, and industry have lied to you. Is it really that surprising? We have been sold out to china, they consider you their property now. Keep wearing that mask traitors. Eric Swalwell just got caught dipping in the chinese. Dianne Feinstein had a chinese spy as her personal assistant and driver for 20 years. Hunter Biden is under official investigation as of yesterday for selling us out on daddies behalf. Mark Zuckerberg put as much money into this election as the government..He happens to be married to a prominent chinese woman with CCP ties. IT CAME FROM CHINA, ITS REAL

I agree with slagheep. This anonymous person sure isn’t telling the NEWS what he “knows”. Wouldn’t that be called a “whistle blower”? Especially shouldn’t we know WHICH hospital is playing their clients for suckers knowingly like this? Maybe they are actually killing people in ICU to add to their NUMBERS? Wow, that is a great conspiracy! So 1 dying person every 30 seconds is just a roos…thats great. My sister owns a funeral home and I can tell you that “administrator” is wrong.

Majority of cases in California started from Imperial valley by all the immigrants crossing the border to work in the farms. I am willing to bet that same people are taking up most of the ICU beds, because undocumented immigrants go to ER for a simple flu, let alone Covid, if they even have it!! Back in March and April, you were only supposed to test if you had cough and high fever, and then you would go to ER, if you had the same symptoms plus major shortness of breath! So I am not sure if most of these people even have serious symptoms??

Laughing my butt off on that one…

3000+ Covid-19 dead today, 12/09. Daily death toll well over 2500 for days on end.

In a nation of 300,000.000

Thank you for trying to reason with people who are so unreasonable. I think these are computer junkies, having little respect for the lives of others. It is unreasonable to expect government to see around corners on a deadly virus and what makes things better and saves lives. I respect that our county has stepped up to these challenges is fluid and reasonable ways. Would love to have things different but now its about setting \rules for those who refused to obey them when the choice was theirs to make. Cory is among them.

Can we get a lawsuit like this to reopen public schools? I’d like the see the data on how they are justifying continued closures …

My thoughts exactly! I’d contribute to legal fees for either. I see the GoFundMe link above. Thank you!

I agree! My question is why is the mall open? It’s indoors. Most people don’t wear their mask properly over their mouths and nose. The ones that are suffering are ya small business owners. Nail salons, beauty shops, restaurants. Not these big corporations. Our staff wear their mask correctly all the time our customers wear their masks until the are seated and gave food or beverage at their table. Our tables are 6 or more feet apart. Most customers after eating out their masks back on. This is so unfair! Let us get back to business. If the mall can open inside why can’t we. At least give us back outside dining. Let stand together

All Indian Casino’s are open for business in Ca,OR and Washington. Good for them….

Good for him. Too bad more restaurants won’t just open back up and defy the tyrants. If every single restaurant in the county opened back up there’s nothing the tyrants could do about it. End of problem.

When small business owners are complying with all the idiotic rules and measures written by bureaucratic pinheads in Sacramento that are clueless how the real world works, you have to stand your ground and fight back. Remember it’s only your Governor who can obtain $3M in PPE while you struggle to pay your bills. Hope the Governor is recalled. He’s such a FRAUD.

Good for him! Hope he wins and I hope others will follow. Doesn’t make sense to shut down nail and hair salons, etc but you can crowd at Sun Valley Mall, Costco and Target!! 🙄 Just because some don’t think a restaurant is essential, that job is essential to that person as it pays there bills. The job gives them a roof over there head and food on the table and that is important especially during this time.

Good on local businesses to stand up against the tyranny of the Keystone Kops county bureaucrats. About time! We the people also should begin protests too just as they are doing in other countries.

You all get your CA Notify app notification on your smartphone this morning?

If you have Hulu check out the movie “Mr. Jones” which is a drama/thriller based on the true story of Welsh journalist Gareth Jones who traveled to the Soviet Union in the 1930s to expose the truth about what Stalin was doing to the populace there. It’s also available for rent on other streaming services. Great film.

Good for him for standing up for what is right. But, I think a lawsuit against the State and CoCo County might be more impactful. Restaurants won their case in LA County, but still have to remain closed due to the State imposed lockdown.


I know Cory and this is expected. He doesn’t even know how to put on a mask correctly. I ordered food and went in to pick it up and NO ONE was wearing a mask, I will never by food in there again. ~ As for Retro Junkie; if you want something out of Congress you are going to have remove Mitch McConnell. He is the constipation of America but apparently status quo was good enough for people when it meant lowering their taxes and nothing else for FOUR YEARS. BTW: A VIRUS that is killing over 3000 people a day, and 360,000 in 8 months is worse than 911. So buck up whiners…I care about YOUR grandmother…

Ignore the orders and rules and people will continue to DIE!! Your business is NOT more important than EVERY LIFE in this County, especially those who have been paying taxes a lot longer than YOU!> Cory needs to learn how to WEAR a mask correctly and educate his employees to do the same. I am done purchasing food from this small business. So glad he showed us all who he really cares about. I can still do take out and has been. I have no idea what he is complaining about. Go tell it to China.

Trump still sues over an election he lost, wants do overs from the supreme court who has already denied validity of his suits. * Guiliani joins the ranks of administration who has been hospitalized with covid, * Trump tried to sell Rediserval or using bleach to an unknowing public, substituting himself for doctors and scientists- WHILE owning stock in those companies, * The door is closing on any ability for a president to think he can sit in judgment on himself and pardon himself on his way out the door * We arent worried about Hunter or anything else- go for it. Overall, life is getting greater for Americans every day now that his are LIMITED to about 30!

Cher, seek help.

My business is also located in downtown Martinez, although I was deemed essential I feel for all my neighbors who are being forced to shut down. How can you tell people you can’t earn a living but we aren’t going to help you. If the state wants small business shut down I suggest paying 30k to each establishment.
The businesses are not spreading Covid, the state is by not supporting small business.

Cory says this story mischaracterizes his intent. He is NOT planning on defying the County Orders. Maybe there are more problems with this – I dont know. Ask Cory. But he doesn’t need your money or support after all.

Omg all of you are conspiracy theorists and not citing actual truth?! China and other countries got rid of the virus by social distancing and wearing masks during lockdowns… the us of a are a bunch of dumb ducks! Believing this is a hoax? Hope you get it and realize it’s not… hope it makes you care about others! Dining of all kinds should remain closed unless you want more people to die… sickened… good luck with the baseless lawsuit! And I’ll pray for the rest you…

Actually, Sarah….the term “conspiracy theorist” is an ad hominem attack used by individuals such as yourself who CANNOT debate facts.

Come back with some real numbers instead of what the LIARS in the mainstream media are feeding you.

“Dumb ducks”…..You should look in a mirror.

China has been lying about their virus since the very beginning.

Thank you Sarah!!~ Anon: “Conspiracy theorists” refers to the group of people whom we might otherwise make judgements about their intellect or maybe their personal agenda to allow this country to move forward in the world. Moscow Mitch and djt were adequate leaders for these folks who will continue to find anything to complain about from birth certificates to Hunter Biden claims. The Mueller Report said things that were absolutely denied, NOT DEFENDED, out and out denied that the report found those abuses by Russia. Those are “conspiracy theorists”. And of course those that are they, will bristle…ohhhhh….

Sarah ~
China? with a population of around 1.4 billion people got rid of Covid 19 by
“social distancing and wearing masks” ? Are you friggin nuts?

Dr. Jellyfinger: that is true. They had reported having their virus down to almost none as I recall. I have no idea where it is today…

“They reported”. That’s all that needs to be said. Because, you know, China has been so forthcoming about this whole thing.



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