Home » Despite Criticism, Contra Costa Supervisors Hire New County Administrator

Despite Criticism, Contra Costa Supervisors Hire New County Administrator


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a five-year contract for Monica Nino to become the next county administrator despite a barrage of complaints about the choice being a “union buster” whose selection process did not have labor’s buy-in or involvement.

Supervisors on Tuesday approved her contract with a base annual pay of $381,766.98.

In hiring Nino, supervisors cited her financial expertise in dealing with the economic pressures of COVID-19 treatment and care, and specifically relating to that county’s San Joaquin General Hospital outside Stockton, were key reasons she was hired. Contra Costa County has a larger health system, with the Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez its flagship.

Nino’s selection was first announced on Dec. 1. She had been one of three finalists for the county administrator’s post.


More than 20 people, most of them either county employee union representatives or county workers represented by unions, implored the supervisors not to hire Nino, and to reopen their search for a successor to
David Twa, retiring this month after 12 years as Contra Costa government’s top executive.

“She is a known union buster in San Joaquin County,” John Roe with Service Employees Union Local 2015 said of Nino. As for Nino’s selection, Roe said, “There was no union input in this process.”

A couple of callers told the supervisors Nino called for Sheriff’s deputies to be stationed at one supervisors’ meeting where union contracts were being discussed.

Mike Parker of the Richmond Progressive Alliance told the supervisors that hiring Nino “is tantamount to declaring war on county employees.”


He said he knows going through the head-hunting and interview processes again is difficult, and that changing directions at this late stage brings complications. “But it will be harder to fix the mess you make if you
continue on this path,” Parker said.

Supervisors had varying reactions to the callers’ accusations. Karen Mitchoff was furious, and said she was “disappointed with our labor partners.”

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Contra Costa county corruption at its finest I can’t wait to see what comes next.

We know what the Unions said.

What do the people of Contra Costa have to say?

It’s the citizens of this county who matter the most.

@ Cellophane. Well, this person of Contra Costa says that $381,766.98 is at least $100,000 more than it ought to be.

R- If she can bust up some of those unions, it will save us a lot more than $100k. But, I get your point. That is terribly overpaid.

Oh, please
She won’t bust any government unions who are you kidding?

There is zero reason these people need to be paid over a quarter mill a year. They should get an hourly rate. PERIOD. EARN IT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.

Now you know why they want to raise the fines for local businesses they are killing. Oh, don’t forget they want you to be the tattle tale. Contra Costa County board of supervisors, you are DISGUSTING!!

$381 THOUSAND A YEAR? $381,767.00 is a lot for a starting salary, on a 5 year contract.

A new concept in California governance – don’t give in to the special interests.

Well, at least this is a start.

Union buster good but obscene salary, way too much. She better bust a lot of unions for that price

Lol, sounds very equitable & sustainable.
Doesn’t appear that any of these official COWARDS will be hurting from ‘The Great Reset’.

$381,766.98. Base pay. By the time you factor in Medical, Dental, Pension contributions, any incentive pay oportunitites, etc and I’m betting this goes beyond 1/2 million a year. Nice job if you can get it!

No one that works for this or any other public office or tax payer funded job deserves that kind of salary.One day the citizens of this country are going to revolt against this crap.I hope sooner than later.God help us all.

An how many times is that salary in relation to lowest paid full time county employee ? ?

Original G
It is Some where between 7 & 8 times what an entry level clerk makes

@Well Folks… I BELIEVE it is more than TEN times what a county “WORKER I” classification makes. And I’m going to wildly speculate that the Administrator’s medical insurance is gold plated, where as the WORKER I’s would probably have to choose between paying rent or paying a high deductible and high co-pays.

So what is wrong with this woman. Leaving a county with great benefits & PERS health care for Contra Costa which has the worse benefits package of any bay area entity and really crappy & expensive health care choices. Looks like the Five Stooges of Pine St have called Dial-A-Loser once again.

Public sector unions are parasites. Their primary function is to produce nothing while feeding off of a productive host. Worthless, wasteful and entitled. The Dems created this beast. They feed it, pet it, and use it to gain power. Someday soon they won’t be able to control it. Just look at the teachers union.

Wow, that was a scathing indictment of our local police and firefighters’ unions, but I guess it needed to be said. Thank you for having the courage.

@ Rolaids. Yes police and firefighter unions (quasi union because they lack the power to strike) are not immune from the systemic corruption that is inevitable when you use tax dollars to fund political campaigns.

The jockey is getting fatter and the horse is getting smaller. Those that suck money from the public treasury through wages and benefits will soon out number those that do not. Open your eyes and summon up the courage to look at the truth.

I hear Elon Musk is moving to Texas. No taxes.

Public employee unions should be banned nationwide.

Agreed. I have been beating that drum for years, but every time I look over my shoulder, no one is marching behind me. I’m not anti-union, in fact I could rattle off many sectors that I think SHOULD be union.

But public employees are different. They don’t have to be different, but the public unions have chosen to be different. Unlike in the private sector, when unions collect dues and funnel them into political campaigns, they aren’t just trying to elect legislators that will legislate favorably towards them, they are buying the very bosses that will decide how big their paychecks will be. That is a model of perfect corruption. It is widespread, normal, and everybody’s used to it, but it is an absolutely corrupt system.

Wah Wah, union didn’t get to give input. Shut up! That’s why your a represented employee and they are management. Unions have ruined enough in this state in collusion with elected officials, time for you to sit down and shut up. We can’t keep paying with money we don’t have or plan to have. Also, where do they get these salaries??? People in private enterprise with 1/2 the responsibility get a lot less.

Do you mean “twice the responsibility”?

Almost $400K for that job? Wow, I hope she restructures a lot of contracts.

Interestingly, she will be replacing the retiring David Twa, who has agreed to stay and help with redistricting, assisting from both Minnesota remotely and CCC. Is this the case of double dipping we hear so much about with California administration? What retirement is Twa collecting, and how much is he being paid to “help?”

wait what
a board or council went against the will of the people

oh wait yeah same old same old
corruption and bias and democrat waste
democrat agendas and falshoods

oh but wait
the lemmings did pass the high speed unicorn scam train that we have to pay the bond for over 30 years

but dont worry it will pay for illegals to be housed
over american citizens
and put them on the street

yay a win for dem lemmings again

wow it must pay to be a lemming

wait what is the pay any lemming want to let us know how the board or any democrat has helped you …and your family

i want to be informed

Tax payer funded jobs should not be union jobs tax payers should not have to pay for unions. I look forward to seeing Nino’s cost savings plans.

I worked for a teamster union years ago and their administration was corrupt. So, I too agree, with Cellophane and what the hell is this woman going to do to earn almost $400K a year when everyone else is suffering from this damn Covid 19 lockdown??? Really!!

$381,766.98. Are you kidding me? What government employee is worth close to that amount? Not one. I have to relax and let my blood pressure go down.



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