Home » COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department

COVID-19 UPDATE From The Contra Costa County Health Department




Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Tuesday Dec.8, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 28,088
  • Total active confirmed cases – 4,128
  • Recovered cases – 23,693
  • Total tested – 664,281
  • Deaths – 267
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 134 deaths in nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:


  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 140
  • Occupied ICU beds – 120 (34 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 45
  • Available ventilators – 222


Contra Costa County COVID-19 data as of Monday Dec.7, 2020:

  • Total cases (since March) – 27,455
  • Total active confirmed cases – 3,822
  • Recovered cases – 23,366
  • Total tested – 657,278
  • Deaths – 267
  • Nobody under 30 years old has died – 134 deaths in nursing homes

Contra Costa County COVID-19 Hospital Data:

  • COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized – 138
  • Occupied ICU beds – 111 (35 COVID patients)
  • Available ICU beds – 66
  • Available ventilators – 222
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“Legislators are considered essential workers and can travel.”

Well, I have identified problem #1.

Covid ICU patients down one from yesterday but businesses are losing money. People are out of a job and broke.
Here is something you democrats can take delight in. Nancy Pelosi admitted that since Biden is the President elect she can now pass a covid relief bill. The witch held up aid to help elect Biden. She should be tarred and feathered. Words are not strong enough to express my hatred for the democrat congress.

@Ricardoh…you know the House passed the second relief bill in May, and the Moscow Mitch refused to bring it to the floor right?

I don’t think it can be blamed on one person/party. They both are reprehensible. The House passed the HEROES Act in May that would have provided additional stimulus only to be blocked by McConnell. Mitch McConnell is also holding up the $908 billion bi-partisan stimulus because he only wants half that amount.

WHY should she care, she’s worth north of 114 million. (wikipedia)

Being a politician gives her what the mirror can’t, power, control and people groveling for her attention.
If swamp dwelling politicians in house of representatives actually cared about America, they would not have elected her speaker.

Dwight Schrute
You fail to understand that the bill they brought up was a democrat wishlist no sane Republican would pass. She admits they brought up that bill that Republicans would never pass but now the Biden is the president elect she will sign a bill without her all her left wing garbage in it. Do you need a brick to fall on your head. People went without or in debt because this witch is that partisan. Make all the excuses you can for those pigs. It doesn’t change the facts. Maybe you are like Biden who believes truth over facts.

I am simply stating that you cannot blame one person, they are all reprehensible and are being irresponsible not supporting those that have lost jobs, and supporting big business rather than the everyday citizen. Sounds like you have an axe to grind, just be sure its sharp enough for both sides of the aisle…


Where are you getting this news? Seriously. She said that They can now pass a bill. She was talking about the whole house. If you remember. Trump held off on it for awhile and your boy Mitch is denying everything unless it favors Republicans. Nancy, other democrats and even a number of Republicans were in favor along time ago but old boy Mitch is saying no. So don’t blame anyone but him.

Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties want to break away from the Southern California Region to escape the lockdown and create their own Central Coast region. They don’t include Monterey and Santa Cruz who are also Central Coast, but in the Bay Area Region. These two counties have higher case and hospitalization rates. It’s sort of like Covid gerrymandering.


Dwight Schrute and DLo
You fail to understand that the bill they brought up was a democrat wishlist no sane Republican would pass. She admits they brought up that bill that Republicans would never pass but now the Biden is the president elect she will sign a bill without her all her left wing garbage in it. Do you need a brick to fall on your head. People went without or in debt because this witch is that partisan. Make all the excuses you can for those pigs. It doesn’t change the facts. Maybe you are like Biden who believes truth over facts.

I don’t fail to understand anything Ricardoh. I agree that the HEROES Act in May was laden with pork. However, the job of a functioning government is to legislate and come to a compromise, NOT to have it languish on someone’s desk because they don’t want to do their job for partisan purposes.

My point was that its not just one side is partisan. BOTH parties are responsible for the lack of relief that is desperately needed.

You cannot compromise when one party loads a bill and refuses to back down and compromise. That would be submission not compromise. More later on Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy while accusing Trump of being a Russian plant. You can’t make this garbage up. Remember Truth over Facts only works for Biden.


I love reading yourself because how much you don’t actually listen or read what was happening. Dem’s tried to pass a bill for MONTHS. But Republican’s “Mainly Mitch” has denied the bill a number of times. No it wasn’t 1 sided when Dem’s were trying. When Republican’s tried making a new one. They wanted to favor big business’s and not help the small guys cause that is what trump wanted. Stop blaming dems when it’s your boy Mitch that has the issue. Dem’s have tried to compromise so many times but Rep’s won’t budge.

I see you also believe in truth over facts.


I literally just said the facts. So that is the truth. Sorry you want to make up things.

We’re all in this together. Except for the government workers who receive full paychecks, while business owners are closing their business and not able to make the mortgage. Together.

Riddle me this.

Yesterday, we had 177 ICU beds in the county. 111 occupied and 66 empty.
Today, we have 165 ICU bed in the county. 120 occupied and 45 empty.

How did we lose 12 beds overnight?

The ding dongs…oh, I mean the powers that be, may have made a mistake and counted pediatric ICU beds in the total…has happened before a few months back.

@parent – ICU administrators seem to have a target of 25% availability. As patients are admitted to or discharged from the ICU they call in or flex-off the staff such that 25% of the staff will be available for a surge of new patients.

If you look at the ICU occupancy rate on https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/hospital you will see that the line always hovers around 75%. The line labels are poorly worded. The blue one for “Non COVID-19 ICU patients” should say “Total ICU patients” and the blue area under that line represents the Non COVID-19 ICU patients.

The county has been reporting hospital data since 6/1/2020. Since then, the total number of ICU beds has ranged from a low of 152 on 10/23/2020 to a high of 204 on 9/3/2020 and 9/4/2020. The number of patients in ICU (Non-COVID-19 plus COVID-19) has ranged from a low of 111 on 12/6/2020 to a high of 155 on 9/9/2020. While the number of COVID-19 patients tends to rise/fall a little bit at a time the number of Non COVID-19 ICU patients can rise/fall quickly. Here’s the data for December.

Date        C19 Non   TP  Av   TB  % Occ  % Avl
12/01/2020  27  114  141  41  182  77.5%  22.5%
12/02/2020  27   94  121  55  176  68.8%  31.3%
12/03/2020  36  105  141  35  176  80.1%  19.9%
12/04/2020  35  103  138  39  177  78.0%  22.0%
12/05/2020  35   88  123  45  168  73.2%  26.8%
12/06/2020  35   76  111  54  165  67.3%  32.7%
12/07/2020  34   86  120  45  165  72.7%  27.3%

C19 – Number of COVID-19 patients in the ICU.
Non – Number of Non-COVID-19 patients in the ICU.
TP – Total number of patients in the ICU.
Av – Available ICU beds.
TB – Total number of ICU beds.
% Occ – Percent of ICU beds occupied.
% Avl – Percent of ICU beds that are available.

In a week the day to day numbers of non-COVID-19 patients drops by 20, rises by 11, drops by 2, 15, and 12, and rises by 10. Other than the 9-patient surge on 12/3/2020 the COVID-19 numbers did not change much from day to day.

I believe the fluctuation of bed amount they report is usually a staff issue .
I wonder how many patients in ICU are in for other reasons and just test positive for Covid vs how many people are in ICU as for treatment of Covid

@ WC


Now I wonder what ‘total’ number of ICU beds we are being measured against.



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