Home » Air District Asks People To Not Burn Wood Tonight, Tomorrow

Air District Asks People To Not Burn Wood Tonight, Tomorrow


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is asking residents to not burn wood tonight or on Thanksgiving to help keep air pollution from rising to unhealthy levels.

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect on either day.

“We are asking the public to help keep air pollution low this Thanksgiving by doing one significant thing — not burning wood indoors or outdoors,” air district executive officer Jack Broadbent said. “With the help of Bay Area residents, we can all have clean and healthy air to breathe over the holiday.”

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I guess now is the time to try the irish peat. I’ve got a box full of the heavy bricketts.

But, but Dictator Newsom said we need to eat our Thanksgiving dinner outside. I was going to have a nice bonfire outside to keep my family members warm! Oh my, oh my! I don’t know what to do!

Use solar power duh! It’s free warmth from the sun!!! LOL!

This is too rich…..now the unelected bureaucrats are trying to outdo each other with who can control the population more.


I hadn’t even thought about enjoying a fire tomorrow.

Now I think I’ll have one, just because I can.

And it’ll anger the dictatorial bureaucrats.

I’m heading out to oil up some wood.

Don’t drive through my neighborhood I will be smoking a turkey & I will definitely have a fire burning in my wood burning stove enough political bullying so not only do you mandate everyone stay home but now you try to tell them how to live in there house during your prolonged shut down orders hahahaha good luck .. HAPPY THANKSGIVING AMERICA 🇺🇸

Sure the air quality is excellent, but why would we let that stop us from telling you what to do? Bureaucrats must always expand their fiefdom, and if that means you need to have a cold dark home while you are forbidden from having family over, tough luck.

No guests, no fire in the fireplace. I should light up my gas fireplace tomorrow for spite. No guests no, turkeys, I am doing hamburgers on the barbecue.

Over on the mountain top, thunder magic spoke
Let the people know my wisdom
Fill the land with smoke!

John Fogerty

To late. This thing ain’t going out for a couple days.

I am with you Sam, Started mine about 6 hours ago and it will not go out until sometime Friday …

Get Bent, Broadbent.

I have yet to follow any mandates in CCC this whole year and I ain’t starting now.

People are having a hard enough time as is and no slack Jack just can’t help himself.

No gathering at my place, no fire as I don’t have a grille, smoker, or fireplace so no burning. I will howeve r join those of you wishing that those behind the mandates would follow the advice in the list their list from earlier this year and go have sex with themselves. Happy turkey day!

Hubby was planning on firing up the fire pit, but wood was sold out at our Safeway yesterday. Anyone know a store that has hard wood for burning, for sale, Don’t like the stuff from Home Depot.

Apparently, you can burn all of the American flags you want without consequence.

Downtown walnut creek on Broadway has lots. More in the back room.

Thanks Wage Slave!!

Bit by bit, chipping away what free men would do. These are not laws, and just “requests.” As we have seen, like with Gavin, failure to adhere to these requests will lead to executive orders. Soon, lighting fire restrictions will expand beyond “Spare the Air.”

Too late. I’ve had a fire going all week.

Screw Newsom. Fireplaces were made for burning and mine is ready for action.

Buzz off all of you dictators!!

With all the people not driving and the high winds this makes no sense. So I’m going to have my many quests huddle around my open hearth fireplace and have one hell of a fire.

I think “The People” have exhausted any further compliance with governmental orders.

This is the problem when you wind up people too tight with too many orders… they eventually say forget it & don’t even comply with the orders that they usually followed.

Now it’s zero compliance with even the most mundane orders. Government should have chosen its battles.

Correct. California Government is incapapable of choosing its battles, because by nature it’s shortsighted.
This is going to get worse before it gets better.

No more compliance with the dictator of california and ccc puppets. Isn’t it funny how the ones that have been creating war and discord now want peace and unity after they cheated and got their way? Where are the crying closets and #not my president hashtags now? Well, there will be no peace until the end



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