Home » Unemployment Claims Worth $140-Million Sent To California Prison Inmates – 158 Claims Filed By Convicts On Death Row

Unemployment Claims Worth $140-Million Sent To California Prison Inmates – 158 Claims Filed By Convicts On Death Row


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Out of all the fraud stories I’ve heard about, this one ticks me off the most. The thought of murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. getting unemployment money when hard working people are having a hard time. You would think the fraud would’ve been caught before that much money was paid out. Unbelievable.

Exactly what I thought. What kind of fool thinks this is right…oh.

Part of having Newscum in charge. Newscum loves finding every way possible to put tax payers’ money to the most waste. But let’s not worry, prisons will soon be abolished by the government and the southern border will be wide open to allow even more upstanding citizens to freely roam the streets on tax payers’ dollars.


I’m sure glad I didn’t vote for any of the fine people who ya’ll send to Sacramento to manage the government for you.

This seems to be a national problem with prison
inmates running rampant collecting unemployment
benefits. It’s big in Pennsylvania too where one inmate
alone collected over $22,000. Seems like there’s
no one minding the store at all.



Hey! Yeah this is totally fair! We work for this!
When are we going to rise up?

What are they talking about? Fraud doesn’t exist in sunny California! Right Dictator Newsom?

The whole election process is a farce. who puts all these idiots in their positions. if you think voter fraud is bad,,,, think about how all the local elected goons are misusing our money. so much for oversight committees.

Honest people just cannot win in corrupt, liberal Californian.

Sorry to say, this really does not surprise me one bit.

Another example of the fine job being done by Greasy Gavin and the other California Democrat government officials.

people havent you learned the demorats have allready for over 25 years placed corrupt dems at every facet of your money
public servents hell bent on serving politicians and leavin you to the dogs

they take what they want and fleece it and now flaunt it so you get pissed off and leave
then on the way out they take a cut of what they would have taken from you

lol your allready dead
you just dont know it

I guess being a convicted killer now qualifies as being self employed or being an entrepreneur. That’s hard work!
Meanwhile there have been thousands, if not millions, of people who have been struggling and unable to receive unemployment benefits. The $1200 stimulus check was not enough but these psychopaths have received thousands of dollars each.
Recall Newscum!

More proof positive,

“The best minds are not in government.
If any were, business would steal them away.”
— Ronald Reagan

This is what happens when you vote a limousine liberal to be your supposed leader. He will simply tax everyone to death to pay for his personal interests. Money for prisoners, the deceased and illegal citizens. Wouldn’t it be great if for once he gave us some of our own money back instead of us paying for all this nonsense…Not Likely, but it’s quite the dream…….

Relax, our Governor is behind it, I mean on top of it.

Gov. Gavin Newsom and Sharon Hilliard need to be held responsible for this EDD $140,000,000 payout. Gavin Newsom appointed Sharon Hilliard as the EDD Director back in February and now she wants to retire. Who is paying who? This needs to be investigated.

They of course should be held responsible. However, there is zero accountability for the actions of government officials. In fact, government officials are rewarded here in California for their ineptitude and fecklessness. Their reward? Continual re-election to their jobs

I have so many questions: the person at EDD didn’t see San Quentin on the outgoing envelope? Or the person at the prison didn’t see EDD on the envelope? I didn’t know prisoners have access to their bank accounts? Is it actually their partner who is filing?

I was trying to figure out why the authorities didn’t notice mail going to the EED … or coming in.(??) But, then I figured it out (Duh) ……. The inmates do it all ON LINE !! They get a certain amount of computer time, I believe; and this is ripe for these sort of scams.😤

It doesn’t matter. This will be forgotten very shortly. The politicians will promise an investigation but that means a cover up. The media will go along with the coverup and flood the airways with the story they are given. The democratic voters will believe everything they are fed and vote for the same corrupt inept politicians over and over again.
All though there are a couple of months left to blame Trump. The California voters would believe that in a heartbeat!

Law abiding citizens are spied on and scrutinized, why aren’t prisoners???

I suppose on a very limited technicality, prisoners are unemployed. On the other hand, they are already collecting all that is due them by being where they are now.

These claims are peanuts compared to the real number of fake claims happening. I suggest that everyone log into EDD and verify your unemployment funds are not being issued to someone. I’m hearing local authorities are confiscating the Bank of America EDD cards in the hundreds, and that’s just in the Bay Area. I often wonder why I even work for a living these days.

Gotta love that democrat leadership.
DMV incompetent
Force virus infected seniors into board & care facilities, causing many deaths
Anti 2nd amendment
Anti 1st amendment
Most homeless in the nation
Most poverty in the nation
Most illegal aliens in the nation
Most business leaving state
Illegal mandatory lock-downs
Highest taxes
And now, more than 1 billion dollars given to prisoners
Incompetence at every level
All under democrat “leadership”

I’ve filed for CA unemployment three separate times since June. Can’t get the time of day from them. Called, emailed, nothing. Claim award set at $0 despite not working for literally years, nor ever receiving UE from the state of CA.. Yet prison inmates qualifiy easily, apparently.

“Minorities” qualify for many more benifits. The category of “(LatineX is a little less strict).

Just like the Billion dollars worth of masks the Governor purchased from China, this will be swept under the rug. This is yet another example of what happens when you mix incompetence with money.

Scott Peterson would make a better Governor.

Meanwhile…many valid UI claimants have been waiting weeks or even months to get their payments…

That’s runaway bureaucracy folks, run by incompetent liberals.

How about giving all that free government bonus money to the essential workers who busted their A$*%&es months ago!? While I slaved 50 hours to provide essentials to the community, people on their butts doing NOTHING were getting over $4000 a month to relax, be safe, and not jeopardize their families. This is back in Aprilish when we thought the virus might ACTUALLY be horrifically dangerous and lethal, so those who slaved during that time deserve money more than anyone!

Why didn’t one of the presidential candidates vow to give me the (BONUS) money given to others, now that the danger has been proven to be less than imagined? It makes me sick to think of how hard I worked during that time and how others just sat at home cashing fatter checks, doing nothing for society or America.



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