Home » Rare Badger Spotted, Caught On Camera East Of Mount Diablo

Rare Badger Spotted, Caught On Camera East Of Mount Diablo


A rare badger sighting was recorded by members of an East Bay environmentalist group earlier this month as they were walking along Empire Mine Rd. east of Mt. Diablo.

Members of the Save Sand Creek Steering Committee were taking a hike on Nov. 8 to celebrate the passage of Measure T, a citywide ballot initiative that limits development in the Sand Creek area.

As they were strolling along, they spotted a juvenile American badger, which “vanished” from the area in the 1970s but is making a comeback due to preservation efforts, according to a newsletter sent out by Save Mount
Diablo Friday.


“The badger highlights the importance of preserving and protecting Mount Diablo’s lands,” according to the newsletter.

“Each badger pair needs about 3,000 acres of land for its territory. Now that more than 120,000 acres has been preserved and is managed for wildlife in the Diablo region, badgers are continuing to return,” the newsletter says.

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I love this! My parents have a home with the backyard being Empire Mine Rd. We walk that road frequently, hike, bike – I have never seen a badger! This is SO COOL!

With all the b******t going on right now, I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see this. He’s close to the road, hope that little guy “stays safe” and thrives along with any other badgers in the area, so cool they’re making a comeback.

That road is closed to traffic, authorized vehicles, bicycles & hikers only (I think). The guy recording the badger is too close, badgers can be very aggressive and he’s got some loooong claws.

❤️ I love this. He or she looks adorable, and friendly. Just don’t try to approach a badger, they are FIERCE.

No they’re not.
Just smother your fist in chocolate and let them lick it.

Awesome sight to see around here with all the negative things going on in life!!!!! Ill be looking out for them when I travel that road on my bike.

Love it. Had no idea they were anywhere around here. Cute little bugger I mean badger.

Totes adorbs. You go little badger. Live your best life.

Well, Ash, it is 2020, so it probably is a honey badger! LOL

Badgers? Badgers? We don’t need no stinking badgers!!

Lol !! I was thinking the same response when reading this story

Ash, thanks for sharing the link, great movie in it’s un-cut version

Where there’s one…

That Is wonderful news.

Ooooh, watch him eat the ratttlesnake. 108RS

Looks great, though I always wonder when it is reported that XYZ animal is coming back, where were they leave to come to the new place?

good to see, very cool animals. among other things, mature badgers eat a lot of squirrels.

@slagheap….They know how tasty squirrels are, it must be hard for them to fry them without opposing thumbs.


I’m kinda proud of myself….. I let this whole story go by for a few days now without being a total smart ass & pointing out that Badgers are not spotted…. they’re striped! Dr. Bitfriski say’s that’s an improvement!



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