Home » Contra Costa County Now Accepting Applications For New Layoff Aversion Grant For Small Businesses

Contra Costa County Now Accepting Applications For New Layoff Aversion Grant For Small Businesses


The Workforce Development Board of Contra Costa County is now accepting applications for layoff aversion grants through its Small-Business Grant Program, providing up to $5,000 in assistance for micro-businesses within Contra Costa County.

Priority will be given to these types of veteran-, woman- and minority-owned micro-businesses: retail, restaurants, hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, day spas and fitness studios. Also, priority will be given to businesses that have not received any COVID-19 related grants, such as the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or city grants.

“Small businesses across our county, especially micro-businesses that typically have very little in the way of reserves to withstand an on-going crisis, are struggling to overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said WDBCCC Executive Director Donna Van Wert. “These grants are intended to support local businesses’ overall efforts to retain their employees and keep their doors open.”

Grants will be awarded as a reimbursement on approved purchases only. To be eligible for the grant, a business must meet the following requirements:


  • Have a physical location within Contra Costa County.
  • Have a current business license.
  • Be currently open or have the intention of re-opening.
  • Be current on their unemployment taxes and in good standing with the State of California.
  • Demonstrate a need for support due to the impact of COVID-19 on their business.
  • Have not received a micro-grant from another local government agency.

Home-based businesses are not eligible for the grant, which is intended for physical, commercial storefronts.

Applications may be submitted online.

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Wow so democrats want to give you money to stay open
And then allow rioters to trash your business

Wow their hypocrisy is at an all time high

Best part is their also going to start curfews

So how does that work and why

Offer money to keep them open and then shut down the cities at 5 pm

It sounds again like they are buying votes while taking away rights and freedoms

These tactics are for children
Offer candy for obedience

Lol they are treating you like children and it’s working

Lol wow psychological warfare

So in other words, “Free Government Assistance. White Males Need Not Apply.”

So if I start a small business and lay myself off, can I get $5,000?

Those representatives just can’t stop spending our tax dollars.

They’ll be demanding another tax increase before 2021 is half over.

The supes need to be recalled and voted out of office.

The County government is out of control.

Take the steps needed to fix it.

” veteran-, woman- and minority-owned micro-businesses”

So I don’t qualify if I never served, pee standing up, and have low melanin levels? This seems a bit discriminatory.

But what if I identify as a minority female 5 star general? Problem solved!

I can’t decide on Tom or Tim Dove to describe these policies.

Any input??



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