Home » MDUSD School Board Says County’s COVID-19 “Purple” Status May Alter School Reopenings

MDUSD School Board Says County’s COVID-19 “Purple” Status May Alter School Reopenings


While the Mount Diablo Unified School District is still making tentative plans to begin resuming in-person learning Jan. 11 using a hybrid virtual/classroom model, district officials said Contra Costa County’s move back into the “purple tier” could alter that timetable significantly.

At a special district board meeting Tuesday, Chairman Brian Lawrence said he believes the prospect of district students spending the rest of the 2020-2021 school year in distance learning is “very unfortunate.” But he and other district leaders said the situation remains fluid and uncertain.

“I think as we continue to navigate through this that people more and more see why that is a possibility,” Lawrence said.

The school board on Oct. 26 approved a plan to have kindergarteners, first-graders, sixth-graders and ninth-graders do their first in-class learning on Jan. 11; second-, third-, seventh- and 10th graders on Jan. 19; and fourth-, fifth-, eighth-, 11th and 12th-graders on Jan. 25.


Families that wanted to opt out of face-to-face learning could continue with distance learning.

At that Oct. 26 meeting, most call-in commenters said they wanted schools as fully open as possible, as soon as possible. But during that last week in October, Contra Costa County was in the much less restrictive “orange tier” under state COVID-19-related health guidelines. There was more optimism for students coming back to schools sooner rather than later.

But a recent surge in coronavirus infections countywide (and statewide, and nationwide) has prompted a more cautious approach to reopening plans. And while it’s generally acknowledged that some students — including those in special education — would most benefit from in-person teaching, Annie Nolen that situation is up in the air.

“I’ve got 70 job openings, and about 50 of them are for special ed assistants,” said Nolen, Mount Diablo Chapter president of the California School Employees Association. “I’m really concerned about enough staff coming


Tricia Collins, a second-grade teacher in the district, told the board Tuesday night that her students have adapted wonderfully to distance learning.

“Everyone is actively engaged and loving it,” said Collins, adding that all her students have a front-row seat to her teaching. The hybrid model proposed by the district, she said, “sends everyone’s stress levels through the roof.” And Collins and others also expressed concern for the safety of those in the classroom.

District Superintendent Dr. Adam Clark acknowledged those concerns, and noted that the teachers’ unions still must agree to return to their classrooms. But Clark said he has received emails from parents favoring a return to the classroom for their kids.

“They’re in crisis mode, they’re desperate and they’re saying ‘I’m losing my kid,'” Clark told the board.


Lawrence, too, said he believes the district should get kids back into the classrooms as soon as possible. He and other district officials also realize conditions aren’t the same now as they were less than a month ago.

And while planning for a January hybrid reopening will go on, they know any plans made now could be delayed, or blown up.

“We might have to slow our roll a little bit, but we’re still working every single day to get kids who need to be back, back in the classroom,” board member Debra Mason said, “as soon as it’s safe, and possible.”

As Clark said, “There isn’t an easy fix for any of these issues we’re facing.”

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One delusional teacher wrote on that her 2nd grade class was the best she had ever had! They are so smart with perfect grammar and spelling in EVEYRTHING they turn it. This just shows that DL is the best and is working so well. Right???? Either she is a moron or she thinks everyone she tells this to is a moron.

Calling a teacher delusional because she is working with the set of circumstances she has been handed is terrible. That’s a terrible thing to say about a teacher who is working hard and having some success. It is so easy to sit at home behind your keyboard and tell people what to do. Are you volunteering to help to make this better? Are you willing to show up to the school and do daily health checks? How about sanitizing? All are things that would prevent spreads, and without them of course the teachers are scared. Give me a break. Armchair quarterback.

It is terrible to pretend not to realize that the parents are doing this work and not the kids. If the teachers cared, the Bay Point teachers would not say that they worry about their kids being disproportionately impacted and then say they don’t want to be near the kids. These teachers ARE delusional. I have seen them say that they will literally die if they step inside their class room. That is absolutely delusional. What is terrible is this list of DEMANDS that the union released. They want to DL forever, despite it being detrimental to the kids. All of the rest of us are at work. Get back and do your jobs too.

Yeah, for sure I am willing to help. Not many people have spent as many hours as I have helping out their schools. Notany people have donated as much money as I have either. So, nice try. Do your job and I will do mine, as well as support the school. How much money and time have you spent outside your normal duties?

It is not armchair quarterbacking when I work in person and am fine because this has all been blown out of proportion. Get back to work, everyone.

There are some teachers who are really engaging and can keep their students focused and educated. Unfortunately there are only a handful and it’s even more difficult to keep student’s engaged and focused over Zoom. If the school district really cared, they’d apply for a waiver and get the kids back in the classrooms! Wasn’t there a report that half the MDUSD students are failing at distance learning?

On the other hand…
If things are going so well then it’s time to think outside of the box.
Since we are vertuial one teacher should be able to teach maybe 300 students. Give them two aids to support them. Those aids can also support numerous teachers. Blend five schools into one. No more brick and mortor.
We have the software to tabulate test results. Reduce the number of Principals since were closing schools.
Almost all staff can now work out of the district office.
This will work.
We eliminated about 15 payroll clerk positions at the company I worked at and things actually ran smoother.
The Board needs to start on this plan NOW!

We can put Leah in that delusional category as well if she truly believes that all those second graders do the work themselves. Unbelievable!

Wow! Leah got served! Nice work!

Served? Wow. This is the level of discourse. I ask people to not call teachers names and I get “served”? We have big problems as a society, you guys. SMH.

Leah- YES. We do have a problem. Parents nicely talked to the district about our rights for in person school. The district and TEACHER’s union ignored us. So, that is the discourse we are following. If you are or want to stick up for this teacher, good for you. But, we are TIRED of being ignored when there is little evidence this virus is really that dangerous. As a doctor, I can read all the reports from the source and see the stats. The stats do not add up to this level of insane response. But, with delusional folks and teachers out there, this is what we get. I am not going to be nice anymore because we are not being provided with rational decisions and responses.

To the teacher Ms. Collins … that’s pretty amazing that your students love their “ front row seats “ . I know a lot of children all different ages and not a single one of them is enjoying distance learning. But hey nice try on your bull.

Agreed! Total crap!

Agreed! Such bs! Children are miserable & suffering.
I forget where I saw the post but the poor grades across the state reflect how badly distance learning is. Teachers are reporting that so many of their students stopped showing up. This doesn’t exactly point to happy, thriving children!

Both of my kids are doing great with distance learning. Both of them love the fact that they get to spend more time at home and sleeping in.
they have both been super “crafty” making all sorts of projects. Their teachers are wonderful and we (my spouse and I) couldn’t be happier

I hope by now that every parent has assessed their child/student and determined what THEY need to be successful this school year. We do 1/2 time Zoom learning, but the rest is home school activities that press my student toward his goals.

The MDUSD will do NOTHING for your student/child.

We tried that too, my daughter is burnt out from zooms and most of the time now she’s unfocused and Unengaged. She’s missed a few zooms and I have now been threatened with being truant and sent to the district. Parents should have the option to opt out of zoom and do independent work or even half the zooms.

That is so gross. The whole district is truant, not parents who realize their kid can’t be on video calls all day for a year.

No surprise here. I expected this exact outcome. And Tricia Collins is smoking something, because her claim that her students are doing great directly contradicts what many parents and tutors are experiencing. Adam Clark is much closer to the mark of what is really going on.

The longer these school closures last, the worse the impact on the students. So many have fallen so far behind, it’s not even funny – remember that 30% increase in Ds and Fs that was posted here not so long ago? Yeah, that is statistical proof that students are NOT doing wonderfully and are NOT loving it!

Teachers don’t care. They use their fake anecdotal evidence to try and support their stance because there is no actual evidence that supports what they are doing.

I hope Brian Lawrence is proud of himself. His hatred of conservatives wins. Too bad if you are a kid in a conservative family. Brian Lawrence literally hates you.

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I guess MDUSD Parent was just another faker. CCP bot?

I get that circumstances are constantly changing, but why weren’t contingency plans made months ago? What have they been doing? Our family is more than willing to accommodate and adapt but not everyone has the privilege to do so. Six figure salaries demand six figure results, I’m tired of them being reactive than being proactive. Leadership should be taught by those who lead, not those who follow.

Spot on. The time to bring kids back was August. The plan was months too late and now they are going to react to the winter surge and put it off indefinitely.

Well Gavin Newsom said schools that were already open can stay open, but schools that had not opened will remain closed.

I’m so happy that he has the privilege to keep his children in school, I’d lose sleep and move out of state if it were any other way….

“PALO ALTO, Calif. (KGO) — After Governor Newsom announced that 28 California counties would be going back into the purple tier, the questions started coming in about what’s next for school kids.

Schools that are already open for in person learning in these counties can stay open, but no school can open if they are located in a purple tier county.”

A year of distance learning for all grades – that’s not “very unfortunate,” it’s an outrage and an injustice.

It boggles the mind that special ed students are still at home. Unconscionable.

Let’s face it- they weren’t really going back anyways. We pulled our kids from the district and lucky enough to afford elsewhere. You cannot count on MDUSD to properly educate your children anymore, even pre pandemic. They cater to other demographics and the gate students and over achievers are under challenged. The district is too big with a bunch of sleeping liberal members on the board and teachers union to really give quality education and well deserved treatment to the teachers.

Brian Lawrence and the joke of a teachers union will look for any excuse not to open.

The sun came out today, can’t open the kids will get burnt!
It’s raining, they might slip.

The schools are planning on opening Jan 11th! For him to say today, 2 months before that that it may not happen, only shows his true colors. The parents have not even received the binding email that they should have received over a week ago now … Why? cause those folks DO NOT want to open until they have their social and political agenda hardcoded in their curriculums. Brian and the school board are a DISGRACE to all teachers and admin in this district.

Strangely, Brain turned out to be the most sane of them all.

People need to lay off the teacher who was quoted. She is completely correct that hybrid learning is not well thought out, well planned, and would be a complete shit show especially opening it in the middle of a purple tear moment. MDUSD is just huge. How were they ever going to make this happen? It is not the fault of the teachers, and that teacher should be congratulated for having a positive experience with her students. Perhaps she should be the model. Instead people are yelling at her and vilifying her on the internet. I’m personally tired of watching teachers be attacked for doing their very very difficult jobs this year. If you want to open schools, offer to go do health checks and volunteer to sanitize and be a part of the solution. Oh wait, you won’t. You’d rather sit behind a keyboard and yell at TEACHERS. That’s all the times I have for this rant, I have to go run three child care programs during a pandemic.

The problem isn’t her teaching, it’s the self-delusion. To her it seems like everything is going great, never mind the overwhelming testimony from parents that kids are suffering. Good for her for teaching as well as possible. But her advocacy is about more than her own class and students.

Like, this is all fine and dandy because one second-grade teacher thinks her class is doing great. Maybe she’s right, fantastic for those few people, and lucky for her that everyone in her class has a family situation that makes it work.

Meanwhile, a research report from the UK on the impact for some kids. The UK is now keeping schools open even as they lock down other stuff:

“Ofsted’s second report into the impact of the pandemic finds that children who were hardest hit by school closures and restrictions have regressed in some basic skills and learning;
Some young children, who were previously potty-trained, have lapsed back into nappies [diapers], particularly those whose parents were unable to work flexibly;
Older children have lost stamina in their reading and writing, some have lost physical fitness, others show signs of mental distress, including an increase in eating disorders and self-harm;
Concerns remain about children who were out of sight during school closures, with falling referrals to social care teams raising fears that domestic neglect, exploitation or abuse is going undetected.”


“I think as we continue to navigate through this that people more and more see why that is a possibility,” Lawrence said. It’s a possibility because you’re an idiot!

School vouchers…parents win, students win, society wins. CTA loses…which is another win.

My kids are middle school and high school in MDUSD and they are struggling with distance learning. They hate it, they are unmotivated, have a hard time focusing, just don’t care. The 2nd graders might be doing great, but most other parents I know who have middle school and teens say the same thing I am seeing. Lots of depression, anger, it’s like they have just given up and as a parent who works full time from home, trying to motivated them and still do my job is getting harder and harder. I really wish they were back in school at least 2 days per week but we are starting to try to figure out how we might be able to pay for private school because I think MDUSD probably won’t reopen this year. I don’t think we can afford it though and it sucks. I’m currently paying for tutoring and therapist for both my kids.

I completely agree with you. I have an 8th grader in MDUSD middle school and it’s a real struggle. I’m working full-time from home and can hear the frustration from my kid on these horrible zooms that don’t last very long and leave kids to pretty much figure things out on their own. I went to check on my kid during class time the other day and she was looking at a blank screen. I said what’s up with class? She said the teacher said she will be back, that was 20 mins ago!!! The teacher then came back to the class zoom and told the kids class was over! Unbelievable. It’s not working, it’s taking a huge toll on families and it’s time to do something about it. We are looking at private schools now too because not going back for in-person this school year is just not going to work for our family. We have suffered through these 8 months and done what was asked of us and we are at a point where we believe that the schools with DL are doing more harm then good.

Open up the schools. Go back to normal hours Monday – Friday. Provide a web cam for each classroom.Teachers go back on campus and teach in person and zoom at the same time. MDUSD was given $269,923,981 from the federal government (CARES). Cost for web cams approximately $100,000.00. The rest use for masks, wipes and extra janitors.
Of course I believe they should open 100%, but the dictators and fear mongers will not allow it.

It is time for all citizens to organize and DEMAND accountability of exactly where, how, amd why – our tax dollars are being abused through this dysfunctional “educational” system. I offered up a solution- and here it is again.

I had posted this before on Claycord – and got Censored for dating to suggest such a thing.

We are at the crossroads of losing an entire generation to a political narrative based on “building back” a better system. This is a global statement- and it implies the old must be destroyed to build the new.

I agree (in part) with some of this – (having worked in education in a classroom setting – at the High School Level). Our system IS BROKEN and we have to build it back better RIGHT NOW.

People like me – would gladly volunteer our lives to help these teachers. Those of us willing and able to teach – should be allowed to risk our lives to teach. Many of us are very skilled – and offer a lifetime of work experience.

I’m willing to “get Covid” to help my community – by entering the classroom as a “substitute.” I have a CLEAN record and a steller work history. I am a software developer – but enjoy teaching (I was a computer lab monitor – Instuctiinal Assistant) and I am very good at it.

Some of us even have “clear” credentials. I do not have one – just degrees in journalism and software development certifications – but I am pretty sure I would ACE that clear credential “test.”

Open the schools up to those of us willing to teach! I am not beholden to any Teachers Union – and am willing to “risk” my health to teach these kids right now. I would be best suited for High School (Computer Lab Setting). I’m willing to sign any legal releases stating I will not file any lawsuit.

Please consider this offer. There are MANY of us out here who want to help.

While I admire your willingness to roll up your sleeves and help solve the problem there is unfortunatly no clear credential test.

To become an elementary school teacher you must get a bachelor degree, spend a year taking night school and student teaching in the day time, pass a CBEST, 3 CSEST exams, a RICA and do a massive project called an EdTPA. Then, you get a preliminary crediential. To recieve a clear credential, you must also spend 2 years in an induction program.

If only it were so simple.

It is time for all citizens to organize and DEMAND accountability of exactly where, how, and why – our tax dollars are being abused through this dysfunctional “educational” system. I offered up a solution- and here it is again.

I had posted this before on Claycord – and got Censored for dating to suggest such a thing.

We are at the crossroads of losing an entire generation to a political narrative based on “building back” a better system. This is a global statement- and it implies the old must be destroyed to build the new.

I agree (in part) with some of this – (having worked in education in a classroom setting – at the High School Level). Our system IS BROKEN and we have to build it back better RIGHT NOW.

People like me – would gladly volunteer our lives to help these teachers. Those of us willing and able to teach – should be allowed to risk our lives to teach. Many of us are very skilled – and offer a lifetime of work experience.

I’m willing to “get Covid” to help my community – by entering the classroom as a “substitute.” I have a CLEAN record and a steller work history. I am a software developer – but enjoy teaching (I was a computer lab monitor – Instuctional Assistant) and I am very good at it.

Some of us even have “clear” credentials. I do not have one – just degrees in journalism and software development certifications – but I am pretty sure I would ACE that clear credential “test.”

Open the schools up to those of us willing to teach! I am not beholden to any Teachers Union – and am willing to “risk” my health to teach these kids right now. I would be best suited for High School (Computer Lab Setting). I’m willing to sign any legal releases stating I will not file any lawsuit.

Please consider this offer. There are MANY of us out here who want to help.

You may be very well meaning but your work history is not that applicable to the classroom. Maybe you can try out some volunteer jobs. And drop your politics while your are at it.

“…but I am pretty sure I would ACE that clear credential “TEST.”

You already Flunked.

I can tell you that in my class, I have spoken to most of the parents and not all of them are not wanting a return. So many are worried about safety. Whether they are are right or wrong… who’s to say? But not everyone agrees here. Give people a choice and allow them to do what’s best for their own situation and family.

Just wait, keep the schools closed and do distance learning, we are now in the worst part of a year for transmitting diseases.
Distance learning and learning from home if the future, lets work on making more efficient and not throw our poor kids and teachers because we cant accept being near our own kids.

“Transmitting diseases” Are you serious? The flu is not cancer or diabetes. Covid is a hoax, you can get over yourself already. Time to remove the masks go back to normal life.

Distance leaning is the future? Says who? you? Don’t work that way. Your opinion means nothing.

Covid is a hoax? Tell that to the 200k dead people. Talk about meaning nothing, that’s exactly what your hoax comment means. I wonder where you got that from? Mr. Trump? I mean duh, just regurgitate his lies and claim to be some expert? How many dead people will it take before you wake up?

Right, JoJo. Because, you know, nobody ever died before COVID. Well, except for the 2.8 million or so who die every year. But nobody seems to care about them.

A teacher told me that every class has a “personality.” One class can be more mature but full of drama and not as bright as last year’s students. Another class may be very immature but incredibly smart. I also notice that some of my kid’s teachers are fabulous online, others zzzzzzzzzz. But that could be in every day life also. Some teachers are happy and engaging, others yell at the kids all day. (This was a first grade teacher who made my son’s life miserable) I thank God for his Second Grade teacher who was kind and creative in her teaching.

I’m sorry. Blasting a teacher because she cares about her students and thinks she’s making the best of a bad situation?
I don’t agree with everything MDEA stands for, but I know this teacher and I know that she has her heart in the right place and she is a good teacher. Trying to rip into her just because you don’t like distance learning, or the union is simply mean spirited and hateful.

I understand everyone’s frustrations but since there isn’t much we can do I hope everyone is spending at least 30 minutes a day with their child to teach them something new. Watch some educational youtube video together (e.g. Science, History, Math and even current events). Education isn’t only up to the teachers we can always do just a little bit. Just prepare for the worse…I told my kids things won’t be back to normal till 2022….if it happens before great.

What is clearly missing from the “distance learning works” crowd is the social aspect of in person schooling. Even if distance learning was 100% effective, and it is not, our children are being harmed from missing out on the real world development achieved from social interaction.

You people are fun here.

My child happens to be in this teachers class. I can tell you that not every child in this class is succeeding. I know this information because I’m right next to my kid during the daily zooms all but one day a week. I can clearly tell which children this situation is working for and which ones zoom learning is not. It is not the entire class that is enjoying their front row seat to learning.

Newsflash! Not every student is going to succeed in school no matter where they are. I have students who come from chaotic homes, who don’t have enough food, who live in temporary housing, etc….they are struggling now, just like they do in school. All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t be blasting a teacher for trying to be positive and looking at her class and this situation in a more positive light.

– I’m not blasting her teacher. I’m glad she’s trying to be positive. What I am saying is that distance learning is not working for every student. I’m unhappy with the statement that “everyone is actively engaged and loving it”. It is just not true. I also don’t need the Newsflash, I am well aware of the struggles. Although I am not currently teaching right now, I have in years past.

Whatever the reason, non-attendance and D & F grades have risen substantially; Statewide. Even Claycord has shared the articles from EdSource on this. This is not just an MDUSD issue.

Teachers should not be candy-coating any of this. Distance Learning for K-12 is failing the children.



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