Home » Governor Newsom Allocates $62M To Continue “Project Roomkey”

Governor Newsom Allocates $62M To Continue “Project Roomkey”


Governor Gavin Newsom announced plans to immediately direct $62 million in one-time funds from the State’s Disaster Response Emergency Operations Account to counties around the state to continue providing housing to current Project Roomkey participants.

After consultation with the Legislature, the Administration is making these available immediately to local governments with Project Roomkey sites so that people living in motel or hotel rooms will not return to the streets while the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact California.

The $62 million will be used as follows:

  • Project Roomkey Operations – $24 million to support continued Project Roomkey operations while local communities develop re-housing plans so that no one is forced to leave a Project Roomkey unit and become unsheltered.
  • Rehousing – $35 million to develop and implement plans to transition individuals from Project Roomkey into permanent housing. This money can be used for rental subsidies, case management, housing navigation and landlord incentives, among other things.
  • Technical Assistance – $3 million to contract with experienced housing providers to deploy housing specialists and provide intensive technical assistance to communities to help them create plans for permanent re-housing of all Project Roomkey occupants.

The local governments implementing Project Roomkey have included over 16,000 hotel and motel rooms in 55 counties and three tribal nation areas since it began in April 2020.


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Fix the damn roads

What road would you like fixed?

Maybe some of the people getting housing assistance can be trained to fill potholes in our roads. On the job training, road repair getting done, and some accountability for having shelter. Win-win! I’m probably being delusional, but I would think that some of the people who are benefitting from Project Roomkey would want to work toward obtaining job skills.

@ CJRN-Not a bad idea you have there.
@ Pyrrhus-All of them. God knows we already paid for them.

The road will be paved with good intentions

Kinda saw this coming… wasn’t the initial amount 75% covered by the Feds. Another program started and it will never end, neither will the bleeding of funds to keep it going.

Measure X will get a bunch of programs started, then they will need more funds to keep them going. Pay up everyone!

Amen to that @Wizard.

While we are on the subject…. I never did hear of any Covid outbreaks among the homeless community; neither in the streets nor in these motels. I find that to be another telling sign of the hysteria that surrounded Covid and another argument for opening businesses back up!

PS: Recall Newsome

You are my new favorite poster…great point!

Breitbart is a poor source of news. It is an opinion web site

Trumpist wackadoodles are perpetuating this myth about Trump winning the election due to voter fraud. Biden has won. Get over it.

No money for you because you had a job that I took away based on my misinterpretation of data and because I am hungry for more power! But, you live on the streets (some because you chose too), you are addicted to some substance (again, some chose to), you are a POC … So I will take money we do not have and continue to supply you a place to live and make your own drug labs.

Yeah, makes sense … NOT!

How bout helping the small business out you putting out of business?
How bout helping the schools open up so kids can learn?

Does this include illegals?

Lol, you know illegal aliens will get to the very front of the line. They are more important than citizens. Vets to the back of the line, naturally.

His goal is to put us all on project roomkey. His vision for California looks a lot like Cuba……………..Cuba with a French Laundry.

If you really want to help the homeless, then spend that money to reopen the asylums, not to continue the degradation and infestation of our state’s hotels.

So are his buddies at the dinner at the French Laundry going to kick in the $75M. Thought our state was broke???

Recall Newscom.

You do know that Newsom has his hands in the Mexican Government?

”IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME.” This should help bring more and more from other parts of the country for free stuff.

I wonder what those guys in the motel do all day. Are there requirements? Are they treated like guests, cleaning etc?

Perhaps we can use Dominion Software for the Newsom recall effort. Might speed things up a bit.

#1 We are moving toward housing everybody. Public housing will now have a new lower tier of shelter-like warehouse bedding so no one will sleep in the fields or streets (even if they want to). I would suggest isolated areas so the rest of us don’t complain.
#2 To me, tracking the public expenditure is our most important civic duty as citizens. So, where and how is this 62 million going to be spent down to the smallest detail? If every dollar can be explained, then we will know more of the score when new taxes on anything is proposed. We elect officials to explain to us what is going on and the choices. We then tell them what is on our minds and then they make the most intelligent decision that takes account all sides of the issue. What is contributed to a campaign should have no effect. Government leadership is about statesmanship not partisanship.



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