Home » District Attorney’s Office Plans To Investigate Anticipated Health Restriction Violation Complaints

District Attorney’s Office Plans To Investigate Anticipated Health Restriction Violation Complaints


With Contra Costa County falling back into the most restrictive category of COVID-19 business and social gathering guidelines, District Attorney Diana Becton says her office will be seeing more complaints about businesses and individuals flouting the rules.

To that end, the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office has set up a task force to educate merchants and others about the rules, and to investigate complaints if needed.

“We are noticing an uptick in complaints” about businesses ignoring restrictions on mask-wearing, social distancing, customer capacity and other directives spelled out in Contra Costa Health Services health orders, Becton told the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday.

“It’s something we’ll have to address, likely in a much more rigorous manner,” said Becton, who noted only one case so far has become a full-fledged investigation.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, she said, there will certainly be more. “We do take these complaints very seriously,” she said.

Supervisor Karen Mitchoff said she has heard complaints about “bad actor” businesses that “thumb their nose” at the rules.

Supervisor Diane Burgis said, “If people are not complying, we have to take it to the next level.

Added Mitchoff, “We’ll have to take more of a ‘stick’ approach than a ‘carrot’ approach.”


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“…we have to take it to the next level.”

I need one of those “brown shirts” so that I’ll feel better when I make that phone call to report my neighbor for not wearing their masks in their own house.

You people can’t even see what’s in front of you. By the way, those servers they confiscated in Germany? they show California flipped red. And furthermore, past elections in California were possibly rigged too.

Is justice coming? Sure as hell hope so, for your sake.

Well said.

There were no servers seized in Germany. But keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

Contra Costa voted in Becton and the rest of the democrat politicians and you were PROUD of it. Yes, PROUD of it.

You aren’t doing anything now except whining. For whining, I say to all liberals… tough $hit, you voted for them.

You have to DO something. Talking without action is nothing more than whining… which I actually expected from the snowflakes on this blog.

Just wait until your darling Biden and Harris the ho take office. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

No, the Army didn’t seize a German server showing a Trump landslide: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/18/technology/army-server-election-rumor.html

Fact check: Story of Army raid to seize election servers in Germany is false: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fact-check-story-of-army-raid-to-seize-election-servers-in-germany-is-false/ar-BB1b6Jst

I have not read that the servers in the EU flipped CA. What I have read, all hearsay, is that they were CIA servers taken control of by the military, without informing neither Gina Haspel (CIA) nor Christopher Wray (FBI). These were not Scytl servers, but it was noted that the CIA has a long relationship with Dominion. What does that mean with regard to the election, no idea. And for those who are posting stories from the NY Times and MSN that are claiming the server story is false, perhaps I can suggest to view those with as skeptical an eye as we view the story about the seizure, perhaps even more. Of course the LSM is going to claim the story is false, their bias could not be more obvious.

For Potato and Nat…

Start this video @ 2:40. You’re welcome.
ps- We smell your fear.


Quit ratting on each other. This isn’t Russia. Businesses need to stay open, just be careful.

Rioters get the carrot.

Wonder when the rioters will get the stick treatment.

Peaceful freedom protesters will get the stick.

But district attorneys won’t do anything about shoplifters.
Nice to see those running CA have their priorities straight.

‘… Thieves Go Wild – Take Advantage Of State Law That Protects Shoplifters’

Example of the end result of the progressive liberal way from frisco,
‘Rampant shoplifting leads to another Walgreens closing in S.F.’

CA is now a destination for country’s homeless and criminal element.
YOU keep electing soft on crime liberals, don’t expect things will get better.

Kinda wondering – – Is this the start of the so called “brownshirts” making a comeback? Sure sounds like it.

Oh the hypocrisy! We are going to get tough on health restriction violations but completely ignore and even encourage rioting, looting, theft, assault and other crimes. It’s really difficult to take any of these clowns seriously.

You WILL do as you’re told you miserable peons. We have the Nazi way of thinking in place. Fellow citizens ratting on each other and government strong arming (coming up). No protection from police, incrementally dis arming Americans, weakening our economy with this fake pandemic, continuation of the dumbing down of education, silencing free speech, stepped up cheating in our voting system.
Americans falling in place with the NWO.

Most of the businesses are following the rules and trying to keep their heads above water. You might find a few that are defiantly breaking the rules, but you’re much more likely to find customers as the ones not complying.


We are living in an alternative reality …

This is the DA that has dismissed several crimes and called to not arrest

But hard working businesses she will throw the book at!

A bunch of Karen’s telling on healthy people living their lives who will not spread this virus. Disgusting.

Yes, Puffandstuff, we are living in a Twilight Zone episode:

It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone.”

Bring it on Karen. That ‘stick’ might end up some place uncomfortable.

So they will beat and arrest the merchants and let the rioters go free! More of a stick approach!

So, the DA seems her priority as policing struggling small businesses, whilst crime is skyrocketing. Shocking.

She’ll let the rioters go, and throw your ass in jail for trying to keep your business afloat and your life from falling apart. Know your place, subject. Your freedom was revoked.

We all know the saying, Give me liberty, or give me death. Unless there’s a virus with a .5% mortality rate, then take all of our freedoms and keep us safe, oh great government overlords.

That’s fine, everyone needs to take Covid-19 mitigation seriously, but me personally? I think I’d move hateful mobs attacking peaceable sidewalk diners to the front of the line for any kind of new, aggressive prosecution. But that’s just me, I’m weird about stuff like that.

Forget this BS, investigate the mobs that are terrorizing WC … This looks like a feel good, easy money, photo op moment for a disliked DA

You are not free people. Free people do not live like this. Constant threat from your government is not how free people live. Is it really that hard to understand?

Nailed it Sam. We are not a free people anymore. This will get worse too.

This is ridiculous! Why doesn’t the DA actually do her job and prosecute criminals, rioters, looters, etc?

If you don’t feel safe going into a business….. then don’t go into that business. It’s pretty simple.

And don’t support any WC businesses… if you have the guts.

Otherwise, you’re just whining.

DO something about it! Recall the politicians! Go to the city council meetings and DEMAND action instead of whining online!

You voted in the politicians, including your DA.

Now live with your decision, peons…. and now down before your masters.

You’ve got nobody to blame except yourselves.

Scuse me – BOW down to your masters, peons.

So let me get this straight, individuals involved in looting, rioting and civil unrest get a free pass although they are clearly in violation of 463 PC and other penal codes.

Last time I checked we are in a state of emergency due to Coronavirus. I understand if you want to adhere to the California penal code and also the health safety laws, but it seems like there is a double standard when it comes to this.

Are the rules only going to be applied to businesses? Are Governor Newsom and Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi going to be punished for breaking the rules? I doubt it. The hypocrisy is staggering. Stop worrying about businesses and go investigate some real criminals like the rioters!

So, I wonder what will happen if I have my family over for turkey day, have more than 10 people, AND have a fire in my wood burning stove…..I guessing….shot on sight.

I’m sure the “next level” for business is closure and fines. But what is it for individuals? Does the business have to face closure and fines because somebody won’t wear a mask while shopping?

Remember the guy who responded to the “stick” approach with the “bulldozer” approach several years ago?

It is clear sadly we see who’s side these democrats are on no justice no peace

Would it be rude to suggest where Ms Michoff should stick her carrot?

she can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, she has no right if she wont do anything about the protesters that end up rioting and looting. I will make my own decisions when and where to go, when to wear a mask. I will not wear one in fresh air walking around.

Recall Diana Becton

Well if you can’t beat them…..join them.

I’ll be forming a neighborhood task force (brown uniform shirt required) that will “patrol” on Thanksgiving.

Any violators of the…*checks notes* …unelected Health Dept. officials mandate that includes what you do in your private home, will be citizens arrested and turned over to the appropriate authorities. We expect Supervisor Mitchoff will provide funds.

Good bye sweet Amercia it’s been a good run.

Next Thursday we plan to be exercising our right to assemble and peacefully protest several current issues. The fact that we’ll mostly all be related and seated around a table with lots of food should be irrelevant. Looting and acting like jackasses not on the menu.

And here you go. See below.
Looks like Hers will no longer be prosecuted but Ours will be.

Many “Low-Level” Cases No Longer Being Prosecuted In Contra Costa County
NOVEMBER 18, 2020 16:00 PM (Claycord)

“Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton said Tuesday that her office has been working to reduce the number of misdemeanor cases it prosecutes. That effort came after the presiding Contra Costa County Superior Court judge asked Becton to cut back on such filings to help reduce the court’s caseload.

“Becton told the county Board of Supervisors her office has stopped prosecuting many “low-level” cases like minor drug possession or first-time theft offenses involving items worth $300 or less.”

This is exactly what we need, Becton and Mitchoff “educating” us.

“You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know…morons.”

Wait, What? You will not prosecute low level crimes .. but you will come after someone for not wearing a mask? Are you kidding? What is this nonsense?

“The point is keeping the air from building up with exhaled covid. Someone who only puts the mask on when they see a customer might be filling the air with covid.”

Your opinion means nothing. You got facts? This is dangerous conspiracy theories …Exhaled Covid from people who are not sick. 🤯😂😂😂😂😂 Dude you are funny.

The point is…rererrereeeblablabla🤣🤣 my god, get a grip psycho

Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep mosquitos out of your yard.

Yea great, run a business and provide for your family and were going to get you, but hey, why not just steal what you need instead. We are o.k. with that as long as it dose not exceed $300.00.

Does not exceed $300.00

Hey Mitchoff! What was the carrot? Closing non essential business? Allowing restaurants to serve at 25%? What’s the stick going to be? Jail? Fines? Permanent closures? Seriously, who the hell do you think you are?! You and Becton have the same boss, Soros.

This Mitchoff person clearly has never had any media training or experience in communicating with the public. Unless pissing off merchants is their goal, they should perhaps hire a speaker to communicate for her.

I will stil have my gathering of 35 fot turkey day , come and find me.

Did we really vote these people into office? Did we really vote for higher taxes? Everyone says this is what we get for voting them in. I did not vote them in. How many really voted for these Dems?

These people dont have any authority in PH. Dont fall into their trap of creating unnecessary fear. Our organization has had large gatherings, people come with or without masks and we will continue to host these events. No one has yet to stop us and I dare them to try. We own PHPD. We will continue on with this Friday’s event. Park in Burlington’s parking lot and enjoy the show!

“Rules for thee, not for me”
-Gavin Newsom

Man, Tucker Carlson absolutely destroyed Newsom tonight. It was merciless on a national stage.

Too bad he didn’t post the recall effort contact information.

So you can riot, loot, deface property, assault people and not get charged with anything, but they are going to take a stick approach wrt this! Unfortunately believable. This almost makes me want to see them audit our voting in CCC. What an embarrassment!

As long as businesses &the public flout the regulations, this will never go away. Selfish.

It’s never going away anyway, dimwit. You can figure out how to live with it, or cower in your house. Up to you.

How about all the businesses get together and enforce mask wearing and social distancing. Then stay open for business regardless of what the pathetic joke of a D A and governor says. Think about it what could they possibly do? Arrest every business owner in the state? So all you business owners stick together! It’s time to stand up against these tyrants and stand up for our freedom!



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