Home » The Water Cooler – What Percentage Of Businesses Will Close?

The Water Cooler – What Percentage Of Businesses Will Close?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What percentage of businesses in Contra Costa County do you think will permanently close due to COVID-19 shutdowns?

Also, what is one business you would hate to lose?

Talk about it!

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Not too sure on the percentage. Would hate to see Leonidas Belgian Chocolates go. That would make the wife very unhappy.

Hey Simonpure ~
Has Leonidas Belgian Chocolates been still operating,…like open/closed during the reopens/close periods?

Hi Roz…they have been closed for a while. Happily so they have opened with some upgrades. Here’s what they say now.

We are now OPEN for in-store shopping 7 Days A Week! Monday – Saturday from 10-6 and Sunday 12-5. Only one customer or family group in the shop at one time. We have a lovely new outdoor patio area where you can wait your turn. Face coverings must be worn. Please follow all health and social distancing guidelines!…
Nov 7, 2020

Have you been there yet?

95% will close as per the wet dream of ‘The Great Reset’.
It’s all just conspiracy theory……said everyone as they allowed their freedoms and country to be stolen.

I am of this sentiment. They didn’t eliminate enough the first time, perhaps this go around, they will.

With the advent of this new restriction back into purple tier, the nail in the coffin for businesses will be 50-60%…may they Rest In Peace. I would mourn the loss of See’s Candy.

See’s will be fine because it is not just some Mom and Pop, local business. The local “small guy” is the one who will have issues and be forced to close.

See’s has VERY deep pockets behind it. It is owned by Warren Buffett.

Three old people dead in the last three weeks we better bankrupt everyone. Look old people like me stay home everyone one else get about your business. Wear a mask, keep your distance. The state knows no way to run a railroad.

That is exactly right, Ricardoh.

I’m really worried about Q Zar. It’s been a part of Concord for so long and has always been a fun place to go. I really hope it survives.

Man I went to so many birthdays there. Their arcade was always awesome too, remember playing Carnevil there and many others for the first time.

It’s already so hard for small businesses to survive in our area, I’d think we’ll lose 30% of them. I’m really worried about my gym, to be honest, it’s so important for so many people’s well being and the conditions the state is imposing are so restrictive.

The Olive Garden in Concord. Oh that’s right you can’t close because it never opened up like we all hoped.🤗
Seriously, it hurts my heart to see any of these businesses go under. And what’s a shame once things get back to normal a new crop of entrepreneurs will open up in the same locations and probably do well without the debt and troubles that the old had to endure

The way things are going, I wouldn’t be surprised if 50% of small businesses close permanently. I’m not sure how our government expects to replace all the lost tax revenue. I guess they’ll just have to reach deeper into the pockets of those of us who are still working.

An optimistic estimation is 5 to 10 percent. I can’t see Red Robin at the Sunvalley Mall lasting much longer, which is too bad.

Let’s just open it all up and get herd immunity. Oh wait, Sweden tried that and it failed. If this country survived the Spanish Flu we will survive the Corona Virus.

People need to stop making this political and follow the science and the experts. It’s going to be another year before we are out of this, maybe even longer with the anti-vaxers.

I don’t know what is the percentage of small businesses but I’m positive that’s the percentage of businesses that will be closing in the county. I hate to see small business owners going out of business. Big corporations will make up for all the money they are losing by increasing prices and keeping wages low. But none of that will be an issue because Gavin and other politicians can afford to spend $80+ on a meal at Michelin rated restaurants.

Make that $850+/per person.

I now think that 50% of businesses will fail by the end of January. Commercial property REITs will tank. Some of these businesses will reopen under new ownership. The government is choosing the winners and losers. Follow the money.

Any % is too much, but I’ll go with 7.23%.

I would hate to lose Sukie’s.

Why are all government employees still getting paid? They are not essential.

Unions !

Probably 20-30% on the low end, 50% on the upper end depending on if a stimulus package passes before the rent moratoria end in January. Otherwise, we’re in for a massive depression that might make the Great Depression seem like child’s play.

I have to name *one* business? Can’t do it. I can narrow it to three: Rasputin Records, Hankook Market, Bombay Trading Co.

Don’t know %, but it’s already significant & the cost (to all of us) is going to be heavy. Big question is what can be done to diminish a recurrence. Step 1 is to realize that politicians are not trained crisis managers, and what is required when voting are candidates with commonsense, maturity and balanced judgement. Power hungry, special interest, demagogues only make a bad situation worse…in our case, much worse.

75% will close for good, taxes will skyrocket, GDP will tank at least 1.5%. When a country operates at a loss, just like any business, it can’t make it up in volume, and it certainly can’t make it up by spending.

The one business I would hate to lose is the police department.

I wonder if Gavin believes in Karma.. It’s rising up in his direction and calling his name!

It can’t land on his head fast enough for my taste.



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