Home » Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation Grants $1.6 Million To Community-Based Organizations with COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund

Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation Grants $1.6 Million To Community-Based Organizations with COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund


The Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation (CCRHF) in partnership with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation has granted $1.6 Million to 44 local, community based organizations in their first wave of grant funding.

Following the shelter-in-place order in mid March, CCRHF launched a COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund. As of August 2020, 44 local non-profit organizations have received grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000. Grants were provided in five areas of need: food supply and distribution, shelter and emergency housing, financial assistance, public health interventions and other emerging needs including support for essential workers.

“The grantees moved quickly to disperse the funds into the community providing immediate assistance to those affected by COVID-19,” said CCRHF Board Chair, Bette Felton. “In addition to the five areas of need, we also focused on finding organizations that worked with marginalized communities, as well as those that could provide service to residential facilities for elders and people with disabilities.”

Hunger became an immediate concern for many residents unable to work, and local food banks noticed the change.


“Funds from the Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund came at a critical juncture for the Food Bank,” said Kim Castaneda, Development Director of Food Bank of Contra Costa/Solano. “In early April, the number of individuals collecting food skyrocketed, food prices went up, shortages were common, and we lost all of our corporate volunteer groups. This timely infusion of funds helped us overcome these challenges and ensured we had enough food to meet the community need.”

Based on survey data from the grant recipients, nearly 190,000 Contra Costa County residents received food support. Additionally, over 2,500 received financial aid, and close to 70,000 were helped with other needs emerging from the pandemic. Shelter and emergency housing were also supported through the grants.

“The CCRHF grant helped us provide free emergency shelter to 26 babies and young children,” said Kimberly Baptista, Development Director for Bay Area Crisis Nursery. “The grant also made it possible for us to provide over 100 families in the Bay Area with food, diapers, formula, toiletries, and clothes during this challenging time.”

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Politician Behind California High Speed Rail Now Says It’s ‘Almost a Crime’

Yep Harris signed off on high speed rail in 2018 to use our money to start the project and now the cost has doubled to 64 billion that we have to pay
For a project a union project that will only get more expensive every year as unions pay increases ultimately leading to over100 billion
Just in a couple of platforms and not 1 piece of track or electronics

You lemmings were scammed again
Alas you ever learn and now your children and their children will be slaving away to pay it off

With results of nothing but billions of dollars they will take and hide

Take show staunch liberal voters who pass everything you are told to

You have outdone yourselves take a knee and rest

Your next task is to screw up the new naval land deal and reward u ion will more hundreds of billions as you death your vote like your being paid
Only you paying well most likely not most dem lemmings are on the system and sucking on the teet of our hard work yet again

Can a dem really explain why you voted for a scam train that cant possibly happen for under 20’trillion dollars

I mean the new bay bridge is not even safe how can cal scams build a high speed train system through protected lands that you have allready voted to protect lol

Hypocrisy has no bounds with you guys does it

I don’t understand your post…too many grammatical errors. Proof read before posting next time?

None of what you wrote seems to relate to this story about non-profit organizations being given funds to *checks article again to be sure* help people in need receive food and shelter.

Hey gram errors
Really well I am sure they are not costing billions on a lie by democrats of a hyper loop or high speed train that can never be built with the labor laws and unions and private property and habitat and flora and fauna Studies as well as kickbacks and pay offs and soil tests and concrete tests and shadow tests and obscurity tests and panels and studies and political favors and fake council meetings you get to attend to approve the projects
the county boards need to be greased
Cal scams need to be addressed
As well as pleasing the MTC
And yet again asking you for more money
And a tax hike

But yeah fault me for grammatical errors
I guess That’s more important than being ripped off and paying a 30 year bond for billions of dollars as you approve more tax hikes and fees and allowances for political corruption

Oh leave the unions out of it. If you want quality work and safe work sites, then it has to be union. And whatsw wrong with people in the building trades making good money? Without them , you wouldnt have water, sewer, power, gas, i can go on and on



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