Home » Contra Costa County To Move Into More Restrictive “Purple Tier” On Tuesday – Gov. Newsom Considering Statewide Curfew

Contra Costa County To Move Into More Restrictive “Purple Tier” On Tuesday – Gov. Newsom Considering Statewide Curfew


Most of the Bay Area’s counties will move into more-restrictive reopening tiers this week as the state attempts to extinguish its current rise in new coronavirus cases, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday.

A total of 28 counties – including Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Napa, Santa Cruz and Solano counties – will be moved into the most-restrictive “purple tier” on Tuesday, part of what Newsom described as the state “pulling the emergency brake” on its reopening plans.

According to Newsom, the state has seen its quickest increase in new cases statewide over the last 10 days since the pandemic began in earnest in March.


“Every age group, every demographic, racial, ethnic (group) in every part of the state, we are seeing case rates increase and positivity rates increase as well,” Newsom said during his Monday afternoon briefing on the pandemic.

“We are seeing community spread broadly,” he added.

The state has also tweaked the way counties are assigned to tiers, moving them to a more-restrictive tier after only one week of rising cases rather than the previously established two.

Newsom said state officials are considering additional measures such as a statewide curfew to discourage people from social gatherings that increase the risk of spreading the coronavirus.


Indoor gatherings with people who you don’t live with are not allowed under the purple tier guidelines. You can gather outside with a maximum of three households, according to the state.

Indoor worship services have also been banned. All worship services must be held outside.

Movie theaters and gyms must close, and indoor dining at restaurants is not allowed.

All retail will also be limited to 25-percent max capacity.


The tier changes will take effect Tuesday.

Click on the image above to view what’s open, and what’s not in the purple tier.

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My question to you governor, is: does this apply to you too, and your high-powered friends? Or only us peons? When’s your next dinner of 12 at Yountville’s French Laundry restaurant going to be? Just because you can pay $350 a plate dinner ($500 pp after wine ) does it mean you can get away with it.

We are all human and make mistakes…
He’s already addressed it in his press release…move on…

Newsom is sub-human.

MISTAKE!? You think it was a MISTAKE that he chose to openly flaunt the draconian measures he is forcing on us all? He knew exactly what he was doing, he thinks he’s better than the peasants, and more importantly, he knows it’s a joke of a virus with a 99.97% survival rate for under 50’s.

His dinner at the French Laundry was no mistake, but rather a manifestation of his true personality. You are beneath him, and the same goes for Auntie Nancy’s claim that she didn’t know the rules when she got caught maskless getting her hair did.

I’m human, so I’ll apologize in advance for violating Gavin’s pretend safety measures during the upcoming holidays. All good, right?

@ Concord resident

Are you serious?! That idiot knew damn well what he was doing. He is paying you to say this stuff? To side with him?

@Rollo Tomasi
1st post – 100% correct
2nd post – Yes, all good.

He reminds me of a huge shart. Nothing good comes out of his piehole. He is causing destruction, suicides and severe mental illness.
It’s OUR lives he is toying with!
Recall the Pelosi Puppet !
This message will self destruct when hell freezes over

So I’m guessing you would be OK, with a big mega rally at a fairgrounds or an air base. Facts matter, everybody is allowed to dine in a restaurant outdoors. Yes, there were 12 people dining at restaurant at separate tables. So please explain what rule he broke!

Yes, facts matter. There were a dozen people there in addition to he and his wife. I guess you’re assuming they were all from no more than three households?

At least we can now see a couple of highly effective vaccines on the horizon. Of course Newsom will delay allowing the “Republican vaccines” in California for a few months.

The “Republican vaccines?” Pfizer is a Republican entity?

@Ash “she and Joe hate America, period”
That may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said, and you’ve said some pretty dumb things.

@Ash… I believe Pfizer started working on their vaccine in January, when everybody in the world except Trump knew Covid-19 was a huge problem. They remained independent of Trump’s “Project Warp Speed”. Possibly because they recognized that anything involving Trump eventually goes horribly wrong, but those are my words not theirs.

Actually, one NY Times story (use obvious keywords to Google it) and other articles (Wikipedia Operation Warp Speed) make it look like Pfizer either lied or were very deceptive about their relationship to Operation Warp Speed. While they did not get immediate funding, the government did place an advance order to them for $2 billion dollars to produce 100 million doses. I would say $2 billion is kind of having a relationship. Pfizer as a company and the individual top managers donated money to Biden.

Last January, President Trump shut down Asia travel, remember? And you’re wrong again…..Pfizer was involved in Operation Warp Speed.

You would trust a vaccine created by baffoons?

Companies would not have been able to bring the vaccines to trial/ completion without Trump’s deregulation of FDA rules.

Dems solution to get the vaccine on fast track to the people, zilch. Biden/Harris rather have us in lockdown. Both campaigned for lockdown policy and more regulations.

We will never open up. They will continue giving a little freedom while later restracting those freedoms. Mark my words. This is not going to end and we are transitioning into a Great Reset.

I hope our church moves back outside again, and doesn’t resort to online only. Church on Zoom isn’t the same. Yes, it’s cold early in the morning but we can bring a coat and a blanket on the lawn. Or we can have church later in the day when it’s a little warmer — if anyone from our church is reading.

I would be willing to do that too, however last time we were in the strictest level (before these colors), outdoor worship wasn’t allowed. We had no option but parking lot in car. Not sure options now.

I thought we were going back to red, did we skip right over that? Or is this more of a plum shade trending toward burgandy?

Oh and remember there are two set of rules one for the elites and one for you!

Get used to the lockdown people. This is your new normal. Coming soon, you won’t be able to do anything publicly without a vax certificate and you will be asked to turn in your cash. @iaskyouaskme has called it. The Great Reset is nearly upon us and we will do nothing about it.

No biggie- I don’t like people and all the things I enjoy are outdoors so purple, red, orange whatever Newsom, bring it on big boy!

Ah a person who thinks of others.

I hope you like doing them after you can prove your vaccinated and only between the hours of 10am and 1pm.

I just saw my very good doctor at Kaiser. He told me he has never seen anything like this virus and now it is completely out of control. He said emphatically that it is imperative not to go out unless necessary. He said he is very concerned. This is a new stage of COVID-19. Very explosive. I am going to stop shopping all the time just because I get bored. I never do inside dining though. Not doing pedicures or manicures. He did say the vaccines will be the only thing to save us.

I can’t tell if you are trolling or not

If you are… You have next generation sarcasm

I’ll call your bluff @ ilovepopcorn

@ Tired, “ambitiously delusional” is the term I would use to describe Ilovepopcorn’s drama-filled spew

@ Tired

Unfortunately, she is not.

I stopped reading right after “very good doctor at Kaiser”.

very good doctor at Kaiser? do tell
He sounds miserable

Here you go again, blabbing away! Funny you say that though. My mom wanted to get tested for COVID and Kaiser told her no since she is not showing any symptoms. So if Kaiser really cared why not allow those who want to get tested get tested. And PS Kaiser doctors suck!

Popsiecorn… Your first mistake was going into Kaiser during this pandemic. Possibly the worst place to be where people go for help for their symptoms of Covid..YOU ARE WALKING INTO A JUNGLE OF UNKNOWN ILLNESS with a paranoid Doctor spreading fear, BUT CONDONES YOU COMING TO CROWDED KAISER?

PEOPLE! Some of you make me SO angry. It’s simple, do the right thing. Masks, sanitizer, etc. No groups or large gatherings. It’s really not that hard, but obviously many of you DON’T want to go out to eat, go to movies, have church in person, parties, holiday get togethers, etc. GEEZ!

And don’t go blaming your favorite gov’t official, or group. THEY’RE not the ones doing all the things listed above.

Agree with JaxxMan. But I will blame Trump for “downplaying it” when he knew during his Feb. 5 recording COVID-19 was deadly. Trump did not preach masks and distancing. That was followed up by his fans claiming masks are unconstitutional. The number of dead would have bee less than half of the 245,000. If people behaved properly almost everything would be open because of the low contamination rate.

“Trump did not preach masks and distancing.”

Are you claiming that if he had, you would have done so?

This impulse to blame other people’s carelessness is understandable but it’s just an impulse. It *is* a lot to ask for people to stop doing everything that makes their lives worthwhile for a whole year – that’s not a minor inconvenience. It’s not even possible for a lot of people: if you are staying at home, that’s possible because an army of essential workers is not.

And even if everyone had been super-duper obedient, the virus would just flare up again when restrictions were relaxed – just look at Europe: their numbers are going sky-high just like ours, though everyone in the media here was praising them all summer for having crushed the spread.

THANK YOU! This is very serious and it is very frustrating seeing these nasty responses. What is wrong with saying my very good Doctor at Kaiser, is very concerned about the new surge! We have to follow the protocols or we will be locked up again. We almost are already! I think this is alarming. Why the hate?

Geez, Popcorn, get off the “hate” business. Nobody responding to your posted said ANYTHING about hate. I disagree with you all the time but most certainly do not hate you; and I doubt the others on here hate you also.


During that same time, Feb-March, Democrats were telling you to go to Chinatown for the CHinese New Years parade (Pelosi).

What if, this pandemic continues its current course regardless of the precautionary measures taken? Speaking hypothetically, even if there is 100% mask-wearing and 100% social-distancing, but Covid-19 still spreads, then what do we do? I am comfortable accepting the truth and preparing for the worst case scenario, but I don’t like false optimism, or false narratives. It seems as though, this thing is never, never, never, going to go away, despite the current efforts. So, what is the “real” solution?

Nursing home deaths the fault of Cuomo in NY. Hate for Trump prevented the tolerate (sarcasm) dems from helping elder people and instead killed more of them. Navy ship provided not used, tent hospitals not used. Just send COVID patients to nursing homes. He’s still hiding the number of who died.

Fauci and other experts did not preach masks and distancing either at first either. Who shut down travel from China in January against Fauci recommendation, Trump. Who told everyone in Feb/March to
Go out to dinner, come out to China Town, go the clubs, and the travel ban was racist? Cuomo, Pelosi, DeBlasio, and Biden. They are to blame for downplaying the virus.

Let’s all see who will be enforcing this possible state wide curfew…

Moving those goal posts again , huh?
Confused and scared people are the easiest to dominate.
Recall this criminal please or there may well never be a successful small business left in our state!

This is bullsh#I

Are you serious?

You’re French Laundry excusion is ok though.

newsom already had Courts tell him he lacked authority to order his mail in ballots. But it’s a mute point ’cause election is over. Across the country DEM governors have overstepped their authority and Courts have ruled against them, but they thumb their noses and continue on.

BUT until a politician is either absolutely inundated with citizen complaints or they are massively embarrassed and humiliated, they act at times as little more than petulant BULLY children.
An let us not forget to include those all knowing, unelected bureaucrats.

Stay tuned to see to what lengths they exercise (ABUSE) their “authority”.

And then the the state legislature with GOP support directed that the State send out all the mail in ballots. And speaking of childish bullies, that describes your buddy Trump completely doesn’t it? But keep on sending out your lies and then wait for the final failure.

“Unsurprisingly Democrats now want that to be the norm for all future elections. Why? Probably because it’s much easier to control the outcome of an election,” said state Sen. Melissa Melendez, a Republican from Lake Elsinore.

I think people need to be responsible for their own actions. Just because things started opening doesn’t mean it’s ok to go out and do the things we were use to doing. The Pandemic is still here and it’s not going away anytime soon . We have rises in Europe and in the USA.. yes we must live and not be afraid but we can’t go on with going here and there. The holidays are coming and they “need” to go about their business. This won’t be forever and we have already isolated a few months a few more won’t hurt… we have to be cautious and if you travel you should quarantine for the sake of all others . Stop pointing fingers. Just put your big pants on and do it.

The flu is still here and killing more people than the covid. This is nothing more that a control issue to see how far people will let them go. Wake up peeps. your in for a rude surprise. Marxism is not as good as you want to believe.

Can’t blame the politicians on the increase of cases. People don’t want to do what is necessary, everyone has to do it and not just some. My children asked when are we going to be back to normal and I said 2022. When the vaccine hits it will only be given to first responders and then to the rest of us in Spring or Summer and even that won’t be enough to meet the demand. Everyone do your part.

That’s a pretty cold thing to say to your kids. Also pretty inaccurate. There’s every reason to think we can go back to normal by Summer 2021. Once everyone over 65 can get vaccinated, others should be able to manage their own risks. If this bug had come along just as it did, except that it wasn’t deadly for old people, we never would have shut down. It can, sadly, kill younger people too, but thankfully that’s quite rare.

Have our local politicians become more or less tyrannical?

Has their hypocrisy become more or less obvious?

Have recent court rulings, rebuking government over reach, slowed their power grab?

Have recent elections appeared transparent and fair?



Power is intoxicating, and we have a state government that is high as a kite on it. Just one more hit!!

We are the “government”! Ha ha! It is true. We are in a mess thanks to the people who think they can do what they want. Has anyone given any thought to our hard working medical communities? They are paying the price. We have to work together or we wind up as pigs rolling around in COVID. You do not have the right to kill people with your childish behavior.

Corn popper… you are what Marx refers to as one of the useful idiots. You lap up and spew out the fact free, empirically void propaganda that the enlightened shower down from on high. Try learning some history: Germany, 1933. Paris, 1789. St. Petersburg, 1917. Read “1984.” Don’t be a tool of the tiny tyrant brigade. Wake up!!

Pop Pop is also way off on her evaluation of Kaiser! I’ve have so many friends that have got infections and other mis-diagnosis and mistreatment issues at Kaiser! They sure weren’t THRIVING. I wouldn’t let those butchers and politically correct quacks get near me. ……… “Thrive” ….. my a$$.

From CCC Health Report. There are currently 80 people in ICU beds in CCC. Twenty (20) are from covid cases. Again three dead from covid in twenty four (24) days. All from LTC.

Best point made so far! Why why why are we not using our minds and just going along with everything Newscum dictates. Being locked up is for criminals, oh wait not in California …

That’s pure paranoia and doesn’t make a lick of sense. The county voted for Biden. No one is out to get you.

Time to leave California and move back to America. Tennessee is looking pretty good right about now.

I will be having an indoor celebration for Thanksgiving with (gasp) 5 households and 20 people. Come with your brown shirts and get me Gavin. I reject your mandate!

That is very irresponsible and you know it. How old are you? You sound like a naughty teenager. I hope you know that 40 percent of us carry the virus but have no symptoms. I pray none of you get sick or spread the virus elsewhere. Unbelievable.

@ Ilovepopcorn, just stop! You seem to be the irresponsible one with your wild and bombastic false claims. 40% of us do not carry the virus.

Quite possibly 40% of those with Covid do not show symptoms, but that is vastly different than saying 40% of us carry the virus but don’t show symptoms.

Corn popper is a true believer. Board certified, fully Woke, State is God, tyranny is good, Marx is my hero, so is Stalin, so is Mao, so is O, so is Hitler, basically any satanic tyrannical power these I give allegiance to.

@JazzMan I totally agree. IT IS NOT THAT HARD! It’s amazing to me how people choose to ignore the relatively simple steps it would take to bring things under control.

People want to blame other people/politicians. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and make the choices that help make things better for ourselves and others.

It really couldn’t hurt to TRY!

You *are* blaming other people. That’s literally what your comment is doing.

Alex Jones was right again.

Alex Jones is never right.
I still haven’t seen any gay frogs he talked about.

You mean like he was right about Sandy Hook? I am pretty sure he lost that suit. Or are you thinking about another case That slime ball was involved in? No pressure there are so many.

The beatings will continue until more tax increases are approved.

Last November who could have imagined that we would be living in a dystopian nightmare where the US Constitution takes a back seat to Newsom’s project of National Socialism? Escape from California might be difficult if Biden carries out his threats.

I don’t enjoy making this statement.

I told you so.

From the very beginning, I said this would never end.

Now curfews?

Prelude to Martial Law.

These people you elected are not working in your best interests.

They are working toward a totalitarian state.

And so many are just sitting back and taking it.

Whats scary is you truly believe these statements you just made

CoCo Commenter

Yes, I do, and unapologetically.

CoCo puff Learn a little history. Being naive is not a virtue. Open your eyes. If you think Newsom and the rest of the ruling elites have America’s best interest at heart, you are soooooooooo freaking gullible. Scary!!!

First page of the COntra COsta County Elections page:

Registered Voters as of 11/14/20

Total 706,722
Democrat: 372,035
Republican: 135,838
Other: 198,849

We have more “other” than Republican voters.

I don’t think businesses are to blame for the spread of COVID but all the people who think it is ok not to wear a mask and get together as large/small groups…. but businesses are the ones suffering because of people’s lack of judgment or care for the COMMUNITY….so much selfishness and entitlement. I hope you enjoyed all your little “get together” because it is costing jobs to a lot of people.

Exactly ! Wear a mask, distance, wash your hands, meet outdoors, no large gatherings. Simple. Easy.
Some people are just too selfish.

In other states people say, “If our governor would just institute a mask mandate…” Or “If our governor would just close down indoor dining and bars…” While here in CA we have had a mask mandate forever, so it must be the fault of those irresponsible people that the virus is still spreading! (It couldn’t possibly be the case that masks only help a little bit, could it? Of course not!)

@Led I would not call that a mask “mandate”…. as it is not “enforced”, so it is left to the individual to actually follow the guidelines and recommendations. I see people in stores walking around with no masks and no one says anything (I do) because of not wanting a confrontation. Obviously this is not a problem that will get fixed with wearing a mask, there is also social distancing, washing your hands and avoid GATHERING with more than your household especially indoors. It is a combination of things, not just fixed with masks, but in other states where cases are spiking and no one cares, it would be a start for sure.

So red and then it turns purple, huh? Did Gavin pick these colors for his little chart to visually represent him choking the life out of the citizens?

We are at a tipping point. The government is no longer trying to “bend the curve”. (Do you remember that?) Instead, they want to keep us “safe”. There will never again be a time when we are safe. That’s called being a human being. Our real problem is that people are afraid of dying and the government is using this to gain more power and control. The church is the only solution to this fear… there is an eternity and those that have placed their faith in Jesus Christ have nothing to fear. Does that mean we don’t practice good hygiene? Of course we do. However, our fear of death doesn’t cause us to look to a governmental overlord to save us. People that do that will suffer under the rule of Tyrants. Gov. Newsom has shown us that he has tyrannical impulses. With a vaccine around the corner with a 90%-94.5% efficacy.. we are locking down? Gov. Newsom is seriously considering a curfew? We have lost our minds.

Exactly. We all have to die. Unfortunately cancer rates and heart attacks will be significant in the coming months when they could’ve been prevented by early screenings that fewer people are getting because they are so scared of Rona.

CC has had zero deaths outside nursing homes in 26 days.

I understand the hospital rates and the death rates, the rest is just noise.

People will stop getting tested and numbers will drop again.

I’m sure any statewide curfew won’t apply to peaceful protesters who riot, loot, and burn.

All you mask freaks need to shut up, I see more people wearing their fear masks in their cars and walking on the street the virus isn’t just blowing in the wind. You people have been brainwashed and conditioned. The government will not and can not save you, your ridiculous rants about people not doing their part is utter nonsense. If your watching MSM you would think the streets are lined with bodies. The government is lying to you and this has zero to do with Trump. Look up the great rest! It’s all happening as planned. Remember what Jane Fonda said “ COVID is gods gift to the Democrats “ look it up she really said it. And Biden really said back on 10/16/20 that they will do the greatest voter fraud in American history YES he really said that in his Crazed state of dementia. I can’t wait till we move so far away from you crazy people and join the sane folks in the Midwest and enjoy the freedoms god has given us in this great nation. Shane on you for voting to give away your rights and your also ruining a generation on kids to all this BS

Well said. Some Claycordians will be thanking Newsom all the way to the ovens. Did you see the Houston Chronicle today? They’ll be knocking on your door asking for a blood sample. But Ilovepopcorn seems to think it’s OK. It’s not. Time to rise and resist.

Today’s Houston Chronicle:

In the name of fighting COVID-19, Harris County (Texas’s largest county) health officials announced a plan that includes randomly knocking on doors to collect blood samples. “Teams of health workers wearing yellow vests will make their rounds from Nov. 15 through Dec. 15, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.” reports the Houston Chronicle.

Their plan, they say, is to better determine how many people have been infected with Coronavirus by conducting antibody tests.

More from the Houston Chronicle:

Harris County Public Health will survey residents for COVID-19 antibodies in an effort to determine how many people already have been infected with the novel coronavirus, the department said.

Beginning Sunday, health workers will visit randomly selected homes and ask residents to answer questions and provide blood samples.

Humans produce antibodies, proteins in the immune system, to fight infections from viruses and other pathogens. It can take days or weeks for antibodies to develop following exposure to the coronavirus, and it remains unclear how long they remain in an individual’s blood.

@tomoto girl …lol..all over the place, mixing health crisis and politics! ..please leave CA, I will not miss people thinking or sorry, should I say NOT thinking like you….

For all of you who keep taking about people who don’t wear masks being the ones to blame you obviously haven’t been paying attention. We have been required to wear masks most places for MONTHS – more than many other states. Yes, some people choose to not wear a mask while on a walk at the park but let’s be honest, that is NOT the problem. The problem is government leaders choosing to make the rules and change them as they wish, all while not adhering to them themselves. And when they get caught we are just expected to forgive their empty apologies. At this rate no amount of following “the rules” will ever be enough. It’s time to fight back!!

Exactly. Compliance is never 100% with anything, and it’s not even very clear how much of a difference non-medical masks make. If your response to every increase of the virus is just “well, some bad people must have made this happen so we need to be more strict,” you aren’t thinking about it clearly.

I don’t even have a problem with wearing masks in indoor settings or crowded settings. It probably helps somewhat and it isn’t a major infringement on people’s lives and liberty.

Agreed! @ AK

I refuse to wear a mask while exercising or in an empty parking lot . I 100 percent promise anyone that looks at me in fear you will not catch corona from me or anyone else doing the same.

People have lost their minds … no common sense

The low quality of masks is the issue. Most morons have bandanas, neck gaiters, cotton masks, which have very minimal effectiveness.

If everyone were wearing 95 or better rated respirators then it could have been squashed in a few weeks time.

It is pathetic than the arsenal of democracy couldn’t ramp up respirator production to a comically high level and provide every man, woman and child with a fresh respirator every week. We still don’t have easy access to quality respirators, all this time later.

Democrats are quite the tyrants these days apparently they think they are the dictators that can just willy-nilly make up any rule they want they’re quick to blame Trump for everything but really it’s the governors that are the true enemies of the people biden will never be my president. This state is horrible it’s like living in a communist country


Maybe you should consider moving out of this country.

rad. i never left the first lockdown, i enjoy being home 😂

I am sick of this

YOU PEOPLE DON’T GET IT. This (lockdowns, not some BOGUS Virus) is NOT going away, PERIOD.
And for you mouth breathers who refuse to do any research, We won’t be helping you when times get worse since you chose to entertain yourselves while Rome burned.
As for the vaccine, yes….it was very interesting that the ones who coined the term “anti-vaxxers” became anti-vaxxers themselves when they thought that a certain political party was responsible for it. I will NOT be taking any DNA altering Luciferase darpa hydrogel vaccines….but good luck with the auto immune explosion that the population is about to experience……..but they’ll claim that it eradicated the “covid” by just going back to calling things THE FLU!!!

Vaccines don’t alter people’s DNA. That’s not at all how they work. Luciferase are enzymes that cause bioluminescence. The Covid vacines isn’t going to cause bioluminescence. There’s nothing inherently harmful about hydrogel as a medium.

It used to be news articles on Covid would site statistics. Now it seems we have to go look for them ourselves.

They are right…. er… I mean, “correct”.
This state is infested with blue bugs…so many here they don’t even bother to do voter fraud in California…. it’s not even close… no need.

The mindless drones vote Democrat with no mental effort necessary…. they don’t even have to understand English.

Again people especially the people telling everyone to do what they are told

This is a virus ….a virus
Again a virus
Look it up
It will be next to the flu

Your sad devotion to a political party rhetoric is childish really

A virus will ravage you if your body cannot fight it
How can your body fight it
Weeellll…. you have to build up your immunity
By yes ….Johnny

actually getting the virus and having a good immune system
Do some push ups and some cardio and eat good
You will get the virus

And no
to all the wear your mask so we can be done with this virus liberal lemmings

If you don’t get it now your going to be exposed to multiple mutations of it
And yes then you will be in trouble because your immune system will be overrun

If you are high risk
the mask a real mask not bandana or fake neck scarves
Will be a defense along with reclusion

Dont be a tool for the regime
spreading lies oh it will be over soon

Once a virus is unleashed as China has done
It does not go back into a bottle or die off
Nope it’s here to stay and mutate
yes go ahead naysayers
of America
and it’s freedoms
Wear your mask and flood your body with sanitizer

We will see what happens when we who have built up our immunity versus you sheltered and obeying a corrupt government of this state that looks to control you and take Away your rights

As the gov here does it again calls for lock down
The riots happen
Then the governor
Declares shut down on yet another American holiday
So that next year they will again do the same as they faze out American holidays and tradition
and Install chinas re education program
Oscama next is up with fake health care
Now newscum and Harris will stab you in the back and take your possessions
Either through looting or secret police

Either way your least worry should be scurrying for a mask

And yes the mandatory vaccine orders are coming along with mandatory monitoring of your home and children and your lives

You killed America you should be proud or at least feel better about yourself for it since your obviously a follower and need the gov to support and guide you

Now put your mask on and sit quietly

Good lemmings

Oh what’s that at the door

Oh they have come for your children

Too bad

If only you had chosen to uphold the constitution and bill of rights

Now your owned

This is a DEADLY virus unlike the seasonal flu.
The herd immunity theory has been debunked by doctors. (That news may not have played on Right Wing media.)

@Doh the flu is extremely deadly to the very aged and the immunocompromised, actually.

Covid has a survival rate of 99.97% in the under 50 age bracket. Why shut down society and destroy the economy for that?

Let the aged and immunocompromised shutter themselves in, and when they want to go out, they can don a 100 rated respirator.

Welcome to The Great Reset. I told you the virus was fake 6 months ago. This is about bringing down the largest economy in the world and making you dependent on them. The bankers are coming in for the kill now. Your communist dystopian live is here. In 2 years you won’t even remember life before your mask.

Has anyone ever considered how all of these lockdowns will make it so our immune systems will be so weakened we won’t be able to fight off much of anything?

While I agree that we have a moral obligation to take care and protect the vulnerable from this virus, I do not agree to letting everything crumble outside. To clarify I mean businesses closing for good, the economy crashing and landing us all into a recession. That will do no one any good. In fact these closures have already done a great deal of harm forever changing lives. People are losing their livelihood.

Yes, I believe this virus is real I just feel that what we have been doing all these months has clearly not been working as expected and we need to figure out how to safeguard certain groups while the rest of us keep the economy afloat so everyone has something to return to.

Yes. The frail should stay home. The rest of us should get back to living. Trump orchestrated the making and delivery of a vaccine and therapeutics. Those refusing to distribute it are evil incarnate. Greedy, Democrats. Again. It is a well timed plan by global tyrants.

Since when has this, or any government, managed anything successfully?

If the government managed the Sahara Desert, they’d run out of the sand.

Now the government is trying to manage nature and, of course, failing miserably.

All while trampling our inalienable rights.

A lot of people taken this hoax hook line and sinker, so the speak.

Now mandatory curfews are being threatened, the forerunner to Martial Law.

I will never understand how anyone could, or would, freely, abandon their freedoms.

I will not abandon my freedoms. I will not take part in “ The Great Global Reset!

Anyone have an updated count?

While the French Laundry Caper is the least of his transgressions, it’s probably the one that will help the recall the most. Such a bourgeoise display of arrogance.

Make perfect sense, if you think about it.
Newsom, wants you to suffer if you voted for Trump.
Newsom, wants you suffer if you signed the recalled.
Newsom, will allow his children to return to private school
Newsom, will eat at the Napa Valley French Laundry (average $500 up)
Newsom, moved to his 3.7 million dollar Sacramento Estate Gifted from an LLC operated by Newsom’s cousin with questionable tax filings

Newsom, from my vantage point, is a prime example of do as I say and not as I do.
In my book, if we are all in it together we should all follow the same rules. No excuses, No Apologies, No BS. We need new management.

I am new here but I noticed that anytime someone named potato comments,every comment on any post always has the words”lies” or “fake” this is someone that seems to be in extreme denial of anything she doesnt like the sound of is “lies” -some kind of self preservation mode.If she doesnt like it its”lies” as a fact and never one thing to back up what makes it a lie,just emotion

There is absolutely election fraud being attempted – by the Georgia Republicans, with Lindsey Graham attempting to throw out entire counties ballots. It’s prime projection that the Republican leaders are making baseless claims and at the same time trying to disenfranchise voters.

Wondering if there was an accident at one of the particle accelerators that created two parallel universes? One where a pandemic exists scaring the population and one where things are normal. Sometimes the two intermingle causing havoc.

I have been thinking that as of 20 years ago
Look back then and you can see the chaos of our gov on display

Higs Bosan
Was being talked about then

Nothing else

Nothing but politicians and local gov pushing anti freedom in America and the rest of the world creating chaos

You might be on to something

Several California lawmakers are in Maui, Hawaii, this week, for an annual legislative convention — despite rising coronavirus cases that led Gov. Gavin Newsom to threaten a statewide curfew on Monday.

https://recallgavin2020.com/ CONCORD sign here! Express Employment Prof.
5356 Clayton Rd, Ste 101-B, Concord CA 94521
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm

Thank you fun crowd! I already signed it, but I definitely found it easier to sign the petition in person than to download print it out, sign it and mail it in.

Please, please for those that support the recall, please go and sign it!

Amazing –
All you have to do is keep yourself safe and protect others is wear a mask – it is a proven way to stop the virus from moving forward.
You choose – move the disease forward, or stop it!

Why punish counties such as Contra Costa where the numbers are nowhere near what the county was seeing in July? On July 20th the 7-day-average of the number of new cases per day hit 219 which was the peak. We are at 142 today.

While the number of people in the hospital is now almost 50 after getting to a low of 17 on October 14th it’s well under the 100+ was saw from July 23 to August 3rd. Even then there was no talk of our medical system getting stressed.

I have uploaded graphs of both new cases per day and hospitalizations to https://imgur.com/a/BLGA0S7

Also, on November 7th the county heath department had a mass COVID-19 Testing Event in San Pablo. See https://cchealth.org/press-releases/2020/1105-Mass-COVID-19-Testing-Event.php They had a bunch of freebies for those that came meaning the county was essentially paying people to get tested. If you do a bunch of testing in an area that you already know is a COVID-19 hot spot then that drives the positivity rate for the entire county up. Had this mass testing event been held in Moraga or San Ramon you would drive the positivity rate down.

Trump & the Coronavirus


Masks are BS. Covid is BS. Unbelievable…

@ Chuq , well said…..

Thank DA Diana Beckton for that. She has informed police departments that she will not prosecute crimes by an individual until they have committed the same crime the 4th time around. She has told police departments that they must ask suspects who steal or riot if they needed the items they took. If the suspect answers yes then she will not prosecute. So she has told police departments she will not uphold laws all while demoting lawyers in the DA’s office she considered political rivals who actually took crime seriously and refused to kiss her ass and buy into her social justice platform . So the current DA has basically legalized crime by refusing to prosucute there is nothing Concord or any County police department can do. Police are following what they have been told to do or not to do. Police are a tool used to enforce and uphold laws created by lawmakers to maintain safety and order. If elected DA officials, like Diana Beckton, choose to disregard current laws then instead of getting upset with police for their perceived “not doing their job” perhaps I might suggest voting for a DA who will actually follow the oath they took to uphold current law, maintain order as well as vote for other elected officials who value personal responsibility, accountability and also value law and order. It seems we currently live in an area whos elected DA (and other officials) describes those who commit crimes as victims who are not responsible for their choices and/or worse justified in committing their crimes.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me HOW these “outdoor dining” booths are “SAFER” than dining indoors?

A majority of outdoor dining facilities have between 1-3 plastic/vinyl walls constructed around the perimeter, and – for the average person – being outdoors in the cold irritates the nasal lining, thus producing a runny nose and watery eyes, which leads to more mucus/fluids being created and ultimately ends in sneezing, blowing snot, wiping of the face, etc.

These plastic/vinyl walls only help to trap such excretions. They have no breathability, as they are designed to protect from the elements. Additionally, they do not protect you from those walking past on the sidewalk, who may or may not choose to wear a mask.

I don’t think COVID is a hoax or that this is a “plandemic” – I just want a legitimate answer to explain HOW/WHY packing 10-20 people under these tarps in cold weather is “SAFER” than allowing the same amount of people into an HVAC-controlled environment. It makes ZERO sense to me.

My “excellent go to doc” at Kaiser, told me that is just as bad as indoor dining. His advice to me was to shelter in place as much as possible.
The purple tier kind of tells us that. I care about you as much as I hope others will care about me. This is not a political thing even if you want to say that it is. This virus loves all of us! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO KILL OR INJURE PEOPLE. Selfish self centered proud people need to grow up and man up or woman up! Do the right thing. Six feet instead of six feet under! Rest at home instead of Rest In Peace. Education is freedom.

@Dr. Jellyfinger , No Californians just aren’t stupid enough to vote for D list celebrities. We prefer A listers like Schwarzenegger or Clint Eastwood, but are willing to stoop down to B list celebrities like Reagan and Bono.

I read an AP story this morning about state going back in to lockdowns. There was quite a list but California wasn’t on it. So what kind of BS is this?

Also have to give Amy Goodman a point this morning interviewing a health care investigator and asked about the rumor that hospitals were charging up to 18 times the actual cost of things. The investigator confirmed it and said they do it “because they can”. This is what you get with for profit health care.

Twenty seven days in CCC three (3) LTC dead. No one not in LTC. From CCC Health Department.

io·​ta | \ ī-ˈō-tə , in sense 2 sometimes ē-ˈō-tə \
Definition of iota
1: an infinitesimal amount : JOT
did not show an iota of interest

@Chuq, I presume that also includes Andrew Yang announcing his family is moving to Georgia to help Democrats with the upcoming senatorial runoff and encouraging other Democrats to do the same?

Breaking: Newsom to Hold Press Conference at His Winery with 20 of his closest friends after their return from Hawaii. Tonight at 11pm.

Wonder if Newsom sends his kids to the Purple Tier when they misbehave.

@iota… it’s called exponential growth. Did you really need that explained to you??

Someone needs to talk to Diane Feinstein! She was walking around the halls of Congress again today without a mask!

Their hypocrisy is epoch. Almost laughable if it wasn’t so ghoulish and destructive. These people are soooooooooo freaking consumed by hate it’s breathtaking!!

Yes, and if we keep up with the lockdowns, there will be no economy. I dont know why you moran liberals think Biden is going to be some God sent and be able to “control the virus”. He can’t even manage to put together a coherent sentence half the time. You’re just lining up to throw away all your rights and freedoms without even a thought. Lining up like free range chicken to be slaughtered. I think most people with some common sense realize this is real and take proper precautions. You cannot go inside any public place without a mask so please, do tell, how this is not being taken seriously? Were are all of these non covid believers that are causing all these cases? ANSWER..NO WHERE. YOU INCREASE TESTING YOU INCREASE CASES. It’s common sense! WAKE UP

Yes, Californians prefer a doddering old man, 47 years suckling at the public teat, whose only accomplishment is a vastly unpopular crime bill with the typical unintended consequences. Well done, Golden State.

@ Rollo

Californians prefer? Looks like the whole nation prefers…. but look at the bright side you will always have a MAGA hat.



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