Home » UPDATE: Shooting Reported At Motel 6 On N. Main St. In Walnut Creek

UPDATE: Shooting Reported At Motel 6 On N. Main St. In Walnut Creek


A shooting has been reported at Motel 6 on N. Main St. in Walnut Creek.

A SWAT team is on scene, and a Sheriff’s Office drone has been called to the area to assist with the search for the suspect.

Police have the area of N. Main between Parkside Dr. and San Luis Rd. blocked off.


It’s unknow if the victim suffered any life-threatening injuries.

Police are advising the public to avoid the area.

UPDATE: The suspect is apparently still in one of the rooms at the hotel. 

UPDATE #2: The suspect has been detained.


map: google maps

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I was just trying to get to the Marriott. Avoid area at ALL COSTS!

Nay it’s only corn pop
Popping some corn. Got some

I agree


Now now proverty is the most violent of crimes. However I don’t dismiss a bad drug deal
With incentives of do yo crime ain’t no time.
Greed and someone who could never truly worship life , cherish life would do this. I am sad for humanity, but I will rise. I will survive.
I send peace and protection to all (even popcorn) claycordians.

Update: just drove by headed to Berkeley. Still all blocked off!

@ Ash And if it had happened in Concord you would have really gone off the rails.

Someone committing sideways ??

I do not like the NRA. But you’re saying the side (Republicans) who receive the contributions form the NRA are at fault because the NRA supports gun rights?
2a is SUPPOSED to be a right the government protects, not a right the government tramples all over. We wouldn’t even have the NRA as a lobby if the government didn’t do what the government isn’t supposed to do.

As I said, I don’t like the NRA. I will never join, which means I’m not an expert. But don’t pretend the NRA is pushing for gun violence. If they were, there millions of members would be rampaging all over the US.
While I’m at it, let’s clear one more dumb rumor. Th NRA does not sell guns, regardless how many times people like to say they do. And if the response is, that they want more guns out there, I would say, yes, of course they do. The more guns in peoples hands, the more members they can have, the more money they get, etc. it is no different than any other lobby.

Don’t take it from me though; I’m just a redneck gun guy. Oh btw, go see how easy (not even close) it is to buy a gun. All these record
Gun sales and ammo shortages we’re seeing… its first time gun buyers. Depending on who you ask, they’ll tell you first time and anti gun buyers are making up anywhere between 50-90% of all sales in California.

Ash you are absolutely correct.

People who are members of the NRA aren’t the ones who are committing these crimes idiot. Give up your own rights but you will not take mine.

What now City Council?
TEAR DOWN MOTEL6 and make it another section 8 apartment high rise?

What do you have against low-income seniors? They’re the fastest growing demographic and need affordable housing instead of having to live in their vehicles.

We don’t get the Seniors… we get the low life crinmals and mentally insane……They need a section 8 in Rossmoor. for low income seniors
Downtown Walnut Creek is too violent these days!

Implying that he has an issue with a vulnerable group to make your point that such a group exists wont win you any friends or arguments.

Many of those seniors were the same population that people are complaining about. .they are now just old, so cannot cause as much trouble. Instead of welfare, we need classes for people to teach them how to take care of themselves and let them know there is no security blanket. Feed the wildlife and it just multiples until they are fighting for resources (instead of using intelligent problem solving).

When I rolled by just after 10am there were 8 WCPD vehicles out front, lights flashing, guns out, including automatic weapons. It looked like it might have been a standoff.

Liberal Walnut Creek wants to be like San Francisco when they grow up? Well, they’re doing a good job so far.

Driving through Pleasant Hiill today I spotted about 10 unkempt transients in one block pushing their carts. Walnut Creek is now Oakland with it’s crime and homeless. Pleasant Hill is just a shell of itself also.
Gone are days of why most moved here.

“Liberal Walnut Creek”, hahaha, I live here, it’s not exactly Berkeley, you know that, right?

@ K

Not like Berkeley yet. But, if you drove through town prior to the election, you surely saw that 90% of the signs were for Biden. It has definitely become a liberal town!

Relax, it was a mostly peaceful shooting.

It’s the shooters parents fault that they were too stupid to raise their child better than they did..

The most dangerous people in the US is a Democrat with a gun. Don’t believe me? Take a look cities like Chicago, Detroit, New York, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Detroit. It’s not Republicans who belong to street gangs, it’s not Republicans who participate in drive by shootings, and it’s not Republicans who are shooting each other over drugs.

People are really getting pissed about that menu change at taco bell.

Oops! I mentioned Detroit twice, oh well.

Isnt that where they are housing homeless?

No, this Motel 6 is not part of Project Roomkey.

freeway is open. N Main closed. Police cars on freeway on other side of wall from Motel 6. Traffic not stopped at San Luis Rey so cars come through then need to uturn in the middle of the overpass. We were able to exit freeway at N Main. Right turn only onto N Main.

Baker alert!

Update: just drove by there on the way to Berkeley and it’s still all blocked off. It’s 3:20pm right now.

I just wanted my PS5…

Aunt Barbara, I agree. Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill and Concord are no longer the once desired places to live. Probably the entire Bay Area falls under those words.

So wrong you are Chucky..
Danville, San Ramon, Clayton are just a few of many still decent cities in Bay area to still live in and we are in one of those and love it there.
Concord…yuck, PH yuck, Mtz a big yuck, WC even yuck now days.

If you got the money you can live away from all the crap going on..

Hopefully in time that does not change Singledout

Walnut Creek was once a nice place. Make no mistake about it. The people committing these crimes are not NRA members and they are not responsible gun owners. Do not lump them into the same group as 99% of all the gun owners in the United States.

With a new liberal presidential agenda, keep your guns close and your powder dry.

And right on cue left wing, cop hating white kids riot in downtown Walnut Creek.
We’d better send in a squad of social workers asap!

They can’t. The social workers are all busy rioting!

Have no fear citizens of Walnut Creek, 108RS is here for you. Trained at the finest law enforcement academy in the world.


If you read the perp’s name this is clearly another case of white on white violence



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