Home » People Burning Flags, Spray Painting Businesses, Harassing Customers In Downtown Walnut Creek

People Burning Flags, Spray Painting Businesses, Harassing Customers In Downtown Walnut Creek


Anti-police protesters have taken over downtown Walnut Creek.

Witnesses say they’re spray painting businesses, harassing customers who are eating outside at local restaurants, and burning flags.


Police are on scene.

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Arrest them!!!!!!!

Eating dinner outside tonight on Locust St. and they came down the street with a huge drum, chanting loudly. Restaurant owners ran to get people inside..Our dinner was ruined from the sheer anxiety an being mad, after the insanity of a shooting nearby earlier.
I was on fight or flight and ready to take them down on my own (you all know how Aunt Babs rolls) Just imagine if the police were defunded! On the way home a homeless man was sitting in the middle of the street in a wheelchair with a blanket over his head.at the entrance near John Muir Hospital…
A very sad sight to behold.Police were called to help him, but a couple reached out and stood with him until they came. Very kind people are still in this world of chaos..and weneed to be kinder to the Police that deal with this mess everyday.
Thank you Walnut Creek Police for all you do every day. You are appreciated and loved!

Souldn’t the mayor pay for the clean up as they won’t let the police take care of it? Why should taxpayers pay?

And what brought this stupidity on tonight? IS this related to the Motel6 incident?

Seriously, what do these fools thinks they will accomplish by abolishing the police? Who will come to their rescue when they need assistance?

Walnut Creek lets them have their way. now.. thanks to Miles hall outrageous lawsuit!

Walnut Creek has become a hub of protests and liberal social activism, thanks to an activist City Council. Rather then just trying to run the city the best they can, they want to be active in every trendy national social issue and bring it to our town. Stop with the ‘gay pygmy rights’ concerns and get back to managing a city. Walnut Creek was a much better town when it was still 75% Republican.

So the idiots in the Rent-a-mob strikes again….

Soros, right? Hahaha

“They become the Enemy”

Biden 2020

What is wrong with these people? THIS and more like this was just voted into he White House. I cannot believe people support the left. Let’s all throw a baby tantrum when we don’t get our way.

Isn’t that exactly what Trump is doing now? And has done his entire presidency?? LOL

Don’t believe the main stream media. This election isn’t over.

You talking about that whiney little baby in the WH who doesn’t know how to lose gracefully?

It’s funny Joe Biden had a team of 600 lawyers ready to fight if he did not win the election. Hillary Clinton told him not to surrender under any circumstances.
The Dems are the biggest hypocrites ever!

Biden 2020 – you mean like Gore… who conceded, then unconceded?

Go whine someplace else.

@ Fred

I guess your memory must be a little fuzzy.

In 2000 the networks first called Florida for Gore in the hour after polls closed in the peninsula but about ten minutes before they closed in the heavily Republican counties of the panhandle (in the Central time zone). Later in the evening, the networks reversed their call, moving to “too close to call”, then later giving it to Bush; then they retracted that call as well, finally indicating the state was “too close to call”.

So unless you can show us that the networks retracted their projections your comparison is nonsense.

Anon, last I checked, GOP supporters are not in the news in the news every week having tantrums out in the street and breaking things. So, yeah.

Rioting is legal
Just like corruption of politicians
And abusing children
The liberals are really working hard
To feed you to the wolves

I don’t feel bad at all for Walnut Creek. In the recent town council election there was one incumbent who supported and was supported by law enforcement, and two woke progressives. Which one do you think Walnut Creek citizens voted out? I say let all these progressive elitists reap what they have sown.

It’s all about the Arts (the very lame old lady arts) in Walnut Creek.
They close their eyes to the res, until it’s too late !!!!!
Who voted these fools in again?

Don’t worry, everybody, it’s just an idea, not an organization. Nothing to see here.

I’m shocked to see so many conservatives commenting on here, yet California didn’t blink and three minutes after the election closed, it was called for Biden. How does that make sense you might ask? It doesn’t.

It’s also a “myth” said a liberal politician.

@ Dromo~
Yep,…I was wondering the same thing, how quickly the call was after closing in California. You know there is no way, this State, will be allowed to be Red, even if that’s what the votes were.

There are millions of pissed off conservatives in California… but many more millions of Democrats. Prop 16 got rocked, so it’s not like everyone is a raging progressive, but a lot of people aren’t willing to go R. That’s a problem the GOP needs to make progress on. They need to find a way to speak more to the working class – Trump actually made some progress on that, but much more to do. Nothing to do with voter fraud, imo. Nobody would waste time faking votes in CA.

I believe there is rampant voter fraud and that there are a lot of people who gladly “wasted” their time.

While dining bring a little extra pepper to your table and let the protesters have it. 108RS

Bring back the water cannons

Just as they said in the movie Animal House, “this situation demands a stupid and futile gesture, and we’re just the guys to do it”.

These idiots need to be arrested and someone needs to whoop some asses! I am sick of seeing these ass crowns get away with whatever they want in the name of injustice? What a joke! What happened to accountability???

Momma – most of these Antifa wannabe activists have been arrested. That is the problem. They were arrested and nothing happened. Out of custody the same day and Charges dropped. This emboldens them.

We have a far left District Attorney in Contra Costa County who won by a very slim margin. Diana Becton. She has given all these reprobate anarchists a get out of jail free card.

Police know they waste their time arresting them for anything other than the most serious crimes.

I chased a couple of hoodlums away from my home in south PH on Halloween. Young adults up to no good. This much of the same, in a larger number.

Locked and loaded.

for those of you that voted for Biden, this is your new America

Trump is currently our president…

Wait until weak Biden and commi Harris take over. The most dangerous thing to this country is the white liberal. Once again democratic run cities. Keep voting in the madness you get what you deserve.

Wasn’t it Trump that wanted to send in government troops to stop the rioting , looting ,violence ? Wasn’t it all the liberal democrat leaders that refused the help and allowed the violence to continue ?
These criminals know they won’t be prosecuted even if they are arrested . These actions are embraced by liberal democrat politicians for votes and power .It’s going to get worse and the politicians and their non thinking supporters will keep blaming Trump or White privilege . It’s becoming more dangerous for people of all colors .More than 25 million guns have been sold in this country this year because of the lawlessness promoted by liberal democrats . People are afraid .

K- But Trump is not the one supporting this. It is liberals. And, it will only get worse with a liberal president. So, yeah. Enjoy this adult temper tantrum from liberals.

Ksmith… and these problems started with jugears 12 years ago.

What’s your point?

Whenever Trump suggested federal assistance, your beloved rioters (ie, “progressives”, etc) took to the streets. And then your beloved pandering progressive politicians refused to allow the police to do their jobs.

Suck it up, liberal. You got what you voted for. Now take your faux outrage to the septic tank where it belongs.

God they are so brave when there is 30 of them, crap in there pants 1 on 1.

@Ash get outta here with your bs, im a Concord Native, grown an raised. This is a disgrace to our community, but dont act like this problem was brought because of Biden. Our president is our President. Trump was ours an it is what it is. So he could bow down an say thank you American citizen’s when he was. Get off your high horse an be for our community an one day we can come back as a whole here in Concord Califronia. Not a divided society.

Thanks for making it so easy for me to move away from the Bay Area! California I’m gonna miss your dumpster fire.

I’m leaving next year. Cannot WAIT to escape Commiefornia!!

Don’t blame Biden voters.

Absolutely NOT surprised !
WC by doing NOTHING when shopping without dollars crowd was ALLOWED to loot businesses, put these low life anarchists on notice you can ravage our town and we’ll do nothing to you.

Citizens of WC enjoy fruits of your votes for progressive liberal politicians.

Protesters will be very shocked and sorry when the residents of Walnut Creek all rise up to protect their community!!!! They have been warned!

What does this have to do with politics? Antifa are a bunch of anarchists, you do realize this, right?

Who are you to define anyone? You jump in the mix at the same time as our city is attacked. Antifa was already declared a terrorist organization. Yes anarchists are political. Anarchy IS a political ideology. The democrats have used them all over the world to do dirty work. They are pawns. “Trumps America” you’re a joke. Everyone knows these skinny, uneducated, twerps fold like lawn chairs when confronted by real men. These are soy boy, beta, jokes who definitely align with the current democrat party. I call them the Beto boys.


Our city? I live 2 blocks from downtown WC. Please offer proof that Dems “have used them all over the world to do dirty work”. Meanwhile, Trump gives marching orders to the Proud Boys, that IS a fact. But you guys hate facts, right?

Go to http://www.Antifa.com see where it takes you –

Portland has been in a constant riot for over 100 days and you even mention the proud boys? They are a rounding error compared to all the left wing rioters/looters. Do some research.

Umm, is Biden president yet?

What does voting for Biden have to do with this? Why is this attack a result or consequence of voting for Biden? Biden (unfortunately) isn’t even in office yet – and our current president hasn’t even conceded yet, like a little kid who wants his ball back.

This has nothing to do with who voted for who. Why does every single issue have to immediately lead to partisan politics?

These are vandals and people with a chip on their shoulder. They should be held accountable to whatever laws were broken. I feel bad for all the businesses – mine included – who have already been impacted enough by covid and now this is just another thing we have to deal with. This is the last thing we need. It’s sad.

These people obviously have an issue and they’re taking it out on WC. I’m all for standing for your cause, but I like what RGB said;

“Fight for things you care about but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

This is not the right way.

I just don’t understand why people are so quick to associate these types of issues with partisanship, and always biased towards democratic candidates and voters at that. As much as I hate Trump, this isn’t his fault just as much as it’s not Joe Biden’s fault either. These are adults who acted on their own and acted like jackasses. Business owners will have to pay money to clean this up. Money we already don’t have. That’s what matters here.

Enough with the disunity. Lets come together and solve some problems. We can’t do it when the country is split into us vs. them. It’s really sad to see how quickly people blame someone else for things like this. And in this case, the argument doesn’t even make sense because Trump is still in office and Biden, while surely planning much action, is not in office yet. Can we leave politics out for once and talk about solutions?

So tired of this.

@ Downtown WC Business Owner – Bravo! I’m tired of it also, Biden isn’t even president yet, but people are blaming him, or those who voted for him? Give me a break. And btw, Antifa are anarchists’, they have ZERO to do with Dems.

a very thoughtful post from a business owner.
Everyone has to blame someone, no one sees past their nose on many issues, but it is time to come together to fight these aggressive looters
ruining our cities.
We are not in Mayberry RFD anymore!

Uhhhhh, wasn’t it obvious which candidate was on the side of law and order and which one wasn’t.

You just elected the one who was Not on the side of law and order. Good luck with that. I’m glad I wasn’t brainwashed by the TV into giving up my guns.

Biz Owner,

It’s not so much Biden, but Harris, Sanders, AOC and crowd support this behavior and want socialism in the US.


It’s not Biden specifically. Liberalism as a whole is to blame. This behavior has been encouraged by the politicians on the left. And you, the Contra Costa voters, have chosen a far left leaning DA who is responsible for prosecuting these animals. She has openly said looting is fine as long as they need what they steal! She has openly told them they will not be prosecuted for their behavior. What do you expect?

Typical attitude of late. Vote for soft on crime politicians and then whine when you’re victimized. I’ve said it from the beginning and I’ll say it again (albeit those that need to hear it are deaf). You get what you voted for! While not Biden-centric, It has everything to do with politics. Until you wake up and get a clue this will continue. Get use to it, it’s only going to get worse!

Downtown WC Business Owner: very well said, but soon drowned out by extreme partisanship on both sides. I doubt they even read your complete post. These are difficult issues, and we have been encouraged by current politics to just yell, and tweet, hurl insults, and blame everyone else. It’s much easier than trying to tackle the problem. The WC Saturday protests have been from the beginning peaceful; it is only lately that the anarchists started showing up, after most go home. I am so tired of people who just run their mouths,play the blame game, but are too lazy to actually try to do something. Come on, people, we need EVERYONE if we are going to try to get a handle on the issues.

This is the problem with default Democrat voters. Trump is a jerk, and Democrats want to give everyone nice things, ergo check the box next to “D.”

After George Floyd, it was entirely Democrats and their allies calling police brutal and racist. “Systemically” racist, in fact. It is Democrats, including Joe Biden that are calling for the defunding of police. Minneapolis is right now experiencing un unprecedented crime and murder wave due to their idiotic defund and demoralize efforts there. It is Democrats, especially in Portland, who refuse to charge rioters with crimes, and release them night after night to continue their destruction. It was Kamala Harris who met with the accused rapist and domestic abuser Jacob Blake and told him she was proud of him after he got a richly deserved lead injection by the Kenosha police, while standing aside and saying nothing about the rioting that gutted much of Kenosha, and lead to the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It is Democrats that support the intersectional critical race theory nonsense that is brainwashing these kids into thinking they live in a brutally racist, unjust hellhole where they have no chance to succeed in life, and where everything bad that happens to them is the fault of the white supremacists hetero patriarchy

None of this happened in a vacuume. This didn’t just pop up because of Covid, or the orangeman is a meanie. This has been cultivated deliberately and over many years by our education and media institutions, to bring about “fundamental change.” Well we are all getting it good and hard, and it is only going to get worse with a supine Biden administration in the White House, rubber stamping Critical Race Theory back into the federal workforce and pandering to their woke base.

You might not have realized this at the time, but you voted for this. You can be forgiven for it, as the media lied to you about it every step of the way, but the information is out there. Educate yourself. Look up Brett Weinstein, James Lindsay, Peter Bagosian, Hellen Pluckriose, Matt Tiaibi, even Bari Weise.

If you are a white capitalist business owner, you are these people’s enemy. They have been taught to hate you for your race, your success, and your middle class lifestyle. Its not some misunderstanding. They are at war with you, and are just itching for the moment when they can really take the gloves off.

Wake up.

Watching the video I serious doubt any of those animals voted for Trump. Just wait for Biden to get in office, the best it yet to come…Enjoy Libs…

I bet you though, that every one of these protesters / anarchists did vote for Biden and Harris. And each one I’m sure was that Trump hater. But to you gullible ones that voted for Biden & Harris, you’re going to be seeing a lot more of this kind of activity because they’ve never been denounced by the Democratic party, but rather supported. So while Biden Harris are not in office yet these people are the advanced Wave of was to come.
We’ve actually started boycotting Walnut Creek. Have not been there in months. It’s become radical Central for the East Bay


You’re boycotting WC businesses because they are victims of criminals? Wow, just wow, you can’t make this stuff up. No wonder our country is so messed-up.

K. Smith

Hillary has been doing what Trump is doing for the last 4 years. Sure she conceded after the election, but then spent the next four years claiming Trump won illegitimately and was a Russian catspaw. The refusal of the left and the media to accept the orange buffoon won is a big part of the reason why we are in the place we are. If they had just accepted that he won because he spoke to the working class voters that Dems have abandoned for their woke Twitter base, maybe the Democrat party could have course corrected and taken that issue away from him. But no, we get the race baiting, the “good people on both sides” lie, the hysteria that Russia is going to turn off the power in the winter and kill Americans, etc.

If the Orangeman still refuses to leave after all the legal fights are settled, I’ll be right there with you calling for him to be removed. As it is, it’s just as much his right to challenge things and let the process play out as it was Gore’s in 2000. Hell, Gore conceded then unconceded.

Notice that how one tries to be reasonable or intelligent about this kind of thing it all gets tied to the opposite political party? There are all kinds of problems and freely handing out blame to whoever is in your opposite political party doesn’t help or solve anything.

So unless, or until, viable options are promoted or even considered, nothing will change on any side.

@ Wage Slave

Perfectly stated and right on point. I fully agree with every statement you made!

and it’s just the beginning Ash. Don’t listen to dem naysayers. Out of touch and out of time!

Locked and loaded is right. Let them try.


Time for open carry.

It has everything to do with democrats! Horrible Harris has openly encouraged these mobs. Michelle Obama said vote for us and it stops! The Mayor of Seattle referred to what the domestic terrorists were doing as the “summer of love!” Democrat politicians have even joined in on a few of these “PEACEFUL PROTESTS” where businesses were burned to the ground and people were beaten!
They all refuse to condemn these animals and are only on record encouraging it!!
It has RADICAL LEFT written all over it so STOP playing dumb!

Well they have to blame somebody right ! They are just following in the footsteps of Trump. Always blaming someone. The election is over get over it. I’m not Supporting what happened in Walnut Creek tonight.

I never understand why people “protest” harass people, vandalize, invade freeways and insight chaos..Why can’t they simply protest peacefully?

Get real ZZ. The world is in the middle of a pandemic that continues to alter the lives of millions of people daily. Some are dying and many more are suffering tremendously and your concern is not being able to go bowling or stand 2 feet from a stranger?
Harrassing, defacing, looting, violence…anyone engaging in that type of activity should be held accountable. It’s unacceptable. Wearing masks, being socially responsible, and understanding that it’s going to have to take some sacrifices and inconveniences from all of us to get out of this mess…THAT is what’s going to get us back to normal, not standing up against it.

Blue haired nerds

lol right? Soft ass dorks

It’s time to call it what it is… Communist lazy cucks trying to take over. Time to call the guard ams treat these scumbags like we do with ISIS. But the flag? How dare you. Glad my tax dollars get to pay for these riots while small business dies.

Yes Trump is our president. However, whenever he has offered assistance to help cities under attack from these rioters the liberal local government says stay out of the way. Remember the Seattle mayor who said it would be a summer of love and potlucks. Portland’s mayor walking with the crowd thinking if he could stop this behavior.

Trump stands for law and order. These riots happened when Obama was president and he did and said nothing.
Liberal DAs release these people as quickly as they are arrested. No consequences. Look again at Seattle and Portland and how many have been arrested multiple times. Bail funding provided by actors and liberal politicians like Harris. Of course here no bail is needed.

Police are on the scene but hands are tied to doing nothing but watch.

Enjoy your new Walnut Creek dining experience.

Protesting: The practical alternative to work.

I would be willing to bet that many of the folks who were harassed last night were out there trying to help their favorite restaurant survive. I would also be willing to bet that as Walnut Creek residents they pay at least $1000 a month in property taxes. Apparently that doesn’t buy much safety anymore.

why weren’t they stopped?

My thoughts and words on this are of disgust. Would not be printable here.

So many complaints, so little action.

If you don’t like what’s going on in your town, force a change.

Recall the City Council and elect people who will do your bidding.

Complaining does nothing.

so, i cant wait until they report the arrest numbers from this violence. oh, what, wait, they are already in. big fat zero. as soon as someone is seriously hurt, or killed, by these actions what will the city do about the lives and the lawsuits that will come. i fear that is what it will take to see any, any action on these types of behaviors. i hope i am wrong.

And this is why we now go to Danville or Pleasanton to eat and shop. I haven’t been shopping in Walnutty Creek since the day of the first looting and rioting. My daughter and I saw them getting prepared with their hoodies and bats in the Petco parking lot. Walnut Creek is now the place to loot and riot.

See this is what I meant. We people have a right to spend our money where we want and shop and dying where we want. Walnut Creek is falling out of favor cuz every time we go there there’s some kind of protest going on or the aftermath of one. I don’t want to punish the individual businesses I do want to punish the town and it’s leaders who invited such a atmosphere in their City. I’m just Walnut Creek when it was 75% Republican in a safe clean town. now just been taken over by city council to very liberal along with a lot of new liberal citizens who have escaped the city we’re now having the same issues.

Don’t make me laugh!

Those aren’t Republicans & Trumpsters breaking the law, violating the rights of others AND getting away with it!

It was Biden who endorsed ‘defunding’ the police, it was Biden who said “The police become the enemy”

Don’t back pedal it now…. regardless of how the election gets decided,
You Democrats OWN this!

That’s the Blue Team p*ssing all over Walnut Creek.

Spot on.

Completely agree

Time to break out the Dogs.

Unfortunately, I ate downtown on Friday night. Otherwise, I would have been sharing my pepper with the crowd.


This is the most “solution oriented” thing I have read! Contact WC City Council! Demand that the WC City Council does what is right and best for Walnut Creek and not govern to suit their own ideologies and self interest. We need to demand this as Walnut Creek citizens. They represent us…not the other way around. ALLOW the police to do their job…to not, is criminal and against the law. They cannot tell the police to “stand down”.

This has gotten to be ridiculous. I watched as security at these bars had to risk their lives to go out into these crowds to save costumers who were being pushed to the ground. Men pushing women completely covered in in masks and suites as the police watched. Security had gotten hit and pepper sprayed

They attack Walnut Creek harder due to the Miles hall incident. That family was given a hefty settlement. It’s time for that family to get a lawsuit for all the trouble they have caused!

They attack Walnut Creek harder due to the Miles hall incident. That family was given a VERY hefty settlement. It’s time for that family to get a lawsuit for all the trouble THEY have caused the City of Walnut Creek!

Yep, these are the modern day Bolsheviks! Wake up Democrats! And the more you listen to the non-news, propaganda spewing, lame stream Pravda-like media that refuses to report ANYTHING that’s not in line with the democratic agenda, the further down the path we go to tyrannical COMMUNISM (thanks to never ending funding by George Soros!). That’s exactly what they want you to do- to NOT be informed. Know your history- or you will be doomed to repeat it!!

I don’t understand how this is tolerated by our police. Riot gear. Rubber bullets, pepper spray, hoses, and last resort shoot with live fire.
This is not acceptable that we pay taxes for social services like police and fire and the police are too scared to act due to the politics and judicial system putting cops on trial for excessive force. In this situation, where people are being attacked, and are in fear for their lives… what is excessive.

WC PD, Concord, and all surrounding areas please post a fast track process for a CCW permit. If you cannot protect the people… we are back to the Wild West and we need to protect ourselves and our families.

The Police don’t choose to stand down, they are forced to because they have liberal “leadership” lording over them!!
If they were allowed to do their job, we wouldn’t be here discussing what these filthy, lowlife, unemployed, man-buns, purple/green tie die haired vermin did last night.

Peggy- but they are ALL Biden voters. This is his base, not GOP.

Biden/Harris fans celebrating the death of the nation.

Dear Trump voters,

Trump is still our president, not Biden. Fun fact – Antifa are a group of Anarchists, by definition they believe in NO gov’t at all, they have NOTHING to do with Democrats…Got it?

You are a nobody. Everyone has watched and knows exactly what you are. You and your little tight jean wearing, blue hair commies cower behind police when the men come out to play.

Antifa are very well organized. We have the receipts on everything.

Democrats only wish to “defund” the police.
Antifa wants to “abolish” the police…. oh yeah, they’re worlds apart.

Remember…. it isn’t really a lie, if YOU believe it.

You keep telling yourself that Bunky.

To K Smith- Antifa are self proclaimed “MARXISTS”! – Marxism IS a form of tyrannical government! Antifa doesn’t destroy, burn, loot and harass for free!! They get their funds by Democrats! Yes billionaires like George Soros. Look up one of the founders of Antifa Patrisse Cullors. Look it up! This machine is counting on you to NOT be informed!

They are terrorists and need to be dealt with as such.

Then why haven’t Biden or Harris condemned the riots?

No Biden is not president yet, but his people behind the movement are already out there doing things. They’ll be a lot more to come mark my words. And yes anybody that voted for Biden I’m going to blame for the downturn in America that’s coming ahead.
You’re to blame because you to see and know what the left side of your party is doing but you voted for it anyway. Some of you were just naive, others deliberately want to tear down America

Disappointing Walnut Creek. Where’s the Police Chief denouncing this? Is there no suspect photos? Arrests? Have our elected officials and police leaders caved to the mob?

The police have had months to figure out their reaction to these anarchists. They have taken the lazy, safe way. That way the mob will be encouraged to do it some more. It is sort of like letting drug dealers and car thieves off of the hook.

Progressives are those who do not call them “criminals,” but rather “those involved with the judicial system”– obviating any implied wrongdoing. They seem to believe that arrest and jail time do nothing to discourage further criminal behavior, but only stigmatize the individual unnecessarily. Like Newsom placing a moratorium on executions at San Quentin, Boudin in San Francisco not prosecuting certain crimes, and Becton not prosecuting looting if the item was “needed,” this group does not see prosecution and time served as a deterrent to further criminal activity. They have disconnected on some philosophical level the link between crime and punishment for the crime. The unintended consequences of their short-sighted experiment will be a “trial by fire” for the rest of us. By the time they realize their stupid mistakes, the damage will have already been done.

This is how democrats think. “Biden isn’t the president” What the H difference does that make. That shows the brain power of democrats. They have no clue.

Like the Wizard said, never mind what’s going on behind the curtain. The smart ones know what’s happening….

Don’t make it a Democrat/Republic thing. Bunch of ignorant, idiots. People need to remember, “United we Stand, Divided We Fall” and if all this keeps up the United States of America will not be the Great Country that it is suppose to be. Not to mention all the War Heros that served and sacrificed their lives for them/everyone. Get a Life People.

No Trump supporters in that group. They are leftist anarchists and they have support from democrats in the government, the house and the senate and soon to be in the WH. Everyone of them backs defunding the police and the green new deal, state hood for DC and Porto Rico, and expanding the SC. Do not take them lightly.

Sometimes things just are.
The divide is this, you are a freedom loving American or you are a communist. It’s literally all you got at this point. There is no way I will ever make peace with pansies who terrorize women, children or the elderly but cower behind the police when the men come out of their homes to defend the community. Attempting to overthrow our country is treason punishable by death by firing squad.

Little dork kids trying to act tough behind a mask. To scared to show their commie faces. Just wait. I know more then a few knuckleheads around here who can easily take on 10-12 of these clowns. Now you know why Gavin wants the gyms closed. This is infiltration of the highest degree.

@ Sam,

I don’t need your permission to post here. I don’t know ANY Dem who supports anything you claim, and your remarks about “communists” are straight out of Joe McCarthy’s playbook in the 1950’s, do some research to see how that worked out.

Nice little gathering, suitable for a flash bang…

i wonder what these loving liberals will say when the red flags of communism go up

and the raids on your homes start

and yes biden will sit and applaud these things as he backs them

you liberal trump haters call yourselves right
defend politicians taking away rights and allowing lawlessness and abuse of children

thats great
your not americans …………

we get it

your just using the system to get your way
like criminals and losers

at least we know where you stand

American Khmer Rouge?

Last I read Trump classified these liberal turds as terrorists.

WCPD, crack some heads. We’re all done with this crap. Better do it before Americans step in and do it, because lil skinny jeans boys ain’t gonna fair too well.

@pjbottoms I see you’re one of those that just doesn’t “get it”. The fake pandemic and rioting are both being used to break down our society. Seems to be working. Cities are allowing the rioting and states are taking our livelihoods and humanity away.
You need to wake up and get real.

All those Aholes causing trouble are younger stupid misguided morons.
And the police do nothing, they are the second group of morons that won’t stand up for their own city to protect.
Those trouble makers need to be stomped down and if the cops won’t do anything to stop us from stomping them then we need to fight them and make a stand without the police and stomp the hell out of them, once all those male and female pussies in that group get stomped hard they will stop.
Start breaking arms and kneecaps of these rejects of society and their non peaceful protests.

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I think our Governor would have been very disturbed if he had witnessed this while eating with a lot of his friends, donors and consultants outside the French Laundry last week.

And the good businesses in the Historic Downtown pay into a Business District Fund through annual city levy, for the ability to operate in what was the highly attractive downtown.
And now we have restaurants just trying to stay afloat with outside dining.
And now we have individuals who think it is OK to destroy peoples right to having a peaceful dinner or strolling through Downtown on a Saturday night, much less even think it could be unlawful assault and destruction of private property.
And now we have the same parents who failed at raising responsible adults complaining about the damage and lack of police support.
Society is doomed….

Joe McCarthy was right. God bless Roy Cohn. It took you 70 years to show your filthy faces again. Wait till we are done with you this time.

This is the swamp king you elected. Read the bottom line

According to federal filings, a cancer charity started by former Vice President Joe Biden gave out no money to cancer research and instead gave millions of dollars to staff salaries.

Founded in 2017, the Biden Cancer Initiative was founded by Joe and Jill Biden to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes.” According to the filings however, no money was even spent on research.

Appearing to be a vehicle to “thank” healthcare lobbyists and political supporters, the charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. The charity’s president, Gregory Simon, was paid $429,850 in fiscal 2018. Other Obama era related staff were paid similarly.

The remaining money went for travel and banquets.

Another of his money laundering organizations.
Biden is a total scumbag through and through!!
Anyone failing to see this has major depravity issues.

I’m waiting for any democrats to refute this… somehow I don’t think it’ll happen.

Biden and Harris are just a couple of thieving scumbags. Guess their supporters are ok with that. Sure don’t hear them taking Biden to task.

Is that saying the democrats support theft?????

“God bless Roy Cohn.”

Well there you go, you went and said it, good to know exactly where you’re coming from. Cohn is one of the most despicable human beings to ever walk the planet. You do know he was a closeted gay man who died of AIDS in 1986?

Our nice little town is neither nice nor little anymore. Very sad it has come to this.

Sorry Oldtimer. The people have been misled. Stay safe.

So now you are against gays too? That’s messed up. Or was that just your lame attempt at an outdated personal attack? You should get with the times. I stand by Roy Cohn and Joe McCarthy 100%. (gay or not) because I’m not a bigot.

Where do I say I’m against gays? Just wasn’t sure if you knew his bio, considering he was ultra-conservative it’s sad but not surprising he lived a closeted life.

The Walnut Creek Mayor and City Council need to be shouted down and shamed until they represent the residents.
Until then, this is what awaits all of them:

If a person (like me) is against both Antifa and the Proud Boys, what am I? I consider myself “normal” and a moderate, not an extremist like many here.


To be more specific, I’m a moderate Dem, which means I lean liberal but not too far, I see nothing wrong with that since many people have the same position. I do not like extremists on either side. And to correct Sam, I’m not a “communist”, in fact I’ve been a business owner for over 30 years. I’ve employed hundreds of people and been a member of the WC Chamber of Commerce for 20 years. I wonder how many people Sam has employed?

But yes, I do hate Trump because of what he’s done to our country, he purposely divided us and it will take years or decades to recover and get back to where we used to be, i.e. civil and decent to each other.

I said you appear to be a sympathizer in response to your question about yourself. There are no moderate dems. Anyone who claims to be is lying. You either stand for individual liberty or you do not.


One of my heroes throughout my entire life is JFK, how would you define his politics?

By today’s definition JFK would be a far-right 30-40 german fascist. I consider him a populist libertarian. In fact I would compare JFK to Trump. As we all know Trump is nether a conservative or a democrat.

Citizens do not need government approval to protect themselves from far left terrorists.

A suppressed AR works quite nicely in dealing with violent mobs of leftist trash.


They threaten me – it’s all over.

Coconut. “Get outta here with your bs..”

Since when did anyone appoInt you as the authority as to who could/couldn’t post here? Ever hear of freedom of speech?

You have problems with what he writes? Tough $hit.

How quickly they forget. This started while Obama was in office when he legitimuzed convenience store robberies. Smash and grab quickly followed which has brought us to looting and rioting today. In fact, it seems to be escalating, so regardless of who gets tge Presidency, it is bound to get worse.

As they say, “There goes the neighborhood.” When things like this overtake a community, there is really no turning back … as far as I can tell from my experience.

Sorry for all the typos above. Hit the “Submit” button too soon.

Stopping this behavior could have been so simple.

These Black shirts count of law enforcement NOT doing the job of enforcing the law AND a soft on crime district attorney.

Deterrence to unlawful activity is incarceration, it’s as simple as that ! ! !

Florida has a partial solution in the works,

Hey Dementia Joe, how’s that “call for unity” coming along? From the looks of this – I don’t think your followers are listening.

The mobs are in Walnut Creek because they know the police won’t detain or arrest! Like last time! Will happen again if there are no consequences for unruly criminal behavior.

Someone was arrested last time. One of the protesters was hit with a rubber-tipped projectile and taken into custody.

ONE? It was a mob.

ONE arrest ?


Of course, Becton (a democrat) will not file against those arrested. Btw, Natalie- you do recall Becton’s comments about not filing on looters if they thought they “needed whatever they took.”

But they’re not related, right?


The good citizens of WC & the surrounding area need to have a take back the city rally at night. Fill the out door dining and the steets with thousands of peaceful people.

@Lazy One – That’s a good idea and I would support such a rally. The problem is – I don’t think the WC mayor and city officials would support us! They, obviously, take the side of the protestors.

Coconut, were you sleeping during english classes?

You are all dumping on Biden. What is your great president doing besides playing golf and dreaming up law suits. Talk about a lame duck.

Joe Biden has been in Washington for 47 years. Maybe you can put together a list of his accomplishments! I would think it is extremely long after 47 years.

If you haven’t heard about the rampant ballot harvesting, fraud and stealing the election, you need to get a valid news source. Does the name Sidney Powell ring a bell?

You’ll be dumping on Hiden Biden soon, too, if the dementia ridden old man manages to steal this election!
You won’t like his America much.

If Joe is sworn in, he will spend the next four years dumping on you and the middle class. Although he will have to watch his back carefully as Kamala will throw him under the bus ASAP.

Looks like Granny was sleeping during class.

What set all of this off? It was obviously organized but why? Is this the group that shows up at the Farmer’s Market with the speaker?

They aren’t Biden supporters. These are anarchists. Anarchists typically don’t vote or participate in the political process. From the videos online, many in this group didn’t even look to be of voting age anyway.

Biden has repeatedly denounced violence, arson, et cetera. He has stated that “rioting is not protesting…those who do it should be prosecuted”.

@ Natalie,

Thank you, nice to see a little sanity here, totally agree with you.

Thanks Natalie. We already know who they are. We don’t need you antifasplaining. Joe Biden will never be the president.

Natalie – I think you’re giving them way too much credit. This bunch doesn’t look bright enough to recognize, understand, or pronounce
the word anarchist … let alone claim to be one. They’re just dummies that get their info from Facebook – have no critical thinking skills and follow the crowd… aka, Biden supporters.

They are more like Kamala people. If you recall, she helped fund the program to bail out the anarchists in Michigan, and encouraged their behavior. Poor Joe best be looking over his shoulder. She is going to dump him like a hot rock as soon as she can.

So Natalie believes what dementia joe says… when he can’t even read a TelePrompTer.

Interesting that all 9f the violence is in liberal cities run by pandering liberal politicians. … and all the problems started 12 years ago by the divider in chief at the time… a do nothing community “organizer.”

There ya go – believe another lying politician.

The problem we have Nat, is the liberal left DO SUPPORT these losers. I repeat, Michelle Obama is on record encouraging these little rat bastards saying it will stop if you vote for them. “Them” means democrats. These brats only destroy liberally run towns. Why is that Natalie? Well, this is because Republicans have ZERO tolerance for anarchists. Democrats allow it. This is the case in Walnut Creek. Police were told to stand back. So they did.
Why can’t you understand this?
Republicans are for law and order.
Democrats are not. Just look at San Francisco.

While dining bring a little extra pepper to your table and let the protesters have it. 108RS

Will never be forgotten. They must pay dearly.

Y’all sound ridiculous! It was a group of ill behaved people. PERIOD!
You’re giving them what they want! – to divide!
Stop squabbling!

They were all leftists, violently ruining the peace of a community wanting nothing to do with them, terrorizing innocents. There was not one trump voter amongst them, unless it was a cop keeping tabs on them from amongst their ranks.

Corrected name- thank you


I’m with you Fred, and we used to eat there all the time. First they started regularly looting the Apple store and it went from there. WC has had one too many protests/riots for me. When the police are told to stand there and let looters run wild, it’s over. Now they are just like SFPD, stand down. Well when all the businesses close maybe they will wake up. But I doubt it

That’s not a communist thing to say. Free speech is bothersome for you. Why?

Why not be a bit more forthcoming: Censorship under the guise of non-partisan fact-checker will do just fine.

Nice formula. Come in hard defending antifas riots in Walnut Creek, act like you’re a local business owner in the area, call yourself a moderate democrat, profess your love for JFK, sign off with recommending Claycord support suppression of free speech…but not a sympathizer of the communist flavor. Ok buddy

@ K. Smith
You posted that Antifa has nothing to do with democrats. Then please explain this if you can: http://www.antifa.com

This goes directly to Biden Harris fundraising.

Jesus Mother Mary of Christ, it actually does lead to the Biden campaign.

I’m laughing and crying, brother.

Anarchists also dislike Biden. Our current system of capitalism has destroyed this country. We need to come together and work with each other to find alternative ideas that will work. We can’t keep having the same one party system with two factions that have drove this country down for the last half century. Time to rise up good people and get some new ideas out there. Disband the two parties ❤

That sounds dangerously like Marxism, comrade.

Rise up and get new ideas?
We did that in 2016 and got nothing but sedition from the deep state and leftists “resisting” for our trouble.
Capitalism was saving our country and now socialism has come to destroy it.
You don’t want unity, you want surrender…. and you will break all the rules to get it.


recall Walnut Creek City council. They do not protect their residents and are ruining a once beautiful place to live!
Stop putting crochet yarn on trees you senile fools!

only 10% of pro free speech and/or Trump demonstrators were assaulted bodily, therefore it is a 90% peaceful protest!!!! Yuk

Saw bumper sticker,

Belt Loops Matter

Ya sure – let’s erase history! Let’s not talk about which party did what, anymore. Let’s just sweep it all under the rug. Let’s not mention that the Dems have called anyone who disagrees with them every name in the book. Let’s censor all those videos of Trump supporters being attacked and beaten at rallies. Let’s just relax and ignore all of the people whose lives have been ruined by the Dems’ cancel culture. Your offer to “talk” and “work together” rings a bit hollow. In the first paragraph of your post, your own words make it clear that you do not want conversation – you want conversion. You tell other posters, “ … you have exposed your built in tired and political slant and thus bias.” So by “talk” and “work together” you mean everyone must agree with you or they are wrong and, of course, “biased”. Why not throw in racist and all the other usual labels, too. Yes for half the voters in the US the election did not turn out the way they wanted. But now you want unity from those voters? I didn’t hear any offers of unity from the Dems in the past four years. It has been a constant barrage of hate, violence and identity politics intended to divide people. Now you want your version of unity….. laughable.

So the new times are coming, huh? Peace, love social justice and equality for all, unless you are an innocent person shopping with your husband or wife at Target or elsewhere downtown, or even worse – God forbid! – dining at a local restaurant! Well, maybe they and others were seen as “privileged”, being able to go shopping at night! ….
Dr. James Fiatarone, ALMA / Academy of Language & Music Arts, Orinda, California.

in times of unrest the national guard is called in to deal with the civil unrest. hats their job. but where are they why aren’t they are available to enforce curfews and quarantines? because they have bern deployed building a wall and are not being released to deal with the unrest. end of discussion. who would have ever thought the lily white elitist would be leading the charge on these issue? nobody these are targeted well organized actions. they protest in walnut creek because if they protest in Oakland nobody wants force to be used. nobody wants civil rights to be respected. in walnut creek. quickly NIMBY wants the protestors to be crushed and forced into compliance. unfortunately, we are Americans we consent to be governed. our leaders are public servants and not our masters. you can not make a freeman do anything. resist being manipulated. you believe in the constitution and the civil rights of every us citizen support the rule of law. an American. or you preach the violation of others civil rights and offer the freedoms afforded to us by the constitution because you dont want protest in your back yard..walnut creek has tiny police force that needs the national guards support. remember they are not available because the commander and chief has them building a wall. its all a game today played by the right tomorrow played by the left. the majority did not want trump or Biden. in a country of 320,000,000 a win that is by 2,000,000 votes is less than 1% means that its less than a reasonable margin of error. no one won.

We are becoming blind to our own blindness, condoning and rationalizing and denying or trying to understate the acts of violence and disrespect toward ALL LIVES, which are occurring all around us, and ever more to innocent people, at this time…
… but these innocent people, often mothers and fathers and elderly, have nothing to do with any of this, (and ironically often hold a strong sense of social justice and morality themselves), except for the fact that they are trying their best to live honest and decent and peaceful lives, and have achieved a modicum of comfort (like having a car to drive, or being able to afford to shop or dine out!!), which now makes them look like the “haves” and the “privileged”, and thus makes them vulnerable to the vindictive lashing out and the “protesting” by others…
There is no attempt here to find true justice or morality, to become a better human being, to give an example of greater humanity, tolerance, justice and respect for life, only the mob-like thirst for revenge and the desire to wreak havoc, to vandalize, to get back at “the Man” in some fashion…
Our society and individuals in our society have often been unquestionably unfair, immoral and have done or allowed terrible things to be done to others, in many different circumstances. However, what we see now is not the attempt to right the ship and its course, but rather to burn it and to sink it, or to turn a blind eye toward those who are doing so, which makes all of us the victims, including the perpetrators of the violence and hateful revenge … .
,.. Dr. James Fiatarone, Orinda, California.

We should all be calling the Mayor of Walnut Creek to voice our concerns!

Teress, you are correct. We should be calling the mayor and bombarding the city council. According to the East bay Times, following the riots in WC in May and June, dozens of WC residents called in at a council meeting and demanded that the police be LESS AGGRESSIVE! They called for taking funding from the police and using it for mental health and drug addiction. (I don’t believe these were actually WC residents). I believe there was also a payout by Walnut Creek over a lawsuit alleging excessive police force. In response, the WC police are standing down. The Mayor will only hear us if we have large numbers acting together. We need leaders and organization to fight this Marxist takeover.

This is America: Everyone has the right to express an opinion. Marxists, Fascists and everyone in between. Peaceful demonstrations (for valid causes as well as for loony issues)are allowed. Comments on the Claycord site are allowed (loony as well as well-informed ones)

This is America: This kind of violent behavior should never be accepted!
But, absurd extrapolation (such as believing that Biden voters would support this, or for that matter believing that the police force should be eliminated) is not helpful at all.

This is America: We’re typically relatively well educated and up to speed on how the world works. Isn’t it strange, then, that so many 1) tolerate lies from government officials (Trump a prime example) and 2) actually believe in those lies and 3) think that spreading these lies is a good idea.

This is America, though…. it’ll get better!

Take a break and lift your heart and your hands to our Lord. Prayer is the answer. He says He wants US to bring ” ALL YOUR TROUBLES TO HIM”
GOD IS Not a Dem or Rep, so hurry up, leave our gigantic problems with Him right now…you will be greatly relieved when your communication includes Him. WE will all be listening, communicating, and responding in ” one accord and admit that help is greatly needed. .(see emails above)



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