Home » CDC: Stay Away From Your Pets If You Test Positive For COVID-19

CDC: Stay Away From Your Pets If You Test Positive For COVID-19


A small number of pets worldwide, including cats and dogs, have been reported to be infected with COVID-19, mostly after close contact with people with COVID-19, according to the CDC.

Based on the limited information available to date, the risk of animals spreading COVID-19 to people is considered to be low.

It appears that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread from people to animals in some situations, the CDC said.


They say you should not let pets interact with people outside the household.

Most of the pets who had COVID-19 only had mild illness and fully recovered, according to the CDC.

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Could you be more vague! This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read!
A small number of pets worldwide. Is that 5 or 100. How many of the small number were in the US?
How many were cats and dogs?
So it spreads in some situations. What are those situations?
Based on information transfer from animal to human is low!
So what the hell are they saying.
More scare tactics to help control the people.

here we go …………wow

next they will say

oh if you get covid the dem gov will take over your house

again prove it …because anyone can give covid “advice”

or suggestions or propaganda

at least the gov wont be around for long
after signing bills to abuse children and allow people with aids to infect people at will ….as well as people and rioters to steal without prosecution

yes he will take over queen kamala-rahrah’s senate seat to impose more hitlerisms

What is the deal with all this Dems garbage. It’s getting really old!!!

Almost a year later and they just released this now…the mortality rate is less than the common flu.

A “virus” is now a Disease????

Interesting how even a Mango tested positive for the covid-1984.

All Lies.

Meh! More fear mongering. Nothing to see here, carry on.

Fear, fear, fear. Such BS! Next up; Put a mask on your pet!

Thank God my 1970’s era “pet”rock” seems to be immune to covids

LOL just spit my coffee on my monitor!

You won the internet today, Mike. LOL!

This gets more asinine by the minute!

Yes it most definitely has. If a revolution is coming it would not be the far left that leads it but the quiet silent majority that have had enough of this crap.

I agree. I have a mask on my cat. I don’t want to catch the virus.

must be a stuffed toy because I have had a lot of cats in my 52 years and not 1 of them would remotely wear a collar let alone something like a face mask. Try not french kissing your pets and you should be just fine.

Denmark had 15 million minks killed because some of them came down with COVID-19.
Poor little minks, raising animals for their fur should be illegal.

Dawg, I agree with you. It is my native country, but I think they were wrong on this one. When I was growing up my best friends dad (we are still friends 65 years later) had a small mink far, they were kept in small cages, back then we didn’t think much about it, although I have always been an animal lover, as was my parents. I don’t know if the conditions have changed, and they are at least kept in better quarters.

When I drive to LA, on I5, by there is a cow and calf farm and it looks like those animals are kept in horrible conditions, I think it is called Kettleman City. On the whole I think US are ahead of many nations in treating animal cruelty as a crime and punish those who are caught.

Let’s parse out this bit of CDC propaganda.

They say a “small number of pets worldwide have been ‘reported’ to be infected..”

They don’t say that a small number have been “tested” and confirmed to be infected. The term they use “reported”, is unqualified and subjective. It is essentially speculation.

They don’t even say in the US. They say worldwide. So what are we talking about? A Chihuahua in Ciudad that sneezed a few too many times?

They say “most” pets only get a mild case. In other words, only a “small number” of the already “small number” of pets worldwide “reported” to be sick, become severely sick.

And yet the thrust of the CDC message is clear. The innocent kitten looks imploringly at its owner and seems to say “Please don’t get me sick. Don’t let your friends hold or pet me. I’m so vulnerable. I don’t want to die.”

I remember a similar story about dogs being infected, around March. People were also being told that infected patients had skin that was falling off in sheets. They were being told that mutations were spreading like wildfire and that the mutations would kill their kids, etc, etc…

Still believe you’re not being manipulated?

Not going to happen. I don’t have a pet because of allergies. I do know that for most people their pets are a part of the family just as much as their children are. For some, the pet is their child. So whenever I’m visiting my friends and family that have pets I take my allergy meds and treat the pets like the rest of them.

We are doing this again? Running the same stories from last go around…

It is like we have learned NOTHING in 8 months.

99.8% survivable for most.

Shelter the old, and sick.

Yes, Mitch, this is recycled news from March!. This is fear mongering by the ‘powers that be’ so that people do not get together during the holidays as their furry babies may contract Covid-19 (for some pets are more important than relatives)…
I predict similar headlines for the next two months as we get everything thrown at us but the kitchen sink to get us to comply with mandates…

What is the difference between Virus and Disease?

Both of these are medically relevant, but are totally opposite at a single point in time. This is because viruses will ultimately lead to all the characteristics of a disease. But all diseases are not caused by viruses, and all viruses will not invariably cause diseases. Some of them are sub clinical and some are immune to the effects of the virus. So the best analogy that would give justice to this topic is the comparison between the hydrogen atom (as a component of water –H2O) and a giant tsunami.

So. The Covid 19 is now a lead in to disease. Engineered by China. Biden is going to reward China for this?

Actually, it’s your type who refuses to question anything who is a threat to our freedoms. Hand everything over to the CCP…..because the TV would tell you if it really was a threat, right?

I thought the CDC clarified that the virus was communicated by air droplets not by things you touch or at least that was their episode of the day. Stay tuned for more on “As the CDC Turns”. 😀

November 13, 2020

CDC endorses seppuku as most effective at-home COVID-19 treatment.

Will just keep my dog 6 paw lengths away at all times…

It’s actually true…we had family members test positive for COVID, one of which snuggled the cat during the whole time, and the cat did come down with similar symptoms. I think it was just meant to make people aware, not political or any other agenda.

The one thing we all want to know: is the cat okay?!?!

Get a grip!!! Check out information about the 1918 Spanish Flu. Trump and Biden weren’t around then. Who’s fault was it then?

I think Biden was… Jk… Oh, and still Trumps fault, because… The dems say so

Wow I guess the democrat’s don’t get it All there loses in congress and Calif progressive props not passing, now they come up with this Sad

With cat’s ears able to move so much, the mask won’t stay on.

Why are they posting an article from 2019?

They’re not. The illness is called “Coronavirus disease 2019” or “COVID-19” for short because it was first identified in late December of 2019.

Yea. Blame the Dems. Oh please stop. Is that going to make all your problems go away? So tiresome listening to the ignorant.

I’m waiting for them to re-post the “Safe Sex in a Pandemic” guidelines……

if anyone thinks the cdc puts out info for the publics best interest your saddly mistaken. cdc is not a non profit organation. they have board members, who main concern is making money. their #1 contribiture is bill and melinda gates foundation whos main focus is depopution. look up event 201 and tell me this is not what happened. cause it went exactly as they planned it. yes their is a video of a meeting with dem officals and powerful people talking and planning to take back the white house by any means. which it has been clearly done.

big question is whats the reason they are telling us this big lie about the saurs virus witch is a pathagen that has been here for the past ten years. the danger for this illness if gone untreated is that it turns into phomnia witch can kill you. this air born pathagen is everywhere and a healthy inmune system can fight this off very quickly. so why do they want to bring down your inmune system by keeping your nasel passage covered and stay inside out of natual sunlight that strenthens your system



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