Home » Two Draft Amendments To “Plan Bay Area 2040” Will Be Posted This Morning

Two Draft Amendments To “Plan Bay Area 2040” Will Be Posted This Morning


Two major draft amendments to Plan Bay Area 2040, the long-range, widely encompassing regional transportation and land use plan, will be available for public review starting today.

Documents for the Draft 2021 Transportation Improvement Program, and the Draft Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis, both part of the Amended Plan Bay Area 2040, will be posted this morning.

Plan Bay Area 2040 is the strategic update to the original Plan Bay Area, released in 2013. It builds on earlier work to develop an efficient transportation network, provide more housing choices and “grow in a financially and environmentally responsible way” in the Bay Area.

Public comment on these amendments will be taken at a public meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Programming and Allocations Committee on Dec. 9, beginning (via Zoom) at 9:45 a.m.


Written comments on the newest amendments will be accepted until 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, 2020. They may be submitted to MTC’s Public Information Office via e-mail to info@bayareametro.gov.

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Are they ever going to count California’s votes?

Wait..Do you have the link for Biden winning the election? I have been trying to find it.

Who would have thought it would be this difficult to get a simple link that shows JOE BIDEN HAS BEEN DECLARED THE WINNER??

So is Joe Biden the winner or is Donald Trump the winner?

86% of California votes have been tabulated, and yes they are still counting. Or can you provide a link that says they are not still counting votes in California?

Biden has such a lead in California that even if the remaining 14% of votes still being tabulated were all for Trump, Biden would still win the state of California.

There are other down ballot races and measures in California, that could flip this week as more votes are recorded. The difference between yes and no on Measure V here in Concord for example is close. There are various council races and mayoral races in the state that are on thin margins.

For the country, Biden is the projected winner. That’s the correct way to depict his current status, given that states are still counting. The votes continue to be in Biden’s favor as counting continues. No states called for Biden have flipped to Trump. Trump’s lawsuits are being tossed out by judges, for not presenting evidence. Even Fox News has called Biden as the projected winner.

So JOE BIDEN IS NOT the president elect? Would the be the right way to say it?

So in other words Joe Biden DID NOT WIN anything. We have no president elect. But we do have a president. That’s what I thought.

And California’s vote hasn’t been counted yet.

Rudy Giuliani’s massive army of lawyers are already on the ground in California. Tick tock 🕰 We are coming for that 55

Election totals as of November 9, 2020

President Trump 0
Joe Biden 0

That is the score. Anyone saying otherwise is lying and conspiring to defraud you.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi’s husband not only sits on the board of the software company that was used in the machines tallying up the votes, he’s the majority OWNER of it. Hang tight people. There is a lot more to come.

Bitter RINO Paul Ryan who left congress in 2018 is now on the Fox News board in case some people are trying to use them as a counterpoint
Many people have stopped watching Fox
Lawsuits are flying out fast now and PA and GA will certainly be overturned and AZ will be won legally by Trump when they count all the votes
This will be enough to win the election
The “cheerleaders for Fascism” on this site will then be silenced

BREAKING: Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified. (Per AP)

💥Orange County has just announced that it will conduct a voluntary audit of its 2020 presidential election ballots to ensure the integrity of results (Los Angeles Times).

And I guess “a vast majority” is good enough. No reason to finish. 🤡

DID California pick Gavin Newsome? Maybe Hammer and Scorecard tactics got him in too.
Plus other things like the recent tax measures.

Somehow the Swamp is planning on refilling the pond as fast as they can.

Sounds expensive and ripe for corruption. Look forward to 20 years of bloated spending to the extreme and with little to nothing to show for it.

Shouldn’t be too hard to plan. All they’ll need for the remaining inhabitants of the Bay Area will be tents and drugs. Always thought San Francisco was the most beautiful city in the world. Now – thanks to the Dems – it’s just an above-ground sewer. So sad. I guess now, with Joe & Ho, the whole country will look like SF. Where can we flee to then?

@SF oh: ‘Joe and ho”…. That’s brutal! (But I guess true, since she used to sleep with Willie Brown) ( as did SF mayor London Breed)
I guess it’s requisite for a politician in this state.

Will there be an Olive Garden in these plans? Asking for a friend….

Roughly 500,000. people have died in California since the last election. That means a million have died since the last presidential election. I wonder how many were taken off of the voter rolls? Does anyone know how these deaths are reported to the county voter registration departments.

Are these same kinda people that were saying office workers will be mandated to work from home three days a week even after CV-19 is over ?

An of course the “transit village” HIGH DENSITY housing that’s been pushed for more than a few decades is still a go, even after CV-19 showed the dangers of high density environments.

Have to wonder how many workers will resist going back or change jobs to avoid high density work environments ?

“Working in an office instead of going remote can double your chances of getting coronavirus, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

Larger the bureaucracy the less adaptive to change and slower to react when variables change. In short they’re continually playing catch up, an are prone to waste taxpayer dollars by saddling communities with edicts not in long term interests of those living there.

See Agenda 21

This has been a policy/agenda of the Democratic party.

What’s, potentially, different is that they are emboldened by the concept of a Democratic administration in the White House.

This plan is in lockstep with what was rolled out under Obama and is one of many policies that Team “Biden” is planning on rolling out again.

This is has been the policy in California and is what justified, by legislative caveat, the contested development in Lafayette and now Clayton.

We will see dormant policies, which are currently active in places like California, rolled out nationally–should Biden be confirmed as President by an administrate body of our Government that has the authority to do so. I suspect that we will see states like California begin to roll out new more aggressive policies that were sequestered, or stalled, under the current administration.

Should we lose balance of power between national legislative bodies (Senate runoff in Georgia) and Biden becomes President (and yes I realize that the voting portion of our election process is over and it appears likely that he will be; however, this is not a statement to open that line of conversation, simply a statement of fact that news outlets are not recognized legislate bodies with the authority to declare a President-Elect) things will become very interesting in states that are Democratic strongholds.

Buckle up it’s for safety.

The amendments pertain to the express lanes, and not to housing. Specifically they are seeking federal funding for I-680 express lanes from SR-84 to Alcosta Boulevard.

If this doesn’t scare the hell out of you; then you are beyond reasoning with.
Please, please take the 9 minutes it takes to view this very credible video.




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