The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
It was announced today that a COVID-19 vaccine, made by Pfizer, is about 90% effective, according to testing.
QUESTION: Will you get a COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available?
Talk about it….
I’d like to see a Benford’s Law audit of this study’s results.
Sadly, the New York State BAR wants mandatory covid vaccinations for all New Yorkers. Same will most likely happen in California.
People better make their voices known.
How can I believe in the cure when I don’t even believe in the disease?
Polls show half of Americans won’t take the vaccine. So no I don’t think a vaccine mandate will happen.
If you want to be taken seriously you should learn the difference between a prophylactic (vaccine) and a cure. The discussion here is about a vaccine and not about a cure.
Why blame me for not making the distinction?
The cure to a sham pandemic is the same as its prophylactic.
Namely, fiction.
Have to go with what’s been suggested on the net for months.
Politicians first, if it works great for the country.
If it doesn’t, great for the country.
Probably, but only after it’s been out for a couple of years so I can see what the side effects are. I understand there are several different strains of the virus, so I would guess the vaccine would cover the most prevalent strains. If the vaccine proves to be as safe as the flu vaccine, then sure, why not? I get a flu shot every year and I never get sick.
What if the vaccine causes me problems? Manufacturers have immunity dating back to 1986.
90% effective against what? They haven’t even isolated Covid-19.
No, I’ll wait. And let’s not forget…..the ones who were all pro vaccines and labeling everyone as “anti-vaxxers” suddenly became anti-vaxxers themselves when the thought that the Orange man was behind the vaccines.
False: “…the ones who were all pro vaccines and labeling everyone as ‘anti-vaxxers’ suddenly became anti-vaxxers themselves when the thought that the Orange man was behind the vaccines”
True: Pro-vacciners want vaccine safety and efficacy confirmed by experts and established processes, such as those in the FDA, before distribution. Politicians and those who’ve tampered with these investigations and processes are not to be trusted, so pro-vacciners will not take a vaccine on their say-so alone.
Not this kid…grosses me out just thinking about it.
Ditto,…with Simonpure on this.
The question was “will you take the vaccine?” and the response is “Kamala let felons go and now there are blind cops”.
Do you hear yourself?!
Let’s have Biden take it first and see what happens.
Let’s have Biden take it first and see what happens.No I didn’t
Don’t worry … Gruesume Newscum will have to approve it before it is available in California. We will not even get a choice unless HIS team says it is good. We can trust him, right?
Will I get it, probably. Will I be first, no. Why, cause I am not a front line responder or in a high risk environment. As such, let others who need it, get it first. I will end up getting up as part of my overall health plan.
Even if I have to travel to a different state to get the vaccine because the IDIOT in Sacramento has not put his approval on it yet.
Makes sense. Follow the science: Travel out of California to receive your Vaccine.
Trump had no part in the Pfizer vaccine.
Pfizer did not participate in Operation Warp Speed
Pfizer did not take government money.
I absolutely will
Actually, I will resist it.
I have learned from Democrats what I’m allowed to get away with. Cannot have it both ways, sorry.
I trust an injection as much as this election.
Oh good, so you’ll get it as there is no credible evidence suggesting that there is anything wrong?
Right there with ya
That’s a hard no for me!
They did however donate to the Harris/Biden campaign. Although it really wasn’t necessary.
I believe in vaccines but don’t tend to be an early adopter for myself or my kids. So I will probably take a wait and see approach for a few months to review data on adverse effects for my age group. If, after a few months, it seems low risk I will take it.
You should be on the My body, My choice side…..because once they mandate it…..they won’t care about you’re wanting to wait.
I’m not an “anti-vaxxer”, but rather an Ex-vaxxer. Too many issues in the past with vaccines.
I’m hesitant. If the economy opens up fully again and they start requiring proof of vaccine to eat at a restaurant, fly on a plane, enter a state via airport or attend a ballgame etc…..then I guess I’ll get the shot(s). Until then…I’d rather wait and see.
@ Rob
Trump did expedite the process that Pfizer benefitted from. Without Trump the vaccine would have been months maybe years away.
Most likely I will. I will follow the science and the recommendation of my health care provider.
I’ll be first in line.
I will likely wait a few months and if there are no significant issues will almost certainly get it. I suspect it will be a requirement to have had the vaccine before you can board an airplane (possibly) or a cruise ship (likely) and I am anxious to do some traveling. We currently have two cruises booked and have to fly to get to and from them. My guess is that the vaccine will be available and/or required for some people such as first responders and medical staff, so it will likely be a while before “the rest of us” can get it anyway.
I appreciate President Trump’s leadership in getting this done so quickly.
You don’t want to take that poison! Bill Gates will track you! It’s a Chinese plot! It will make your babies be born naked!
Now, excuse me while I go up to that short line and get my shot.
I would need to know what’s in it.
I would think the airlines would require it so they can fill all the seats and bring more planes into use.
The question is not whether we want to take the vaccine, the question is will Newsome sign an executive mandate “requiring” (forcing) us to take it. After all, we can’t forget HE is who is in charge. Every year there’s a new flu strain and vaccine shot. I guess we will be sheltered in place until doomsday because new strain of Covid are also being discover, such as the one caused by mink.
If it passes out of Stage III testing without complication and is verified by independent review boards, then absolutely.
… others will get it first … I’ll watch closely .. if seemingly ok – sure I will
I will once it’s available – I’d like to get back to the world and not worry that I’ll infect my family with the Rona.
I really wish I’d gotten the shingles vaccine before I got shingles. I’ll get the covid vaccine as soon as the VA authorizes it.
Heck yes! I want my life back.
I don’t think that I will rush to get the vaccine. I’m going to hold off and see how effective the vaccine is, what type of side effects there are, and I will want to research myself before I make this decision. It seems that its being rushed through.
I’ll take it when available, as long as the safety and efficacy still look good at that point. I think I would rather have a more established type of vaccine, though. These mRNA vaccines are brand-new. But some of the other candidate vaccines are using more old-school approaches.
I’ll wait. I’ve never had a flu shot and haven’t had the flu since I was a teenager. I won’t be first in line. If my job requires it, maybe.
Absolutely. I hope these results are confirmed and the vaccine is made widely available quickly. If the results are not confirmed then hopefully one of the other dozen vaccines undergoing trials proves to be safe and effective. Once a vaccine is available in sufficient quantities then almost everything can go back to business as normal except for businesses which have discovered telework is better for them than having everybody come into an office.