The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think the State of California should allow businesses, sports, etc. to fully reopen (with facemask and social distancing restrictions)?
Talk about it….
No…Fitnee 19 on Ygnacio Valley Rd. near Heather Farms is now open…showers & bathrooms are way am I going back there
How about we wait a few days to see if we get new guidance from the white house (if you know what i mean)…
He has a plan…
Consider that every time some kind of ease of restrictions, COVID-19 numbers increase. Imagine a stadium fool of people?
The restrictions are said to SLOW DOWN the Chinese virus. not eliminate it.. those that will get it will get it!!!! if we SLOW DOWN the economy any more, the only stores that will be left will be the BIG BOX stores. The small shops will be gone (if they are not already gone)
OPEN UP let the CHINESE VIRUS run its course.
I agree, since the Flu(s) & Aids can be deadly too, and we didn’t have to shut down business for those.
COVID-19 is deadlier than the annual flu virus. Even Trump admitted it during a recorded conversation with Bob Woodword. Trump has politicized the virus resulting in too many people not wearing masks and taking it seriously. If most people take it serious then the spread will slow down.
Of course not, that would be irresponsible at this juncture.
Now that the voting has been completed we think!), we should open up.
Now that the voting has been completed (we think!), we should open up.
WRONG. I thought so before the election.
I think the state should never have closed in the first place and masks should be left up to the individual, not mandatory. Six feet of social distancing is a farce, because a sneeze can travel up to 200 feet. Even with a mask, a sneeze or a cough will travel more than six feet, and most people wear a cheap mask that is worthless as far as protection goes. Not only that, but how many people keep touching their mask with their dirty contaminated hands?
Too many people are being hurt due to these absurd rules. Many are losing their homes because they cannot pay the mortgage.
Do not touch your face until you wash your hands.
Well said.
@ Laugh Out Loud, Research suggests a sneeze can travel up to 200 feet. You can google it if you like, but I’m under the impression you’d rather patronize me because it makes you feel superior.
@Dawg. I agree with you
@Laugh out Loud. The Democrat party at this point has the world record for the longest group temper tantrum! Give it a break and go get help.
@ Laugh out Loud
Um if you could hear my daughter and my father in law sneeze, then you might think a sneeze could travel 200ft. There sneeze’s are insane, loud, funny and they have to travel past 6ft with how they do it!
Cowards gonna cower.
Agreed Dawg! All you other mask and virus freaks are sheep. Look up The Great Reset! Your being lied too
I would tell my parents that but they are dead, from COVID 19, they listened to the President. Damn sheep
I lost my parents also, and they NEVER listened to the President
ugh again with the numbers going up
for the umptenth time
it is a virus … is out in the world and will never go away ..thank you china
if you put on a mask and gloved and sprayed lysol everywhere every day on you and everything else and hunkered down for 10 years
and then emerged you would get the covid
stop being sheep and realize
yes realize that if you cower in fear of this and dont allow yourself and body to learn and defend against it ….yes you will be at greater risk
even if you went to target or walmart or safeway gloved and masked
your still very likely to get it ……
if you go home and strip down and wash your clothes and change into so called sterile clothing you still will more than likely get it
it being covid has to run its course through every living thing
just like every other virus
stop trying to hide you cant
what you can do is eat healthy and boost your immune system and gut
to limit effects …..
like when you get the cold or flu and have chicken soup does it heal you
no but the medicinal thoughts of warm and soothing helps your body defend
if you run around screaming at others and stressing out
you will more than likely have a worse time
again you can not hide
and just because lots of people feel something and run to the hospital and are declared covid ….does not mean the sky is falling
if we were in a serious environment where everyone was going to die if they were infected do you think the demorats would be going to hair salons
and promoting their wine and vineyards
and shutting down anything that relates to an american traditional holiday or family gathering
but promoting and allowing riots and not prosecuting those criminals
limiting what free americans can do
but allowing crimes and lawlessness
bums to congregate and allowing the virus to mutate exponentially
these are all dem approved approaches to covid
so your fears are of dems not covid
To the “The Masked (and gloved) Poser. I hope that Left Wingnut Kool- Aid is Tasty. You would not know good advise if it hit you over the head like a 2×4. I am afraid this might lead to a government take over of everything(Think Green New Deal) and an uprising to restore the Republic. It could get very ugly.
@Random Task
Another good post, but your very last sentence is the absolute best sentence I’ve read since March.
It should be up to Dr.Fauci he knows what’s best.
If we have a change in the White House, this question is moot. Things will get closed up tighter to facilitate the wealth redistribution plan.
Burn it down, and build back better, or whatever the slogan is……..
Yes we should open.
Covid 19 has a 99.5% survival rate ages 0-69 and 95.6% survival rate ages 70 and above. The stats don’t warrant keeping things shut down. It has to run its course. If you are concerned stay home. If I had underlying issues I would stay home.
I’m beginning to think it’s all political with the far left who is in China’s pocket.
NBA China’s pocket
Hollywood China’s pocket
Biden China’s pocket.
To put things in perspective I had five friends die of cancer this past year. I’m pretty sure they would have taken the Covid survival rate odds.
Any life lost is sad, but put things in perspective again, California has over 40 million people.
Open up, the cure is worst than the disease.
@Darwin ~
Oh so True!
Sad for your 5 friends with cancer.
I think my Uncle would have rather trying to survive Covid-19 instead of passing away from cancer too.
not only should we be 100% open, facemasks should be optional.
if you are concerned for your own well being, or have underlying issues, then it your choice to stay home. I was first arguing that the kids need it for their mental health as well as physical, but not we all need it. I am sure I will get some kick back from people, but don’t really care. this is my opinion which I am entitled too, although if I had a choice and was let in stores without a mask, I would, but I put it on and take it off as I leave. But I am sick and tired of the looks from people when I am out in the fresh air without my mask on. GIVE US OUR OWN CHOICE……
You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to tell you that I agree with you. I too take off my mask when walking in the fresh air and people also give me looks but this heat makes wearing a mask even more uncomfortable. We have become prisoners in our own homes. We are all going to die whether it be Covid or something else. This SIP is having other types of negative impact on people’s lives.
I got my hair cut this morning just in case they close things up more again. :/
How many are looking forward to the virus as a way to decrease the excess population so they can have more stuff for themselves. Just a though taken from good old Scrooge. Sure, open up fully and then hope you won’t be part of the excess population.
That said, has been so nice having bosses work from home.
3 – 4 days a week, since this thing started. Getting much more accomplished without their ” input “.
I check yesterday and it has been 14 days since anyone in CCC has died from the Chinese plague. They don’t tell you how many died of other things like maybe the flu. If everyone was careful I think they could open everything including schools.
As Magneto said “In chess the pawns go first.”
*Points to Florida that reopened recently and has had an increase in both COVID cases and deaths.*
Who’s magneto? What is that a cartoon? Why you trolling with fake news? Florida is doing great. Always with the garbage info. Why don’t you learn what’s going so you can be helpful to the community with good info?
Yes. per CDC numbers, cases represent only 2.8% (9,463,782/331,002,651) of the US population (and that doesn’t include retested subjects). Deaths represent 2.5% of COVID cases (233,129/9,463,782), which represents 0.07% of the total population (233,129/331,002,651). There is not a breakdown on CDC by age, or location (NY long term care facilities…) but one site cites 88,910 come from long term care facilities or, 39% of deaths. Cases in California trend a little lower than national numbers (2.3%). We have allowed the state ruin the livelihood of how many people in this state? Nice to know the government here is powerful enough to determine which income generating, family feeding jobs are “essential.” I have not found the numbers of those who succumbed to “failure to thrive” as their living was also shut down.
Yes, Californians should be allowed to live their lives (sounds very North Korean, that statement).
You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to tell you that I agree with you. I too take off my mask when walking in the fresh air and people also give me looks but this heat makes wearing a mask even more uncomfortable. We have become prisoners in our own homes. We are all going to die whether it be Covid or something else. This SIP is having other types of negative impact on people’s lives.
I would say yes because now the experts are saying this virus will be with us forever like the chicken pox, polio, flu, etc. With the way we treat this planet I wouldn’t doubt if more diseases and virus’ show up to wipe us out. It’s what we get for not treating our planet with dignity and respect.
I’m not a fan of The Guardian, however they did have an interesting article entitled, “More masks than jellyfish: cornonavirus waste ends up in the ocean”. Yes some people discard their coronavirus masks like smokers drop cigarette butts. At least the plastic straw guys find a garbage can.
Humans are the only species that are no longer altruistic. We are also the only species arrogant enough to think we can truly manipulate the future of the earth, climate change or otherwise. Nope, these pedestrian efforts are about money and power. Be happy instead.
No, Winnie, it’s what we get when China purposely decides to unleash a deadly virus. America is extremely good to our planet compared to other countries in the rest of the world; i.e. CHINA!
@ Cyn ~
I agree with you. The U.S. is one of the few larger countries that trying to be good to our planet. Only if China, Russia, and India would clean up their act, but I don’t see that ever happening. As far as climate change, it’s seems more like mother nature has her own cycle too. We still get crazy weather patterns, which happened 100+ years ago and we had less crap going into the environment then.
Understand the great reset. UN Agenda 2030. If you are unaware then your comments reek of ignorance. The plan has been in place for a very long time.
Yes, that sounds ideal. Perhaps we can hold off on mass indoor gatherings such as sporting events, concerts, and conventions, but I think just about everything, including theme parks, baseball games, schools, and other “high-risk” activities should be open in some capacity with masks and social distancing by the Spring at the latest.