14 – $$$, another cost to taxpayers with no return
17 – Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, includes parole
24 – $$$, another cost to taxpayers with no return
Lol so violent murderers now get to vote, awesome.
I understand this kind of thing passing in battleground states, since felons are overwhelmingly democrat voters before incarceration, but why do it in California?
I would guess these were voters who looked at TV commercials to get their election information, as opposed to researching these propositions and making an informed decision.
November 4, 2020 - 5:41 PM 5:41 PM
I would like to know why the ballot I submitted on Nov. 3 has not yet been received.
I dropped mine off on Nov 2nd at the elcections office. Still not counted.
November 4, 2020 - 5:44 PM 5:44 PM
Un effing believable….
Cautiously Informed
November 4, 2020 - 6:46 PM 6:46 PM
The majority of California citizens love more and more never ending taxes. They also love supporting as enabling criminals.
November 4, 2020 - 7:31 PM 7:31 PM
Wow. It’s at election time that I’m reminded how radically left this state is and how the majority of the populace just votes straight party line.
The mantra of the CA Democratic party is more money, more money, more money. For us. Not for you. And the idiot voters just go along with it time after time.
We love the weather and the natural beauty, but my spouse and I are reluctantly coming to the conclusion that we have to leave here and surround ourselves with sane people.
It’s baffling the state with the best weather in the nation also has the most ignorant voters. Followed by the worst politics and governance.
November 5, 2020 - 6:17 AM 6:17 AM
I do not except the results of this election it is FRAUD!!!!
idiots everywhere
November 5, 2020 - 7:46 AM 7:46 AM
I don’t understand the yes on 14. Do people think bonds are free money? Even if the state feels compelled to fund medical research shouldn’t we be paying as we go?
November 5, 2020 - 8:00 AM 8:00 AM
#16 failed! No more affirmative action with hiring!
Get the most qualified hired not by their minority racial status!
We never practiced AA in my company ever I’m proud to say now it’s official.
14,17 & 24 should be NO.
14 – $$$, another cost to taxpayers with no return
17 – Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, includes parole
24 – $$$, another cost to taxpayers with no return
19 – Should have been a NO also!
This. That makes two of us paying attention..
Lol so violent murderers now get to vote, awesome.
I understand this kind of thing passing in battleground states, since felons are overwhelmingly democrat voters before incarceration, but why do it in California?
what about people who were wrongly convicted? Now they get at least some of their voice back
WOW! Geniuses voted to get more taxes. And voted yes on 19!!!
The only thing they got right was 20 and 22. Everything else should have been a NO…
What a joke. More taxes. More taxes. More taxes. At least expanded rent control was a NO. Time to raise the rents!!
What’s frightening is 44.6% voted yes on 25! That tells you we have a lot more pro-crime citizens than some of us thought.
Who are the Einsteins who voted Yes to raise taxes?
They are the poor & uneducated who think only rich people will have to pay for it.
I would guess these were voters who looked at TV commercials to get their election information, as opposed to researching these propositions and making an informed decision.
I would like to know why the ballot I submitted on Nov. 3 has not yet been received.
I dropped mine off on Nov 2nd at the elcections office. Still not counted.
Un effing believable….
The majority of California citizens love more and more never ending taxes. They also love supporting as enabling criminals.
Wow. It’s at election time that I’m reminded how radically left this state is and how the majority of the populace just votes straight party line.
The mantra of the CA Democratic party is more money, more money, more money. For us. Not for you. And the idiot voters just go along with it time after time.
We love the weather and the natural beauty, but my spouse and I are reluctantly coming to the conclusion that we have to leave here and surround ourselves with sane people.
You are not alone, we are out shortly also.
It’s baffling the state with the best weather in the nation also has the most ignorant voters. Followed by the worst politics and governance.
I do not except the results of this election it is FRAUD!!!!
I don’t understand the yes on 14. Do people think bonds are free money? Even if the state feels compelled to fund medical research shouldn’t we be paying as we go?
#16 failed! No more affirmative action with hiring!
Get the most qualified hired not by their minority racial status!
We never practiced AA in my company ever I’m proud to say now it’s official.