Home » Bay Area Counties Have Plenty Of Volunteers Ahead Of Election Day

Bay Area Counties Have Plenty Of Volunteers Ahead Of Election Day


By Tony Hicks – Those wanting to be good citizens and volunteer on Election Day probably should have spoken up sooner.

Heightened voter awareness campaigns in 2020 have generated so much interest in the democratic process that officials are turning away volunteers in all nine Bay Area counties the day before Election Day.

“We have had a surplus of workers for months,” said Scott Konopasek, assistant registrar of voters in Contra Costa County. “People have been selfless in their willingness to serve this election. We have turned down hundreds of volunteers.”

“We are fully staffed at our polling places, and have at least 1,000 backup volunteers,” said Lynda Roberts, Marin County’s registrar of voters.


“No volunteers needed for Solano County,” said John Gardner, assistant registrar of Solano County. “We’re still at 125 percent capacity.”

High school students are also eligible to work at polls if they are at least 16 on Election Day, have a 2.5 grade point average, have permission from parents and their school, and attend a training session.

Poll workers set up and close polling places, help voters understand their rights and protect ballots. State law allows California residents to take time off from work without losing pay.

Poll workers are usually paid, the amount of which varies by county. To be a poll worker — in the future, since this year’s spots are more than full — people can apply at pollworker.sos.ca.gov or contact their county elections office.


“We had 4,800 people volunteer for the four days; so we have plenty of volunteers,” said Tim Dupuis, Alameda County’s registrar of voters.

“We are lucky to have an overabundance of volunteers,” said Evelyn Mendez, the registrar of voters in Santa Clara County.

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THIS is what DEMOCRACY looks like!! I don’t care your political views or affiliation, I’m so glad to see so many citizens participating in our system!!!

I hear it’s the biggest voter turnout in over 200 years. Percentage wise of course. Amazing to have so many people participating.
By the people, for the people 🇺🇸 God bless America

To that we can be sure Sam!!!

Darn! Soros was too late filling the positions with his people!

In Soviet Russia, you are big man with many friend!

Na, Soros is too old, you’ve 100% been duped by the Russians my friend. Sad but true.

@dtrain,94521. Maybe you should study up on Soros (and company).

Amazing how some of you give Soros permanent rent free space in your head.

Funny thing is Soros actually has minions working all over our area and you 3 know it full well or are just ignorant.

wow a bunch of state school democrat indoctrinated kids

handling adult votes

nothing could go wrong there right

just like manson never really did anything to tate or anyone else …right

very unprofessional and detrimental to a fair and just election

i mean why not let the illegals count the votes as well

being impartial and all right ……

All the volunteers at my station were about 45-60 years old, none of them looked deranged… I have hopes.



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