Contra Costa County elections officials are trying to determine why some election ballots deposited into a county drop box in Richmond on Oct. 12 have gone missing.
Scott Konopasek, Contra Costa’s assistant registrar of voters, said on Thursday that county officials do not know why “dozens, max” of ballots that were placed in the drop box at Richmond City Hall cannot be accounted for.
Konopasek said a two-person team from his office collected 84 ballots from that drop box on Oct. 12, a Monday, as happens six days a week.
“We are aware of reports by dozens of voters, and claims on social media, that they deposited their ballot into the Richmond City Hall drop box on Oct. 12 and the county has not been able to confirm receipt of the ballot,” Konopasek said.
His office found, through “sleuthing” phone numbers and social media posts, about 40 of those voters, who took advantage of various ways to re-cast ballots.
There is no way of knowing exactly how many ballots were never recorded, said Konopasek, who acknowledged such problems figure to attract more “concern in today’s political environment.”
The Contra Costa County Elections Department has 37 drop boxes stationed throughout the county; the Richmond City Hall box is one of three in that city.
Nearly 150,000 ballots had been returned from those drop boxes as of Thursday morning, said Konopasek, who stressed that this one Richmond box is the only one with which problems have arisen.
An internal investigation turned up no evidence of physical tampering with the drop box, Konopasek said, nor evidence of nefarious actions by elections workers.
“I suspect there’s some sort of handling error, but we don’t know where that is,” said Konopasek, who said the investigation will continue.
The “glass half full” element of this story, as Konopasek put it, is that the county now has for this election, for the first time, online ballot tracking, allowing voters to see there was a problem.
Also, these ballots were cast early enough for those problems to be discovered, and for those voters to be offered a second opportunity to cast ballots, in any of several ways.
Konopasek said discussions have already been had about installing electronic surveillance covering the drop boxes.
Voters who want to verify receipt of their ballot can use the “Track My Vote by Mail” feature on the website, or call the Elections Department office at (925) 335-7800.
Konopasek said the 150,000 drop box ballots are among 370,000 overall ballots returned by Contra Costa voters as of Thursday morning — representing 52 percent of the county’s registered voters.
why they went missing? easy.
someone who has been driven to illegal and immoral actions by the media that tells them the ends justify the means.
after all orange man bad!
It’s obvious, the GOP has already admitted to illegal activity, so… we know where to look.
Isn’t that the same thinking process that the concept of systemic racism is based on? Isn’t that the attitude that gets in innocent people harassed by the cops? Hypocrisy is the currency of the leftist.
Speaking of illegal and immoral: Hunter, Jim, and Joe are all in hiding……if there is no problem, why not address it with voters?
Oligarchy is a big party. And you’re not invited.
The corruption is on both sides. Have you noticed there are no Deep State personnel calling for an investigation. Both sides.
T.D.S. is real.
To Addlepate
Actually, Trump has been under investigation for the past 4 years. they still have not come up with any corruption on his part. the more they investigate him, the more they find corrupt on the democrats party.
It is likely that both Republicans and Democrats were involved.
But I thought dropboxes were a great idea! So convenient and germ-free! So they’ve been setting them on fire or stealing them or misplacing them. I certainly didn’t think this would happen (sarcasm).
Pay no attention to this. There is no evidence for voter fraud. It’s the safest way to vote. There is no way to rig the election. Our internal investigation…How do you all feel about the state knowing how you voted through their new vote tracking system? Anonymous no more.
I just dropped my wife’s and my ballot off at a drop box but I not saying which one has at least two votes for Trump. If this one isn’t safe none of them are.
Surprised this happened? Not at all!
I don’t trust mail-in voting because my full name and signature are on the outside of the envelope and that leaves the door open for identity theft and for retaliation for my voting options. This is the Bay Area and the Bay Area isn’t as accepting of all things as they are constantly ranting about. I’m taking a pass on voting in this election.
President Trump was right.
In scaring his base enough to tamper with the election? You hit the nail on the head, my dude!
Oh, Jessi. Denial, much?
Democrats cheat at everything they do. Democrats stole the nomination from Bernie 2X. Democrats lied to their base for 40 years. Yes Trump supporters are “tampering” with the election by casting votes for Trump. Nobody is worried about Trump winning the election against a corrupt corpse. There is zero enthusiasm for a traitor like Biden. Trump didn’t scare anyone, democrats motivated us
Sam, so you’re saying the President motivated you to tamper with the election? That’s a federal crime!
Democrat logic: Arrest them for voting the wrong way!! They tampered with OUR election. Impeach Trump for getting more votes!!! reeeeeeeeee
This is all just a big mess and never should be out of hand like this.
lol here we go
this is exactly what democrats wanted
by forcing ballot boxes all over towns
no chain of custody and when its all said and done we will be well into February and pelosi will be so giddy with her corruption campaign
that she will probably declare herself potus
dont laugh its coming
and right after that civil war
democrats seem to have pushed us into a no win hole
that has no end
you as legal citizens will all lose
as america as we know it now will never be the same
democracy is about to die and america and for which it stands for as well
common sense saw this coming the second the democrats uttered mail in
the fraud is rampant in democrats and its on full display
god bless america for as long as we can ………
wow can not believe demorats actually pulled it off
well no we know what happened to the romans and egyptians empires
destroyed from within by jealous power hungry evil people
Ben Franklin said it best. When voters realize they can vote themselves money the Republic will eventually be lost. Example? Vote for me and I’ll erase your student debt.
God, why!? I ask you all!? Just vote in person! The system is already easy enough to rig, why would you add the mailman to the equation? Why add a dozen, or two dozen mailmen!?
If you give them your cell phone number for ballot tracking you will probably get calls and texts from campaigns every election season. I know for a fact this happens in Solano County. I asked them not to share my info but it was too late. On the plus side, I am getting fairly regular text message updates from the Jackson WY city council.
I was willing to crawl over broken glass to vote this election, but instead I filled out and mailed it the day it arrived in my mailbox.
The ballot tracking system worked well. My ballot arrived 2 days later and will be counted.
Why wait?
Always vote in person. It’s not complicated.
Amy, you’re right…I’ve been voting in person every year since I turned 18…if I can go to the grocery store during this pandemic, I can vote in person! It’s not complicated, just more time consuming this time around.
In order for this to be a concern, it would have to be Trump voters stealing the ballots. We all know this is a blue State through-and-through. Reducing the quantity of Trump ballots in Calif won’t change anything.
Seriously, This is a Democrat conspiracy in Richmond to hurt Trump? Who knew Richmond was a battleground! So far the only fraud in California has been from the Republicans with their illegal ballot boxes. It’s always projection with Republicans. The more Trump cries about someone the more you know he is guilty of doing it.
I don’t think it’s about that. I think it’s to cause doubt in the final vote on all issues. I wonder why you you assume Richmond is a battleground. Is it because you think everyone in Richmond is a democrat?
I’m guessing those responsible are mist likely related to the same ones removing Trump/Pence signs in my neighborhood.
This instance seems pretty ‘meh’ to me. But it does perhaps reinforce the obvious (or shoulda been obvious) point that massively expanding mailed ballots is asking for logistical trouble, and potentially shenanigans.
“come on man” there is no such thing as voter fraud !!
Surprise Surprise Surprise!!
Gomer Pyle
Mail in voting not working well? Shocking!
Ballot tampering has been fact checked false by the Democrats/ Media. Move on move on nothing to see and don’t look behind the curtain.
To Addlepate
Actually, Trump has been under investigation for the past 4 years. they still have not come up with any corruption on his part. the more they investigate him, the more they find corrupt on the democrats party.
I’m still seeking one mail in ballot that the County says was mailed to me on September 28th, and now a replacement ballot that was allegedly mailed to me October 19th. Neither has made it to my mailbox. Shameful.
Wondering if I have voted several times and don’t know it?
“hanging chad”