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One Arrested After Fleeing From Police, Crashing Into CHP Vehicle


One person has been arrested after fleeing from police and crashing into a California Highway Patrol vehicle this morning on hwy.4.

At about 1 a.m. today, Martinez Police were in pursuit of a vehicle on eastbound hwy.4 near Solano Way in Concord when it crashed into a California Highway Patrol cruiser.


The pursuit then came to an end.

The driver of the fleeing car was hospitalized and arrested and the CHP Officer did not receive any major injuries.

The identity of the driver has not been released at this time.

photo credit: Craig Cannon


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Sorry to be so rude but just another POS on the roadways. Wonder how many other arrests they have and if they are part of the minions of Becton’s don’t punish, fine or put in jail because they could catch Covid-19?

The leftists-socialists and Democrats just love to see this and I suppose the CHP officers are to blame along with anyone who is light skinned that pays more than their fair share of taxes, work their behinds off to make something of themselves without sucking the system dry so the others can coast and continue to destroy society.

i’m right there with ya sam

These politicians enable these criminals.

Sam, as a Democrat, I do not love to see this. Sam your comment is in error.

Lost me in the second paragraph. This isn’t just a leftist/democrat problem. Break the chain and invest in minority/lower income schooling and extra curricular programs that would entice younger generations to focus on academia and useful activities instead of hanging out and building destructive habits that lead to this. Agreed, lock this reckless and careless person up but more will follow if the root is not changed

Absolutely true!!

Agreed 100% Sam, cheers!

@CoCoCommentator throwing money at a problem doesn’t fix said problem. Throwing money at a problem means nothing if all it does is line corrupt people’s pockets. There are thousands if not millions of people out there who line up to lead programs that are meant to help people but instead they make tons of money and have an incentive for the problem to not be solved or risk losing their job.

Any and all problems cannot be solved unless we solve the problem of corruption. Otherwise it’s just an endless cycle.


I hear you- same thing my brother says. Then he turns around and votes for the people who have the fourth letter of the alphabet after their names. You know, the same people who are actually soft on crime, and place blame on the true victims. The same ones who have been in charge in California.

Excellent work MPD and CHP, glad no officers were seriously injured. 108RS

And these POS’s continually just wreck tax payers equipment, suck up LEA’s time, and rarely are help accountable. And out they go again, to do it all over again…

As word spreads that there isn’t any accountability. this crap will continue to increase.

Coco that’s laughable over $1 trillion has been pumped into all the black and brown communities enough is enough no more money for that bs get your shh together. We would have top-tier everything education roads healthcare and probably have reached Mars by now if it wasn’t for …… hand outs

I think you’re on to something Bill!

What does 108RS mean?
I have seen it many times.

It was his ID # or radio call sign.

I think the “R” was for reserve which means he volunteered his time.


Okay, so I have seen no indication of the gender or race of the perpetrator. It has absolutely no bearing on my thoughts or feelings. There are simply too many people driving in a manner which is so reckless, when stopped they should be charged with attempted murder, along with all of their other violations.

As for Becton, don’t get me started on that Soros-backed POS. She has no business being a D.A., and her performance demonstrates that to a te!

Chuckie, I agree I see too many driving recklessly. For 5 years I commuted from Concord to Palo Alto, often drove home at night, everyday I saw many reckless drivers, of all ages, color, trucks (Amazon) etc. In the Stanford Shopping Center, seemed younger women in fairly expensive cars, BMW etc. treated the parking structure as a raceway. One actually struck a pedestrian when she came out of the parking garage real fast and paid no attention to the marked pedestrian crossing. The pedestrian ended up under her car, and she became so hysterical that the EMS had to take her away as well.

100% agree CoCo Commuter. Investing in schools now Is much cheaper than housing criminals in the future.

Bullets for these scum and rioters are cheaper than investing in schools for those who will just wind up criminals.



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