Home » Fire Weather Warnings Issued For Sunday Through Tuesday Due To High Winds

Fire Weather Warnings Issued For Sunday Through Tuesday Due To High Winds


The National Weather Service issued alerts for fire weather and high winds that are expected in parts of the Bay Area beginning on Sunday.

The weather service issued the fire weather warning, which lasts from 11 a.m. Sunday to 11 a.m. Tuesday, in anticipation of low humidity and winds between 25 mph and 35 mph, as well as gusts of up to 60 mph.

The mountains and valleys in the North Bay and East Bay, the Diablo Range and the Santa Cruz Mountains are included in the fire weather watch, according to the weather service.

In some mountainous parts of the Bay Area, wind gusts could reach as high as 70 mph, forecasters said.


The high winds warning will be in effect from 4 p.m. Sunday to 10 a.m. Monday in the North Bay, East Bay, San Francisco peninsula and shoreline, Santa Clara Valley and all of Santa Cruz County.

High winds may blow down trees and power lines, according to the weather service, with the potential for widespread power outages.

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CA has the fifth largest economy and can’t even keep its lights on.

One has to question the effectiveness of the elected Democrat/liberal majority.

California would be Haiti if it wasn’t a U.S state.

“National Weather Service warning”, or, as we say around here (sadly), ‘just another Sunday’………..

PG&E put the ratepayers’ money to good use, by cutting the trees below the electrical lines, updating old trsnsfotmers just to name a few, then the weather should not be a major factor.

There isn’t even a SLIGHT BREEZE!
Just another demoRAT fake news. Keep everyone in FEAR!

if the democrats didn’t have fear they couldn’t keep everyone in their homes, they couldn’t destroy the economy, they couldn’t get back at President Trump for winner and Hillary losing


The winds are going to start in the afternoon and be worst overnight.

HUMmmmmm, several media outlets sharing the 70 mph gusts are coming….

Had planned to smoke some beef and would have been done before the wind starts, but actually worried about embers (would be smoldering for hours) if wind is strong enough to blow over the unit. I hate to disappoint, but decided not to Q.



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