Home » Fire Extinguished In Concord Homeless Camp – Fifth Fire In The Past Three Months In The Area

Fire Extinguished In Concord Homeless Camp – Fifth Fire In The Past Three Months In The Area


Firefighters have once again extinguished a fire in a Concord homeless camp.

The blaze started around 5:15 p.m. on Saturday near hwy.242 and Grant St.


This is at least the fifth fire in the area in the past three months.

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Get them the hell out of there !

and let them stay with you

Oh no! Their home(s) burnt down! Bring them food and clothing, give them a new home, give them alcohol and drugs. Oh wait, Newsom is already doing that. Thanks Big Daddy!

free cell phones, oh wait nothing is free so cell phones we pay for

A nice hotel room with maid service seems to be the cure. In the meanwhile our property taxes skyrocket.

wow so now the bums can set legal fires whenever they want

yay …..

at least the dems wont complain the firefighters dont deserve their pensions
now …..right

yet they dont care all of these politicians and union heads get free tax paid pensions and healthcare for life

but a firefighter who deals with caustic smoke his whole career
and will have lung troubles the rest of their lives for their troubles
the dem voters get all pissy over that

but bums lighting fires and wasting millions of tax dollars yearly is ok with them

sorry but the hypocrisy is getting old …..

Yes, it is getting way old. Firefighters deserve the best. Why are homeless continually let right out of jail to keep doing this? Why are there never any consequences for these people.

Gavin Newsom would say this is a perfect example of climate change.

homeless are getting out of control and above the law.
One named” Joan ” who is senile comes to Ygnacio Plaza in Walnut Creek, chain smokes and takes over Great Clips area with her carts and bags, scaring people away from entering. Demands her special table by the door and when anyone is sitting in it,she will get within 2 feet and loudly cough and blow her nose forever, until they leave in disgust and she swoops right in to own it.
On other days she stands in the middle of the road talking to herself about how everyone annoys her. as cars drive in and have to to dodge her.
you want to feel sorry for her, but it’s impossible!

The landlord, Regency Centers, can have her removed for loitering since it is private property.
Being homeless isn’t a crime but interfering with commerce is.

Do tell……… is she single?

I don’t think it is impossible. This is obviously someone in need of mental help. I assume, since you say she is senile I assume she is older, I for one would be interested to know her story. Has she always had mental problems? Did she ones have a family, siblings, children.
While I understand the frustration with the way she disrupt the local businesses, and if I was that business owner I would want her removed. I frankly don’t understand why she cannot be put in a mental institution where she can get medication and mental help. I don’t feel sorry for all homeless, I rarely give money to anyone begging in public places, if I do it is always to women that are older, never to younger people men or women, I donate to the Food Bank of Contra Costa instead. I think it is very sad seeing older people on the street, even though some are there by choice.

@Han jepp
ACLU is why.

Joan had been a fixture there for years. I don’t think she wants help or pity unless it’s related to giving her cigarettes.

It was always such a joy being cursed at by Darlene while walking near Walnut Creek city hall.

When I walked from BART to my office in The City years ago I was cursed at every morning from various ‘persons’.

Don’t miss those days.

Hanne Johnson-The state of California has very strict guidelines to get anyone committee to a mental hospital. The state rarely takes conservatorship over a person. I am health conservator for a mentally ill man. They cannot be held against their will. Many get into programs but then sign themselves out of the program. They refuse to take meds and they return to the streets. It is really sad that so many of them are disturbed and they cannot take care of themselves. Many of them are sexually or physically assaulted on the streets. It is a vicious cycle.

Someone needs to take her out to the middle of the desert and let her finish out her life there..No food, no shoes no water…no problem..

Yes I understand the issues of conservatorship, and also the role of ACLU. As has been mentioned before it is a complex issue. I just feel sad when I see elderly people on the street, getting old has it’s challenges for everyone, being homeless on top of it must be horrible. However, if help is offered and not taken I guess there is not much that can be done. As someone that use to have my own business I also have sympathy for business owners who loose business because of intimidation by someone mentally ill. No winners on either side.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing east of 680 in the Walnut Creek wash in front of Diablo Rick Gym. It’s not even a homeless encampment. It’s a shanty town. They’ve literally built dugouts into the embankments and dips in the riverbed. These aren’t homeless people. They are hobos. They’ve chosen this life to minimize overhead and maximize freedom. All while cashing a disability check somewhere. It is more hateful to these people to keep enabling their self-inflicted suffering than those of us that would give them actual means to improve by holding expectations and consequences.

Once somebody goes feral, they don’t seem likely to ever come back inside again. Your statement that they want to maximize freedom is the key to their “lifestyle”. As soon as you place expectations on them, they will run off. Enough people are enablers to reinforce their choice
and, as the various government agencies are incapable of convincing them to want to give up that freedom, they remain out there.
A lot of theft can be traced to them, as well as fires, and aggressive begging. Lawless to the bone.

HOBOS ~ Human Occupants Beneath Overpasses

Show a little respect

Let’s not be too quick to criticize these downtrodden shopping cart pilots…. chances are the fire was some cooking endeavor gone awry.
Perhaps a Cherries Jubilee flambe got a bit out of hand or a flaming Aperitif was spilled…. maybe a post meal Regius Double Corona dropped a hot ash….. there are an endless number of possibilities.

It doesn’t automatically mean someone sparked up a doobie & tossed the match!

And all their trash and waste goes into the straight and gets ZERO attention from lefty enviro-nazis. But you can’t have a plastic straw.

The word HOBO was actually used to refer to soldiers returning from war , who with little money, would hitchhike or jump trains in order to get home, after their tour. HOBO was short for HOmeward BOund. I quit referring to these slackers as Hobos, upon finding out the words origin.

Good point… a hobo would be a compliment.

If the “gangs” around here were real gangs they would drive this element out of our community. But no they are groups of weak little boys that just tag buildings.

Not sure if I agree with your solutions there Schmee .

Where are they supposed to go. It must be terrible to be homeless.

I am glad some one is counting. But I missed the story about the fire behind Hobby Lobby a month or so ago. The one near the tall evergreens.

I am so blessed 🙏🏻

Maybe they are like Oakland and wait until it really piles up. The other day they cleaned up a site and it took a whole bunch of dump trucks to haul it away. What is the matter with the authorities?

I have a member of my family who is homeless once the city cleans up an area they just go back

There are many deserted but well outfitted ex-military bases and facilities in the Nevada desert areas, California and half a dozen other states that were all retrofitted about 5 years ago to house thousands of people away from populated areas . All these homeless people, hobos transients etc they all need to be transferred to those facilities. they want to live on the streets they want to live under freeways they want to live like hobos then they can all go live in these ex-military-based facilities they don’t need to be around general population and that is their choice, now it’s our choice to put them where they need to be.
And if anyone doubts the putting of thousands of people in the Nevada ex-military bases look at the raise the overpass retrofits they did along I-80 from the Bay area all the way into Nevada to raise certain overpasses that were over I-80 because double decker evacuation buses would not fit under the existing overpasses go ahead look it up it happened there was eight to a dozen overpasses retrofitted and raised up 4-6 feet to allow the bigger evacuation buses to fit without having to exit the freeway.

These fertilities are ready to accept thousands of people into them I say put all the homeless in there all the transients all the hobos everyone that wants to live on the streets by their choice need to be swept up and put into these facilities get them away from the general population and cities.

You mean FEMA camps? Never let a crisis go to waste.

I wonder when our “leaders” will start caring about tax paying citizens instead of every drugged-out hobo and illegal that wanders into town.

Probably left the oven on.

I was just talking to my wife about this yesterday. She called Concord cops on an encampment 100 yards from our complex back in April. She was told that during this covid time, cops don’t want to be exposed to whatever the bums may be carrying & vice versa. Cops would not be enforcing the anti-vagrancy/loitering/trespassing infractions for the time being.

In the meantime, I entered a complaint on the City of Pleasant Hill’s maintenance department form about “illegal dumping” (bum trash) at the 680/Monument intersection across the street from Panda Express & within 24 hours it was cleaned up & a PH cop car was making sure the inhabitants had moved on.

all you need to do is go dump some hazardous materials in there and encampments and they will be cleared out almost immediately when you call Hazmat.
there are many ways to clear encampments when the police or other government authorities refuse to do so.

I’ve got to think most people know that this is only going to get worse. They let this go to a point we may never get a hold on the situation. Social programs just don’t work. Liberal policies have failed terribly, so what’s next?

NOTHING will change in commiefornia until the Woke Whites are adversely affected by the liberal agenda. Go ahead WW and vote for the liberal agenda.
Read this and look down your nose in disagreement.
You and yours will be included in the tragedy that will follow you forever.


i fear we have been waiting for this for years now. it makes me wonder if the WW, as you put it, keep lowering their own expectations they will never get to a bottom. then again at some point things will have to fall apart around them. and no matter how rosie their glasses are they won’t be able to ignore the state falling apart around them.

God Bless

You sure have a positive outlook, and compassion for your fellow human beings. Have a little faith in your fellow human being even if you disagree with them on some issues.

Have you thanked a Democrat today?

Well said!!!
This is what Californians get when they vote Democrat.

Of course, Democrats caused my VD too.

don’t like the homeless move to danville no homeless there

Not in Clayton either we don’t put up with that crap here.

They can’t get into Rossmoor.

Lucky Rossmoorians.

Bring a book to read while you are waiting. Nothing new. Thirty years ago when I worked in one of the Gateway buildings, we could see a homeless camp along 242 from the tenth floor windows. More than once their camp fires started fires along the side of the highway. Cal trans would clear them out and a month or so later, they would return. Cyclical and getting worse.

Gavin will soon set up “Safe Burn Sites” in the city so that people can “safely burn things under professional supervision”.

Put the fire out and then use the firehoses on the homeless. Drive them back to the cesspools where they came from. The good and decent people of Claycord do not want them here

Great yet another instance that our firefighters are being put in danger. The homeless, a very large majority, do not care about what they damage and destroy as they are not punished. All are not mentally ill. I have personally seen instances where they are out of control because they wish to be and horrible to law enforcement and city workers. But once the leftist news reporters and cameras arrive they put on their act of crying and being pitiful. Cut the crap. They are lawless and many will not follow the rules thus they desire to live they way they want.

Set up camps for them that are contained and until they change their illegal ways stop giving them all the freebies that are sucking us dry. Make them work for their keep. God knows there is enough cleanup work in all cities they could do while being supervised. They could even clean up the destruction they have caused?????

But Newsolini would even give that a second thought he is to busy signing orders to enable them further.

Remember when you vote that we can only change this to get the country back on course.

Yes. Concrete. It would be easy to powerhose too.



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