The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
1,700 San Quentin inmates (half the prison population) will be released or transferred due to how the prison handled the COVID-19 outbreak. Inmates over 60-years-old who have served at least 25-years of their sentence and are eligible for parole be considered to be released or transferred.
QUESTION: Do you agree with the court’s decision to release inmates?
Talk about it.
Definitely not, I dont want these criminals back on the street to commit more crimes, as they will undoubtedly. They decided to do a crime and should have to pay for all the consequences and everything that comes their way while in jail. As jail is not a 4 star resort, it is a punishment.
The point of prison is rehabilitation, not punishment. Did you even read the details of this post? It’s only 60+ year old prisoners who have served 25+ years of their sentence and are eligible for parole. The vast majority of those released will likely not commit crimes. The national average for reoffense is only 43%.
Might want to do some research on your own rather than blindly accepting what liberal media, liberal activists and liberal politicians wish you to believe.
‘ Despite an emphasis on inmate rehab, California recidivism rate is ‘stubbornly high’’ LA Times January 2019
CA has a 50% recidivism rate, as of 2019.
‘California prison rehab program fails to keep criminals from reoffending, audit finds’
‘California Prison Rehabilitation Programs Costly and Ineffective’
For 98% of paroles worst they can get for a simple parole violation is 180 days county jail time, BUT because of jail overcrowding it’s not unusual for them to be out in under 24 hours.
Prior to AB-109 passed 2011 parole violators went back to prison. Threat of going back to prison is deterrence to criminal behavior.
16 parole violations in a system that no longer puts parole violators back in prison view video to see what
liberal politicians (AB-109) in state legislature caused.
It also says they had to have served at least 25 years of their sentence.
Oh yeah…. they will blend right in to today’s world after spending the last 25 years locked up.
This is beyond a mistake, the Court’s decision is criminal !
Wow but the punishment needs to match the crime rate? So death is a good punishment for 28 inmates? Ones that are not on death row think before you speak or type
Perhaps a transfer. Release no.
Just what we need, right? If they are there for a valid reason then they should be certified as safe to the general public before release. How that would be done should be carefully studied before implemented.
What could go wrong? Meanwhile, Newsolini is begging people not to leave the state. California is kaput. Get out while you still can.
Why even have jail then…
Why am I not shocked with this headline? No wonder gun sales are going through the roof. Protect your castle.
newsom following orders from his masters in China. Create more chaos, undermine the system. Make people lose faith in the system, while China shines as an example of how things should be.
So many people are so blind to the minions China owns in the United States.
Here’s how brainwashed you all are. Nobody even bothered to ask for evidence of a virus. As per the CDCs website, they have NOT isolated the virus. They have never seen the virus, and have ZERO evidence it exists. The world was locked down for the common cold. You people need to start asking real questions, reading the CDC website and thinking for yourselves. CDC website buried under thousands of pages.
Page 39, last paragraph, 2nd sentence
“No quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available“
Does not meet the criteria of Koch’s Postulates to prove it exists. Therefore it’s is a hoax.
It absolutely is a hoax. No doubt about it.
This is wrong interpretation when a non expert reads scientific files.
There are isolates of the virus, but these samples aren’t quantified in specific amounts. That’s all that statement means. If there were no isolates of the virus at all, they wouldn’t need to use the term “quantified”. There is a huge difference between the statements “there are no quantified virus isolates available” and “there are no virus isolates”.
The virus has been imaged by electron microscopes, and the proteins that make up the virus are being studied. The virus is being examined by universities and medical facilities all over the world.
Not all viruses fulfill the Koch Postulates. Some do fulfill the postulates, some don’t. The Koch Postulates were codified before the field of virology was developed. The postulates were codified for bacteria, not viruses. The Koch postulates have limitations, and are often irrelevant when talking about viruses.
Oh yeah Natalie, name one virus that doesn’t. I’ll be waiting. CGI images of a virus are not images.
Drdrew.. Go ask a scientist. Not someone who plays one on TV.
“Many viruses do not cause illness in all infected individuals, a requirement of postulate #1. An example is poliovirus, which causes paralytic disease in about 1% of those infected. Further compromising postulate #1 is the fact that infection with the same virus may lead to markedly different diseases, while different viruses may cause the same disease. Postulates #2 and #3 cannot be fulfilled for viruses that do not replicate in cell culture, or for which a suitable animal model has not been identified.”
Viruses are too small to photograph. They can only be imaged with electron microscopes. That’s just reality. Electron microscopy is a credible method of imaging, used in many applications including virology.
Oncoviruses, types of viruses that cause cancer don’t don’t fulfill the postulates. Poliovirus doesn’t fulfill the postulates. HIV doesn’t fulfill the postulates either.
On the internet you have a vast library of medical journals, and scientific papers at your disposal. There is no shortage of information the limitations of applying the Koch Postulates to virology.
Sorry Natalie. The only “isolates” are exosomes or debris taken from the sick. Supposedly, the vaccine is using some sars-cov2 “virus”.
All a bunch of baloney.
And BTW, the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis said that the test was never intended to be used the way they are using it.
Sam, are you a scientist yourself? If not, you shouldn’t be telling Drdrew to ask a scientist, that would be pretty hypocritical. Can you also explain to me how the virus is a hoax when there are 222,000+ Americans dead? That’s more than 100 times the amount of people that died during 9/11, but somehow the virus isn’t taken seriously. Funny that And if it is a hoax, why did other countries take it seriously?
I understand exactly how science works. Working backwards adjusting criteria as needed to fit your desired outcome is part and parcel to the game. Polio can be photographed. You can defend fake science all you want. Everything you say is completely disputed. Especially with the facts on the ground. This is a hoax. But I’ll keep dragging you out to defend your fake virus so you have less time to spout the party line on other topics.
@Anon: SARS-Cov2 isn’t just some virus; it’s the virus for Covid19. So you don’t know what you are talking about.
Don’t even get me started on the faults in PCR testing. The guy who created it is upset it’s being used for this evil. Yes CS I have been a scientist all my life. I have thousands of lab hours. Why don’t you tell me more about those 220,000 people? The very last thing your side of this argument wants is real science getting involved. This is a global fraud. Has anyone checked on Mexico lately or South America? I have. Anyone still falling for this hoax is beyond saving and I couldn’t care less about. Run of that cliff go ahead.
The guy who invented the PCR test, Kary Mullis, has been dead since August 2019. So he can’t be upset about using the PCR test to detect the Covid 19 virus. He died months before the outbreak began.
The conspiracy about Kary Mullis and what he said about applying the PCR test has been disproved:
This statement tells you EVERYTHING!
“@Anon: SARS-Cov2 isn’t just some virus; it’s the virus for Covid19. So you don’t know what you are talking about.“
Natalie, Your appeal to authority fallacy has been on full display for months now. You are desperate and flailing. The COVID 19 is a global political hoax to place the boot of authoritarianism on the neck of every man, woman and child. So in a sense you are right, it’s not just some virus. It’s THE virus the world came together to destroy in WWII. It’s the virus Joe McCarthy beat back into the closet in the 50s. It’s the virus on the streets murdering Americans in cold blood for an “idea”. It’s the same virus Trump has been taking on from before he was even elected. It’s the same virus that has crept back in to every facet of our culture schools, media, business and politics. Freedom is not free or safe.
Communism is the virus and will be defeated. 🇺🇸
At this point, what difference does it make?
“No matter what crackpot notion you believe, You can find someone somewhere with an advanced degree who thinks you are right.
“It’s Easier to Fool People, Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled”
No, I side with the innocent people and victims of crimes who will be victimized again by releasing violent predators into the wild. Look how no bail is working, look how Prop. 47 is working, people and businesses are leaving our state because of this.
“They are over 60, have served 25 years and are eligible for parole”
If they are eligible for parole I say YES.
And I’m assuming here, they have been deemed not a threat to society.
Thank you for actually listening to the story, instead of just quickly, and ignorantly replying to the headline!
Other Claycord followers ought to give it a try!!
I read the article and HELL no way let them out. I don’t care if someone says they are not a threat to society or are over 60, they did the crime do the time pure and simple otherwise why have laws at all? Just let people do as they please right?
ikrissy & Hmmmm
Remember Larry Singleton???
It takes a lot to do time in California.
California is a criminal sanctuary.
Several Manson family members (all in their ‘70s by now) have been eligible for parole several times. Should they be let out with all these others? Are they a threat to society? I doubt that anyone is truly qualified to make that call.
This is about money. This is about politics. This is about power.
Zero to do with Covid. Zero respect for the victims and their families.
VOTE YES ON PROP 20!! No early parole for these crimes. THEY ARE VIOLENT no matter what CA says. Bunch of CRAP.
Under California law, nonviolent crimes are deemed as not a threat to society. Trafficking of a minor for sex is a nonviolent crime. Domestic violence is a nonviolent crime.
Here is a list of nonviolent crimes that are eligible for early release because they are not considered violent crimes in our lovely state of California that is run by IDIOTS.
Human trafficking of a child
Abducting a minor for prostitution
Rape by intoxication
Rape of an unconscious person
Felony sexual penetration, sodomy, or oral
copulation when drugs are used or the victim
is unconscious
Drive by shooting, or shooting, at an inhabited
dwelling or vehicle
Assault with a firearm
Felony domestic violence
Felony assault with a deadly weapon
Serial arson
Solicitation to commit murder
Assault with caustic chemicals
Assault by a caregiver on a child under 8 that could result
in death or coma
Felony assault using force likely to produce great bodily injury
False imprisonment/taking a hostage when avoiding arrest
or to use as a shield
Assaulting a police officer with anything except a firearm
Exploding a bomb to injure people
Felony hate crime
Any felony where a deadly weapon is used
Felony use of force or threats against
a witness or victim of a crime
Felony elder or dependent adult abuse
Any crime requiring lifetime (290) sex offender registration
Transfer – sure. Transfer all of them out of state and get them off the CA taxpayer dole. Release – absolutely not, regardless of age. You’re never too old to commit a crime.
As of late August, approximately two-thirds of the inmates had tested positive for the virus. During September and October, very few inmates have tested positive for the virus. This seems to have been a good test for herd immunity. Now that most of the inmates can be assumed to be immune, why let them out? What will that accomplish?
I completely agree with this. I think this is definitely unjust to put our hard-working criminals at risk in a place they decided to put themselves. Prison is a place of safety and concern for others well-being definitely needs to be coronavirus free environment because I know we can’t afford to lose more criminals to these deadly virus that has 95-% plus recovery rate
I love your sarcasm, Carlos! I say we do clinical trials on them (with their consent, of course)…
Oh,….not sure how I feel about this. Where are the one that get released go or live? What jobs will they get or do the taxes payers have to foot addition money for this? More crimes, drugs, and homeless? Fingers Crossed, this will not be a situation go wrong.
Look up the inmate who started the lawsuit.
Ivan Von Staich – this guy should have been put to death based on his crimes!
If ever there was somebody that should go straight to the chair/firing squad or whatever means of disposal Ivan Von Staich is that person. Hope he never gets out and dies a slow painful death behind bars if not put down like the psychotic pile of trash that masquerades as a human being.
The democrats want you disarmed, helpless, terrified in your own home, with no way to defend yourself, and with a defunded, defanged, demoralized police service that will refuse or be unable to help you.
Vote Republican if you don’t want to live in a Brazililan favela in 20 years.
@Anon, how can you look at some of the states that always vote Republican and tell us life there is much better than that in Brazil? The poverty rates in those states are through the roof, as well as crime and drug addiction. Notice how it’s typically republican officials that take money away from social services, one off the programs designed to help with these issues.
AND anybody that agrees with this has not lost a loved one to violence, torture, murder, etc. What if it was your person who got killed and you found out their killer was being released because of a virus? Huh? How would you feel? That it’s still ok? They’re old now so let them go? No fkg way!!!! What could they possibly lend to society at this point ??? Do the crime, and do the time!
My brothers murderer was released.
Last year.
By Governor Newsome
He was such a good boy in Prison
And apparently you don’t have to be responsible for your actions until you’re 26 years old.
Why not? They overturned the peoples vote to speed up execution’s because the lethal injection was deemed to cruel but now cities open up “Safe Injection Sites”.
I know, lets take the inmates to those “safe” sites and give them their own lethal cocktail.
Time to purchase a firearm
These liberal Democrats are doing everything they possibly can to destroy this country. They want no law enforcement and no prisons we must fight back
This is more democrat madness. They should not get early release. They should do what ever the trial judge ordered.
One problem with releasing a prisoner who’s over 60 and has been locked up for 25 years or more is, what will they do when they get out? Too old to get a job, they wouldn’t have much in Social Security to collect, and unless they have a friend or relative to take them in, where will they go? When a prisoner is released on parole, those needs must be met, but if they are released just because the court says so, they are free to do whatever they please. With no job and no place to stay, they will resort to the only life they know which is a life of crime. Another thing to consider is that after 25 years a lot of them have become institutionalized and will not be able to cope on the outside, therefore they will commit a crime just so they can go back to prison.
Unless they have some where to go and a job lined up, they should be transferred to another prison.
I see an increase in California’s homeless population on the horizon.
Let the judge that rendered this order take care of these poor individuals. However, just watch, it will be the taxpayers of California that will be taking care of these peoples needs
Thank You Dawg!
Your post is in more details,…of my concerns, I posted.
How about confining all prisoners to their cells 24/7 until the emergency passes. Arrangements can be made for meals, personal hygiene, etc. in their cells. Troublemakers would get services withheld until they comply, if ever. Guards, workers, etc. who leave and reenter the facility would be tested frequently and have no physical contact with prisoners.
What court and how do we appeal this decision?
I’m convinced all of the decision makers in the State are insane. Every last one of them. Heath officers, City Councils, School Boards, Mayors, Governors, Legislators, Liberal Judges Etc. Etc. Just when you think it cannot possibly get any crazier it does. Even if Newsom whipped out his crank and started windmilling it people would fail to be surprised. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Start stockpiling guns and ammo. The state cares more about felons than it does honest, taxpaying citizens. It is really time to move. I am planning on it soon. The Purge in real life is upon us.
Golly! I wonder if gun sales will keep rising in California?
The death rate if infected for these prisoners is well under 99% if they are under 60 years old. Why would we allow VIOLENT CRIMINALS back on the street because these VIOLENT CRIMINALS might get a little cough and sneeze?
Democrat policies these days are all about increasing violent crime as much as humanly possible. Look at all the most dangerous cities in America today, they’re all Democrat run, and for decades. If you feel scared and terrified in your own home then you will vote them more power.
Wasn’t it prisoner transfers that started the whole Chinese plague outbreak at San Quentin in the first place?
Words planned and premeditated come to mind.
Ya see liberals have the habit of, when they can’t get done what they want by passing a bill, proposition or with an executive order might get a governor recalled.
They create a crisis situation, then see that a lawsuit is filed so once a Court rules, the Judicial system gets the blame and those who caused it get what they wanted to happen, all along.
“California’s San Quentin State Prison had zero coronavirus cases, until an inmate transfer in May sparked one of the worst outbreaks in the state and the country. Authorities are now scrambling to contain it. ”
LA Times in a 22 July 2020 article called it “… one of the most disastrous prisoner transfers in state history.”
San Quentin sits on one of the last Large parcels of undeveloped bay side real estate, worth Hundreds and Hundreds of millions of dollars.
From Talk About Politics post August 12, 2020 at 8:05 PM
“Yup, . . . . watch him eventually “decompress” population at San Quentin to zero then into condominiums going for millions of dollars each. Perhaps making some long time campaign contributors very happy.
Mar 13, 2019 newsom executive order, a Halt to the Death Penalty in California.
February 2020 state begins voluntary transfers of death row inmates to other high security state prisons.
“Corrections officials dismantled the state’s newly built $853,000 execution chamber at Newsom’s direction” ”
There will be more “justification” to close Q,
Too few inmates to justify keeping it open.
Costs to operate prison are to high and state will save hundreds of millions by closing it.
If masks work then why do they need to be released? 18,000 prisoners have been released since March in California due to “Covid”. This is another example proving its BS.
Wake up!
Your logic is wrong as usual. The main BS here comes directly from you. Enjoy.
Transfer, yes; release no.
How about releasing them all to the judge’s city of residence and he/she/it can be responsible for the criminals. Morons in CA politics and morons as judges, can it get any better. Glad we’re leaving this cesspool.
Let’s be absolutely clear: Only the worst of the worst criminals end up in San Quentin. If you were to read what qualified as non-violent offenders, you would be shocked what these criminals are being released for; these are heinous crimes and criminals. If they merit parole and met parole guidelines, yes; if not, keep them locked up! What is this state coming to! This is unreal; crime is already through the roof in the state and the Bay Area. It time to police the progressive arm of the Democratic party; folks the enemy is the voters of California who have allowed such rash and irresponsible behavior to reach a level of “normal” in this state. Simply unreal…..
How auspicious for the criminal element, district attorneys have announced “quality of life crimes” will likely go prosecuted.
IF there is no threat of incarceration,
then there is NO deterrence of criminal activity.
Voting for liberals, giving them authority, . . . .
is it looking like a major mistake to you yet ? ? ?
correction, “quality of life crimes” will likely not be prosecuted.
Remember when the Ewoks were going to ‘release’ their prisoners on Endor? THAT’S how these prisoners should be released! Or send them to live at Gavin’s winery.
But wait a sec Newsom brought COVID into SQ. The son of an officer that died of COVID stated that his father had caught it from sick inmates that Newsom ordered to bring from down south up here.
Committing a crime is harmful to the victim. That is why we put these people away from society.. If overcrowding occurs, the solution is not to allow crime to go unpunished, the solution is to build more prisons. We don’t compromise our morality – that is like saying, ok, kid, Johnny is in the corner already so you won’t be punished.
This is the next step in newscum’s plan to empty San Quentin and sell off the property to his buddies so they can build apartments there.
the democrats are evil, greedy, villainous, vulgar, etc.
Thank you Newsom!!!!
Super excited to have to deal with more scumbags on the streets!
Ugh, NO! It’s bad enough CA Supreme Court overturned Scott Peterson’s death penalty (and now his case is going back to trial!). Disgusting.
No. I think they should be transferred, but not released. My suggestion was they set up tents on the exercise grounds to house inmates during the pandemic to allow for social distancing, etc. But, not release them. Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, might be eligible for release under the “25 years served” conditions.
Richard Ramirez died in 2013.
Perhaps someone can explain why early on in Covid, Newsom decided to play musical inmates. I know he likes letting them out of jail, but I’m not sure why he wanted to get them sick. Perhaps his plan was to get them sick and then release them to infect civilians?
Apply for concealed weapons permits. This is so out of control. Put the homeless in the empty rooms. Newsolini booked 100’s of hotel rooms that were not used and all that money wasted along with ventilators and masks being given away free to other states in his bid for president in the future.
It is evident he has no management skills or money management ethics other than to sign enablers policies to drain the state coffers.
Newsolini move the prisoners onto all the property your family owns including aunt Nancy’s. Don’t see you, Nancy, Kamala, Chuck or Joe giving up your dalaries?????? Oh by the way Joe is also getting his monthly SSA check on top of it all.
Any link to the judge’s decision? It would be interesting to see what he/she was thinking.
Courts that issue rulings with no consideration of the consequences are a problem, too.
This is absolutely absurd. If you’re a child molester before the age of 60, you’ll still be one after age 60. Please don’t release these monsters. They deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their days.
After the election do hope Federal government intensively investigates “transfer” of inmates from a known infected facility to San Quentin, (civil rights violation).
Also expect lawsuits from families of dead inmates amounting to billions.
An would not be surprised if a whistle blower, Drops A Dime.
They sent me to the only prison that has a level 4 status meaning they have death row and people who are never getting out San Quentin is the only level 4 prison for males and Chowchila is the only level 4 prison for females in California they sent me there for driving on a suspended license so why don’t you tell me again how this is a sanctuary for criminals? When there are actual criminals out there and they send somebody to prison not jail for driving their own vehicle