By Carolyn Jones – EdSource
California’s escalating cost of living has led to a 48 percent surge in the state’s homeless student population over the past decade, according to new research released Tuesday by researchers at UCLA.
Almost 270,000 students in K-12 schools lacked stable housing in 2018-19, numbers that almost certainly have grown since the pandemic and economic downturn began last spring, researchers said.
“We knew the numbers would be up, but we were surprised at the scope and severity of the crisis,” said Joseph Bishop, director of UCLA’s Center for the Transformation of Schools, which compiled the report. “Looking at these numbers was really a ‘wow’ moment.”
Disproportionate numbers of California’s homeless students were Latino and Black: 70 percent and 9 percent, respectively. Latinos make up 55 percent of the overall student enrollment, and Black students 5.3 percent.
The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires that every public school count the number of students who are living on the street, in shelters, in motels, in cars, doubled-up with other families or moving between friends and relatives’ homes.
Using data collected by the California Department of Education, the UCLA researchers interviewed more than 150 teachers, students, school administrators and advocates to get a fuller picture of who’s homeless, how
schools are impacted, and what’s driving the increase in numbers.
Describing a “tidal wave of factors,” Bishop cited the skyrocketing cost of housing in many parts of California, widespread economic instability, a jump in day-to-day living expenses and over-burdened social services such as low-cost mental health counseling or access to affordable housing.
He also noted the grinding poverty that some families find hard to escape — especially when contending with family sickness or other setbacks.
The federal government gives money to schools to provide services for homeless students, such as backpacks or transportation to and from school. Some schools use the money to help entire families, by providing groceries, laundry facilities, showers or connections to local nonprofits that can help secure housing or jobs.
But the funding, which has not increased under the Trump Administration, is grossly inadequate, Bishop said. In California, the state distributes about $10 million annually through a competitive grant process, which means many districts that apply do not receive money at all.
About two-thirds of the state’s homeless students were enrolled in those districts in 2018-19, meaning about 178,000 homeless students received few, if any, services through their schools, according to the report.
Some schools use money set aside for low-income students or foster youth to provide homeless services, but it’s nowhere near enough to cover the escalating needs, said Debbie Raucher, a project director at John Burton Advocates for Youth, which focuses on foster and homeless youth in California.
“Having a roof over your head, having a safe place to sleep and study, is fundamental to absolutely everything,” she said, noting that students who experience homelessness have higher dropout rates and are more likely to experience homelessness as adults. “Investing in these students pays off in so many ways. It’s a cliche, but it really is an investment in our future.”
The crisis has become so severe that schools cannot be expected to solve the problem single-handedly, Bishop and others said. Social service agencies, early childhood education programs, colleges and other organizations need to create a cohesive approach to helping homeless young people stay in school and helping their families find stable housing, the report recommended.
Schools also need more staff dedicated to identifying homeless students and pairing them with services. In most districts, only one person — the homeless liaison — is responsible for counting homeless students, applying for funding and working directly with families, often at multiple school campuses.
Jevon Wilkes, executive director of the nonprofit California Advocates for Youth, said schools need to work closely with Medi-Cal and other government agencies to coordinate services and take advantage of existing funding sources.
For example, schools could bring Medi-Cal-funded mental health counselors to work directly on school campuses.
So, even though schools cannot solve the homeless crisis on their own, they play a crucial role in reaching students and families, he said.
Schools are trusted, safe places for young people, and are a logical place to reach students who need help.
Homeless himself as a teenager, Wilkes credited a school psychologist with finding him a safe place to sleep and ultimately graduate from high school.
“My life was saved because someone at the school asked me what was going on, and did something,” he said. “We need our schools to have the resources to help every student who needs it. There’s a lot at stake.”
Here’s a thought:
Stop raising property taxes and people could afford their homes / rent? Don’t property taxes go to schools? Isn’t there a prop on the ballot this year about this? Don’t superintendents make over 6 figures + gas + executive holidays + platinum level insurance, etc, etc…
How you vote has consequences, people. Good luck out there. It’s gonna get ugly.
Residential property taxes are only allowed to increase 2% a year. If your total property tax bill is going it, it’s because voters in your district voted on bond measures or other taxes that are specific to your area (mostly school district, some regional/county/city wide, like EBRPD). There is no unknown ‘other’ raising your property taxes.
@ WCreeker
Just wait for Californian’s to repeal Prop 13 this election. And the way they vote, I’m pretty confident that will happen. Why? Because California voters LOVE to tax themselves so that we can support illegal aliens and all the “program” they love soooo much! That 2% will quickly be in the past!
As Marrus says, how you vote has consequences.
Why do you live in a State that you complain so much about?
Move to MS or AL – there are states out there that you would love.
Why do you live in a country you want to change so much?
Move to China or North Korea if you want to live under autocratic communist rule. There are countries out there you would love.
who’s going to pay for it?
The only solution is to make more White families homeless. And Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom plan to make that a reality!
For me, almost as depressing as the human misery and lost opportunity of this situation, is that the voters of the state will keep voting for it. They will keep voting to make the construction of housing nearly impossible. They will keep voting for higher taxes, greater regulatory burden, and anti-business policies that destroy good paying working class jobs that are the actual solution for lifting people out of poverty. They will keep voting to cement in place the system that has created the most unequal state in the union.
Do people think it is just a coincidence that California has almost one third of the nation’s welfare recipients? The most homeless in the nation? The highest cost of living, worst traffic, worst roads, highest taxes, and some of the worst crime? Do you think you pay no cost for legalizing shop lifting, that the companies don’t pass on that cost to you as the consumer? Do you think all the environmental regulations and bureaucratic overhead costs that construction firms absorb don’t get passed on to the buyer? That businesses will always choose to stay in a state that has problems keeping the damn lights on, for MULTIPLE reasons?
This state has thoroughly moved into third world territory, with all the familiar trappings that entails. Unreliable power grid, entrenched oligopoly style political machine, crumbling infrastructure, and massively stratified and inequal wealth distribution, people sleeping in the streets. This didn’t happen in a vacuume. Evil Republican voting Idaho doesn’t have these problems. This is a California Democrat problem, and one they will never be made to answer for because the media is a bought and paid for arm of the DNC.
I love and weep for California.
@ Wage Slave
Right on target there. Couldn’t have said it any better! California voters get what they ask for, a crumbling state.
Wow ! This article was written by Morticia
Better questions:
How is “homeless” defined in this context?
What are the leading causes of increased cost of living in CA?
Did Governor Newsom fully fund homeless programs?
What has been the most effective means to reduce homeless students?
Is there a correlation between single-parent households, race, and homeless status?
Was funding under the Obama Administration adequate at that time?
My sister and nephew live with my parents. My nephew is in school and considered homeless by the district because they do not have their own home.
sounds about right Sarah. I’m sure anyone in an apartment is also considered homeless by their standards…ie,. to make more money in Gavin’s pocket
Nobody ever bothered to check the addresses of students until now, when they are doing the distance learning. When I worked for the Mount Diablo School District, most gave fake addresses and those of their grandma’s to get in.
What a mess!
I’m not buying any of those numbers. Homelessness is clearly a problem for socialist California, but exaggerating the numbers for political impact seems to be an issue for this UCLA study. The actual study says 1 in 20 UC students are homeless. That just does not pass the smell test. There is a long list in the study of what qualifies as homelessness, and one line has that you are sharing housing for economic reasons. Well, it is rather common, especially around Westwood where this UCLA study is, for rents to be 3 to 4 thousand dollars a month for small apartments so it is normal for students to group together to share the cost. Once I no longer trusted that number, the remainder fell like dominos.
That first sentence is important and deserves to be repeated,
“California’s escalating cost of living has led to a 48 percent surge in the state’s homeless student population over the past decade, …” That’s DECADE.
Results of a persistent malignancy, liberal policies and liberal pipe dreams not based in reality. That have resulting in highest utility costs along with an electrical grid and supply which is no longer reliable, highest vehicle fuel prices, and do believe highest taxes, etc.
Source for article appears to be an organization out of oakland, it appears after a quick look at their website, directed mostly by lifelong education administrators. Take a look at their previous press releases and judge for yourself what their agenda might be. Taking a dig at Trump days before an election, . . . (suspicious ? ? ?)
If you go to CA dept. education site an look through press releases, used to be you could see actual high school dropout rate which was around 48,000 kids statewide per year.
Now if you search for current info on the website all you find instead of numbers, you are presented with percentages. Almost seems like they are trying to hide their failures.
Youth who lack a skill set an employer needs will not find work. They WILL survive by learning the skill st of the street resulting in many of them becoming criminally predacious upon society.
Stop this liberal silliness that allows politicians to brag how green they are, get cost of living in CA back under control and restore power supplies to reliable sources.
Fallacy of wind power,
‘National Grid is forced to search for emergency power sources due to lack of wind – a week after Boris Johnson said wind farms could power every home in the UK within a decade’
Wake up voters, liberals running this state could never survive as managers of large companies in the real world, yet you elect them and then fail to provide them with adult supervision.
Sure let’s start right off blaming Trump.Look at all the taxes Governor Newsom has added.Just look at one tax car License fees.The California Politicians have run this state into the ground.I believe a lot of these facts are not true.Its a long time game plan just to get more money out of the hard working middle class citizen.The government wants to create two classes of people poor and rich.What class do you think the Politicians are going to fall into?Think about it.
You need only look at CA policies to understand why; “cause and effect”.
Anyone notice that the current decline of California is perfectly consistent with the liberal leadership in the capital? Why do other states like Texas not have our same issues? Look to their leadership and policy making.
here’s for us all…
So Goes California, So Goes The Nation
i pray the rest of the nation, at least, are watching the train wreck that is kalifornia
Whatever would California do without Trump to blame?
California is the homeless Capital of the United States, and Newsom has done nothing but make it worse. Hopefully he has an enlightening experience in court tomorrow.
What would liberals do without of someone to blame for their own failures?
Blame Trump
Blame Bush
Blame Columbus
Blame anyone but themselves.
Gavin’s time in office had been fruitful for what he want’s to carry out. Most californians have drank Gavin’s’ Jim Jones Koolaide… He still has most people sucked into his web of lies. Just remember he does not live like us. he has had the life of privilege. During the early part of the COVID shut down do you think he shut down his winery? No. Do you think he shut down his other family members winery’s? No… Do you think he want’s to raise our life style? no he does not want peasants to ever flock near him. He want’s you to be compliant and shut up and will you do that ? Yes…
He is on trial for his actions tomorrow morning. It’s kinda hush hush but 9:00 AM Sutter County Court. Mask mandates and shutdowns expected to be thrown out as unconstitutional.
He shuld be thrown out with them… done and done with that jelly spine
Now that the homeless get their own hotels and free meals and own Walnut Creek….. why not?
Heather Farm Park is slowly turning into a snot mold also.
Bums, garbage, and this morning what appeared to be a used condom surrounded by a stack of Kleenex in the parking lot next to the playground. Just what you want kids to see. Authentic San Francisco culture coming (so to speak) to Walnut Creek. Nice.
I hear it’s much worse at Heather Farms at night when they all come creeping out on the trail like crawdads.
Any Popo’s out there who can do as spot check?
The police they had in charge of homeless have since disappeared…
Officer Silva and Clemente…. Car 54 where are yoooou?????
Stupid is
Stupid does
Goes for every politician of this state
As well as voters who approve legalized theft and looting
as reparations
Yes the politicians are giving reparations to the people they say are disenfranchised
This is what they think of their constituents
Well let me see up here at the gov mansion
I will let my voters steal to better their lives
Lol what a joke
This is the guy along with the wiener that you shout at us that is so much better than anything else
don’t believe a word of this nonsense.
Meanwhile they are all showing up to school in their BMW’s and Mercedes their rich parents bought them and living at home at their parents big nice house and buying tons of fancy clothes, shoes and tech junk they don’t need with the extra money not having to pay rent but yeah lets pull out our Karen card and yell “THINK OF THE CHILDREN” THEY ARE HOMELESS!!! Just because they don’t own their own home yet lol give me a break they are not living on the streets…
Liberals are known for redefining words. Homeless is one of the many.
Yes trial today. Kevin Kiley taking Newsom to court for his “executive orders” under prolonged emergency declaration.
I don’t understand why our schools are dealing with the homeless at all, those are social services that the school should be working with another government agency. Schools aren’t designed or staffed to provide what the homeless need. This is insane.
Just wondering…..70 per cent of the homeless students are latino… many came across with their parents to the sanctuary cities looking for hand outs to begin with??