The Contra Costa Community College District will continue with mostly online courses and student services for the entire 2020-21 academic year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a district spokesman said.
A limited number of students will continue to be allowed on campus to attend hard-to-convert courses and labs, all with strict social distancing guidelines in place and enforced.
The district’s three colleges – Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, Los Medanos College in Pittsburg and Contra Costa College in San Pablo – have been holding remote classes since March 16.
“We thought it was best to make this decision as early as possible to give our students, classified professionals, faculty and administrators the opportunity to plan accordingly,” said interim district Chancellor Gene Huff. “This has been a challenging time for many of our students who are taking online courses for the first time, and we want to thank them for their perseverance and flexibility.”
Like the candle makers accepting electric light bulbs. Gonna be a few hiccups along the way but much better soon.
Open the schools and let the kids learn.
Sure. What is your safety plan?
You know Chuq, same ol same ol from you.
Now, college kids, yeah they are in a much better position to distance learn then younger kids … but why is DVC etc giving up already? No offense, from your posts, sounds you like have as well.
Kids are hurting, but maybe you are not a parent, so you don’t care.
Kids are hurting, but maybe you are a teacher who likes not having to do a full days work. And yes, I believe that. My kids teachers are not responding to emails from the kids or the parents. We need to call the principal to get some of them to respond. Why, cause o that teacher is teaching from some remote destination and did not have full internet access.
Safety plan … well, lets see, MANY other states and school districts have done it already, so how bout we just copy those?
I am just tired of the people who quit!
My family members who are teachers are having to work a lot harder and are putting in many extra hours to adapt lesson plans for virtual learning. It’s quite the challenge but maybe you have no experience in education (or maybe you do) and you just don’t care.
College students are dying. Maybe you don’t have a college student in your family and you just don’t care.
My comment above wasn’t that schools can’t open. It was asking what is your safety plan.
How are DVC and LMC going to structure classes so that fewer students can be in a classroom together?
When a student tests positive will every other student in each of their classes and all of their teachers need to quarantine? How will they continue to learn during those two weeks?
I’m all for moving forward but you need a sensible plan. But you don’t want to do the hard work of implementing one and just want to complain. I don’t think your personal laziness makes for much of a defense of your argument.
Chuqy … Chuqy
You don’t know me. I know teachers, plenty. Some are working harder, others are in Hawaii ‘working’ from the beach. Some of us work in the safety industry and understand what is and is not required.
I do not need to make the plan, I am not hired to do so for schools. I write them for other businesses. Though I have offered to help some folks write theirs .. but no, they don’t want it because that would mean they would need to back to the classroom which is MUCH harder according to the teachers I know. And guess what, MDUSD, DVC etc do not need to make a plan, they can just copy what other districts have done successfully! In this case plagiarism is acceptable.
Again, I am just tired of people who are quitting. Why is the district not looking for ways to make this work? Why are they just sitting back and riding the wave? Why are my tax dollars paying for an unused classroom or one that is only used by a teacher?
Chuq has lost all credibility on these issues.
CDC’s survival rate by age
0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70 + 94.6%
Please don’t believe me. Do your own research before you make an embarrassing comment to this factual post.
Good, the world is changing, online learning is here to stay. With the ability to telecommute and learn from a distance being perfectly fine or even better, we where now have a world where we don’t need to orient ourselves constantly around work or school and how to get there.
We can finally just live our life.
@parent. I strongly encourage you to be very vocal with your principal and district. Every teacher I personally know is working longer hours than normal in this pandemic. My highschool student is given more work and time with teachers. This was not the case last year, parents were very squeaky about it and there have been many improvements. This isn’t optimal by any means.
So it’s a fact that the flu kills many people, correct? So that means college kids have given the flu to Grandma and Grandpa and killed them during Thanksgiving and Christmas vacation. And younger kids carry the flu and spread it around, so they’re murderers too..
For those genuinely afraid and are angry at those who those who do not wear masks, distance from friends/loved-ones/holidays and are seemingly ignoring “the rules/mandates”, please DOUBLE your anger, and fiercely direct it to those who have been manipulating you.
In time, those who are not truly “at risk” will be beyond furious when they are able and willing to see what’s really been happening and how cruelly we’ve been manipulated and forced to live anemic lives, especially the students and young adults forced water down their education.
Sadly the false fear/despair of the times (and intensity of the upcoming election) has made so many folks delirious with misguided rage…doubling down with their principles for fear of facing the possibility that they have been duped. Wish more would humble themselves just a little and do some research for truth…from Asia, to Sweden, to the slums of India to many states who have moved on, now we better understand the virus and have been reopening back to normal, including the MANY in-person schools which started in August.
So many needlessly tortured souls…reminds me of Harry Potter character’s facing that mirror, their biggest fears are making them double down with outrage and avoid looking into their own mirror. My heart truly breaks for them.
Fortunately, more and more are waking up to what’s really going on and rejoining the reasonable and moving on with their live. And like so many of us, many are just moving to a state that respects freedom. There are so many good places to live!
If you’re a student (high-school, college or young adult) in California, perhaps this is yet another sign that this may your chance to leave and build a new life where education is worth it.
They say leaving California is like leaving a bad relationship, you have no idea how bad it was until you’re out and can look back. This sentiment has been so true for soooooo many who have left, including us.
wow! powerful words.
thank you
That’s right. The old and immune compromised have limited time here. When they figure out they were robbed of a year of their lives for a political hoax they will fill with anger. When people figure out they have been scared to death and made to wear masks and not see family, grandkids and friends, a whole new world will emerge. Politicians, scientists, doctors, media have all leveraged their credibility to further a Chinese Communist agenda. All we want is freedom. This is America, not China or Russia. Gavin Newsom should already be recalled. California may be a lost cause. After viewing the current candidates for city council, I think it’s probably time for me to leave.
There’s no excuse not to get a 4.0 in “online” college. Expect lots of raised GPAs and not as smart students graduating.
I just read a news story that OUSD & WCCUSD are still experiencing an “alarming percentage” of missing students from the virtual classrooms. With the worse numbers coming from the “homeless students, foster youth, English learners, Black students and high school seniors”.
Wonder what it looks like for MDUSD?
This is sad……
especially for those with parents or guardians which would seem do not value an education which i expect anyone in the business world would say is the only way to get a good paying job
CCCCD announces it will refund all students for the portion of their tuition that was used to support resources used for in person learning that is no longer needed.
Oh wait. No they didn’t.
Not all students have the same learning style, some students are hands on learners so online learning may not be beneficial to them even when they are less exposed to a political agenda sneakily including in the curricula and in the fees. Not all professors nor all students have the desire to work under the current learning set up. Many people seem to also forget that not all college/university students are teens and young adults living at home with no other major responsibility but study. These colleges are charging students for services that are not being provided neither in-person or online.