Home » Walnut Creek Bicycle Shop Offering 45-Percent “Black Reparations Discount”

Walnut Creek Bicycle Shop Offering 45-Percent “Black Reparations Discount”


A Walnut Creek bicycle shop is making national headlines for offering a 45-percent “Black Reparations Discount” to its black customers.

Rivendell Bicycle Works on N. Main St. says they’re offering the discount to their black customers because “Since 1878 the American bicycle industry has employed many imaginative ways to make it harder for Black people to ride bikes. Rivendell, as part of that industry, has been obliviously complicit most of the time since 1994. Obliviously means unaware. Complicit, in this case, means we’ve been part of the problem. The problem, like it or not, however difficult it is for tender ears to hear, is racism.”

The company, however, is now being threatened with legal action by the Center for American Liberty (CAL)

“Your policy offering a 45% discount to only one class of persons, based solely on race, runs afoul of federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Favoring one class of persons, while excluding other classes, violates 42 U.S.C. § 1981 and California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act,” wrote Harmeet K. Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty.


“Favoring one class of persons over another class is discriminatory – every customer is entitled to pricing on non-discriminatory terms. We demand you discontinue this policy immediately, or legal action may ensue,” Dhillon said.

Rivendell disagrees, saying “It does not, by the way, violate the Civil Rights Act. We’ve read that Act. It doesn’t hurt anybody that isn’t Black.”

To read more about the company’s Black Reparations Discount, click HERE.

To read the letter from the CAL, click HERE.


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Retail Affirmative Action on steroids. We continue to circle the drain as a society.

Seriously? If they really wanted your bikes, they would just peacefully ride your bikes out of your store for a 100% discount.

Pandering for the sake of pandering.

Never heard of the place. Now I have. Won’t ever go there.

I agree!

We just got into bike riding and I am never going here.


45% off their $1800 bikes.


Yes, those are certainly ‘white privilege’ bikes…. Maybe black people can now afford to ride them. But I guess the rest of us white people they’re not a fluent still cannot.

They are racist to the rest of society. I will avoid them in the future.

You are exactly right !

You should take some time and actually educate yourself on what the word racism is ! Will be more then glad to send you some reliable sources

More woke (reparations – critical race theory – marxist) nonsense from the so-called progressive left. Have they no shame?


Sounds like lots of free advertising for this bike shop. All the “woke” people will be running there to buy bikes.
Advertising genius!
Most people could careless about this overpriced stupid bike shop in WC

Genius, pure genius. Create a buzz and bring in the suckers. Years ago in Ventura County a guy who owned a BBQ place payed some people to pose as Vegans and picket his restaurant. I understand his business boomed as a result.

If they truly wanted to show their wokeness, they’d change the name of their shop to Rivendiqua Yo!

So just because I’m not African American I can’t enjoy the same perks as they can? This makes total sense.

And just because we’re African American we don’t get the same perks as white people. So yea it makes sense love.

@Cera, can you be specific?

@ Cera

What makes you think Anon is white? They only said they weren’t black.

Genuine question. What are the racist barriers that the bike industry has or had in place to prevent black Americans from taking part in the hobby?

@ Wage Slave

This article should help clear it up:


“Cycling clubs explicitly excluded African Americans, Asian Americans, the poor, and Native Americans.”

This bike shop is racist!!! I’ll be sure to NEVER shop there. I hope they go out of business promoting this kind of crap.

Never heard of this place but will make sure I never go there!

This business is on my do not patronize list.
I do not patronize racist establishments.

Their bikes are soooooo lame. Read the ridiculous description they wrote about road and mountain bikes. These are the people that make riding single tracks illegal in the birth place of mountain biking.

Sounds racist to me…

How on earth has “the American bicycle industry has employed many imaginative ways to make it harder for Black people to ride bikes”.
That is a ridiculous statement!

The seats ARE pretty small, lol.

That is my question as well. It’s a pretty bold and damning statement to make without at least adding an example or two.

I am legitimately curious as to what they could have meant to reference.
Though, I’m also thinking that it was a bald faced lie, and that they just wanted some excuse to be relevant to the whole “woke” spiel that’s getting peddled these days.

Not sure how openly discriminating against everyone but blacks is legal. I would be interested in finding out what blacks think about this. I think it’s a ploy to get rich bleeding heart whites to part with their money as a feel good virtue signal. A marketing play for the business owner looking for his fortune in stimulus payouts from blacks, and an opportunity to get sued for discrimination. They obviously have yet to hear the phrase “get woke, go broke”. Get on that lawsuit, these idiots have gone completely insane. What happened in 1878 that allows you to be a racist in a public business today? Can’t wait for this punk to get spanked

Wrong idea, terrible execution. Almost a slap in the face for us African Americans. Should be BBRP. Backhanded Black Reperation Pricing. I’m somewhat embarrassed for them they’re actually going through with this. I’m African American and don’t like it

They couldn’t even make it a 3/5 discount?

remember everyone…You ain’t black if you vote for Donald Trump

Just looked at their web-site and maybe they should start by HIRING people of color to work for them. Look at their staff. Pot calling the kettle raciest.


Racism is alive and well in Walnut Creek.

I didn’t realize that discrimination could be positive…what a load of feces

If you didn’t realize that discrimination could be positive, you must have been living under the rock. Newsflash: affirmative action is positive discrimination. We even have some prop on the ballot about it. Comes with the same bull$hit explanation that “it doesn’t hurt anyone who isn’t black”.
Except that it does. “Positive discrimination” invariably hurts those who come from underprivileged background, but happen to lack the required amount of melanin in their skin and hair. Speaking in absolute numbers, there are a lot more poor whites in this country than blacks.

You have to be kidding. Why don’t you go to Pittsburg or Oakland dodge the bullets and set up a repair tent. What a bunch of lame a****.

How racist can you be?! I’ll never shop there!

Very True

California was not a slave state…. so reparations for what?
I think this is just a cheap exploitation of the race issue to get some free advertising.

I want to know how they are determining who is “black” for their pricing scheme.
Do they judge people’s skin color and appearance?
Are they following the 1 drop rule?
Do they make their patrons provide evidence with a genetics test?
If someone is half black and half non black, do they get half the discount?
What if someone “identifies” as black?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Seriously, I am 1/16 black and I like nice bicycles as much as the next white guy, lol.

That is an excellent question. It prompted me to go look at their website:

“One challenge of BRP is how to verify someone’s race. For us, this is the most challenging and awkward part of BRP. Within two days of launch, we had a disturbing number of questionable inquiries. If you are Black, we’d like to ask for your understanding, your candor, and something tangible to assure that you are.

This is a hurdle that must be cleared. Figure out a way to assure us that you qualify, so you avoid the indignity of being asked if you’re Black, and we avoid the horror of asking. We don’t yet require a photo ID, but we appreciate it if offered. There may be other ways—that’s up to you. Photo, address.”

“5. If we suspect abuse or mere fishiness, we may cancel BRP. We don’t have to be able to prove abuse, we just have to get that funny feeling, and we don’t have to justify our suspicions. Just don’t pretend you’re Black if you’re white, buy for yourself, (not friends, not even spouses) and buy to ride, not to re-sell it.
6. BRP applies to all income levels. Oprah, LeBron, Robert F. Smith…”

It’s pretty vague, but it seems like they decide it based on their gut feelings alone.

While I was there, I found a few other items of note:

“If you don’t have a racist bone in your body, you probably didn’t grow up white in the United States.

(Or you are former President Jimmy Carter.)

Racism doesn’t doesn’t go away when you believe in your bones that all people were created or evolved equal. People don’t make the world a better or worse place by their thoughts. It takes anti-racist policies and action. ”

“Reparations are an example—not because Reparations are “a nice thing to do,” but because they’re owed.”

“We’ve been urged to include other groups who’ve been discriminated against, and deserve something more than acknowledgment: Chinese people, Japanese people, Native Americans, Italian people, Jewish people, LGBTQ people, veterans, and low-income people of any race or color. “Base it on income!” was another suggestion. Frankly, we couldn’t manage the complication, so we’re sticking with BRP for now. Their minor victory—and minor it indeed is— is not your defeat.”

“Please no advice on the legality of this from people who don’t qualify. Slavery and Jim Crow laws were legal. Gerrymandering still rages on. BRP is an example of positive discrimination. Positive because it doesn’t hurt anybody the way classical discrimination did and still does. White people are not hurt by BRP. Nobody is hurt by it. You might not like or agree with the points of view that led to it, but it hurts nobody.

Will BRP hurt Rivendell financially? No”

They say it’s legal because it’s not hurting other races. Oh my friends but it’s is if you look at the offset in (non black) pricing. In other words they raise the “retail” prices for everyone else and give a “45” discount. This is a scam of an epic magnitude.

Wow. Pretty brazen. I guess a discount for whites wouldn’t hurt anybody that isn’t white either.


Maybe Canesa’s Brooklyn Heros in Clayton could give it a test run?

If you are in the market for a bicycle it is good to have a black friend.

This is an excellent idea, actually. I would urge black folks to wait out front, and arrange with potential white customers to make the purchase on their behalf. They can charge a percentage, while the white customer still gets a discount. A thousand dollar bike, 40% off is $600, so the straw buyer could pocket two hundred, the actual buyer saves $200, and the shop owner assuaged their white guilt. Everyone wins!

Oh Boy!,….They just opened a can of worms! Plus, just a bit too weird.
Hum,…Wonder if some or other stores will follow suit in Walnut Creek.
Heck, why not the Whole Country!! Then our Government won’t have to pay ‘Reparations’ and take it out of our pocket, which it shouldn’t,…if that’s what it comes down to. Other groups have had injustices, in the PAST too, but they carry on fine.
Sorry for my little rant Folks.

If it was me, I’d rather have a car. Or do they think black people prefer pricey bicycles for transportation? I hope this bicycle shop goes broke. They are the epitome of racism. So demeaning to African Americans!

Just posted a YELP review saying how garbage this business is. I suggest everyone who agrees do the same. Virtue signaling at it’s most disgusting. I wonder if they are only giving the discount to blacks that are descendants of slaves because not all African Americans are because if they are not it even more racist. Maybe you have to bring in your ancestry.com profile

No, they can’t. Asking for proof is racist because not everyone can afford $70 to get their ancestry profile. That’s like requiring everyone to pay $12 for an ID to vote. Super, duper racist.

So who pays any attention to Yelp?

Damon’s Yelp review will be gone by tomorrow, and Rivendell will never be flagged by Yelp for their racism. Yelp has implemented its own racist policies and Rivendell fits their agenda. Many of the negative reviews have already been moved to “not currently recommended”

Maybe they believe in the Paris Hilton effect. If you’re name is in the news, no matter how negative the context, you will get added fame and fortune.

Hilarious. Organizations that read Robin DiAngelo or Ibram Kendi and start spouting that woke HR catechism should get called on their posturing like this. It’s like Princeton coming out with a big statement acknowledging their racism, and then getting notified that the DOJ is going to investigate them for civil rights violations. “Oh no, we didn’t mean we are *actually* racist, just *systemically* (wink, nod) racist!”

If Rivendell actually wants to make a difference for black people and cycling, they can make some donations of their very nice bicycles to black youth, or make cash donations that help black Americans. But instead they want to signal antiracism, in the Ibram Kendi sense, to their very upscale customer base. Announcing differential prices as opposed to making a donation is not about helping black Americans, but showing their elite white clientele that they are on the side of the woke against race-neutral standards of law.

Also, in the long long list of things that suck for black people in America, “not having Rivendell bikes” isn’t in the top 10,000,000,000. Donate to a cause that actually matters for people, Rivendell. Stop being so self-absorbed.

That’s absolutely right. They could have easily said they were going to donate a portion of ever sale to whatever charity of their choice instead of making a blatantly racist marketing tactic. People like donating to charatity. It doesn’t single anyone out, everyone can participate, and it’s anonymous.

No one wants to get singled out and then humiliated while shopping. I certainly would be embarrassed if someone judged my race and then gave me a discount like I’m some sort of charity case.

You nailed it. Anti-racism as a doctrine is simply reverse racism (which they insist is impossible, as they claim to have changed the definition of racism to “power plus privilege,” thus excusing themselves of it). Kendi DiAngelo and co. see a path to power, and they are shamelessly exploiting it. Places like this bike shop are placing their bets that that doctrine is going to come out on top (and even if it doesn’t, the traditional liberal order will not make them pay a price), and signaling their fealty to the new boss.

Strange, been mountain biking for years and have never heard of them. Maybe they’ve been reading Brian Lawrence’s copy of “White Fragility”?

Ohhhhhhh, I know who they are, these are the ultra hipster guys who ride steel throwback bikes where every part is special order, think fixies 10 years after they were a thing.

Going in today before the deal ends. I’m bleach white, but I identify with anything that gets me a discount.

Lol. I hear that!

Wow – these comments are only reinforcing the white privilege notion that is put out there. You don’t think your whiteness has afforded you so much in life that you still have the need to get bent out of shape because a bike shop if trying to send a positive message against racism? You think minority people haven’t gotten the short end of the stick in the retail world? Being followed, harassed, pre-judged, etc?? How about just let it be and start exploring the privilege/entitlement that is obvious to everyone but yourselves?

Pre-judged and “positive message about racism” ? And just how the hell are they judging who they deem is black and who isn’t black without judging people? How is judging their race a positive message?

Thenon top of that, assuming someone doesn’t have enough money to afford one of their specialty bikes because the store *thinks* they are black?

Really? You think that’s just treatment? Martin Luther King dreamed of a day people wouldn’t be judged by the color of their skin. Then came 2020 and the liberals dream that people would be judged ONLY by their skin. Crazy ridiculous.

Jeff must work there. Would love to be standing at the check out counter when LeBron James walks in and demands his discount.

Oh please spare me your lame white privilege BS.

Yeah, because so many crews of fair skinned people run out of Macy’s with arms full of clothes they “deserve.”

People confuse too often the concept of prejudice and racism. Get a clue.

Jeff, looks like you bought into Robin DiAngelo’s infomercial. She did a great job teaching you to profile everyone. That’s the goal here. You bit hook line and sinker. Simple, we can just color code the world.
Personally I don’t think the bike shop people care one way or another. They probably came up with the idea over drinks and started laughing about it AND it looks like it’s working. They’ll be on CNN soon for free.

No, dude, you are incorrect. It isn’t white privilege to be against race-based pricing. And it isn’t white privilege to know a lame publicity stunt virtue signal when you see one.

There is probably nothing in the world more steeped in “whiteness” than a hipster retro bespoke bicycle company named after the valley of the elves in Lord of the Rings. But different strokes for different folks. That’s fine. Also fine if they want to do outreach or support of the black community. What’s not fine is the wave of “antiracism” that thinks race-neutral policies, ideas, and institutions are all racist. That’s not fine. And these clowns just picked up that flag. Don’t blame people for noticing.


“white privilege” is just code by some blacks who want free stuff. if you aren’t black why would you support this, got a bleeding heart? if you are black, why would support people who want to be victims?



Strong work playing the ‘Victim/It’s always everyone and everything else’s fault’ card.

Sounds like the free market is working as intended.

Yep 👍

The free market also took part in Jim Crow segregation. Does that make it OK?

I love how the left has become free market absolutists now that much of the business world is in thrall to their doctrine. Talking about principles of convenience. Why, it’s almost like their was never any principle involved, just a ruthless will to power and desire to punish their ideological enemies.

When we lived in San Diego, the roach coach that came to my work offered a discount to good looking white women. The men thought it was funny.

The whole concept of reparations is nuts. Trying to take money from people who have never owned slaves and giving that money to people who have never been slaves.

“I never owned slaves and you’ve never picked cotton. I don’t owe you s**t!”


God bless

They might want to talk to an actual lawyer at some point. Their “legal analysis” is hilarious.

And golly, what a passive-aggresdive statement they have on their blog once the s— hit the fan. Let’s all get along, we can all disagree and be friends … and also, if we lose business because of this it means everybody is a white nationalist. The lack of self-awareness is just cringe-worthy.

I guess that must mean there are only black people and white people in the world now.

*poof* and like that, the rest of us disappeared.

Cringe-worthy is spot on!
Scary how many stupid, mentally crippled people are out there. Yikes!
Doubt that these rotting guilt ridden white bike boys are actually living off this business. They are way too comfortable being delusional. What a luxury.

Hey Derek, This is awesome… I’ll give you the cash and you go pick up the bike for me…We can take my truck and I’ll wait outside while you go inside and pay for it

Check the recent Yelp reviews. A number of people have posted pointing out that these fools are racist. Bet they are so proud. Tells me they are mostly living off of an inheritance or our tax dollars.

so tired of this…. people that weren’t racist before surely are now!

I happen to hold the unpopular opinion that everybody is racist, to a degree. it really should be, everyone is biased, to a degree. the difference is, some people are 1/2% racist, some are 5% racist, and some are like 99% racist. I acknowledge I am somewhere around that 1/2% mark. just my unscientific scale. many may disagree, many may not. just they way I feel from my experience.

Some more then others. Anyone whose actually honest will admit. It’s not even a bad thing. The question needs to be asked, what are the benefits to race awareness? Focus on the positive. This bike shop is a joke and may as well pack it up or issue a full apology and offer discount across the board.

As an America and not black, this is offensive. I will never shop at this store. Clearly they are overpriced for non-blacks to make up for the gift to blacks.

What a joke!

Our Governor would absolutely love this!

I identify as black. Anyone who disagrees is a racist. Therefore they are obligated to give me the Black discount. If not they will be hearing from my lawyer.

Could be the most brilliant advertising campaign in recent history, and it’s up front cost is zero.

Hopefully person who conceived of this is smart enough to not waste their talent becoming a politician.

I’m a minority. I’m not white. This discount is disgusting and racist.


thank you!

it is the VERY definition of racism. didn’t MLK ask for a society that doesn’t judge someone based on the color of their skin? or is it racist now to quote MLK?



The only option is to boycott any and all shopping in Walnut Creek until they get control of the racism problems. Love how Walnut Creek of all places, possibly the most dangerous city in the east bay to be black in public.. Truly 🤡🌎. They said if you don’t shop at their store you are a “White Nationalist” Just like if you don’t vote for Joe Biden, You ain’t black👍🏼 Alrighty then.

We have a motion to go there and purchase a bike and ask for that discount and when we are told we can’t get it because we are white I’m going to go right to my attorney and we’re going to file a lawsuit against that company for discrimination.
What a crock of crap, I’d love to meet that owner so I can tell him I’m gonna sue his ass.

Are you really going to do that? Or is this fantasy a manifestation of your anger? Don’t shop there and move on with your life.

Sir we couldn’t even go in the same stores as y’all 70 years ago. There was “white only” things for years. Sit tf down somewhere.

Hate to be the one to tell them this but infantalizing a group of people by assuming they need free handouts to achieve is deeply racist. Imagine moving in next door to your kid when they went to college because you felt that they would be at a disadvantage without you there to make them dinner. Sorry hoss. This mindset does more to hold minorities down than those that would enable them to create outcomes themselves.

This is a joke-right? Not funny.

I also assume they will be changing the name of their shop in protest of Tolkeins writings? They dont want to be identified with the home of the Elves do they? You know, the elves that Tolkein described as perfect and immortal beings of Middle Earth with their white skin and fair complexion. The ones who could have easily decided to destroy the Dark Lord and the barbaric Orcs from Mordor which was based on the Black Country in the UK (aka Birmingham aka Peaky Blinders). Or do we only have morals when it gets headlines and promotes finances. Hmmm, the financial exploitation of a minority for personal gain… where have I heard of that before.

And the swarthy Southrons in league with the Dark Lord – they need some superhuman long-lived white Numenoreans in Viking helmets to come kick their ass…

This should be funny, but in reality these clowns probably will change their name if they read your comment. As POTUS would say, SAD!

What are you talking about?

Once one goes woke, the purity spiral never ends. Literally anything can be “problemetized” and turned into a racist “dog whistle.” You can google almost any arbitrary and inane topic and find an article about how it is racist.

Much like checkers and thermonuclear warfare, the best way to win is not to play.

so, looks like if i want to buy a bike i need to have one of my black friends buy it!

so can i post that this is a “racist” business with yelp’s new “raicist” tag?

Love the racial profiling. And what in the design of bicycles makes it hard to ride for Blacks? …..
My ancestor was a poor Italian who worked for nothing….I need help.

Was he a slave? There is a difference.

There’s definitely a difference. But what it has to do with fancy bicycles is … not clear.

How many current or former slaves live in Walnut Creek?

Does every divorced man qualify?

@Cera, where can’t you go now?

Run to your safe spaces… just can’t stand it when YOU are the one on the other end of it can you?? Hahaha…

Way to virtue signal Kathy I mean Susan…

Or perhaps you don’t realize like they do that we are all getting played?
Ever heard of a double standard?
How many “white” people do you truly believe live their lives trying to hold down “black” people?
Most people identify as people first and act accordingly…
Keep reading Facebook and Twitter!
Divide and conquer, my friends. You have a front row seat.
Wake up.

It’s illegal. Nobody’s running anywhere. Let me ask you this, what is the point of all the civil rights movements if this is the results? Do you not see the irony in this? I couldn’t care less about some soon to be out of business bike store getting woke and going broke. I find it insulting to black people. I have spoken to 3 (all different shades) about this already and all of them said it’s bullsh*t and annoying. They think some people want to start a war against whites and blacks. Is that where it’s at for you? So much for progress, the other far left extremist lie. Have fun with your larp race war cuz the grown ups ain’t playing.

on the other end of what? it is the 50s again? what the hell is wrong is wrong with you, do two wrongs make a right. God Help You!

Racism is acceptable as long as it suits Susan’s agenda.

I can vividly recall the time I spent in Valdosta, south Georgia, many years ago, seeing the schools of a “separate but equal” society. The “colored” schools were dingy, unpainted, as opposed to the white schools, which were completely the opposite; attractive, nicely painted. Then there was the local department store downtown; separate drinking fountains for colored and white, and separate entrances. You’ll note that back in those days, colored was still the descriptive term, not black as we have it today. I was raised in So California, in areas where it was known that black folk were welcome during the day, to work, but were expected to leave by sundown. No black children in any of the schools I recall, but we were well integrated with different nationalities, and we didn’t seem to notice the difference. The only times I can remember having any interaction with black kids was at track meets or basketball games, where I was a participant. Many of these attitudes are seeing a resurgence today, but I hope that with a change in administration, getting rid of a president who openly supports white supremacy, things will begin to change back for the better. There’s no need to fear diversity; only in small minds does that fear lurk.

The nazis used to measure a person’s nose to determine if they were Jewish. Now this racist bike shop will be examining skin color! Enter at your own risk…

Give me a break 🤡. 70 years…That’s funny. Do you have any understanding of the history of slavery and racism? I don’t believe you do. We were getting stuffed in ovens. This is a white capitalist trying to sucker black people. It’s rude and disgusting. You better get a book.

Does that mean obama gets 22.5 cause he half and half.

Cera, have you ever been a white guy in North Richmond. Not to pleasant

If everyone would go on about their lives and not let things upset them like this bike shop and what they want to do. Who cares, they are not hurting anyone financially or physically so why let it bother you. Stay neutral, stay sane.

Too bad all you non cyclists have jumped in here with your crap attitude. This shop is a unique and interesting business in Walnut Creek. Those of you driving around in gigantic Pick ups will never understand anything except loud exhaust and pollution. I think this place has a right to run their business however they like and I’m proud to have them in my hometown.

Like I said, I think their bikes are cool just like any other 15/16 white person would…

On the other hand, you might want to think twice about your line that a business can set different prices for different races. Just cause it’s a private business doesn’t mean it’s exempt from anti-discrimination laws. That was kinda the point of much of the civil rights movement…

Potato…Go back to reading Madame Bovery, nobody cares.

Absolutely, they have a right to run their business as they see fit. Free enterprise as it should be.
It’s hard to believe that alienating customers of other races is an adaptive business model, but hey, it will be a good test.

Its illegal.

Providing preferential treatment to any person based on race is still illegal.

Stop picking and choosing when a law should be followed, or you’ll be labeled a hypocrite

I’m willing to bet literally every Jim Crow segregationist made the exact same excuses, jojo. I’m sorry you don’t see how race based discrimination is wrong no matter which race is being targeted.

Couldn’t agree more JoJo

No, sorry, 45% discount ain’t ‘nuff. I rather they give a 5 finger discount if they truly wanna make a difference.

Let us know how that works out for your dumb a–.

Does the “One Drop Rule” apply?

This silliness won’t last long as they have Harmeet Dhillon on their case!!


If you hear KFC is giving 45% off to whites only. All other races will be paying double to offset the cost. Would that be racist? Honest question as it’s 2020 and some things have changed. I guess MLK day should be cancelled now as most people do not agree with his work.

Nice. That’s cool.

Lol, you people are to funny!!!


So do you believe that the wrongs that were perpetrated against black Americans are best addresses by perpetrating those same wrongs against white people in return? Because if you do, I don’t think it’s restitution you seek, its revenge.

Unequal treatment under the law is a poison to this, the most multi racial society in history, that will tear us apart and destroy the good that has been created by so much sacrifice and struggle over the decades. Equity doctrine is an evil that appeals to the resentment and envy in the hearts of us all, while masquerading as a struggle for righteousness.

As a reminder, we are all God’s children.

Since 1878 the bicycle industry has made it hard for black people to ride bikes? The people at Rivendale are either morons, or they are just scared. Maybe it’s both. Overall, it’s really just a huge put down and slander towards black people.

What if someone “looks” white but identifies as black? Are they going to be denied? Asked for a friend

Let’s see… according to us census data Walnut Creek’s population is comprised of 1.9% of people who identify as African American.

Great way for this business to alienate themselves from the other 98.1% of the population. I’m sure this is going to do wonders for their business… perhaps they will get more business from the social justice warriors but I’m going to guess this will be more of a turn off for the rest of us.

Good luck… predicting another empty storefront in WC here soon.

1. WHAT imaginative was to make it harder for blacks to ride a bike are you specifically talking about? And…if it was imaginative, that means deliberate and planned. Really???
2. You cannot be “unaware” if you were complicit in “imaginative” ways to discriminate. See previous comment.
3. The ramblings of this statement show lack of structured thought.
4. I won’t be shopping there.
5. If ya feel that guilty about participating in imagined systemic racism, why stop at a discount and just give your stock of bikes on hand away? Sounds more like just a marketing pitch to me.
6. What a bunch of BS.


How are they going to verify the customer is Black?

Is Mixed black?
What about Samoans?

Samoans aren’t black… they’re coconut & chocolate.

I read the article and then I read what’s posted on the links, and the best I can figure is you have to call and try to convince the screwball owner, and don’t try any funny stuff.

How do Blacks feel that reparations are only worth 45% off a bicycle?

Interesting,….I did not know that, and am Sicilian,…Grandparents from the old country. As I mentioned in my earlier post, other groups have had injustices, in the PAST, but they care on fine. Of course they were not slaves, just people coming to this country for a better life, but for some it wasn’t.
Thank for Sharing.

“White guilt”
… The madness continues.

(Right from the start, I’m white, my wife is Black)
Great idea. As they stated, “slavery and Jim Crow laws were legal”. This just balances the scales 142 later. Haters are gonna hate.

Walnut Creek – Where else can you find a homeless guy riding a $1000 mountain bike?

How exactly did the bicycle industry make it difficult for black people to buy own, or ride bicycles? I would love to hear the reasoning behind that statement.

This is very different. I think it is terrible and is racist. This is no way is helping our black community. DUMB

Wow. There is hope in the world today!

In the mean time millions of Blacks are saying, “Say what I didn’t start this”. We only hear from the Blacks that have a big mouth just like we only hear from White people with a big mouth. Time for silly big mouth people to shut the hell up.

LOL, it’s funny to see conservatives so upset about the “inequality” when it comes to them personally as their party actively fights to make it legal for businesses to discriminate against people they don’t like..!! What a joke you are!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/06/25/why-republicans-are-growing-more-willing-embrace-discrimination/?outputType=amp

@Bill G, you are the joke. I challenge you to articulate where precisely reparations end.

Since I already know that you can’t, I will walk you through it, because we’ve seen this movie before.

In Zimbabwe they began with racial equity tasking, then progressed to reparations, then got rid of the police, then raped murdered and took white people’s property, then starved after they failed to work the farms that they stole and wrecked the economy.

Today, they’re begging white people to return because they’re starving.

Again, to be clear, you are the joke and if this idea of reparations continues it will not go well for anyone. Stop being divisive. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Zimbabwe Gives Land Back to White Farmers After Wrecking Economy-

That’s piffle. If you like anti-discrimination laws, you should think this is a stupid move. And if you are even *aware* of anti-discrimination laws, you should realize it’s illegal. End of story, as far as the shop is concerned.

And this doesn’t bother me in terms of the actual “impact” of this policy, which is nothing. It would just be a funny and silly story if the brand of so-called antiracism that this shop has imbibed weren’t also infecting politicians, the media, education, and will eventually get written into law. Ibram Kendi, one of the prophets of this gospel, wants a star chamber of unelected “experts in antiracism” to oversee all law and policy in this country. And while he is a lightweight,ideas like his are getting way too much credence where it does matter. So it isn’t really about this silly stunt by some silly people with an expensive bespoke bike shop and extreme white guilt complex. It’s about the agenda: ‘antiracism’ as defined by a few tunnel-vision zealots aims to reorder our whole system of law and governance.
Freedom of speech? Only as much as the experts allow. Freedom of association? Yes, unless the expert tribunal says otherwise. Equality before the law? Not as long as the antiracism experts still see I equalities they want to fix. Due process? Sounds racist. Meritocratic standards anywhere? We all know those are just a front for white nationalism. Objectivity in science? That’s a myth – silence is violence, and if you aren’t an antiracist you’re a racist. Etc. Etc.

A discount on a bicycle is no substitute for poor role models and lack of education. If you want to help disadvantaged people, and it should be regardless of race, start with education assistance.

Never heard of the store. Perhaps the owners are desperate for some free publicity, bad or otherwise, so people will actually hear about the store.

I was not even alive 70 years ago so why the heck should I be punished for another’s sins.

Wait for the lawsuits based on race.

thas racis


Oh, that to bad. I was looking for a good bike shop.
I needed to buy 300 bikes to send overseas.
I guess I will be looking somewhere else.

Try your local homeless camp.

Is this discount to only those with dark skin or African heritage. How much African heritage? Should I bring a DNA test result? My great great great great great great great great great grandfather came from Africa but my skin has whitened up a bit.

I identify as a black binary canary, do I qualify for the discount?

Are these bikes built differently? I thought we are all humans regardless of skin color a bike is built for a human with 2 hands, arms, and legs? If this is about price how come Maserati and property values don’t change for them ? Oh that’s right cuz we’re all humans and if that’s the cost then that’s the cost of a human wants something they save for it

“Since 1878 the American bicycle industry has employed many imaginative ways to make it harder for Black people to ride bikes.”

So let’s see the PROOF that the bicycle industry has made it “harder” for blacks to ride bikes……”

Nope – just more pandering. Sounds like a place to avoid.

they sell crappy hipster bikes, they dont even sell tubes. not a real bike shop.

Great idea, but seeing how this is becoming controversial it would be better to just give a discount for those donating to certain charities. This should alleviate issues going forward.



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