The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Read the image shown above, then tell us, do you plan to vote “yes” or “no” on proposition 15?
Talk about it….
While the advocates for Prop 15 claim it will only effect big business, that is incorrect. Read the proposition! It effects small business. There is very little commercial property in the Bay Area or California that is valued less than $3M. Even if a small business is renting, the property is likely valued more than $3M and the substantial increase in property taxes will be passed down to the small business owner. It also highly effects nonprofit organizations that are also struggling in this economy. If they own their property taxes will be raised…if they rent their property taxes will be raised. Don’t be fooled by advertising. Read the proposition carefully and then vote. Personally, I’m tired of being asked to fund schools with more taxes…even if the increase in taxes becomes more creative in each election. YOU will be paying for Prop 15…higher costs are always passed on the the consumer.
Hell NO !!!
Not only no , but hell no!
Same answer as yesterday, No, No, and No!
No. Where in the state of California any commercial property less than 3 million. Everything here is overinflated. Those businesses are simply going to pass those fees on to tenants who will then pass them on to consumers, making cost of living even higher.
A definitive No!!!
“Read my lips: no new taxes”
Or is it a old tax? Either way hell no!
No! This is the type of populist tax increase that sounds good on the surface–“Yeah!!, let’s increase taxes on ‘rich’ businesses”–that will come back to bite us. People, please think! Businesses big and small don’t just have a pot of savings sitting around from which they can pay these steep increases. This will directly hurt small businesses and consumers, who will need to pay higher prices and rents to cover these tax increases.
Why don’t they stop treating people like they are clueless? A tax on business is really just a tax on people. It is just like “fining” PGE or taxing them. Our rates just go up and the politicians and their corporate coconspirators stuff our hard earned money in their pockets or use it to fund another measure designed to take our money while disguising it as contributing to public safety or”health”.
All these propositions. There”s so much to no.
Obviously no way
But as we have seen so many no votes and yet
Legalized theft passed
Gas tax passed
Measure Q tax renewed and for what it was without representation lol
Voting here is for show the politicians do as they please
The vote counters and the watchers are all staunch liberal socialists pushing for their utopia agendas
We are pawns used for paying taxes and politicians to rule
Votes are another freedom that was taken away 20’years ago
This state is owned allready
Get used to it
No. Bad idea.
The California democrat government panders to the dumb and gullible state citizens. Here’s a primer for those that think prop 15 is a good idea.
1. Businesses are in business to make money.
2. When doing business gets more expensive, businesses pass costs increases onto consumers.
3. When government makes it unprofitable for businesses to do business, they go elsewhere(like leave the country) or they go out of business.
I’m sure the welfare lifers and Peter Pan millennials don’t think about such things, but that’s the way it is.
No on all new taxes.
Already voted NO!
No No NO
Yes but I would like to see a better neutral assessment of its impact on small businesses.
No!! Homeowners would be next in line!
Voting NO.
“It’s for the schools” Please, spare me your bald faced lies.
All these wealthy small business owners that “don’t pay their fair share”. The proponents have no idea what it takes to own and run a business, and ALL the taxes that are paid along the way.
Gavin, you can’t beg enough for people and businesses to stay in CA if you go further down this road. The weather is nice, but it’s not enough anymore, you and your ilk have ruined this once wonderful state.
Yes to funding Education! Too many dopes around here
You seem to be the only one standing behind this measure but you call everybody “dopes”, looks like you might be the dope…
Since you can see fit to call the majority of us here dopes, it seems only fair we get to call you a rude, ignorant, jack-ass.
Vandy, but only if you make the erroneous assumption that the money would actually improve the schools. We could give them unlimited money and they would still find ways to have students’ scores decrease.
No, because It won’t work. Wealthy people change their lives and business’s to avoid excess taxes. Its their prerogative to, it’s business. The more of this stuff California passes, the smaller the gene pool will be of wealthy people to draw from. Then they will come for your money……..
Hell no!
If you’re not voting NO on everything, unless it undoes something stupid the state legislature and that moron Newsom did (Prop 22), you’re doing California wrong.
If they want more taxes to come from commercial property that is fine. What taxes will be going down no that there is this additional revenue. None? Since answer is none my vote is no.
Hell to the no, and here’s why: 1. Democrats have already said they view Prop. 15 as cracking the door open to overturning Prop 13. 2. This state is already so unfriendly to business, it’s ridiculous. My company constantly reviews locations, and we have multiple in the US, and whether or not it is worth keeping them. SF is by far the most expensive locations, this would likely be the last straw, and I think many others would leave as well. 3. I really can’t with the government of CA and taxes any more, all we see is them taking money out of our checks and then flushing it down the toilet on ridiculous programs that seem to benefit everyone but the very people paying for it. I swear to god our state is run like a Ponzi scheme.
Beside not wanting to pay higher taxes I have a rule that says never vote yes on a tax you don’t have to pay. I think it is immoral.
That is why all these taxes keep passing though. All the stupid dems that are getting welfare keep voting to take other people’s money!
Nope. The schools and the state get no more money until they can show they can marshall an effective program. It’s like raising a child- they will only realize they need to do better when they show they are mature enough to handle the privileges they already have.
Also, don’t miss the fine print nugget:
“if any of the direct or indirect beneficial owners of such real property own a
direct or indirect beneficial ownership interest in other
commercial or industrial real property located in the
State, which such real property in the aggregate,
including the subject property, has a fair market value
in excess of three million dollars ($3,000,000). The
amount specified in this paragraph shall be adjusted
for inflation every two years”
This means that if you’re a commercial property owner and you own 3 properties, each with a current fair market value of at least $1M dollars, this will apply to you. ALL OF YOUR $1M (at current value) properties will be reassessed. Or if you even have interest in commercial properties as an investor and your ownership interest in them is more than $3M.
There aren’t many commercial properties in CA that aren’t worth $1M, if you’ve worked your butt of to obtain 3, maybe paying $200k for each one 20 years ago, you’re screwed. And so are you customers.
Hell no!
We have the money to pay for schools.
Politicians directed the money to go elsewhere so now they want us to re-fill the hole they created.
Politicians have never run a business that required them to allocate funds towards raw materials, inventory, equipment, wages, etc. They see tax revenues as an unlimited cash flow that will always be there for them.
Voting No!
“Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative”
What, our democrat governor has not yet done enough damage to CA’s economy already ? ?
Businesses are leaving or expanding outside of CA.
This proposition would accelerate number of businesses leaving.
Aren’t apartments commercial businesses? Pretty sure they are, so consider big rent increases should this proposition pass.
Never, No, Not a snowball’s chance in H-ll!
As is the same for any time these leeches try to draw an additional percentage of hard earned money from those who work for it, no.
Yes, for sure. Prep 13 decimated school funding. Schools and communities need it.
Where did all that extra money go that was supposed to go to the schools from the lottery? There wasn’t any, because they took all the money that WAS in the schools and filled it with the lottery money. It wasn’t extra money to schools, it was a bait and switch.
They’ll do the same here, get the money, then cut the education budget and fill it with this money.
The question is, where does the money go that they take from the school budgets? Why do you think they use education as the reason for new taxes? Because nobody would vote for “new taxes to be wasted on a train to nowhere, social programs, care for illegals, etc”. They just take the education money and then ask you to vote for a tax “for the kids”.
They think we’re suckers, and unfortunately, most of CA voters are.
Proposition 13 did not decimate school funding. It protected renters and property owners alike from exorbitant and ill conceived increases and established laws Statewide on the authority of local jurisdictions related to taxation. If anything, it forced Counties to re-examine their budgets and make necessary cuts. Schools continued to function quite well until the Lottery measure passed which brought corruption to the State’s financial management. It was at this point historically that school began to show signs of neglect.
Nope, if this passes we will have to raise rent on good tenants. Sorry guys, the money has to come from somewhere.
NO on any new tax or “funding increase”. Govt here in CA needs to start operating within their current means and even be able to thrive on less.
At any given time, only 1/4 of the population has children in K-12. Maybe it’s time for that 1/4 to pay more of their share and leave the rest of us alone. If you can’t afford to educate your children yourself, why are the rest of us having to do it?
Prop 15 exempts small businesses, agricultural property and housing/apartments.I would be willing to bet that the majority of people who are voting no on Prop 15 haven’t even read the text of the proposition. They don’t know what they are voting on. A proposition to raise money for education is being decided on by uneducated people.
If you think it will stop there, or that a significant portion of the money will go to education, you’re deluded.
@Natalie On the contrary, only a fool would vote “Yes” on 15.
NO! If you vote yes on this you essentially are giving your home to them. Your equity will go to zero and you will owe more taxes than the house is worth.
This proposition has nothing to do with residential property.
@Natalie Not according to those who know.
“‘Split Roll’ An Attack On Prop 13” at the
Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association website
NO NO NO. His is the first step in repealing Prop. 13. they have been trying for years. Next step is to raise Home Owners Property Taxes. NO MORE TAXES IN CALIFORNIA. NO ON 15
I see all the folks saying “No”, I also hear all the complaints about how our state education system is SO bad. If it doesn’t pass, I don’t want to hear a peep about it anymore.
Vote Yes on 15!
That is some seriously flawed logic. You are the problem. Low info voting at its finest… If a teenager loses $50 are you just going to give him another $200? This is the school system.
Hasn’t CA’s history been to give school more money, but the quality gets worse???
Certainly appears so.
Absolutely not. This begins the slippery slope to get rid of Prop 13. The democrats are looking ahead that if they can get this through, they can chip away at the rest of the Prop 13. They are sneaky always looking for a way to increase their hold on your money. When will people wake up and dump these fools.
I say no to any new tax or bonds. My answer is there is too much corruption already and wasted money. When people are more responsible than I will be less cautious. Sick of wasted money.
Nein Nada Nope And No
Hell No! The socialists and enabler Democrats have sucked us dry on so many other ill worded propositions.
NO to all tax increases until the Democrats can get their stuff together and stop sucking law abiding citizens who have worked their behinds off to make something of themselves without being like the entitlement crowd and illegals who whine and demand and destroy then they do not get their way.
When the Democrats have proven they do not lie and steal and shift money to their favorite media crowd current whine-then maybe I might give it a second thought. I agree people who have the kids should support the schools and those of us who have raised our families and own property should not be continued to be taxed to death to support. We keep getting our property taxes raised so how about taxing all of the losers who suck off the teat of government likewise in some fashion? When all pay their fair share and things are equalized-but then again I will be long gone by that time if it ever comes to pass.
It is the socialist mind set that is dividing our country not the citizenry.