Home » The Water Cooler – Proposition 25 – Will You Vote “Yes” Or “No”?

The Water Cooler – Proposition 25 – Will You Vote “Yes” Or “No”?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Read the image shown above, then tell us, do you plan to vote “yes” or “no” on proposition 25?

Talk about it….

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NO!! NO!!! NO!!!

No on 25. No on all propositions except 20 and maybe 22.

@MoJo From the Official Voter Information Guide on Prop 20


“Fiscal Impact: Increase in state and local correctional, court, and law enforcement costs likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually, depending on implementation.”

In other words, it will cost you money. You don’t want your rent raised? You don’t want your Property Taxes raised? Don’t vote “yes” on something that will raise them, and this proposition will raise them. We’re not talking millions of dollars here, we’re talking possibly tens of millions of dollars.


Are you saying that the increased theft losses after Prop 47 have not amounted to “tens of millions of dollars”? Somebody pays that.

Vote yes and if you don’t fit the liberal agenda you will be paying bail. It has nothing to do with flight risk. VOTE NO.


Voted NO.

Already voted NO and especially prop 15, insult to injury to all the restaurant and small business owners. If prop 15 passes then your home property taxes are next!

NO, NO, NO, and NO. I had a couple of run-ins with the law as a young man and believe me, sitting in jail because I couldn’t come up with the bail gave me a lot of time to think about the dumb things I did that got me there. Soon after I was discharged from the military, they get me for simple possession of marijuana. This was at a time when possession was a felony.
I sat in the San Francisco County jail for 30 days, plenty of time to think about my future and what direction I wanted to go. I decided I wanted to live a law abiding life and make something out of myself, so I went back to school, graduated, and went on to a better life.

Way to go. A good news story.

You weren’t doing anything wrong by smoking some weed, unless you were driving a city bus or something. You didn’t deserve that, and you don’t deserve a felony on your record. Kamala Harris delighted in putting innocent people like you in prison.

, When possession of a small amount of marijuana became a misdemeanor in California, the felony automatically came off my record. I can legally buy and own a firearm. Last night during the debate, Kamala Harris said she and Biden will end cash bail. A vote for Harris/Biden, is a vote placing more criminals on the streets.

Below is an Oversimplification, but still accurate:

Moves the decision from the judiciary (judge) to executive (some half wit bureacrat)

Vote NO

Already voted NO! If Benton likes it you just know it is a bad idea.

Once I saw that Becton was a proponent that was an automatic NO vote from me.

The CONS of this prop, bring to mind the book by Richard Rodriquez, ‘The Education of Richard Rodriquez’.

NO! On everything except 22

Prop 22 won’t cost taxpayers, but it sets a troublesome precedent of private industry disputes being brought to the ballot for voters to decide. This has the potential to inundate the proposition process with every petty grievance between employers and employees when it should be settled within the industry.

The supporters of Prop 22 have something on the order of $180 million dollars to spend asking for a “yes” vote. It would be a much better use of the money were it spent lobbying the California legislature to pass legislation exempting these workers from Newsom’s order in the matter, or hiring an attorney to challenge Newsom’s dictates.

We know that Newsom can completely overturn the will of the voters anyway, because that’s exactly what he did when he suspended executions at San Quentin. So, a “yes” vote is no guarantee they will continue as independent contractors.

I’m seeing people saying to Vote no on everything. I want to know why.

Why vote no on Prop 18 which allows someone to vote in the primary (March) if they will turn 18 before the general election in November?

Also curious to see why people are against Prop 23 which puts standards in place for Dialysis Centers. The healthcare workers support it while the companies are fighting against it.

Prop 24 is for consumer privacy laws. Do we really want to have no control over our information? Why vote that down? I’m guessing because it establishes a new agency to enforce the law?

Pretty sure nobody owes you explanation on how or why they vote. Do we need your approval or acceptance? Go vote as you will and keep it to yourself.

Prop 18 – There are other items (local measures/propositions) in a primary election that have nothing to do with the Nov election. If the voting age is 18, then they shouldn’t be able to vote for these regardless of when they turn 18.

Prop 23 – The main argument against is that many small centers can’t afford to put these”standards” into place which will drive them out of business. If there are less dialysis centers available, patients will go untreated or have to pay more to get treatment. I don’t know enough about Dialysis to know if the “standards” they want to put in place are needed enough, so I probably won’t vote on this one.

Prop 24 – We already enacted increased privacy laws/ requirements with the CCPA. This measure creates a new agency to enforce it & increased costs for businesses to comply with the new regulation. I’m torn because I hate having more government but what was the point of enacting the CCPA if we weren’t going to have a way to enforce it?

No on 24 for the reason that it increases cost to the state by $10 million annually for that new agency? Nothing like building non-productive entities to, pass taxpayer money on to, under the guise of increased “security..”

Prop 18, you should be 18 to vote. Simple as that. No need to keep adding exceptions and what ifs.

My take, anyway

Can’t stress enough how out of touch and informed the majority of early 20’s adults are let alone a 17 year old

@Pyrrhus From the Official Voter Information Guide:


“Fiscal Impact: Increased statewide county costs likely between several hundreds of thousands of dollars and $1 million every two years. Increased one-time costs to the state of hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

In other words, it costs money. You don’t want your rent raised? You don’t want your Property Taxes raised? Don’t vote “yes” on something that will raise them, and this proposition will.

Let them vote if their 18th birthday falls before the election…lets clarify that and change the wording to “LOWER THE VOTING AGE TO 17 FOR ALL CHILDREN, UNLESS YOU ARE BORN IN DECEMBER.”

This is ridiculous. The only children that wouldn’t get to vote would be kids born in part of November before the election and December. In case everyone forgot, Novemer is the 11th out of 12 months in the year. That’s almost ALL of the 17 year old children. Then of course that ist “equitable” so all of the 17 year olds will have to be allowed to vote.

Adult voters are dumb enough. We certainly don’t need stupid child voters too.

Educate yourself about Prop 23. It’s funded by SEIU unions that have been unsuccessful in unionizing workers at these clinics.

The SEIU tries to crush the clinics and those that represent them by bringing this measure up each year, which makes clinics spend millions of dollars to keep this from passing.

Closing dialysis clinics will not help people that need it.

Because young skulls full of mush, ARE full of mush. Frankly, I don’t think people should be allowed to vote until they can legally drink alcohol, purchase a weapon and ammunition, and are responsible for their own behavior, instead of mom and dad.

For sure voting No on that one, lock em up. Make breaking the law illegal again.

NO!!! Look at how cities who have already gotten rid of bail are suffering! There is a huge crime wave going on right now, billions in property damage, 40+ dead, and liberal DAs in liberal cities refuse to properly charge the guilty.

Please vote YES ON prop 22. Having a job as an independent contractor in the passenger transportation industry allows people the freedom to work when they want and around their life and other commitments like children.
My family owns a designated driver company that will drive you in your car on wine tours, bar hopping, concerts, or anywhere you want to go. Out of our 22 drivers who work when they want to , 0 want to be w-2 or give up being an independent contractor. Most are older and drive wine tours for extra money or to see other people.
One female driver in her 40’s does it because her children just went off to college and she has extra free time .

I’m going YES on 22. I thought the question was limited to Prop 25 and a NO from me on that one.

Since our Governor will only provide ab5 exemptions to his friends like Willie Brown, he is certain not interested in being “equitable” about anything. Prop 22 makes sense.

OKFine, the website Ballotpedia should be one of your bookmarks. That is if you’d like to be an informed voter.

This one is for ballot propositions,

Scroll down to see obscene amount of money being spent to CON voters into voting how they want.

Not wanting to unduly influence anyone, my vote will only be seen on the ballot on Nov 3rd. As will all my other decisions for or against anything or anyone.

And what happens when you put bureaucrats in charge

in a 1 party system

This is what’s happened in demifornia
They have placed liberal socialist in charge of every facet of you life
From judges to mayors to boats and councils and governors and congress

You are now fodder and used for fed money or higher taxes
That’s about it

Any democrat voter want to tell us what over the last 40 years
Have liberal done for you
Please enlighten us as to how liberfornia has bettered your income and lives and education for your children

@ random task

Word salad once again.

Read in a New York paper about a bank robber (state banks and did not use a weapon) that has robbed at least three banks, been arrested and released on no bail each time and then robbed another bank. When interviewed he said he thought the no bail law was a great law.

Mailed my ballot a couple of days ago. Signed up for the text update on my ballot. It has been tallied and I voted NO on this.

Only a criminal would vote yes or this, or perhaps a chimpanzee.

No way. If bills of this nature start passing, you will see law abiding people (You know, the ones that work for a living) leaving the area. And if we leave, who will pay for everything?



No Bail judgements have vastly increased crime. There’s no dispute on that. If this becomes the new normal….along with defunding LE…there will be millions more Americans buying and arming themselves with weapons. There’s no dispute on that either.

until the dems try to keep their promise and outlaw firearms thereby making criminals of otherwise law abiding citizens.

Wow, pretty sad and troubling for democracy when some people say they want to vote for what others want. How about voting for you know to be right, morally and legally and ethically. Voting for what is popular will only lead us further down the drain as a community and a nation.

You know what is right and what isn’t.

I recently spent 3 months on dialysis and due to the fabulous care i received my kidneys recovered. I want to thank all of the nurses and aids serviced me and put me on the path to recovery. I don’t see how a doctor sitting in the clinic would have helped other than raised the cost

Re; prop 23 I failed to mention the three months i spent on dialysis being treated by very competent nurses and aids a doctor also visited me at least once a week along with a dietitian that visited me daily any addition from prop 23 would just increase cost



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