Home » Gov. Newsom: “Going Out To Eat? Keep Your Mask On In Between Bites”

Gov. Newsom: “Going Out To Eat? Keep Your Mask On In Between Bites”


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I’d like to see him do this while eating. How about put your mask on when the wait staff comes buy and use social distancing to protect other diners.

Thank you for your very reasonable answer. Re-masking between bites is just a little over the line…

Is he now instituting the chewing police?

Pound sand, greaseball.


Newsom is ridiculous.

He can take a long walk off a short pier

Lol. Good post, Rollo.

Chutzpah. Medical tyranny. Using the fear of a virus to install tyranny is chicken s*hit. He will never be like Mao. You gotta use show strength if you are going to really take control over all human activity. This little tweet is a show of weakness.

I doubt that he wishes to be Mao. This is not tyranny, this is common courtesy and should be common sense.

@ wipe- You can’t be serious. The left is openly Marxist. Gavin is hard left. You can’t put two and two together?

Here are the numbers. Read them and then use common sense.

CDCs survival rate by age

0-19 99.997%
20-49 99.98%
50-69 99.5%
70 + 94.6%

Patriot, … Saw this cartoon and immediately remembered your post, thought it should be posted. Dana Summers in one of about a dozen political cartoonists I check in on each day. They have a way of putting things in perspective.

Nah I’m cool. I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing since March. Thanks for the suggestion though Gavin

CDC suggestions about face masks,
“Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing.”

“Don’t touch the mask, and, if you do, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to disinfect​”

Johns Hopkins University medical recommends,

‘Gavin Newsom Edges Ahead in the Country’s Dumbest Governor Competition’

‘Crazed Tyrant Gavin Newsom Tells Family Members to Wear Masks …”
… “Newsom is a Democrat tyrant drunk on power.”

Here’s question for medical professionals, will newsom advice actually cause more people to become ill ? ? ?


Has the gov decided on how many times we have to chew each bite? Is there going to be a government approved feed bag that the entire meal can be dumped into so it does not have to be taken off while eating? Are the dining police going to be wearing brown or black shirts?

No that’s not going to happen.

This is yet another example why I have zero desire to dine at a restaurant. I enjoy my food and eat slowly. So if I put my fork/spoon down between bites for a minute or two as I enjoy my meal, I’m expected to mask up each time? I’m all for common sense safety precautions, but that’s downright crazy talk. Crazy!

Mary –

Just don’t listen to Newsom. He’s an idiot! Enjoy your meal!

Yawn, next nothing to see here…

This is downright comical
Pure verbal contempt for everyday working voters
The Marxist blue-haired losers and black communists are starting to lash about as the election approaches
They just lost the fake virus narrative with Trump recovering so quickly and showing such brave leadership

What? Really?

How about if I poke a hole in my mask? They can put my food in a blender and I can sip it through a straw. I’ll place a seal around the straw so the germs can’t get through.

Great idea, seal it with a rubber grommet and consume with a plastic straw!
At least until he issues more specific food consumption directives.

This has to be one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve seen so far. Gov Newsom should be reopen the state mental hospitals and be first in line for a room there. However there are lawsuits and criminal charges against state governments coming in regard to their overreach during the supposed pandemic. So his next room may be in a cell in a maximum security prison.

Consider that after all these months that about everyone may have been exposed to the virus and for the majority it had no effect. Everything here on out is just scare tactic or crying wolf.

We encountered a masked constipated looking “Karen” today who walked past us, and who got mad at us for lowering our masks while we were loading our pups into back of our vehicle. She wanted us to put them up and said it wasn’t “fair” that she was wearing her mask. We just laughed at her and told her to take it easy.

This is laughable… I absolutely will not do this. I wear the mask upon entry and departure of the restaurant, and that’s all I can do. I am not going to keep a mascon between bites and sips… That is ridiculous!

Umm … Let me think about that. No. Maybe we should all go outside of his place and have a picnic/protest and eat without wearing our masks between bites?

Poor fool does not realize his scare tactics are no longer working!

Mayor why even publish this ridiculous crap come on man

Absolutely Gruesome. Mr. Governor, can I beI excused now?

How about new nickname for him, … The Masked Dummy !


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve poured water down my mask trying to take a drink and forgetting to remove my mask….
This advice is almost as stupid as the advice given by the County on best ways to have safe sex during the pandemic.

Recall this Clown

Is it just me, or is October the most bizarre month so far of this amazingly awful and surreal year? I swear, life is beginning to feel like a Salvador Dali painting with a hint of H.R. Giger.

LOL Lizzee. I almost blew coffee out of my nose.

May I suggest adding some MC Escher to the mix?

How did we end up with such a moronic governor? How do we realistically get rid of this guy?

Moronic voters.

Re: dining and masks, I wear it at the table until the food comes. I wear it after I’m done eating. Between, there’s no forking way this tip is achievable by mere mortal beings. Tried it once after that weird county directive several months ago. I lasted three bites. It was even more ridiculous in practice than it sounds in pixels.

Last week, a co-worker brought in some ribs and wings that he made in his new smoker. I put a few on my plate and got bbq sauce on my fingers. Then I went to such the grease off. Needless to say, I walked around the office for the rest of the day with a sauced up mask.

chew your food thoroughly THEN.

Please tell me he misspoke…

He say’s this, yet the poster says to minimize the on and off….

I don’t care for the Newscum, but will give benefit of doubt here….

more socialist rhetoric from politicians to nudge you not to go to restaurants or businesses

they are controlling the narratives
they are controlling business and they want us to know it
they are controlling you and they dont want you to know about it

as long as the chaos rules they win and push more laws right by us

no one to blame but the dem liberal following voters that keep us under

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee

great words to live by

Truly, Random:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams

Newsome is going to try to grab power. Alll the “small” actions are just a way of softening us up. You know the old “boil the frog” story. They are slowly cooking us as a society. It is time for us to stand up for ourselves.

I will be eating at restaurants with no mask. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Newscum.

Let’s just walk in and out of the restaurant with our real mask . Then when we sit down we switch to our “eating” mask that has a hole in the front big enough for the food and a fork to go through. LOL. It will be next because that makes perfect sense.

I don’t know why but I just cracked myself up.

Remember, this childishness extends to just about all of those in office in Sacramento.
When, Oh, when will the citizens of the state vote out the uni-party?


He has officially been declared insane.

Really ridiculous! I’m surprised he didn’t add, “And, for better digestion, be sure to chew each bite 30 times.”

Ok, so anyone else notice it says both “Keep your mask on between bites” which would require taking it on and off, AND “Minimize the number of times you take your mask off”… Um, whoever edited this one missed something…


Gavin Newsom the one and only “celebrity govenor.”

Sort of like a professional celebrity, yet they really don’t have any talent. Examples that come to mind were judges on the gong show such as Jaye P. Morgan or Rip Taylor.

Yes, Governor Newsom is the Rip Taylor of Governors……….

You know I think newsome in his bright intellectual mind is probably going to come out with the next bill and mandate is to make sure people are wearing underwear because if they pass gas they could be releasing Covid germs.

Newsom you can stick that advice up your butt.

beware he slept with his business partners wife, so he might just do what you suggest


Flu and Colds for all of 2020 eradicated by CONVID-1984.

I’ll definitely only eat outside then and when weather gets colder I’ll take my food to go. I will not sit inside where I have to wear a mask in between bites. Governor Newsome you have truly lost your mind.



May the fleas of a thousand camels infest Gavin Newsom and his mask. Oh, and Auntie Nancy too.

i remember that phrase from a fake parking tickets they used to sell before PC made such things pointless as you would be likely to murdered playing such a joke.

What about no opening for us in Co Co Co oct 13 as promised bc we didn’t meet the equity Guidelines!!!!
They will stop at nothing!

Next thing you’ll know they’ll require us to don our masks in between BREATHS!

Gavin now removing any doubt as to how dim he really is.

Every time he opens that pole polisher of his.




Sam- you have a way with words.

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the rotting pelosi tree

😢 Love, LOVE Bowie thanks for that

@S….that was suppose to be George Takei saying “OH My!”….I had just been listening to that.

Funny..Well the video was great so it worked out

Hmmm, thinkin’ . . . . .
my pen should maintain a safe distance from democrats when marking my ballot.

your days of fear mongering are coming to end Herr Newsome, and your little Aunt Nancy too!


This is only “Covid-19 Diner Tip 1.” Dinner tips 2-10 are yet to come. 😜

Omg, when will we be able to vote on Gav’s recall?! There has got to be more than enough signatures by now.

Last I heard, they had only collected maybe half of what would be needed, but in the event the recall gets certified, you’re looking at somewhere around May or June of next year. Keep in mind also that Newsom’s approval rating has actually increased since receiving 61+ percent of the vote, so I wouldn’t exactly hold your breath waiting for a new governor.

Go to Assemblyman Kevin Kiley’s website and read his blog. Part one of their lawsuit against Newsom went to court yesterday. They are attempting to stop his abuse of the law Under the guise of the pandemic. Friday they will either pull his teeth, or it will go to court to be fully litigated on October 21st. If they are successful, all his illegal tampering with the law will be dissolved retroactively back to the beginning of Covid.

Regarding his approval rating, it’s irrelevant . Only 5% of Californians need to sign to recall to get him ousted.

At this point eating just becomes more trouble that it’s worth.

Fear sells, and people are always buying.

Newscum are you for real??? Might your dictator ways be prompted by your use of the white powder again????

Seems you are getting a bit concerned about all of us Californian’s leaving the state or planning to…hum your source of eternal pick pocketing from the law abiding hard working citizens may be starting to come to and end.

Stop signing all of the BS bills that you seem to have time to conjure up instead of doing what is right and not pandering to the whiners and enablers in this state.

Gavin keeps on giving me more good reasons to leave California!

Gavin’s advice/order is an example of what happens to your brain when you are on Liberalism.

Newsom is in court today (Or at least his lawyers are) in the preliminary of Kiley vs. Newsom. The lawsuit is over his chronic unilateral abuse of power using the pandemic emergency as an excuse. In Michigan they just shut Gretchen Whitman down over similar although less pervasive abuse.
Cross your fingers.



this guy’s incompetence really has no bounds…



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