The city of Concord opened its 19 playgrounds following new guidance from state public health officials today.
All public playgrounds that are fully outdoors are allowed to reopen, according to a list of new rules the state issued this week.
Visitors ages 2 and up will be required to wear a face mask while at the playground and should maintain six feet of distance between each other. State public health officials also suggest visitors limit their time at a playground to 30 minutes.
Concord Public Works staff inspected all of the city’s playgrounds Wednesday in anticipation of their reopening and installed signage laying out the rules for using a playground and reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Concord officials also reminded residents to follow Contra Costa County’s ongoing public health guidance for frequent hand-washing, physical distancing and staying home when sick.
LAME!!! So open the playgrounds so kids can’t play together. These people obviously don’t care about kids.
Neither do the teacher’s union or school districts here.
I agree with OhPlease.
as a child the whole point of a playground is to be outside and make new friends or meet up with old ones. sad that the fear mongering will impact our children at this important time in their lives. then again it is just another example of the left trying to destroy community and friendship in the impressionable. not unlike in countries like russia where people are rewarded for turning in their neighbor or family member for speaking out against the state.
you said it exactly
then again it is just another example of the left trying to destroy community and friendship in the impressionable. not unlike in countries like russia where people are rewarded for turning in their neighbor or family member for speaking out against the state.
the far left on here are all for following and not using common sense
or even questioning the obvious abuse of power and corruption by this state government
the dem politicians want fed money it is free to them and they can do with it what they want … funnel in more illegals and granting to whom ever they like …..
while we are locked up and under their boot
again the best thing that could have happened from this virus is the dems behind the curtain are showing themselves
now act and send them packing
over 40 years of dem control of this state and this is where we are
….crumbling and packed with filth and crime and no leadership accept to enslave us to them and do what we are told
any dem voter want to say how good it is here ???after all the years of you condemning us to single party rule
and dont even think about spewing economy rhetoric lol
that is a lie and is supported by the highest taxes in the nation
high taxes are not an economy by the way
I wonder if the county is hiring time keepers for the 30 minute rule. Lots of clipboards and paper work, but probably a good salary with all the benefits.
REALLY?? How the heck are you going to keep children 6′ apart from one another on a playground?? That is simply NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
This is outrageous…the prisoners get more play time than our children that have been locked up for 6 months!
Just like illegals get more time in school than my kids. Dems only care about buying votes and “social justice’ issues instead of responsible, tax paying citizens.
It’s ridiculous that they feel they have to put these restrictions in place for kids on a playground. That said, I’m glad the small step towards sanity has occurred and they are no longer putting up barriers around playgrounds. And in reality, nobody cares about the 30 minutes thing. And I hope people don’t try to make kids wear masks outside – in particular, I hope people can be sane enough not to raise trouble if somebody else’s kid isn’t wearing a mask on a playground.
Unfortunately I am almost positive that we will have a Karen or two running around the parks with stop watches, and they probably won’t even have kids!
How about a Nancy with the laughing face.
Didn’t follow the order before, not going to start now. At least now I won’t have to take down the barricade any more.
Was at Newhall park today, walking the dog and they hadn’t opened the playground there yet
but their were lot of park employees sitting in their trucks doing nothing at 10am. ???
10:00 am? Probably break time.
Protect the kids from the virus deniers. We have been lied to by politicians. The virus is real and deadly. I feel for the kids and everyone else that has sheltered in place, including myself. Now it is in the White House and they get tested daily. Stay safe and be smart.
The virus is less deadly then the flu. .0003% for most. The flu is .01. STOP PUMPING FEAR. Do you wear a mask during flu season? No you don’t. You are a sick person trying to create panic. You’re not allowed to yell fire in a movie theater, why do you think it’s ok to push panic here?
Sam -that lie has been debunked a while ago.
That “lie” from the CDC was not “debunked”. What’s your motive dude?
UPDATE: President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for coronavirus. And they have the best protection and daily tests.
They also come into contact with hundreds of people every week. I wish them a speedy recovery. But anyway, what does that have to do with playgrounds? Yes, the virus is real and people catch it. But kids are not at any risk that would justify closing playgrounds. They don’t even seem to transmit the virus as much as adults do. Outdoor activity is low risk and the harm done to kids by closing everything is substantial.
You want a depressing read? There’s an article in the New Yorker about the kids left behind by the shutdown. Totally. Infuriating. People in positions of major power over school decisions are revealed as making their decisions based on (inaccurate) headlines in the NYT and by opposing anything Trump is in favor of. Meanwhile kids get their lives ruined. Kids with a parent at home and money and stability will get through this (though with more anxiety and depression), but needy kids, with poor families and little stability in their lives, are getting utterly abandoned on the basis of evidence-free fear and political prejudice. This is the single most regressive thing that has happened in the past forty years or more in the US, and it’s the supposedly liberal-progressive party and the unions that supposedly care about poor kids that are doing it. With that in the background, closing playgrounds is just insult to injury.
yep, it travels through the air. not over yet …
Good thing there is a 99.9997% chance at Trump surviving the sweet and sour sniffles. But keep pumping that fear pornography Homer
Using your argument of Trump having the best protection and daily tests, logic would dictate that no amount of masks or testing will “slow the spread”
Are protests now limited to 30 minutes with adult supervision?
It’s fun watching shills shill. The virus is not very deadly. We have all had the flu before. Going a buck 20 on the freeway is to slow. Try hitting that 150 mark. I don’t owe you anything. It’s not my job to save you
Oh um where’d you go buddy?