Home » Heat Advisory, Flex Alert, Red Flag Warning Issued For Thursday

Heat Advisory, Flex Alert, Red Flag Warning Issued For Thursday


Warnings abound about conditions in the Bay Area on Thursday, including a heat advisory that in turn has prompted an electrical power Flex Alert, poor air quality from fires burning in Northern California, and a red flag warning for North Bay mountains.

The heat advisory for unseasonably warm temperatures and an increased of risk fire danger and heat-related illnesses has been issued by the National Weather Service from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Temperatures are expected to be Thursday, when 15 to 25 degrees above normal, afternoon highs low 90s to low 100s up to 105 in hottest interior locations.

The hot weather and expected increase in air conditioning use comes as the California Independent System Operator has issued a statewide Flex Alert, calling for voluntary electricity conservation from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday.


Flex Alerts are given “when the electricity grid is under stress because of generation or transmission outages or from persistent hot temperatures. Consumers are urged to voluntarily conserve electricity to help avoid rotating outages.”

Energy conservation is especially important in the late afternoon and early evening, when demand peaks and solar energy production declines, ISO officials said.

Consumers are asked to turn off unneeded lights, delay using major appliances until 10 p.m., and set air conditioner thermostats to 78 degrees or higher.

Conservation steps can lessen the chance of rotating power outages being used to ease the strain on the grid.


Other steps include unplugging unused electrical devices, closing window blinds and drapes, using fans when possible, and limiting time the refrigerator door is open.

In addition to hot weather, the National Weather Service says its simulations indicate “a lot of smoke from the August and North Complex fires will be coming towards the Bay Area and joining with the Glass Fire smoke.”

Spare the Air alerts have already been issued through Friday due to smoke from wildfires.

These advisories come on top of a red flag warning of high fire danger starting at 1 p.m. Thursday from the National Weather Service for North Bay mountains and the areas in and around where the 48,440-acre Glass Fire is burning.

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Don’t forget… Spare the Air. Wear Your Masks!

enough of the fear mongering



With travel, businesses, schools, sporting events, and more shut down how is it we are short on electricity?

Exactly. So now they want all cars to be electric in 15 years? Good luck with that

For a State with the fifth largest economy in the world, we certainly seem to be a third world country. Not enough power or water to go around. Our leaders have done a wonderful job over the last 30 years. What awesome foresight.

Still no Covid dashboard…did we all die ?

Yes California keep it up! Keep showing the world you are an absolute joke 3rd world cesspool that can’t even keep the electricity on when it’s MOST needed.

As of now we can not meet our electricty needs andNewsom wants to ban gas cars, go electric by 2035. Lets see now, the population will have increased so the need for more electricity increases and on top of that charging all those electric cars will increase the need for more electricity. One would think Newsom would of addressed this. Like Tugboat said, “What awesome foresight”.

Really Newscum-get your SH__ together. You tax us to death and now rationing electricity when we really need it to breathe and help us survive the smoke since we still are under the COVID-19 cloud.

You are pitiful. Stop signing all these nonsense bills. Grow up.

A cornucopia of cataclysmic catastrophes for California. Wonderful!

We don’t have enough power to run all the A/Cs to keep us cool in a heat wave, but our beloved and fearless “leader” signed an executive order to end sales of gas-powered cars by 2035. He does realize that 0 emission vehicles still need to be powered somehow, right? The most common method consumes aforementioned electricity that is already in scarce supply.

Time to recall this idiot.


You are so right. He has severe tunnel vision and a fried brain from cocaine use.

Ah yes, can I tell me employer that I couldn’t get work done because I had to set my thermostat to 78 degrees which is precisely the temperature at which I start to get sleepy and cannot focus?

Has Karma taken a break?
When will fools like NewScum, and their tribes, be affected by their own mistakes? So far seems that does not happen.
Has Karma taken a break? Example: Pelosi/Joan Rivers

“…limiting the time the refrigerator door is open.” Really? I’m all for conserving energy, but that’s a bit much. Excuse me while I go get something to eat. Out of my fridge. Don’t tell the refrigerator police.

Spare the Air. Turn off your A/C. Stay out of your fridge…BUT be ready to go All Electric with your VEHICLES! What a crock!!



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