Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Plan To Watch Tonight’s Presidential Debate?

The Water Cooler – Do You Plan To Watch Tonight’s Presidential Debate?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you plan to watch tonight’s Presidential debate?

Talk about it….

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I wouldn’t miss it for anything.

Yes, I hope Joe does well, looks sharp, and does not make any major mistakes. I hope Trump gets shellacked. Trump is the worst US president, ever.

The fact you are worried that Joe looks sharp and doesn’t make mistakes but will still vote for him is absolutely amazing. Makes no sense at all. You hate Trump that much you will vote for dementia Joe.

Trump can get shellacked but he and his base does not care. Trump has already shown his plan is to screw up the balloting process to the point that many districts can’t be certified and then to appeal the results up to the SCOTUS if needed.

@WC Resident
If that’s what Trump’s plan is, he is way too late, as the dems took care of screwing up the balloting process a long time ago. And just last night everyone got to see Ilhan Omar’s staff stealing ballots, filling them out, and then getting paid for it. But hey, it’s all part of Trump’s plan, right?

WC Resident We does to care.

Economy, jobs, trade deals, peace deals, three nominations for Nobel, record low welfare, and the list goes on.

Now – Please almighty TDS sufferer, list ONE accomplishment of Joe’s (no, you can’t use making his son filthy rich) that he has done in the last 40 years of office.

We will wait.

Oh Dogpoo! In fact Dem’s did an about face and now are encouraging everyone to vote in person because they know their simpleton voters will most likely screw up the ballots by forgetting to sign or leaving something out and wind up having their ballots disqualified.

I hear in some Texas counties Dem Harvesters pay pretty well for the signed envelopes with a blank ballot inside…. nice little mail theft industry started up just for this.

TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

without Trump we will be at war in no time..Sleepy Joe would be napping
when it strikes.



get your popcorn! yes.

Time for CornPop and his crew of bad fellas….

for as long as I can stand it.

anyone wanna start the pool?

Each side will declare their guy the winner.

No, Silly…

The Pool on how long I can stand it….


I’m looking forward to getting in some good laughs!!! I wouldn’t miss it

I hope Joe doesn’t start screaming. I wouldn’t want to watch that.

Trump is going to slaughter slow Joe.
Trump is not a vegan, so it’s all okay.

Predicting a landslide Nov 3rd. This debate will show how cognitively impaired Biden is, and how many accomplishments President Trump can name, given his nearly 4 years in office.

Once again, the Dems will March and protest, burn, loot and scream, when Trump is re-elected. God Bless America 🇺🇸

I have a bridge in Russia to sell you. At this point, a wet paper bag should be able to beat Trump. That is why Trump is doing his best to call the entire election into question with destroying the mail service and calling fraud left and right without any evidence. Once a conman always a conman.

Accomplishments? Lining his pockets and stealing from the country, paying off his corrupt children? Not that he didn’t steal from the US before seeing as he paid $750 in federal taxes. I have to imagine you paid more taxes than he did. But hey – if you like getting robbed for for Trump the thief.

TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What has Biden accomplished in 47 years???

Bookmark this page, check time and date. When the votes are all counted, President Trump will continue to break your hearts with all of our winning till 1/20/24.

If you missed out on a robust economy, job creation and bullish stock market, I think it is a sad state of affairs in your house.

Meanwhile, we’ve had one of our best three and 10/12ths years financially and spiritually. If you’re suffering, maybe stop voting for Liberals.

You’re right. A wet paper bag should be able to beat Trump. But Biden doesn’t even come close to the qualifications and charisma of a wet paper bag.

“Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

*Looks around at destruction, devastation and economy in crisis*

Gonna have to say no. And all of his accomplishments?

Didn’t he promise you he would replace the Affordable Care Act? He couldn’t do that even with both houses of Congress being Republican.

Didn’t he promise you a wall across the southern border paid for by Mexico? He didn’t do that either.

All he did was play golf which cost taxpayers more than $141 million.


Yes. I have an idea how it will turn out, so I have to see if I’m right.

Yup, although debate should be between harris and Trump.
Shill biden is just letting his name be used, would never finish out his term and an erratic immature harris as president would be disastrous for our country.

Creepy Uncle Joe will lose his cool and try to bully Trump just before Fox cuts away for an extended commercial break.

No. I don’t have “Tee Vee”. I’ll listen on the radio.

I think I have too, not looking forward to it, I get too embarrassed for those jackasses.

Oh yes, it’s a must-see. A couple glasses of wine will be watching with me.

What for ?

Already suffering with overdoses in civics and hype.

Ah yes the widget toll age.

I want to know why Creepy Uncle Joe (aka Slow Joe, aka Rapist Joe, aka Racist Joe) needs an earpiece. Does he need someone “in his ear” to know what to say?
Who is pulling the strings to the Puppet Joe Biden? Aside from the Chinese, Russians, and Ukrainians….

I may, just to see 45 get taken down a peg or two.

TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

This debate should bring him up several pegs. Where’s the questions on Hunter??? His VP candidate is bailing out rioters!!!

Yes. The real question is….Does Joe know he is in the debate.

Absolutely! If it was on pay per view, I’d pay to watch it.

Trump 2020!

Here’s the best analysis of what’s up the sleeves of the Harris-Biden team.
I am pretty sure this guy is right on with his observations and predictions.
I’ve been suspicious of this for a while, my self. Let’s hope Trump let’s them know that he also knows!!


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Trump had a jammer in HIS pocket and he started jamming Cheater Joe about halfway through getting his responses all while showing that HUGE Trump Grin….
Peshwa Trump Parody:

I’m assuming those who made the disparaging remarks about VP Biden’s delivery are unaware that he struggles with stuttering, not any mental deficiency. He may not have graduated at the top of his class; however, he didn’t send his attorney in 2015 to threatened Fordham University and the New York Military Academy with legal action if they released his academic records

Nobody is picking on Rapey Joe for his stutter. The Hiden Biden IS responsible for the current divisive political climate. Creepy Uncle Joe “borked” SCOTUS nominee Judge Robert Bork during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Biden’s characteristic nasty tough-guy persona. Plagerizing Joe has been wrong on every foreign policy move in the last 40 years. Biden is a corrupt puffed up jerk in the pockets of Russia and China.

@ConcordRez……nobody is making fun of Joe’s stutter, but it could be a problem.


Oh heck yes. This is gonna be the funniest debate ever. Trump is gonna wipe the floor with Biden. Bidens handlers are freaking out right now as well they should be. Can’t wait history in the making. Seriously we will all be watching elder abuse at it’s worse. Dems have no shame.

Trump is going to get called for elder abuse on this one. Sorry ConcordRez, he may have a stutter but the rest of it is full on dementia. I guarantee he doesn’t get 50% on a mini-mental.

Go back 2 plus years ago and listen to Biden. He’s never stuttered. He’s got something wrong with his brain, be it a tumor, dementia or a stroke.
Biden is a liar, a manipulator, a racist, a plagerist and an inappropriate over sexed fiend.

I hope the moderator doesn’t spin the questions so they can only have one answer.

.. yes… it could be funny!

No. Because my independent swing voter mind is made up. No matter what happens the Trump fans will twist it around. But to be fair there really isn’t anything that would change my vote at this point. One is clearly more fit to serve than the other.

I suggest looking at the Lincoln Project or reading over the Voters Information Guide and planning out your ballot.

“Yes I’ll raise taxes”
“Absolutely, defund the Police”
“They become the enemy!”

Hey! Looky there….. no twisting required.

Not deliberately going to turn it on, not looking forward to it, since in my case it is meaningless. Biden was unelectable in 1988 (32 years ago) and 2016. Scary to think how awful the other Dem candidates were to have a relic like Biden be the number one choice. He is way past what would have passed off as his prime in the 80s, and now he is the candidate… President Trump, on the other hand, is the first President since Ronald Reagan to actually care about the American citizen. Unfortunately, the media are so corrupt, they have done nothing but try to destroy his image. They loved Trump up until the day he announced, then out came the daggers.

Jeez, have any of you claiming that Biden has dementia ever listened to Trump actually speak? Biden is a lifelong stutterer. Trump routinely mispronounces words, slurs his words and has to hold onto a podium for dear life. Trump is the one that more than likely has some kind of cognitive impairment.

Also, Biden has no transmitter, he’s not on drugs, and he did not receive the questions in advance. These are all excuses predefined for Trump supporters because Trump cannot coherently speak about policy issues. Trump will likely be loaded up on Adderall and hurling insults since that is all he knows how to and can do.

Poor Joe with all the strings and arm shoved up his arse.
Seems uncomfortable.

We all know Trump will win this, of course the Dems will disagree. In the end it all comes down to who takes the Presidential oath on January 20th 2021.

Oh yes, I will watch at the end when the dems are dwindling



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