Home » Playgrounds Allowed To Reopen – Kids Must Wear Masks, Social Distance, And Only Play For 30-Minutes

Playgrounds Allowed To Reopen – Kids Must Wear Masks, Social Distance, And Only Play For 30-Minutes


Outdoor playgrounds are allowed to reopen under certain guidelines, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health announced.

Following Newsom’s stay-at-home order in March, playgrounds and other outdoor recreational facilities were closed in an effort to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Earlier this month on Sept. 16, numerous state lawmakers signed a letter authored by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, asking Newsom to reopen playground and outdoor facilities, citing these spaces as “a critical resource for children and families to access outdoor space, exercise, and relax.”


Newsom’s administration released guidelines this week for outdoor playground and outdoor recreational facility re-openings.

Guidelines include maintaining social distancing, wearing masks at all times, and limiting visits to 30 minutes per day.

Additionally, adults are asked to supervise children at all times to ensure adherence to the guidelines.

Local officials overseeing the playgrounds must post the rules and park capacity at the entrance of the playgrounds.


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Who is going to have the stopwatch to make sure the children don’t become time limit criminals? What a bunch of ####.

Will there be playground police there to enforce masking & distancing rules and keep time records for each child?

You mean will there be a horde of middle aged, upper class women with police on speed dial?

The secret is they are always there, Op. Now its their time to rise up and punish their enemies.

So I’m not the only one that has experienced such females.
Try attending a local women’s club. Scary.

Like Really? 30 Minutes? Some of these rules are ridiculous. And How About Swimming Pools? I pay HOA dues some of those monies are for pool upkeep….Last summer I lived in that pool…..And the Kids! They should have been able to utilize the pool….Hello Chlorine is a germ killer…..

Is there a big Wheel O’ Restrictions that they spin when they come up with this stuff and just go with whatever it lands on? So COVID can’t get you unless you okay for 31 minutes or more?

I pay hoa also and my kids are very upset that they couldn’t swim at all this year

I think parents can determine how long their child plays at the park. I think anyone trying to tell you anything should resign immediately. Why is Belgium coming after the WHO for the creating the COVID HOAX? What’s this about China being accused of launching a COVID PROPAGANDA WAR TO FORCE THE WORLD INTO LOCKDOWN.

OY! Timed playground visits.. you just can’t make this stuff up 🙄

Martin, We will have NO laughing in the sunshine and tag is out of the question.

I imagine the time limit is for rotaion purposes only. Obviously if a kid is there alone, s/he can stay as long as the parents allow.


You sound like you’er the only one on this post who gets it!

Aren’t you a genius, I wound have never figured that out. Have a lot of children do you ?…..

Sounds like you would let violators slide.

…and swing!

And jump and twirl — and maybe even laugh in the sunshine. If I still think tag is a decent game, I’m a criminal? Lord, have mercy on us all.

The 30 is absurd the telling kids they can’t play with other children (as they have to socially distance) is dangerous. Talk about conditioning children that playing with other kids is “dangerous”. These kids are going to a have long term mental issues because of this fraud. Just moved from Concord for this very reason. My kids (3 and 1) are playing outside and the 3 year old is in soccer. My 8th grade son is in school and playing football and baseball.

just curious where did you move too? I am getting sick of this.
the mental problems this is creating is out of control.
I have two teenagers that are both very active in sports and I can see
the change in them both and I am sick of it. life long bay area resident but I am ready to move. any chance your 8th grade son played basketball in concord too with the initials GK? just curious.
if this is who I think it might be, email coach and let me know how the new area is?

Are they going to have playground police take temperatures, offer hand sanitizer, check for correct mask usage, have a stop watch, herd them out after 30 minutes, wash down the play structure then repeat?

My children are grown now. I dont know how parents are dealing with this. I think the government health officals really hate you parents. They are trying to drive you parents completely insane. Parents take your now socially awkward children to the park and never leave. Seriously this is absurdly wrong. I am so sorry.

How do you like a “Taste of Socialism” right here in contra costa county?

This is what happens in a blue society.

This is absolutely insane!!! The kids can only play for 30 minutes? Is that because they will catch the virus at 31+ minutes of play? I guess they can’t catch the virus if they play for just 30 minutes. Are you people nuts?

Do you say that because you really don’t know? They say 30 minutes to keep the population of the playground low throughout the day I’m kind of sick of people, go ahead go to the park bring your kids and their Sticky Fingers and while you’re at it being anti-mask grandma and grandpa with you to play.

mom – calling people anti-mask sounds a little discriminatory. Maybe you should be more sensitive and stop using micro aggressions /s

How about you worry about yourself?

@LOL…”Anti-maskers” are the new “cigarette smokers”.

Concord Mom, the rare bright spot in all of this is that kids aren’t in danger from this virus, and surprisingly enough they aren’t even a big source of spread. (Even in places that kept schools open with no masks.) Keeping kids away from normal parts of their development for six, twelve, eighteen months is totally irresponsible and outrageous. Just think about kids with no yard, living in a small apartment with no real school happening for them, their parents very likely out of work and stressed, and even the playgrounds are taken away. Reopening schools may be a logistically complex task, what with budgets and space and labor contracts. Reopening playgrounds is not. It’s a no-brainer.

Children (with parents) have been using Concord’s playgrounds at public parks for months. The flimsy plastic fencing put up to stop them was torn down within a couple days. Workers do stop by to inspect it every few days then disappear elsewhere after an hour or two – with the fence still down. Now I guess it doesn’t matter …

You took the words right out of my mouth!!! Our kids and neighbors never stopped playing in our neighborhood park.

Cut the crap and let the kids play. And send them back to school.

This is all about continuing to control the masses. It is time for the general population to rise up and take back our god given freedoms.

Gavin, the people are coming to get you.

let me see pollution count high. UV index high. Predators loose xtremely high. Yeah playground police to inform you to not burn yourself accidently on all the hot surfaces radiating. I can go on and on and on. 30 minutes is too long.

LOL! I’m sure these orders will followed too. The nearby park playground has had kids playing for sometime. The “playground closed” signs have been long gone. I’m sure parents are willingly going to role back to the previous situation. Maybe we should just make some videos of what the commandantes want, lock them up and play the video over and over again. I’m sure they’ll be very happy.

I think its great he rolled over to pressure from other politicians. That’s not his previous MO.

Carry a protest sign; there is no time limit for a playground protest.

Welcome to Contra Communist County.

COVID-19 is real and it is airborne. Around 225.000 died in the US and 1 million have died from it in the world. It should have been contained months ago but lack our of leadership wanted to play it down. Opinions do not count as much as science yet here we are, the most infected country in the world. Maybe we should try the safest approach and listen to the doctors.

Why not protect children as much as we can?

Give it a rest. Even the CDC said only 6% of those were from COVID.

I agree, lets protect our children.

Get them outside in the sun! Let those immune systems develop.

But, it is only 210K dead in the US so far. Now, if you are working to become a politician, I see why you rounded up to 225K, you are trying to scare us.

Airborne – exactly, which is why people should be encouraged to be outside! Smh

There was no way the US was going to contain it once they botched the initial rollout of tests.
We can delay it with restrictions, but it is here and not going away. Looking at realistic options right now, it would be better for people at low risk (kids especially) to be able to be healthy, happy, educated, and social again. It is better for the at-risk to have to hunker down for a shorter epidemic, and have the community immunity of the younger population protect them after that, than to drag this out forever in the hope that a vaccine will save the day. At this rate everybody in a LTCF is going to lose massive amounts of mental function and emotional well-being because we’ve decided that delay is good in itself. It’s not. It is sometimes appropriate. But it has big costs and doesn’t always help even just in terms of Covid mortality. Say 40-50% need to get it for herd immunity. Do you want those people to be a random selection from the population, or do you want the average age of cases to be low? Hint: it’s the latter.

California: where arson is climate change and following the science is orders without evidence.

Btw, not sure if y’all know but if the US used the same metric as Singapore (which is a WHO approved method for you globalists) we would be sitting
at 86k supposed deaths.

Time to tar and feather some communists. At this point I’m starting to lean toward them being so scared of lifting everything because people will probably come after them. Which is what happens when you are a tyrant.

One name stands out: Gavin Newsom

FINALLY. at least they get some
Aspect of their lives back! If we can’t live our lives freely as we once knew at least let the kids do so!

Wow, you are echoing what my Russian friend’s parents said when she emigrated to the US…in 1991: We have never seen freedom. Let our children see it, at least!

So many parallels…

Kids have NOT stopped playing at HILLCREST PARK? Flea market is
busy, church across the street from park is using church parking lot
for services, WHY CAN’T I VOTE IN PERSON !?

I agree!!! It doesn’t make any sense! Non of their “rules” are consistent, which is what irratates me the most! I do know the virus is real; I know people who have had it. However, the inconsistent rules are just insane. Why can a women get an abortion but she can’t get a pap? Why can we go to the grocery store but we can’t vote where the booths are 6 feet apart and you wear a mask? Makes NO sense at all. And THAT is why I feel like they have a hidden agenda …….

Amen. Is it too much to ask for data to justify impositions like this, more than half a year into the pandemic? Outdoor restrictions in general are a crock – other than avoiding extremely close crowding.

So what do you have the kids do who are waiting to go on the playground? Hold their hands until someone leaves? Will parents be forced to wait in line six feet apart from each other with excited and frustrated kids that want to play? I can just hear the parents that are standing in line yelling at other parents that their time is up and get out!

BTW what happened to the Convid scoreboard on Claycord/ did I miss the memo ?

unfortunately when flu hits

the covid train will start again ….just wait 2 weeks from now
its oh lockdown until march

lol they have been and yes “they”

millions will die and we are the worst place

above said
Doh September 29, 2020 at 5:34 PM
COVID-19 is real and it is airborne. Around 225.000 died in the US and 1 million have died from it in the world. It should have been contained months ago but lack our of leadership wanted to play it down.

a typical dem socialist sky is falling statement …lets break it down shall we

covid IS real ahhhhh and its airborne
….hmm sure its a virus just like the flu and cdc said it was airborne but retracted
soooooo your statement is to instill fear and dem rhetoric

Around 225.000 died in the US and 1 million have died from it in the world.
again the fauchi made statements and still does the us would have millions dead by summer …..did not happen

and the us has 328 million people 1/3 illegal but i digress
so the percentage of death to population is way low

It should have been contained months ago but lack our of leadership wanted to play it down.

obviously telling the people that china has unleashed a virus with no known cure and they are not giving any information to anyone about it would instill panic ….right

so mister crystal ball hind sight guru …..
enlighten us as to how you would have handled the situation ….

we would all love to hear it ….on a national socialist take over democrat level of course ….ok begin

Thank you Concord Mike. Well said!

Completely agree Mike.

Just in time to inhale more smoke!

Just in time to inhale more smoke! Right?

Claycord is now giving me warnings that I’ve posted the same comment before. Not true.

Now it says I’m commenting too quickly.

When did the censorship start, Claycord?

This is great news, kids don’t have to play around rebar fence stakes and, orange netting. Woohoo!

Like iKrissy says” “…30 minutes…” ???

Doesn’t the CDC and just about every Pediatric group say “60 minutes” of exercise ????

Hey, Gavin, leave the kids alone! You are just another brick in the wall.

No they won’t have playground police they have just made guidelines like anything else in this world. Come on people grow up. You don’t like it dont go to the playground build your own in your backyard. Get over it !! Let your kids mingle and spread covid or follow the rules. Don’t like it dont come to playground obviously those of you complaining every two second about covid 19 guidelines havent had anyone you know have it or die from it if so you wouldn’t be so quick to complain about every precaution out in place. Get OVER it just like MDUSD wont be re-opening schools unless OUR children will be SAFE . Dont like it MOVE out this district .

It should be applied the other way around;
Playgrounds should be open without any restrictions, as should everything else!
If YOU are worried your kid is going to catch something….keep YOUR kid at home.
If YOU are are worried about you catching something….YOU stay home.
If YOU don’t like it, get over it and YOU move.



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