Home » State Of California Gives More Money To Bay Area Cities For Rooms To House Homeless

State Of California Gives More Money To Bay Area Cities For Rooms To House Homeless


A handful of Bay Area jurisdictions received more than $100 million in combined state funding over the last week to purchase motel and hotel rooms and turn them into permanent supportive hubs for homeless people.

The state of California gave the money to Santa Clara County and the cities of San Francisco, San Jose, Mountain View and Oakland to purchase hundreds of units, many of which have been leased as temporary shelter for
homeless residents during the pandemic.

The awards total $118.5 million, part of Project Homekey, in which the state will issue $600 million to local jurisdictions across California to purchase hotels, motels, vacant apartment complexes and other buildings for the homeless.

“We have a moral and ethical obligation to address this issue head-on,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said.


“We need to see better results at the local level and the regional level and we need to make sure your tax dollars are going for their intended purposes and that’s to produce real, permanent results,” he said.

Contra Costa County was one of the first local governments in the Bay Area to get money, receiving $21.5 million last week to convert a 174-room motel in Pittsburg into a supportive housing hub.

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“We need to make sure your tax dollars are going for MY intended purpose”.

Motel 6 In Pittsburg Has turned into a cesspool. There is no supervision so people can do whatever they want when housed there. Great
job Gavin!

To make sure my tax dollars are going where intended

Obviously flooding in over 12 million illegals and housing them with tax money leaving American citizens to the streets and now you raise taxes to pay for hotel housing and shame us to boot

Since the corrupt state won’t allow signed petition to oust supreme leader newscum

We are under socialist communist rule all ready

And lied to and forced to fund a unlawful take over of Americans

It appears the democrats are easily paid off and hate America so much they are fulfilling their roles as Chinas front line of taking over America
And apparently have no problem with it

As long as the Democrats line their pockets, they’ll do what they want to the people. They don’t care about anyone but what they’re going to get.

Yay. More free sh*t for people who don’t want to do anything to contribute to society. All on our dime. While we are in a billion plus deficit. Awesome. Where’s the incentive to do anything when everything is free?


Are you are saying you would trade places with a person who is living at a motel zoned for homeless people so that you don’t have to work? I sort of doubt it. So whatever your situation is it seems to be of a higher quality than a homeless person’s.

@Chuq, I believe that @Honda Bill knows that he indeed has a higher quality of life than a homeless person and would not trade places with them; however, you are missing the point that the majority of hardworking tax payers are paying taxes right and left in CA with tax increases on on the horizon with every election cycle. All government agencies must learn to live within their means and create budgets and stop looking to the hardworking individual to fill in the deficit and/or fund their special projects. These government agencies have more than enough funds to accomplish all of their projects. Also, these same agencies must be held accountable as to how these funds (our tax dollars) are spent.

And where is this money coming from?? More taxes to repair roads, gasoline use, etc!!!
Eliminate the Sanctuary provision and direct those funds to more useful projects!

Good, round ’em up and get them out of my neighborhood. Just don’t enable them with free booze, drugs, and needles. Maybe some well meaning philanthropist will educate them on how to dispose of their garbage properly, and not leave half eaten food and old clothes scattered all over the streets and sidewalks. Place them in drug and alcohol treatment, teach them job skills and help them find employment. That’s when they will begin to feel good about themselves again, and gain some self respect.
It doesn’t matter what anybody may think about the homeless, they are human beings and most are American citizens and deserve some help. Some have mental problems, some are war veterans, and some are homeless due to unfortunate circumstances.
Once they are cleaned up, if any of them are in the country illegally, deport them so they will no longer be a burden on Americans.

What a joke of a State. No wonder our streets are full of homeless bums and criminals. Free housing for all that don’t contribute sh** to society.

Funny that a governor with neither ‘morals ‘ nor ‘ethics’ can lecture us on them.

“We need to see better results at the local level and the regional level and we need to make sure your tax dollars are going for their intended purposes and that’s to produce real, permanent results,”

Where is the metric that shows us how this is producing results?

I’m waiting for “Humanitarian” to comment. She trolled the last post on the same topic. As soon as I asked her to contribute details as to what percentage of the funds are allotted to administrative costs (paying people like her) she went silent just as I suspected she would. Basements are taking on a whole new meaning.



Just keep on going down the insanity path, Gavin. You are a disgrace and a total loser that we are stuck with as governor. Stop allowing the illegals and entitlement crowd to suck us dry. Us being law abiding citizens who are continually overtaxed. As a native Californian who came from immigrants who entered the country legally, I am totally fed up with government over spending and over taxing me and others.

I love California with my whole heart but with your latest stupid moves am looking to leave California and take my substantial assets to a state that does not allow the total BS that you continue to ride herd over. With all of us leaving California who are you going to obtain tax revenue from-the illegals, the entitlement crowd , the farmed in protestors, the criminals, the generational welfare recipients???? Your latest move to eliminate cars that use gas was the last straw. You are such a loser-that is led by the nose of the democrats and socialists.

KingofC wants to keep all the inferiors on the Democrat plantation.

@KingOfC – I guess you don’t know the definition of “illegal”? Why should our hard working tax dollars be used on “illegal’s”? Also, why do you assume that it is only “illegal’s” that are cooking, mowing lawns, cleaning houses, etc? The concept of “Silver Spoon” does not apply to hard workers. I, for one, will never apologize for the nice lifestyle that I have worked very hard to obtain.

If want to encourage an activity subsidize it. If you want to discourage an activity you tax it.

Hard working legal citizens are taxed to death in this state. The homeless and downtrodden are subsidized by the state.

It seems that the more we spend on the homeless population the bigger it gets, and the more we tax the earners the smaller the middle class gets.

Government cannot do God’s work. When it tries it creates more misery.

You’re so ready to comment but never prepared to comment.
Why are homeless given everything? Many get social security. Many have sizeable bank accounts but fried brains. Most have free cell phones.
They need to be held accountable just because they are living. Instead, like Honda Bill is trying to say, he is accountable to support all these people.
Yes some are down and out beyond their control. They are willing to struggle out of their homeless situation but to many it’s become a way of life just because they can.

When you put the homeless up in hotels guess what you bring the homeless from Fresno and Bakersfield and all points east. All looking for a hotel room which there are not enough of so you end up with the same amount on the streets. Where did these leaders go to school?

Gavin has a learning disorder FYI

21.5 Million to rehab a 174 room motel- are you f—–g crazy?

I thought we (the state) were broke.

@TTD – that, exactly!

Gavin should be working on free Health insurance or at least ones people can afford.
Individual plans are out of control and cover basically nothing.
He needs to get these people the help they need mentally, not make it very attractive to be a transient rifling through the dumpster and getting handouts by day and living in a 5 star hotel at night, spreading disease as they go.

This is on top of the $33.1 million per year Alameda county $44.5 million San Francisco County have been getting annually from HUD for the homeless. LA County gets $124 million from HUD annually. The remarks about the motel 6 in Pittsburg are interesting. The amount being spent is over $100,000 for each room that’s about 250-300 square feet.

I can’t wait to retire and get out of this state.



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