Home » Concord City Council Gets Pushback On Police Vehicle Purchase

Concord City Council Gets Pushback On Police Vehicle Purchase


What figured to be an item on the Concord City Council meeting agenda that would generate little or no public discussion instead prompted talk about the need for a financial audit of local police operations, and more dedication paid to “re-imagining” police services.

The council ultimately approved, unanimously, spending about $640,500 on 16 new 2021 Ford Police Interceptor SUVs. They will replace 15 Ford Crown Victorias and one Ford Taurus that have, as a city report says, “reached end of life.”

But that vote came after several people criticized the purchase as a pro-forma move that helps perpetuate longstanding, outmoded ways of police operations when many residents of Concord (and many other Bay Area cities and counties) are calling for a fundamental re-imagining of how police do their jobs.


It also comes without the audit of police operations that some critics have been calling for.

Some public commenters at Tuesday’s council meeting also said that money can be spent more effectively on social programs, including homeless services and mental health services.

“I just don’t understand how you can justify spending the money on these police cars when you could fund, probably, three non-police emergency responders” with that money, said Mara Berton of Concord.

She had asked that the car purchase item be removed from the meeting’s “consent calendar,” under which the matter was to have been voted on with no discussion.


Gwynne Gilson of Concord, a former Contra Costa County mental health specialist, told the council she believes the SUV purchase money would be better spent on preventative services such as those rendered by the Central Contra Costa Family Justice Center in Concord. Those, she said, help prevent crime before police have to deal with it.

Added Greg Kremenlier of Concord, “The police can drive their dang cars for another year, and it wouldn’t be a big loss for anybody.”

Council members disagreed. The SUVs’ purchase, Councilwoman Laura Hoffmeister said, is replacing existing resources and shouldn’t affect other programs.

“I’d hate to say we couldn’t get out there (to a call) because our car was in the shop,” she said.


Later during the same meeting, the City Council approved beginning work to create the city’s own Mental Health Evaluation Team to work full-time within Concord, and to expand the Coordinated Outreach Referral and Engagement (CORE) homeless outreach team from half-time to full-time.

The moves were described by council members as a “first step” in creating more comprehensive local outreach programs that would be viewed by many as part of a re-imagined local emergency response. However, a source of funding for the programs — combined, about $300,000 more than the city now spends on its half of the existing CORE team — has not been identified.

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There should be no reimagined policing when it comes to vehicles and standard equipment. I hope the council moves on maintaining a good fleet of vehicles for the officers.

New normal. “To protect and defund “

I am most proud of our Concord police. In this most ridiculous show of Americans to defund our police we have discouraged our men and women of integrity. I am for really supplying them with what they need. Thankyou Concord police dept. for the great job. I would like to make each one an apple pie. We love you. The Mayflower household. Also vote for Piper for city council.

Thank you for your comments mayflower. I agree fully!
These defund the police nuts are scaring me! They are depending on City councils all over the country and often getting their way from timid council members (or dyed in wool liberal ones )
Which scares me is this tiny minority is getting their way by pushing on our local government officials. The rest of us hard-working tax paying law-abiding citizens don’t even know about some of these meetings to come voice our opinions. I honestly think it’s part of a nationwide plot to pull the country down.

Now that’s a nice post.

I agree with mayflower 100%.

I guess we need to make our voices know if we want new cars for CPD. sheesh

“I’d hate to say we couldn’t get out there (to a call) because our car was in the shop,” she said.

Well in that case we should buy them all BMW’s so they truly race to the scene – every moment counts.

Why not jetpacks so they can avoid traffic?

Or perhaps we look at the stats and how often they get to a scene where it is active vs. being part of the clean up detail.

If you’d owned a bmw you would know they spend quite a bit of time in the shop.

Wow … and next year they will push that off the budget as well. Really, do they not realize cars have end of life … do we really want to spend more money maintaining them? These cars are beat on daily. They take a lot of abuse and most agencies still drive them to 70/80/90K miles … They are not used for your commute to the store.

Stupid … stupid … stupid …

Of course, maybe I am biased because I think the whole ‘defund’ the police is going to fail and is stupid to begin with.

The police vehicles and mental health teams shouldn’t be included in the same discussion. Now maybe hiring more officers instead of mental health or social services could possibly be linked together. Either way, people who think mental health or social workers will solve your problems will be sorry in the near future when all these people quit because of the hazardous conditions involved. How much budget do these new CORE Teams get for bullet proof vests? Discretionary Decision Making Training? Poor civilians will be out on the front lines and will finally be able to testify that, “Yes, we do need officers to be armed and Yes, some people may be too far ill to be prevented from being shot”.

thank you CPD and CPD!

i hope you folks get the equipment you need

After reading this article, perhaps the police/city should quit buy Ford vehicles if they are constantly in the shop and only 2-years old. Seems to be a manufacturer issue on unreliable vehicles. my 5 year old car is only in the shop for oil changes. Come on!

How many miles does your 5 year old car have on it? Probably less than a 2 year old police car. And that’s not counting all the hours idling.

The last year for the Ford Crown Victoria was 2011, which makes the police cars 9 years old and older. Plus they are driven every day, all day.

Wonder what they do with the old vehicles

They sell them at public auction.

A lot of the time, if they are still in decent condition they will auction/sell them off.

City Councils members need to be the first to be evaluated by their Mental Health Evaluation Team.

To make things clear, approving police car funding is the first sane thing I’ve heard them do in the past several months.

The activists have been activated.

This county needs an enema!

We need to support our boys in blue. This includes upgrading the worn out vehicles that can’t keep up with the dangerous folks speeding around our town in newer, better cars.
So glad my tax dollars are going to a good cause like this!

What is wrong with these bleeding hearts that want to cut back on law enforcement.We need more police and along with that what ever they need to do there job.Clean this city up and put the homeless and criminals on a one way bus ride to the middle of the Desert.The homeless don’t want help.If they did there are jobs out there for them.They need to take the first step not just hang out all day and do nothing.Get tuff!

Well said Laura. Thank you.

“I just don’t understand how you can justify spending the money on these police cars when you could fund, probably, three non-police emergency responders” with that money, said Mara Berton of Concord….and the other twits too.
But you voted for them.

Seems like a good deal to me. If the price includes the radio, lights, computer, siren, and everything else the police need, that’s only a tad over $40,000 each. Buy them now, before the price goes up.

Commenters on Claycord:

“I am voting NO on ANY new taxes on the ballot! I refuse!!!”

Also commenters on Claycord:

“Why aren’t we properly funding the police?!?”

This isn’t about new taxes, it’s about redirecting money from the police to social services.

So, let’s see, instead, they would send a “Mental Health Evaluation Tram” to reports of someone carrying a sharpened spear who was threatening neighbors, or someone else in a mental health crisis bloodying his elderly grandfather and grandmother … maybe for a little talk therapy? Yeah, that’ll work.

These old Crown Victoria’s aren’t just driven for 8 hours and then parked overnight. They are used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They get worn out.

They are clearly frustrated they can’t defund the police. Maybe a fleet of new Cadillac Escalades would soften them up.

Time for Concord to spend money on robocalls to get the pulse of the MAJORITY of Citizens.
It’s a shame that a Vocal MINORITY is causing all of these issues to overthrow the will of the majority.
I say robocalls or mailers because I’m not participating in that foolishness with those gangstalking bullies.

Have you called the P.D. lately? Don’t waste your time they don’t show up. Had a tweeker on my porch threatening me when told them to “get”….911 called no response. Next time I’ll go rogue and beat them down and leave them in the gutter.

@Karin Snitchalot
Now how can you possibly write that without laughing?

Sorry your having contact trouble with Police. Just called the police last night. Woman on the corner of my street yelling and screaming. Called 911 police arrived in under 2 minutes. I kid you not. I have never had an issue where the police did not respond. Have a funny story involving my big mouth parrot yelling for help and carrying on. Neighbors became concerned called Police. Police came to my home and talked to my husband I was not home. The Police actually tracked me down and sent me a text message making sure I was okay. I thought that was pretty impressive.

Thank you Concord police Dept for the great work you do every day.
The first time a mental health worker get injured or killed on the job people will be saying “Why didn’t they sent the police”

Buy them !

Of course I’m talking about the name, not the post.

I’m very proud of the city council. Just about everyone I’ve talked to agrees that these people trying to defund our police are a very vocal tiny minority here in Concord. I think they’re well intentioned people in their own minds but often they’re in reality hateful people who are very ignorant as to what is needed to do the job of a police officer. Also, they’re just flat out bullies, they try and get their way not through the democratic process but by intimidating elected officials and communities into doing what they want. Good job city council not allowing yourself to be bullied.

Drove through Arizona recently, saw a sign “Don’t California my Arizona”. Rephrasing, “Don’t San Francisco my Concord”.

So council dont steal my idea
I will take compensation in tax cuts
for us who are under your Covid dome

Those aged police cars can be used as city vehicles
As they are allready paid for by the city
They can be used for city personnel for the remainder of the vehicles life
There by extending and pandering to the conservationists on recycling
There by pleasing the whole population not just the blue ones as usual

Yeah my idea does not favor criminals
It does not cost more than leasing vehicles for city employees
I did not have to bow to a union
Or bow to satan
Or pelosi
It’s free and I nave not doubt a dem won’t do it
Unless the vehicles are offered to the so called homeless first
Or the single mom with 2 jobs supporting a child and happily and proudly
She would benefit from a vehicle and strive for the American dream

I am glad the City Council approved the new Ford Interceptor SUV police cars. I don’t even think Ford will be making Crown Victorias any more.

Or. We could cut services to the illegal community and free up at least a BILLION for police and homeless. Why I bet there would even be some left over for a trimmed down to academics in schools and fix those roads … Why do we only get lumpy pothole detail when Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill get smooth asphalt done by professionals?

City council could do something useful and curl up in the potholes in the interim before they are repaired.

It’d only be lumpy for a short while.

Time to support the police the cost doesn’t seem out of line and the current cars are old. How many breakdowns do they have today and what is the cost to have them out of service for a day as well as the cost of the repairs?

We can’t afford to lose more good officers we need a city council to stand up for the people who protect us.

Get our officers the tools they need. Also a new purchase of high quality, select fire rifles would be warranted. These officers need to be supported and protected!!!!



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