Home » ALERT: Protesters Plan To Block Bay Area Bridges Tonight At 5 p.m.

ALERT: Protesters Plan To Block Bay Area Bridges Tonight At 5 p.m.


Protesters angry over the grand jury’s decision on the Breonna Taylor case in Kentucky plan to block all Bay Area bridges tonight at 5 p.m., according to posts on social media.

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Stop these idiots!! They shouldn’t be allowed to do this!!!

Exactly, you have a right to peaceful protect, but you DO NOT have the right to interrupt others lives or pose a threat to others safety! This is not peaceful protecting , they all need to be stopped and fined!

There ya go piss off the majority of people that don’t give a rats ass and need to cross a bridge.
I suggest all the protestors take a leap off each bridge..

Animals is what they are.

spoiled and entitled, you cannot always have your way!

YES… I agree JDS

A tragic, avoidable death. But I don’t know what people expected to happen in this decision. The officers had a warrant and were fired upon before they fired. The city settled the civil suit already and has changed its warrant policies. Maybe more is needed by way of reform, but demanding indictments when the evidence doesn’t support them is just… a mistake, at best, and cynical rabble-rousing at worst.

It was a grand jury.. no one knows the evidence. There White Governor is demanding their proceedings be unsealed. Until that time everything else about what happened that night is conjecture. BTW I believe KY is an open carry state. The cop that killed her was charged with endangering a wall.. let that sink in if you don’t think that couldn’t happen.


i don’t have to worry that my ex might come back to kill me. what the hell kind of person needs to think that anyway?

and again the police knocked for 10 minutes and announced themselves. if you don’t know that get informed the details are available.is it OK in your mind to shoot cops?


please be careful all, the above link contains truth which has been known to hurt liberals bleeing hearts.

What are you talking about? “The white governor” who is a democrat. Well how about “the black” attorney general who is a republican who spelled out the evidence in a news conference. You must have missed it. It may have been a no knock warrant but they told the cops to knock and announce themselves which a witness says they did. The guy she was standing next to admitted to shooting the cop first. Unfortunately standing next to someone shooting at a cop puts you in peril. The mind of a liberal is a dangerous thing.

@Susan I.:

As Former California has pointed out, since you find it important to point out that the KY governor is white, I assume you find it equally important that the KY Attorney General – who determined no charges would be filed against officers in Ms. Taylor’s killing – is black.

Ok we are 4 days from CCC going from purple to red. Mark the date and wait 3 weeks. If numbers spike there is no other excuse.

PS I say 3 weeks to add the people who get infected from those who get infected protesting.

@ never enough… you’ve made a very good point!

but going to church is illegal???

God help us!

Where is your proof of this?

I can’t wait to retire and get out of this state.

Keep it up you protesters! Every time you do this you gain extra votes for Donald Trump!
Trump 2020!



Yup! Everything that’s been happening over the last few years has only pushed me towards conservatism. Will be voting Trump for the first time this year. Thanks to the crazy Dems and Rioters.

Get the prison buses ready and charge the tasers

If someone has a different opinion are they automatically racist. That’s not right.


from now on when i am called a racists i will repeat the appropriate reply grade school

“i am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you”

dealing with children and all, you need to act like them. LOL

Hurling the “racist” insult is has been so over used, it has become virtually meaningless. In fact, the “black power” symbol, fist thrust upward into the air, is actually beginning to look more like a variation on the Nazi salute things since have flipped/flopped so much.

Plenty of evidence suggest she wasn’t a mere bystander:

-Her boyfriend implicated her in a recorded prison phone call.

-She was specifically named on the warrant.

-A car that she had rented was used for an earlier murder.

I think it was her ex boyfriend that was the drug dealer but her current boyfriend did shoot a cop in the leg so the police then opened up fire. I’m sad that she passed but I wonder why everyone assumes it’s about race? Why isn’t it lifestyle and choices? It was released that drugs were being delivered to her home. The grand jury has all the facts we do not .

OKFine, for a bit of levity here ya go.
Not advocatin’ such a thing, . . . . it’s the thought and good wishes towards them that counts.


Handcuff them to the bridge and leave them there for awhile.

thank you claycord for keeping us informed

i am reminded of a line from a james bond movie…

“make sure some harm comes to him”

ignore the trolls and the children.

if they wouldn’t have been around troubled people she’d be alive
if he’d not fired when the police announced themselves she’d be alive

comply and you won’t die

If any of these protesters really cared about Breonna Taylor, they would make a truly significant statement, and jump off the bridge. If you are going to be an activist, it takes commitment.

Breonna who?

How do you all know so much about this case? Some of that information hasn’t been made public. It was a no knock warrant. Did you ever think he was her ex because of his bad boy ways? It was a current boyfriend that was there.
She was an EMT… but I guess it only would have mattered if she were white.

I wonder what they think they’re going to change? Do these protestors think all the jurors on this case were racist too? Has it occurred to them that cold hard facts may have proven the officers were innocent

Just wait until the officers in the George Floyd case are found innocent.

Woke, outrage culture doesn’t Trump facts.

Too busy looking at property outside of California to even care. When we get back home we will evaluate the urgency of leaving ASAP. BTW-saw an armadillo today.

Things point to her being involved in the drug business, being specifically named on the warrant because of wiretaps and surveillance, and laundering money. It was a no knock, but they knocked. Hindsite, they should not have knocked. Interesting read here – https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/63943132/breonna-taylor-summary-redacted1

The Grand Jury says No police are at fault in the Breonna Taylor shooting and that’s why the city paid the family $12 million dollars. 💩

They paid the money because they are cowards and democrats (often one and the same). Fortunately these cowards dIdn’t serve on the grand jury as anyone who reads the evidence and blames the cops is either a moron or a democrat (sorry for being redundant).

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i listen to larry elder, according to him they did knock for a good 10 minutes regardless is it OK to shoot at cops? maybe for you it is, if the cops are white?

how do you know some things haven’t been released? to know that means you know what isn’t known. but that isn’t possible, unless you are black???

Some black woman protesting in Oakland today took credit for giving birth to civilization. Must have been some painful delivery!

Well so much for going to the next tier. These protesters will definitely ruin it for everyone. Is it just me or does anyone else realize that the protesters cause a spike in Covid cases? Notice how there weren’t any protests for Labor Day and boom our numbers have been pretty good. So to all of you like ilovepopcorn and BernieM, what do you say now? Is it still the social gatherings and anti maskers who are causing the uptick? Or have you come to your senses and realized oh maybe it is those thousands of people gathering together looting and rioting causing the uptick? 🤔🤔🤔

Can’t blame; protesters, they’ve been allowed to get away with this crap….politicians, they’ve been elected and re-elected by the ignorant majority….however, law enforcement has no excuse. They/You work for us and are sworn to uphold the law…and you need to start arresting anyone and everyone who breaks the law…now

The chiefs in police departments are largely political, so they’ve gotta do what their political masters tell them – and issue orders to that effect.

Sheriffs are generally elected, so it’s less political……but they’re still looking at their constituents.

Bottom line is that the officers ought to leave their departments unless they’re happy with the politicians.

A body was found in her rented car in 2016. She was delivering drugs and banking the drug profits for her ex-boyfriend, who used her condo as a distribution point. The Detectives knocked and announced their presence, according to an independence witness, even though it was a “No knock” warrant. One Detective Sgt was wounded, and they then returned fire. She was in the hallway, and got hit by the returned fire. This is all public info, and the true facts, yet the Taylor narrative will be spread and believed, probably more than the lie of “Hands up, dont shoot”.

Get rid of social media even if only for one week. Social media is what’s allowing punks to organize worldwide evil and you can see these kids filming and looking at the camera for mob kudos on Instagram. They harassed a bunch of diners and then ran up and sat in the chairs at the restaurant table outside all the while preening for the cameraman. Same deal with ruining the statues and yelling louder when cameras come around. Nasty hijinx for empty high fives. WHO RAISED THESE MONSTERS?… Oh that’s right!

One week without social media would be an interesting experiment. People can refocus pretty quickly on some different sort of stimulation. It probably would result in a spike in productivity, and suicides.

I agree with most of what the protests are about. But they are only annoying the working people. Express yourselves in other ways. Come up with something positive.

It was NOT a no knock warrant!

Did a U Haul drop off their supplies too ?

Really? A body?? This is the problem we have as a country. Too many people not dealing in facts. Please stop.

Water cannons!
Enforce fines for unlawful assembly.
Restore civilized order or there is going to be a backlash.
I have become unsympathetic to their cause due to their actions.

@Susan. Yes. A dead body. The friend of her drug dealing Ex-boyfriend. The info is widely public.

The Chinese and the Russians know how to handle unruly, alleged “Protestors.” More like rioters. We should take a lesson from them. Water cannons with dye, Rottweilers and rubber bullets will teach them to get a job and stay in their lane.

My god Hanne,,,,,,please open your mind. These are domestic terrorists. They easily hide amongst us until it is time to strike. Have you already forgotten the 9/11 hijackers? They blended into society perfectly until that faithful day.

Don’t post this information unless your intent is for traffic purposes. If you are posting this to encourage more people to show up and behave inappropriately, then shame on you. Everyone can see that what is intended to be a protest is actually a riot and we don’t need anymore of that in the Bay Area.
Stop encouraging bad behavior.


those without moral grounding are lacking common sense or just plain sense to know that they are being used to destroy the thing that they believe they are fixing.

God Bless

Where was the CHP?? DId Newscum order the CHP to stand-down?! Should have brought their BEARCATS out and push those miscreants over the bridge railing!
Worthless protesting for a worthless cause!!

She was involved in a criminal drug trafficking, a body was found in her trunk (!!!!!!!!!!), she is on audio transcript being implicated in said drug trafficking, she is on video at the “trap house” picking up and dropping off packages, the police DID KNOCK (according to them at least) and were fired upon, and they fired back.

I am excited to read about this. Let’s see the article, news report, or findings of the investigation.



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