Home » The Water Cooler – A Permit to Carry a Gun – Would You Get One?

The Water Cooler – A Permit to Carry a Gun – Would You Get One?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: If you were able to get a concealed carry weapons permit (a permit to carry a gun) in Contra Costa County, would you get one?

Talk about it….

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Already have one

@BDML-You are one of the few in CoCo County to get one. I applied and got turned down like a majority of those who did apply. I passed all background checks (I had 4 that year due to employment) and only failed to have a good enough good cause (extremely, extremely tough to satisfy). I have passed the Federal background checks for multiple firearms I’ve purchased over the last several years. I’m not a young guy w/o a proven record. I’m just a humble person who wants to be able to protect myself and my family.

Yes, I feel naked going out. It’s a shame that my only defense aside from my stunning good looks is a can of pepper spray.

he might not be from CoCoCo. I have friends in Sacramento that have them. As long as you pass the background check and the proficiency test, you get one. The sheriff there doesn’t care about your reason for wanting one.

Depends. I think I would but have no ammunition in the gun to freak the bad guys out.

The problem with pointing an unloaded gun at a bad guy is that the bad guy might also have a gun, and his is loaded, and he will shoot you.

You know that saying “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt” Yeah that..No responsible gun owner would ever do that.

That’s a bad recipe.

“In this world there are two kinds of people. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig”

Popcorn that would be worse than bringing a knife to a gunfight. I appreciate your sentiment but you have to rethink that one. You could keep the trigger lock on.

Leave ilovepopcorn alone….. if he’s destined to be Darwin’d out then that’s how it should be.

Yes, hands down yes.

Yes, and yes I would get it again.

No but I have not tried. My understanding is it’s almost impossible. Unless you know someone who knows someone. I believe woman should automatically be allowed to carry. As long as they are mentally fit.

FPN ~ I agree with that thought.

All citizens should be allowed to carry. And to reiterate, if they pass all applicable background checks.

Where is the justice there? That you have to have an elite status before being allowed to protect yourself?


Don’t need a gun.
I’ve got a PhD and I’m not afraid to use it.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Good luck with that.

But, but it’s in Clinical Psychology.

Yeah, JJ – apply for those “counselor” jobs and join the cannon fodder ranks!!

JJ this is a joke right? Sarcasm?

Well played JJ. You got me.

No, too many accidents happen and I would never kill anyone, so why have one and be tempted 😉

No one wants to kill someone the gun is to keep you from being killed.

And if faced with the possibility of kill or be killed?

Your decision is your decision and I’m fine with that. But, your decision shouldn’t impact other’s rights. And a gun is a tool for self-defense, not a killing machine. A gun is used to stop the threat. If shots are fired, hope nobody dies. If the bad guy dies, it was his choice to enter into my life and try to harm/kill me. That was a choice he made.

The best outcome is to not fire any shots. Ever.

Yes, but not for around town. I’m a night photographer and I like to be in remote areas. I don’t feel safe when I am out alone so I’m limited to when I can drag someone with me. I’ve taken gun safety classes and had plenty of time on various ranges.

Yes I would.

Yes. However, a permit is nearly impossible to get here in this county unless you have connections. Many states don’t require a permit if you are legally qualified to own a firearm. That’s as it should be. We shouldn’t need permission from the government to exercise a right.

Right on, Yves!!

I believe any law abiding US citizen that wants to carry a gun should be allowed to do so, but personally, I don’t feel the need to carry a gun.
1) Depending on the circumstances, using a gun even in self defense can land you in prison.
2) Shooting someone in self defense, can also open up a lawsuit. You run the risk of losing everything you own and may end up homeless and on the streets.
3) If a conservative shoots a liberal, the conservative will automatically be called a far right White supremacist racist, and they will blame Trump.
4) While I’m not a tough guy, I never feel threatened and I’m not afraid of people.

A conservative is a liberal that’s been mugged!

I think I would still like a real gun and pretend it has billets aimed at the bad guy. Better than nothing.

Man, now you are wrong twice.

What are you like 8 years old? Pretend it has bullets??

Perfect example of the democrat mind. You are given the exact reason why that don’t work, how it is unsafe, and a completely insane concept, but your brain just can’t understand. Fascinating to say the least.

@ilovepopcorn The problem with that is it changes the dynamicmof the situation. Say you are getting mugged. The perp sees no gun on you, but he/she has one. They are at that moment intimidating you into submission.

Now, if you whip out the gun, they will assume it is loaded and you are ready to use it. Then they will shoot.

It would be better to not have a gun if you plan on not having bullets in the clip. It is absolutely not better than having nothing, it will increase the chance of you getting shot.

Also, a gun is worth quite a bit to a thief. They can steal your wallet, phone and the gun.

I am a gun owner and love to shoot at the range or in the open (where you can).

Just point your finger and shout “pew, pew, pew!” But don’t do it in a school zone. That would go on your permanent record.

That’s totally irresponsible and puts others in danger.

One does not deploy firearm unless the situation has escalated to the point to requiring one to save yourself or others.
Brandishing a firearm as a empty threat is wreckless and could very well cause the death of those unfortunate enough to be around you. When you are foolishly flashing around a gun like a toy and draw fire in your direction from “the bad guy”, you put those around you in danger.

You clearly have no business handling firearms, so the pretend bullets should go with a pretend gun in the pretend world in your head, and nowhere else.

Not if the gun you have shoots billets.

On second thought, based on your comments here, it’s better for everyone that you don’t have a gun. If you have one, please – for the love of God – get rid of it legally.

If it will make you feel safer, you can buy an air gun that looks real. I’m not certain, but I think it’s legal to carry one concealed.
For self defense, I would recommend pepper spray. SABRE Red is a brand a lot of police departments use and you can find it online for less than ten bucks. Just make sure the wind isn’t blowing in your direction if you have to use it.

I cannot say yes fast enough. I’m a bit on the short side and although fit I am in my 70s. I would be an easy target for a young thief. I was in the army and served in Vietnam, so weapons are something with which I am familiar. I own several and am considering a hammerless .38, which a friend who is retired law enforcement suggested. He said because it leaves no brass, but I’m sure he was joking (maybe). I could carry illegally now, but try to follow the laws no matter how screwed up they might be.

A permit to exercise a fundamental Constitutional right? No thanks.

I don’t think so, almost never feel the need to carry a weapon in public.

A coworker about nine years ago quit his good paying job as industrial electrician and became a Deputy Sheriff. At that time he lived in antioch, way too much crime,

Last straw for him was Wife and kids being accosted in a city park.

He is very level headed, good sense of right n wrong and has manners. Have good feeling knowing he’s able to carry.
We as a society are better off with him in law enforcement.

Anyone that has a CC permit should be highly proficient with their sidearm. Carrying Concealed comes with responsibilities that are not to be taken lightly.

No. I don’t hunt, I’m not in the military, or law enforcement. So, as per the 2nd amendment, I don’t need, nor am authorized to carry a firearm.

That was truly profound. I really think you should put that on a big sign and post it in your front yard.

Yeah, all that language about hunting in the Second Amendment, lol. “A well-regulated hunting force being necessary to the nutrition of a free people…”

I missed the hunting, military and law enforcement clauses of the second amendment as well. I guess I’d better do a review.

Couldn’t hurt to have the permit but that doesn’t mean you have to carry.

Yes in a heart beat

In a heart beat

I’m fortunate enough to live in a free county in California, so I already have one. Surprisingly, they are not at all difficult to get in most of the state.

As fast as I could!

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with someone named Psycho Mike having one

I have no problem with intelligent sane people carrying guns. The Indian guy at one of the local liquor stores here has a Concealed carry permit and no one coming in the store knows he has one on him at all times. But they should get some upfront training just a quick course. When I bought a gun they required no training just store owner showing me how to pop the clip in and cock it and range guides showing me how not to shoot my friends accidentally. Also think periodicity should have a doctor sign off as to their mental stability. Maybe just every few years like a smog check lol

Who thinks I don’t carry one already?
Physically threaten or act upon me or my family with bodily harm and you’ll find out by pushing daisies.

Already have one and it was very easy to get as our main residence is in Nevada county outside of Grass Valley and the Sheriff up there has no problem approving carry permits for people that live in that secluded area. luckily traveling anywhere in California I can carry, I don’t have to stay in that county to carry.

@ singledout
I hope you are right. I would not want to be caught carrying with an out of state permit in Contra Costa County. The DA Becton is a real piece of work. Good luck, I wouldn’t risk it.

Nevada County is in California not out of state.


Wait a minute. You mean to say there are counties in California outside the Bay Area, Sacramento and Los Angeles? Who knew?

@ singleout
Oops 😬 all I saw was Nevada. I have several friends from Nevada that all have CCWs.
I still wouldn’t risk it with Becton.

Yes go figure and most people don’t know that those far outreaching counties in those other counties you don’t have to do a smog check every other year unless you were selling a vehicle. Living in the outer counties has its perks.

Of course. In the process.

I allow the Inspector to handle all my affairs.

And boy do I have a lot of those.

No because I do not need a gun. I never had a circumstance where one was needed or missed.

I’ve never had a circumstance where I needed or missed a fire extinguisher, but I keep four of those spread around my house.

It’s surprising that so many folks who have every other kind of insurance would not even consider owning a gun for self defense.
It’s sad but I wonder how many people have died with their last thought being….”I wish I had a gun”.

count yourself as fortunate. I have been in a situation where one was needed and not available. Believe me, you never want to be in that situation. You need one, you just don’t recognize the need just yet.

The idea that citizens must apply for permission from the government to protect their family or assets is against natural law which predates any government. When the leftists come for you & yours, good luck depending on Uncle Sam …

Right on!! Think “Death Wish 4” (or -5)

I own quite a few firearms and would absolutely carry one if I could legally. A train constantly and a responsible citizen. I do not trust the police to protect me.

This county does not allow us to have firearms and we are left to be preyed on by the criminals and degenerates that prowl our streets on a daily basis. But I can guarantee you if someone breaks into my home, they’re going to find out what the second amendment means.

All gun laws are illegal. The second amendment of the United States clearly states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Soon I’ll be moving out of state. That way I don’t have to worry about this asinine place.

Goodbye and good luck.

Enjoy your third world dump. Because it will soon be that.

Exactly, American Citizen! I hope to be following in your footsteps one day.

I would like one to be legal, but don’t know when I would ever carry a gun.

FYI It would be very very dumb to display a gun or a knife if you do not intend to use it. Good chance it might be taken away and used on you.

Probably not. A similar question could be in your life, how many times would you have pulled out a gun if you had it. For me, its once. That’s not worth carrying a large hunk of metal around for.

Come on Punks make my day.

Without a doubt yes. I don’t feel that I can depend on anyone besides myself to look out for me and my own. We aren’t out all that often since Covid, but there are a lot of people out there that have hit hard times, who knows what they would be willing to do.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away. (if they come at all…many don’t realize they don’t HAVE to come)

Ina heart beat

Hell no. I’m a pacifist. Violence is morally wrong, period.

I carried pepper spray for a few months after I was held up at gunpoint a few years ago– I fought back and kept hold of my purse. Carrying that stuff made me more afraid and more paranoid. I hate what arming myself did to my psyche; I felt more frightened, more hostile, more hyper-aware all the time.

I made a conscious decision to step back from the fear. There’s no way I’m putting myself back into that mentality again. That said, this is my personal decision and my thoughts about gun control are a lot more ambivalent on a societal level. IMHO, like a lot of social issues like abortion, drug use, etc., gun ownership probably should mostly be left to the individual aside from extensive background checks.

“Violence is morally wrong, period.”

Never when used defensively. Keep your morals to yourself.

So you don’t read past first paragraphs, gotcha.

That’s exactly what I’m doing lol

Is there any chance that being robbed at gunpoint had those effects on your psyche, rather than carrying a weapon?

You’re welcome to your beliefs. And…….Judging from your response……we wouldn’t want you armed!

However, I don’t think there were any pacifists that came over on the Mayflower, or among our founding fathers. They knew they had to stand up and fight for what you want. They also tried to ensure that those among us who desire, can do the same. They must have all been Republicans! If the Democrats were in charge, we’d still be under British rule!!


If I misinterpreted your blanket statement regarding the morality of violence, I stand corrected.

@Rollo I’m actually flattered that you care so much about my moral judgments of situations. So few people do, including a few close family members 😉 I’m pretty aware that my opinion, like everyone else’s, is barely worth the pixels it’s printed in.

I do, as a blanket, think that violence is wrong. But I also think that it’s my personal opinion, and that like 350 or so million Americans’ thoughts, it’s just another way of dealing with life. Most people’s dearest held convictions would be disastrous if put into large scale practice in such a big country. We all have to make space for each other to have different opinions, different lifestyles, etc. Having to do that is the cost of living in a civilized society.

I hate smoking. I’m dead allergic to it. It killed my father when I was a young girl. In the little utopia in my head, I imagine just how awesome life would be if tobacco was outlawed. But I also voted no on that last punitive cigarette tax on the ballot because it did no good for anyone. A lot of cigarette smokers are poorer than average, and punishing the poor for having “evil” habits isn’t something I can get behind. So at ye holiday dinner table that year, I got the old, “What about your values?” question. My answer: values can be destructive if foisted on others. The good of society as a whole outweighs my personal moral convictions.

Which is why I’m actually ambivalent about gun control. I think the moral decisions about these things should be left to the individual. You know, the whole personal convictions are just personal thing 😉 We’re all individual moral agents with our own autonomous thoughts.

@Chicken Little

That’s a really good question, and one I’ve thought about on and off over the years. TBH, no, it wasn’t.

Right after I was held up and kept my purse, the police officer who took my report told me that the dispatcher had given me kudos for winning and I got a bit of that from him too. I was shaken and shocked that night, but overall I felt pretty mentally ok at my core.

I think it was because I wasn’t a victim. I was a person who had been held up, but I wasn’t vulnerable. No one had my address from my driver’s license. I had my cell phone. To the guy who held me up, I was just a random woman without a name. I didn’t have to worry about someone showing up to my apartment and taking me out later because I still kept control.

That changed when I got a follow up call the next day from the police department. At the end, I got a long lecture about how next time I should just give them everything. The officer said I should pick up pepper spray and learn to use it. Because I was just a victim. When you’re still shaken, it’s the worst thing to hear. I had to leave work, and I went home and cried for hours. Then I armed myself. Every time I left the car, I had a routine including making sure the spray was ready, in-hand. Keep the nozzle pointed away. Finger on the trigger. Because instead of my holdup being a statistical fluke, like most crime, it could happen again anywhere, any time. And I’d be ready.

That’s not a way to live. Every time I picked up my car keys and held the canister for the next six months, I affirmed that I was a victim. I relived the base feelings over and over again. When I finally put the stuff down, I could just get on with my life. Getting in and out of my car became everyday and normal again– like it should be.

That helped me get my confidence back. My instincts had led me to resist and I’d been successful. I could trust them. I was only a victim if I believed myself to be one. It wasn’t instantaneous, and I was a little scared at first, but I got over the feelings a couple of weeks later.

Thank you for that very thorough and well-reasoned response. Civil discussion seems to be rare these days, especially when it comes to hot-button topics like guns.

Yes…. I already do in situations where I feel it might be needed, but I’d rather do it legal.

Yes, but in CC that will be tough. Keep in mind if you shoot an intruder in your home the good news is that perhaps you saved yourself and your family. The bad news, is it may take a few painful years to be legally extracated. This is what people like John Burris live for.

Yes, I would. There are groups out there who are manipulated by the media, and some of our California elected representatives who are instigating violence against those who do not fall into their line of thinking. These “peaceful” groups are increasingly becoming more violent, and more deadly. I would definitely want to have a means of defense should my auto, filled with my family suddenly be surrounded by young “peaceful” youth, “peacefully” trying to smash my windows (and me).

Definitely yes. One of the million reasons we’re moving to a gun friendly state and out of this hellhole…

The 2nd Amendment is my “permit.”

@ Barong

While right on target (pun intended) your statement needs to be adjusted. The 2nd Amendment was designed to be your permit. However, that does not apply to California. We’re soooooo special!

Not to put too fine a point on it, but your right to bear arms is your permit. The second is simply designed to stop the infringement thereof. The Constitution doesn’t bestow rights.

I think it’s ridiculous that you have to show special cause for this. But personally I don’t want to carry a gun around on me. I don’t even really want one in my house – the possibility of suicide goes up if there’s a gun in the house, and I have adolescents. But I appreciate those who do exercise their right, and I support them.

Hells to the yea

I’ve never been in a situation where I NEEDED a gun, but would like to be able to carry one when I hike in the hills. I’m more afraid of animal predators than animal people.

@ Joatmeal ~ This ain’t Alaska.

I think you should be more concern of the two-legged predators.
With the worsening status of the US, there are more miscreants running loose!

One of the most interesting books I’ve read in my life was “The Art of War” by Sun Tsu, written in the 5th century, BC. That’s quite a long time ago, but still incredibly relevant to situations today. Many quotes or beliefs can be attributed to this ancient Chinese text. It’s a very good read & I highly suggest it, especially for anyone who wishes or chooses to carry a weapon.

What this issue truly boils down to is do honest law abiding citizens have the right to defend their own lives. Do citizens have a right to self preservation when threatened with bodily injury or death. Here in California the answer is no. The government cares more about supporting and protecting criminals; and cares virtually nothing about the safety of law abiding citizens.


I like the idea of open carry myself. Right there when you need it.

I agree!


Never felt the need until recent events where law enforcement’s hands are being tied by idiot DA’s and democrats screaming for defunding of police.
Thankfully we have secondary residences in other counties who are pro-ccw.
On another note, I do believe it is lawful to carry an unloaded weapon in your vehicle as long as the clip is in the trunk. Somebody correct me if I am wrong please.

Mostly correct. CA Law is a lot more wordy and boring, but the main points are:
Must be unloaded-No round in the chamber or cylinder (revolver).
No Magazine in the magazine well of the gun.
Unloaded and must be in a locked container (gun case-hard or soft) as long as it locks. But, it cannot be the center console or the glove compartment. A locking trunk qualifies as a locked container. But, the rear portion of an SUV does not qualify.
Magazine may be loaded w/ammunition. Loaded magazine may be in the same container as UNLOADED weapon.
Locked container can be kept inside the passenger compartment or trunk of the vehicle.
I am not a lawyer. Take all necessary precautions to be in compliance with the law.

One minor correction – it’s a magazine, not a clip.

I have a new state of the art Ray Gun. no permit needed . meep meep……

No I have a bad temper don’t trust myself with one. However, I have no problem with someone who wants to get one for personal protection, as long as the use it for that purpose only.

“Use for protection only.” Lady, what other use would they have for it? To hunt deer in city limits? Please use common sense……..

Yes. The actions by more than just a few governors, mayor’s, atty generals, police officers, city councils, city supervisors …have made it clear the general population is not protected against terrorists, rioters and arson. I recommend getting a few now before it becomes illegal to own one. You will need it for travel when visiting relatives or even day excursions.

I don’t trust Hanne with a gun lol….
but would get one myself

My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek. I do have a temper, mostly I’m not sure if I actually could pull the trigger and kill someone, but then I don’t know how I would act if I really feared for my life.

Hanne – you don’t use a firearm to “kill” someone. You use it to STOP THE THREAT.

There’s a HUGE difference, especially when you get sued.

Based on the way society is being allowed to act without any repercussions to the criminals and the entitlement destructive crowd a big Yes. Also defunding Law Enforcement is another reason we need to defend ourselves. It is still my right as a US citizen.

It is obvious that not everyone use guns for protection only. If you read the news guns are used in robberies, mass shootings etc. Also let me clarify I grew up in the Danish country side, most farmers had guns for hunting, pheasant and whatever was legal on their own land. I don’t have a problem with that, although as an animal lover I don’t like it, but also know it is at times necessary to control certain animal population control.

Mae West had the best line on conceal carry
” Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?”

XJ, Thank you for info. CALIF has made it impossible to protect yourself. Excuse me can you wait to attack me because, I have to unlock my gun from its case and run to my trunk to get my bullets and then load my gun.

No worries! Glad to be of help! But, handgun laws in CA are cakewalk compared to the laws surrounding ownership of an AR-15. It will make your head spin!!! You CAN do this, but you CAN’T do that. Why? Cuz it flips up. Make it so it doesn’t flip and you’ll be ok. Magazine release work? NOPE! You have to disassemble the rifle first, THEN you can drop the magazine. Ugh. It goes on and on and on.

CPD denied my application a couple of years ago. I moved to Oregon and got one here with no issues…………………………….

Oregon is still a free state. But with all the California liberals going there, that may change.

I don’t need a permit for these guns! 💪

I would hate to live in the fear that many of you seem to live in.

That’s where you’re mistaken. It’s not fear, It’s enjoyment. It’s nice to know you can live as a full American if you choose. It’s nice to know nobody will remove my life because they feel like being a lunatic. I has nothing to do with fear..it’s my right

Do you have a fire extinguisher in your house? If so, why are you afraid?

Do you have car insurance? The police will never know unless you’re in an accident, even though the CVC says you have to have it. What are you afraid of?

Do you lock your car up at night or when you leave it? What are you afraid of?

Don’t you send cash in the mail? What are you afraid of?

Do you get regular health checkups? What are you afraid of?

Get the point yet?

Hell yes!!!!!

In a heartbeat, I’m an emt and military veteran. I have children and I work at a local hospital.

I cannot legally protect myself outside my house. So, I avoid going to many Bay Area cities precisely because I cannot legally carry a firearm concealed.

I believe reasonable, responsible and law abiding people CAN make a difference.

I have an Exposed Firearm Permit issued through BSIS for work. And hell yeah I would get a CCW! Although in CoCo County it is impossible to obtain one.

Yes, absolutely. I think there should be constitutional carry, but that will never happen here. I’ll take what I can get. I hope I never have to use it, but it should be allowed.

” President Lincoln freed the slaves, but Samuel Colt made all men equal”.



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