Home » DAILY UPDATE: 892 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 49 People Currently Hospitalized

DAILY UPDATE: 892 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Contra Costa County – 49 People Currently Hospitalized


          • 16,238 total cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 82 cases added to the total number of cases since yesterday.
          • 892 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County.
          • 52 COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized in Contra Costa County.
          • 15,142 people have fully recovered from COVID-19 in Contra Costa.
          • 112 of the 204 deaths were in long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 13 active outbreaks of COVID-19 at Contra Costa County long-term care facilities.
          • There are currently 139 occupied ICU beds in Contra Costa County (both COVID and non-COVID patients). 54 ICU beds are currently available.


The population of Contra Costa County is about 1.1-million.


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3 more human beings died. They likely died alone without family and friends around them. It was likely that it was horrible for both the dying and the medical personal.

The lack of empathy on this board is horrible.

Piss off. That ain’t my fault they are dying alone. I got empathy for the way the state is keeping people from being around loved ones for a political hoax.

Yes, you can protest/loot anywhere without consequence, but you can’t sit with a loved one and comfort them as they pass on.

This says a lot about our elected officials. Empathy has been bred out of them. It’s OK, they will likely be flushed to the bowels of the earth where the guy with the prehensile tail and pointed stick conducts business.

It’s not hoax. The virus is real. My son-in-law denier found that out the hard way.
Stop conflating the politics with the medicine. The two should be kept apart – its just doing more damage.
Wear a face covering, socially distance, wash your hands, isolate when you’re sick. Really simple rules. Not inconvenient.
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Thanks in advance.

People die all the time. People die all the time alone. It is a part of life. Are three lives (who were likely ill anyways) worth a million other people suffering? Are they worth countless school children crying every day die to exacerbated MH issues? Are three medically compromised lives worth a mother starving herself to keep food on the table for her children due to a lost job? I don’t think so.

It’s tragic. And the virus is real. Also, it’s not a law of nature that Covid patients die alone. That’s a decision, and at this point it is a horrible one.

Does anybody know for sure about our county’s hospitals? Do critical Covid patients get one family member allowed to be with them?

The virus is of course real and what else is real about it is a 99.9% chance of surviving it. What else is real is the trashing of the economic system and huge loss of income and jobs.

@ Oh, please

maybe there is a reason why Hallmark doesn’t make any cards saying:

“Don’t be sad that Grandma died she had high blood pressure anyhow”

oh oh The virus is real…it’s not a political hoax…my cousins sisters nephews step godfathers aunt found that out first hand…you’ll be sorry if you don’t strap your mouth gag on and wash your hands every 3 minutes for at lest 5 minutes every time. Make sure to get tested 3 times a day (4 on sundays) before and after you sleep with your wife, 2x if with a prostitute. Don’t let your meat loaf and always looks both ways when crossing the street….or you’re gonna get the COVID and maybe have a little cough for a couple days..piss off to you too

Virtually nobody has claimed the virus is a hoax. The hoax has been the inflated danger of the virus and the political reaction to it.

Hallmark also doesn’t make cards that say “Too bad about Grandma. If it wasn’t for COVID, she’d have lived ANOTHER 90 years”

Is Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is the Chief Marketing Officer at Zoom? She has her nephew Gavin Newsom keeping schools closed and her daughter’s company making a fortune. Hunter Biden was just outed big time by a newly released senate report. It’s no wonder they want Trump out so bad. Total mafia state. Fact check me

Worlds 1st “pandemic” where Hospitals were Empty and Nurses were dancing on Tik Tok.

Notice how the flu numbers have gone down for 2020.

Flu season hasn’t started yet.

Masking, distancing and hand washing should keep those numbers low.

Masking, distancing and hand washing should keep those numbers low.

People die all the time. People die all the time alone. It is a part of life. Are three lives (who were likely ill anyways) worth a million other people suffering? Are they worth countless school children crying every day die to exacerbated MH issues? Are three medically compromised lives worth a mother starving herself to keep food on the table for her children due to a lost job? I don’t think so.

Really? If that ain’t the stupidest most racist comment I’ve seen since the beginning of the interwebs. Do you see any protests here? Why would you go and say something like that? Truly what is your point? Yes law and order but for christ sake what kind of crap is that.

Orrrr the common factor is underfunded education systems in all of these cities that are continuing a generational cycle of poverty, homelessness and increased crime in these cities. Maybe with better educational systems and programs adolescents can learn to commit to school and extracurricular activities instead of crime and punishment in a judicial system that is quick to punish and find guilty minorities instead of alternative options. Those crimes then hinder a persons ability to successfully grow into a career and “get a job” as many people say and thus prevent breaking the systemic cycle of poverty, crime and negative life choices you are so often complaining about here

202 dead, thousands of businesses dead, families hungry, no school…..

Sam, don’t feed the troll.

@CoCo Commenter – throwing money at schools does not solve the issue. High performing students tend to have the support of their parents. Parents of high performing students are able to support their children as they have stable jobs and lifestyles. Parents attained those stable jobs and lifestyles by being supported during their school and college years by their own parents who also had stable jobs and lifestyles. Breaking the cycle for under-performing families is not easy.

Prior to the coronavirus shutdown 45% of American adults had zero savings and another 24% had under $1000 in savings. 70% of American adults did not have the financial means to fund a better system. The numbers have to be far worse now.



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